The Complications that come w...

By foxyfoxbaby

4.4K 220 17

*The Complications Book 1* Harry Harrison used to be your typical nerdy teen in high school. He wasn't popula... More

Character Visuals
Chapter 1 - 'Famous cousin'
Chapter 3 - 'Shoppings'
Chapter 4 - 'The Lambo'
Chapter 5 - 'A messed up family'
Chapter 6 - 'Soaked'
Chapter 7 - 'Foggy outside'
Chapter 8 - 'Nick'
Chapter 9 - 'Back to school'
Chapter 10 - 'Diego and um Cole?'
Chapter 11 - 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'
Chapter 12 - 'I cant lose you too'
Chapter 13 - '#suspended'
Chapter 14 - 'You got this'
Chapter 15 - 'HH'
Chapter 16 - 'Camp, ugh!'
Chapter 17 - 'Borrow Mine'
Chapter 18 - 'Cole's gay?'
Chapter 19 - 'Group C'
Chapter 20 - 'Unholy'
Chapter 21 - 'Happy Birthday'
Chapter 22 - 'The Rover'
Chapter 23 - 'Rocky'
Chapter 24 - 'Milkshake date'
Chapter 25 - 'Thunder'
Chapter 26 - 'You're yelling at a cat?'
Chapter 27 - 'Beach house'
Chapter 28 - 'I love you'
Chapter 29 - 'Graduation'
Chapter 30 - 'Christmas'

Chapter 2 - 'I wanted a milkshake'

255 8 1
By foxyfoxbaby

"Get up"
A pillow smacks me in the face.

"Get up"
Another pillow.
Next second my blankets are ripped off me.

"Can you fuck off Jason" I look up to see Jace holding a mug in his hand with a smug look on his face.

"Drink your hot chocolate or I'm gonna spill it on you" he hands me the drink and I take a sip.

"You don't have to wake me, I'm not five and you're not my dad"

"Ouch" Jace says holding his hand to his chest. Jace moves from standing next to me to the end of my bed where he decides to sit.
"Don't" I say as I notice he's looking at a pillow that's sitting next to him. With nothing else said he grabs it and practically pegs it at my face. I give my brother a blank stare to which he's laughing so hard his face is turning red.

"That's it" I scream. I place my hot chocolate on the table beside me and practically jump at Jace. Of course he's too quick and gets up and runs down the hallway of the house and I run after him. "Asshole! Get back here"
I manage to catch up to him after a few minutes of us aimlessly running around in a loop. I push him onto the couch and start slapping him endlessly.

"Okay okay you win Harry" Jace's arms up in the air to surrender.

"That's right you bitch" I say as I laugh.
"I'm getting ready bye"


Driving to this building was difficult for me due to the heavy traffic and wet weather. In fact it was storming.
I turn up the radio to hear there was a accident on the rout that I have to take. Fuck, I think to myself.

The parking was across from the building I have to help set up for a grand opening. It's a marketing management that's opening up and they wanted me to be there to help set up for tomorrow which I'll have to present. Woo hoo another ribbon I'll have to cut with big scissors.

When I get out of my car it's pouring and I still have to walk across a street.
'Okay Harry you got this' I think to myself before stepping to the side of the road. I ran , probably in front of a oncoming car as I heard the beep from someone's horn.

Luckily the building was right on the other side.

"Hey Stace" I say sopping wet. Stacy looking at me with a disbelief that I was sopping wet. Today she was wearing her usual white look with white suit pants and a white top. Her blonde hair pulled back into a bun.

"You know you could've parked under the building, I would've buzzed you in" she says.
We exchanged a few pleasantries and she shows me to a room at has various platters of food and hospitality utensils.
"You can play music through the speakers while you organise the foods into their respective spots, cold food in the fridges etc".
"Too easy" I say.

Stacy was my manager who also only a few years older than me. Though mentally she seemed like she was 30 or something. She was very smart and on the ball with her job. Her being the same age as Jace made it easy for her and I to get along.

"Is it just me today ?" I ask her as she's opening a fridge to show me where each item goes.

"You and the building owners son, I'm pretty sure he's around your age" she says with her head still buried in the fridge.
"I need you to show him what to do since I have to duck out and you guys have this area of set up".

