The comfort of a cat hybrid. ✔

By kitcatnah

11K 547 97

Completed, 22k words. (contains swearing) 'Tommy, are you sure the cat's even around here?' 'First the doubt... More

Box cat.
Sofa cat.
Flap cat.
Rain cat.
Found cat.
Sick cat.
Comforted cat.
One-shot: Loved cat.

Apple cat.

1.2K 60 20
By kitcatnah

The mornings were one of the only times the house seemed peaceful.

Phil flicked on the kettle, watching absently as the water started bubbling viciously and ridding the house of its previous silence. He leaned his head against the kitchen cupboard, rubbing his eyes as he poured some coffee into a mug. It was 8am, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to function without coffee. Leaving plenty of water in the kettle for when Techno eventually shuffled downstairs, he brought his mug over to the table and practically flopped onto the chair.

He wondered how long he had until Tommy woke up, bounding down the stairs with his usual energy and heaving Techno along with him when he dragged his feet. It's then his quietude is usually disrupted with an energetic teenager and a tired piglin hybrid who couldn't make coffee without clanging every single mug. Phil smiled at the memory of their first morning together, the absolute chaos of it left them all snorting milk back into their cereal.

The elytrian sipped at his coffee as he tapped at his phone, sending a quick thank you to Niki as he scanned over her advice. He had texted her sometime last night, using his left hand to type and using his right to gently brush the hair from the unconscious cat hybrid's forehead. Wilbur... Phil hummed into his coffee; the name suited him. The eytrain wasn't sure what to expect when he'd shifted, but he'd knew that he wasn't the only one curious. Tommy never stopped fidgeting, having already addressed his desire to see what the cat hybrid looked like, but Techno was more subtle; his eyes simply sparkling with anticipation.

Phil thought back to when he shifted, him swaying slightly on his knees before passing out, Phil's arms barely reaching forward enough to catch him. The elytrian tried to ignore Tommy's worried babbling as he gently hit the side of his cheeks, concern surfacing instantly when he didn't wake up. He remembered gesturing for Techno to help lift him onto the sofa, allowing him to remain by his side and tasking the teenager to help him find clothes. The elytrian knew Tommy needed something to do, leaving the piglin hybrid to ride out his protective instincts as they prepared for him to wake up. He was called downstairs just over an hour later, the relief of him waking up suffocated his thoughts as he dashed downstairs.

He was startled out of the memory when he heard a crash from the living room, accompanied by a couple curses from a distinctly hoarse voice. Phil eyebrows rose at his stood up, his wing hitting the edge of the seat as he crossed the corner of the kitchen. Distracted with his wings, he didn't notice the other figure until it was too late, his hands instantly reaching out to the person.

Wilbur... wait why was he up?

Phil reached out when his knees buckled, grabbing onto him carefully and keeping his arm around his waist. He looked tired, the bags under his eyes were still prominent despite how obvious it was that he'd just woken up. 'Hey... you shouldn't be up mate. You're still sick.' He resisted the urge to coo as the cat hybrid blinked sleep out of his eyes. 'Come on... let's get you back.' Phil tried to coax him towards the sofa again, only stopping when Wilbur didn't comply.

'Spilt some water... need to clean it up.' The tall hybrid gestured lazily towards the living room, attempting to shuffle back towards the kitchen as his fluffy hair fell over his forehead.

'No, let me do that.' The elytrain insisted, pointing towards the living room with a silent gesture. Wilbur shook his head, leaning against him more which Phil had a sneaky suspicion wasn't a conscious choice.

'It's my mess, I'll deal with-'

'Nope, stop being stubborn.'




Phil simply nudged his head towards the kitchen, giving him a pointed look when he was about to complain. He got the cat hybrid to lean on him as they walked into the kitchen, pulling out a chair and practically forcing him to sit. The elytrian gave him another look before moving into the living room, using some paper towels he had grabbed to absorb the spilt water. Phil knew that the only reason he'd managed to convince Wilbur was because he looked like he was about to collapse, but he supposed it was better than nothing. He was suddenly glad he gave him a plastic cup; not wanting him to hurt himself if he tried to pick up the glass shards, especially as he was sick and uncoordinated.

Wilbur was resting his head against his arm when he returned, blinking apologetically at Phil when he walked back in. Giving him yet another look, he carefully filled up another glass and handed it to him, placing a colourful straw in his hand for him to drink from.

It went silent again and Phil couldn't help but watch him as he slowly sipped through the straw, his brown hair sticking slightly to his forehead. You could still tell he was sick; the paleness of his skin combined with his obvious sluggish movements and occasional sniffling did nothing to hide that. He seemed well enough to eat, and the elytrian was determined to get him to do so, especially when he realised that Wilbur hadn't for over a day.

