His Younger Sister • Jason To...

By AriiTheCouchPotato

81.4K 1.8K 267

Emily (Em) was the youngest Grayson. She wasn't a part of her families circus act but Emily was still as, or... More

000: Info
000: Characters
001: Introduction
002: Rachel Roth
003: Flashbacks
004: New Friends
005: A Visit
006: Uninvited Guests
007: Rescued
008: St. Pauls
009: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears. Oh My!
010: A Family Never Forgotten
011: Round Two
013: I'm Awake
014: The Train
015: Bethany
016: Trigon
017: Home Base
018: Cat Fight
019: Training Gone South
020: A New Training Buddy
021: A First Time For Everything
022: Jason Or Rose
023: Falling
024: Fuck You
025: Prankster, Asshole, Or Both
026: Selfish
027: Half-Truth Or A Lie
028: A Real Date
029: Becoming Closer
030: A Job
031: First Day
000: On Hold

012: Alive?

2.2K 56 9
By AriiTheCouchPotato

"No, no fucking way is she going in there to talk to that fucking psychopath. Not alone, anyway." I firmly say.

"I need to talk to him. Alone." Rachel stated.

"We don't think that's a good idea." Dick told her.

"Why? 'Cause I can't take care of myself?"

"That's not the point, Rachel." I tell her.

"I need to find out who he is! Why he's chasing me." She exclaimed.

"I don't trust him." Dick stopped pacing.

"What's not to trust? The man's tied up." Kory said. "One word from Rachel, and I'll put my foot through his face."

"I'd do a lot more than that." I grip the table.

"Dick, Emily, please." Rachel pleads.

"Five minutes." He finally gives in.

"Thank you." She said.

I let go of the table and ball my hands in a fist, thinking of all the things that could go wrong.

"Em." I turn towards Rachel, "It's fine, i'm not going to get hurt. I promise." She places her hand on my shoulder.

"Alright. Okay, you can go." I reluctantly sigh.

"Thanks." She gives me a small smile.

Rachel walks out and goes to the bathroom, where Adamson is chained up. I get a bad feeling in my stomach all of a sudden, but try to push it aside.

'Rachel's got this, she's strong'


I was sitting on the couch with Rachel and Gar, my legs sprawled across hers. There was a silence between the three of us, one where we all were thinking; in our own little worlds.

Dick and Kory walk in, and Dick sits on the couch beside Gar while Kory stands beside it. Another silence forms, one with sighing and staring.

"He says your birth mother is still alive." Dick states.

I move my legs off of Rachel in surprise, my mouth slightly agape. I had, originally, thought she was dead; Rachel watched her die.

"What?" She asked in disbelief. At this, Gar sat up.

"He claims they've been holding her prisoner. He may be lying." Dick starts.

"He says your mother's name is Angela Azarath. They're holding her at some asylum." Kory continues, sitting beside Dick. "Apparently, he and his people are dead set on keeping you two apart."

"Why?" Gar asked.

"Yeah, why the fuck would they do that!?" I exclaim.

Kory sighed. "Some more blabber about Rachel's father and his divine mission. I don't know. Sounds like your mother isn't a fan."

"My mom's alive. I could meet my mom." Rachel shakily breathes. "We have to go. Now." She stood up.

"Even if he is telling the truth, this could be a trap." Dick said.

"We could be marching into an enemy stronghold." I realize.

"Yes. You've seen what these people can do. No one's going anywhere until we take some time for recon." He agreed with me.

"What if they move her? They know we have him." She reasons.

"I'm not risking all of our lives on his word." He pauses. "I'm sorry."

"Tell him he's wrong." She looks to Kory.

"I wish I could. You know how I hate to agree with him, but-"

"All you ever talk about is finding out who you are." Her voice starts breaking. "You think we should go. Right, Gar?"

He looks up at Rachel, but stays silent. I dig my nails into the palm of my hand, ready to say something.

"Gar?" Her voice deflates.

"I'm sorry, Rachel." He mumbles.

"Fuck you guys, alright!" I yell. "Can't you tell this means a lot to her? I'm going, I don't care what it will take. I'm getting your mother, Rachel." I stand up.

"Thank you, Em. This means a lot." Rachel's voice cracks at the end.

I grab her hand and walk away, giving them the middle finger before we turn the corner.

"Rachel." I hear Gar say from behind us.

I just roll my eyes and the two of us walk faster, not wanting to speak to him at the moment. We stand in a room and look through the window, staring down at everything.

I could hear footsteps and immediately knew it was Gar. He knocked on the glass door trying to get our attention.

"Go away." Rachel told him.

"Can I come in? Please?" He asked.

I look towards Rachel and I could see her giving in. I thought it was cute that they can't stay away from each other, but I'm also mad because be made Rachel cry.

"So, you can, uh, heal people?" Gar questioned.

"Maybe. I think so. Like you care." Rachel crossed her arms.


"I can't believe you're on their side." She cut him off. "Of all people, I thought you would understand. Ever since my mom... Ever since Melissa died, I've been alone. I don't have anyone."

"You've got us." Gar softly told her.

"You know what I mean, right?" The two of us sat down on the couch.

"Yeah, I do." Gar sat down across from us. "If I had even the slightest chance of getting my mom back, there's nothing I wouldn't do."

"But you said-"

"Yeah, I lied." He cut her off and smirked. "I just said what they wanted to hear. You get pretty good at that when you live with Dr. Caulder. If you agree with people, they tend to leave you alone." Gar chuckled.

Rachel scoffed. "So..."

"I'll go with you. If your mom's there, we'll find her. And, uh..." He pulls out a phone and looks around. "I'm thinking... We go in style."

Rachel smiled and I laughed, a small smirk playing at my lips. I put my arms behind my head.

"You're not so bad, Garfield."


"You know, it's, like, a federal offense to use someone else's Uber account." Rachel said, as the three of us were in an Uber.

"No, it's not." Gar shook his head.

"Even so, Kory may kick your ass." She looked at him.

"Eh, you'll protect me." Gar stated matter of factly.

"Is that so?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah, it us." He said.

'God, they are adorable.' I think, a smile on my face.


"AHHHH." I let out a loud scream as two guys start running 'tests' on me.

I was in my bra and underwear, strapped to a cold metal table. Two men in masks were pinching and poking and cutting me with all sorts of sharp objects. Tears were running down my face and blood was dripping down my body. There wasn't a single thing on me that didn't hurt.

"Pass me the scapulae." One said to the other.

He started to cut between my boobs and my neck, and the pain was beyond unbearable. It felt like he was sawing me with a dull razor blade that was coated with lemon juice and vinegar. My eyes kept opening and closing and my breathing got slower before I eventually passed out.


Chapter finally done

*insert round of applause sound track*

Ik that the ending escalated fast, but I didn't want to write them getting caught.


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