Phil slowly pulled out a chair beside him, the sound of it scrapping across the floor causing his head to snap towards him. 'Can you try and eat something for me Wilbur? Even if it's something small...'

'That's the first time you've said my name.' He commented quietly, and Phil didn't think he would hear it if he wasn't watching his expression.

'Where'd Soot come from?' He prompted lightly, making sure that he kept the thought to ensure he ate something at the front of his mind. The elytrian knew he changed the conversation on purpose, (he had noticed the way he gripped his stomach – clearly in discomfort) but he supposed they were going to have to talk anyway.

'It's my surname...' He simply hummed in response, already having suspected that was the case.

'How'd you get your nametag.' Phil watched as a small smile appeared on his face, a nostalgic look deep in his eyes.

'Tommy was right, some cat hybrid came around and asked for it. I don't remember why I gave my surname though.'

The elytrian allowed the taller to zone out; subtly grabbing an apple from the fruit basket and pulling a chopping board towards him. Cutting it up into small chunks, he scrapped it into a bowl and pushed it towards the cat hybrid. Phil tried to be patient as he stared at the bowl, his eyes telling a story of contemplation that he could tell wasn't going that way he wanted, before eventually deciding that coaxing would be more efficient. He picked up a fork, stabbing a piece of apple with it and holding it in Wilbur's direction when he made no move to grab it.

'I know you might not feel hungry...' He started, noticing the way his stubbornness deflated at the words. 'But you need to eat something mate. I'm not gonna stop until-' Phil cut off when the cat hybrid took the fork from him, chewing slowly on the piece of apple with an obvious flush on his cheeks. 'Thank you,' he smiled, beaming with pride as he watched Wilbur reached for another piece.

Soon he heard a stampede of footsteps bouncing down the stairs, accompanied by complaints and shouts from his two sons, interrupting the comfortable silence that had developed. He noticed that Wilbur had stopped eating when both Tommy and Techno appeared at the entrance, the piglin hybrid bumping into the teen when he stopped suddenly, a mixture of surprise and excitement rushing on the raccoon hybrid's face.

'Tommy, I swear if you prevent me from getting coffee any longer I will-' Techno's head poked through the doorway, his sentence cutting off as soon as he noticed Wilbur. 'You shouldn't be here.'

'Oh, yeah sorry-'

'No, that's not what I-'

Tommy spluttered when Wilbur made a move to stand up, quickly pulling out the chair beside him to chuck his feet over the cat hybrid, practically trapping him in place as Techno stuttered over his words.

'I, uh, meant that you're meant to be resting...' A blush formed on the piglin hybrid's cheeks, and Phil knew a fond look was twinkling in his eyes as Techno went to make coffee. The hesitant look in Wilbur's eyes never faded, and Phil could tell that he didn't quite believe it. He nodded when Techno held his empty cup in his direction, knowing that coffee would be a necessity if he wanted to get through the morning.

Phil slowly drank his coffee as he made them all breakfast. It was nothing fancy, just some toast with various spreads to suit what they all liked and some apple slices for them to pick at. Placing a couple on the plates, he passed it to Tommy and Techno, becoming slightly concerned when they waited. The elytrian was used to the raccoon hybrid scoffing down his food, the crumbs flying everywhere and causing Techno to complain when they flung onto his own plate.

He buttered a bit for Wilbur, deciding that simplicity would be better for his stomach after realising he didn't know what he liked, and passed the plate to him after cutting it into quarters like he usually would with Tommy. It seemed that the cat hybrid found it easier to eat smaller things, allowing him to take his time and eat slowly – the opposite of Phil's aims to slow down the teenager, and he had no problem doing that for him.

He had no problem doing anything for him.

All three of them watched as Wilbur fiddled with the toast, having made a unanimous decision to wait until he took a bite before they all started eating. The cat hybrid seemed to notice this, slowly chewing on a small piece and holding his arm over his stomach. Tommy babbled on about rocks as they ate, finding ways to include Wilbur in the conversation with ease, especially when he seemed genuinely interested in the topic.

'Wilbur.' He said once they had all finished, fishing out a plastic box from one of their cupboards. 'Here, now that you've eaten something we can give you some medicine. It's just paracetamol.' He added the last part when he hesitated, turning the white pills over in his hand before taking it with some water.

'I want some paracetamol.' Tommy stated, reaching for the packet that rested on the table.

'No.' Techno pushed the packet away, securing it back inside the cupboard out of reach.

'I don't trust you with pills Tommy, we have Calpol if you're sick.' Added Phil, the memory of him almost choking on a pill and dropping several on the floor returning.

'But whyyyy.' The raccoon hybrid whined, leaning his head against Wilbur's shoulder. Phil was about to reply when the cat hybrid spoke, his voice quiet but easily audible in the room.

'Cause you're a kid?' Techno almost spat out his drink, joining Phil in laughing at Tommy's face.

'I'm not a kid!'

'You know what, you're right.' Wilbur stated, confidence growing with a mischievous that Tommy mustn't have caught. 'You're a gremlin child.' Tommy spluttered, and the room went silent when he couldn't think of an answer, his head remaining on Wilbur's shoulder throughout the banter.

'Are you gonna stay as a human?' The teen whispered, slowly looking up at with scared eyes that made his heart throb when Wilbur said nothing.

'Niki said that it's best if you don't shift for a while, especially as you're still sick.' Wilbur nodded in reply, an emotion flashing across his face that Phil couldn't quite pinpoint.

'So, you'll stay as a human?' Techno asked, and Phil could easily see past his nonchalant act. Both his and Tommy's eyes were practically dancing with hope, mimicking the way his own heart swelled with it.

'If that's what you want then sure. I'll shift back into a cat whenever you want that back.' Wilbur shrugged, looking befuddled at their stunned looks as Tommy curled in closer. 'Did I say something wrong-'

'I think there's been some confusion here...' Phil eventually settled on, his heart snapping at the genuine frown that crossed Wilbur's face. 'We don't mind which form you stay as...'

'Yes,' Phil couldn't help but feel even more confused when it seemed like it wasn't new information to him. 'But you'd prefer if I was in cat form.'

'Where the actual fuck did you get that from.'

'Techno-' Phil tried to interrupt, not wanting the piglin hybrid to go full on protective mode when Wilbur was still sprouting confusion.

'No. I want to know what gave him that fucking impression.' His eyes radiated anger as he spoke, and Phil couldn't help but notice Wilbur's badly concealed flinch at his tone.

'I-' The cat hybrid paused, blinking in tiredness and apprehension. 'I'm here... because you wanted a cat?'

It went silent again, and Phil honestly couldn't fault his logic despite his desire to. Judging by the way Techno visibly slouched in his seat, it seemed he wasn't the only one. 

'Mate, I think I speak for everyone when I say-'

'I like you as a human.' Tommy spoke over him softly, his doe eyes sparkling with tears as he looked up from where his head was buried in his shoulder.

'We all do...' Phil added, noticing Techno's shy yet enthusiastic nod from the corner of his eye. 'It's completely your choice... but it would be nice to be able to talk to you.'

The cat hybrid didn't reply for a while, instead bringing his hand up to Tommy's hair and gently playing with it. The elytrian couldn't help but let a small 'aww' slip out, his smile only growing when Wilbur avoided eye contact as a small blush painted his cheeks.

'Stay as human?' The raccoon hybrid whispered; his eyes closed from the affection.

'Okay...' Phil smiled at his whisper, a similar relieved expression growing on his and Techno's face.

'We'll get you into the habit of shifting at least once every couple of days. Especially as you passed out after your last shift.' A look was sent in Wilbur's direction when he instantly looked guilty. 'Niki said to slowly build it up to a healthier rate over time.' Phil said, absently drinking what was left of his coffee.

'Isn't that quite a lot though?' Wilbur commented, continuing to thread through Tommy's hair when the latter whined when he stopped, a smile clear on his face.

'That's less than average... Tommy shifts at least once in the evening.' Techno added, his hand protectively reaching for Wilbur's spare one when he seemed surprised at that. 'When did you last shift...?'

'Uh, about a year ago I reckon.'

'What?' They all shouted at the same time, and Phil knew his eyes were wide with shock. He assumed that Wilbur was shifting when no one was around, pretending nothing happened when he wandered around the house. The elytrian sincerely hoped he was joking as he scanned his eyes for any hint of amusement.

He only found honestly, and Phil almost had a heart attack when he realised it was the truth.


Techno glared at the digital clock on his desk.

It seemed to be particularly taunting that night, its red digits scarring his vision whenever he looked away. It was nearing 2am in the morning, and he wanted nothing more than to sleep, ignore the part of him that screams to do something, anything. He sighed for what felt like the hundredth time, fiddling with the parts of his hair that had fallen out of his plat. Techno had forgotten to ask Phil to re-do it earlier, and he was certainly regretting it now.

He heard a door trinkle open, a squeaking sound echoing throughout the house despite the obvious attempts to be quiet. The piglin hybrid shot up from his position lying on the bed, his eyes darting to his shut door at the sound of footsteps getting closer. Techno knew who it was, of course he knew who it was, so why was he so damn nervous?

The door slid open, and Techno could see the figure cringe at the sound it made. Wilbur's head poked through the door, his eyes blinking rapidly before settling with a soft look in Techno's direction. He said nothing as the cat hybrid closed the door once again, carefully putting his weight against it as they basked in the silence.

'You look like you're about to fall over.' He eventually said, cutting off the silence when he noticed how Wilbur seemed to lean more and more against the door.

'I'm fine...' Techno simply patted the spot next to him, ushering him over with a simple eyeroll.

He didn't notice that his piglin instincts seemed to retreat to the back of his mind until it went quiet again, his thoughts empty with Wilbur's presence. The cat hybrid was sat on the end of his bed, watching Techno in a way that didn't feel uncomfortable at all, his gaze knowing and not pitying.

'Shouldn't you be asleep?' Techno asked quietly, adjusting his position so he was leaning against the wall with a cushion softening its rigidity.

'Knew someone wasn't asleep... wanted to check.'

'Is that why you went to see Tommy?' Wilbur nodded in reply, slightly shifting so that he was facing Techno. He opened his mouth to tell him to go back downstairs, argue that he needed to at least try to sleep instead of keeping him company, but he stopped himself. Techno didn't want him to go, and he knew deep down that he wouldn't win over his stubbornness.

The piglin hybrid fiddled with his hair again, the question dying on the tip of his tongue whenever he thought he had the guts to say it. He made eye contact with Wilbur when he felt eyes on his hair, his head coking to the side with a soft smile. Techno nodded rather enthusiastically, shuffling closer together so he could reach easier, the concern that he didn't know how to plat falling apart quickly. Wilbur's hands gently plated his hair, braiding it was so much domestic care that seemed to hover around the room even after it was finished, engulfing them comfortably. They often shared these moments when Wilbur was in cat form, the intimacy of it not lost on him as he used to stroke his fur until he fell asleep, his mind lulled away by the calming repetitive action.

They continued to sit in silence, and Techno knew that Wilbur wanted to break it. A question lingered in his eyes, hesitation looming over it.

'Ask your question,' he eventually sighed, knowing that if he didn't nothing then they wouldn't get anywhere.

'How do I human?' The cat hybrid's eyes widened in the dark, his pupils expanding with nervousness at his question.

'Well, that's the first time I've been asked that.' He commented idly, unsure of which approach to take.

'Sorry, you don't have to-'

'You apologise too much.' Techno interrupted, giving him a look that seemed suspiciously like Phil's. 'Other than that, there's nothing you need to do.' He sighed when he was the doubt creep on his face, his head turning away from Techno's quickly. 'It's true Wilbur. You were always good at knowing how we felt when you were in cat form, we just need to do the same for you now.' The cat hybrid was always there for him, somehow knowing that his company was helping him. It almost felt like he could read his mind, knowing things that Techno didn't know himself. He thought he would find it creepy, surprise shifting into him when it felt oddly comforting.

'Do you want me to shift? I know Phil said I shouldn't but if it would help-'

'No, I like your presence either way...' He whispered, ignoring the fact that he knew a blush was forming on his cheeks that Wilbur probably could see. 'Piglin instincts retreat when you're here, I don't know why.' The cat hybrid simply hummed, shuffling closer to him so that their legs were inches apart.

'Why didn't you tell us?' Techno asked after a couple of minutes, his voice heavy with sleepiness as the night progressed.

'About what?' Wilbur whispered back, turning his head to make eye contact.

'That you were a hybrid.' He didn't remember when he had closed his eyes, a feeling of surprise briefly appearing when he realised that they were heavy. Techno looked at him when he didn't reply, his hand reaching out before his sedated mind could comprehend it. 'Was it because of what you said earlier?'

Techno didn't know why he was suddenly so curious. Maybe it was because of the intimacy of the moment, the sleepiness in his mind that clouded his sense of regard for anything. His piglin instincts were far gone now, buzzing softly in the back of his mind as the desire to sleep started overcoming him. Wilbur simply hummed, and the piglin hybrid wasn't sure if that was a yes or a no, his mind too sedated to pick a side.

'Go to sleep Techno.' The cat hybrid whispered, slowly tracing patterns on their joint hands as he hummed a simple tune. He shook his head softly, wanting to stay awake for the first time in a while for the sole reason of his company.

'I'll still be here when you wake up, if that's what you want...' Wilbur said gently, and Techno muttered words that he hoped were recognisable as affirmations. He complied with that knowledge, allowing himself to be lulled to sleep by the simple melody that filled the silence.

He felt the weight of a blanket fall over his shoulders before he was out; his mind satisfied with more than just the prospect of sleep.  

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