"Shouldn't be too hard" I say, I smile and she leaves.

After half a hour I wonder who this person is I'm working with today.
Hopefully it's not like last time I had to work with someone my age. It was a TV ad for pool safety and they hired this girl who was the biggest brat on set. She thought just because she got to be in front of the camera she could walk around like she owned the place.

I organised the tables around while listening to Chris brown's 'forever' when I hear the door open.
Me being my usual self finished putting a chair under a table before turning to look who was there.
"I'm Harry" I say still not turning around as I picked up a few table cloths from the floor.
"What a surprise" a all too familiar voice says from behind me. I turn around all too quickly that if I did any faster my neck would've snapped.

The boy standing across from me, his smirk showing like he was ready to do the worst.
Standing there was Cole.

Fuck, fuck, fuck I think to myself. This is going to be the longest 5 hours of my life I think.

"Lil squirt, of course they hired you to present and help out, but we all know it's because you just can't keep away from me, you love me too much" Cole says humorously.

"Shut up its bad enough we are stuck with each other" I say .

"Look at you, you and your drenched Calvin Klein top look like they've seen better days" Cole says

"It's pouring and we don't all have the luxury of umbrellas" I say gesturing at his left hand.
"Did you not park underneath?" He asks this time sounding genuine.

"Fuck off and come help me with this table" I reply.


A hour goes by and we are just standing there. Cole's looking out the window and waves for me to come over, I do.
"Wanna go have a look at whatever that is?" He points over and it's at the museum.

Once a year our local museum holds a walk through where inside is lit up with neon lights.

"We are meant to be working" I tell Cole as his sheepish grin continues to remain on this mouth.

"My dad owns this company, he's upstairs working and will probably stay there til later, and I'm bored , you're boring" he says letting out a chuckle.

"Thanks?" I reply

"I'll drive" he says while tossing me a perfectly dry hoodie from his bag.
"Put that on so your not cold and leave your one here so it can dry" he says.

As I'm taking my shirt of I Cole staring at me. "What?" I say rudely to him.

"You're very little for someone who talks as much game as you do" Cole says

"That's only because you're a dick, and turn around" I say to him watching him roll his eyes at me while he turns around.

"You're not driving my car" I say to him as we are walking down the corridor.

"Who says we are taking yours?" He says while shaking keys he pulled out of his pocket in my face.

When we get in the elevator Cole has to press every button there is on the wall. Idiot
I follow him out of elevator when it opens to reveal a underground car park. There was so many nice cars down here which made my Mercedes look average.
He points the keys at a all black Aston Martin and unlocks it.

I stand there with my mouth slightly apart in shock.

"It's my dads" Cole says breaking me from my trance.

We get inside it and he starts the car and drives out.

I've never seen Cole drive but he definitely knew what he was doing.
I looked over at him watching him have one hand on the steering wheel and the other arm resting on the centre console.
He looks to his side and notices me and I turn away abruptly.

"Enjoying the view?" He says with a big smirk on his face.

"I- No, fuck off" I say defeated.

"I know I'm hot but Harry please, learn how to control yourself" Cole says and right then I punch him so hard in his shoulder I'm wondering how he didn't crash the car while I did so.

"Hmm yes daddy touch me again" he says while winking.

"You're disgusting Cole"
I roll my eyes and turn the other way.


The museum was bigger than I thought, this was mine and Coles first time at this light show thingy and we both go and look around.
As we walk around Cole can't resist sticking his foot out and attempting to trip me every time someone would walk passed us.

"Haha look Harry boobies" Cole says pointing at a painting on the wall of a topless woman. Wow this boy is immature.

When we get to the end there's a small little cafe there, I suggest we grab something to drink but he puts our his hand on my shoulder stopping me. "I have a better place" he says and we walk back to the car.

"Cole I wanted a milkshake" I whine to him telling him it was easier to get one back there. He ignores me and starts the car.
He laughs to himself shaking his head.
"What." I say to him giving him a dirty look.
"Now I understand why Marco dumped you, you're not only annoying but you're also a brat" he says.

"Shut up I say to him, and who gives you the right to talk about my passed relationships" I say at him in a harsh tone. "Take me back to my car" I demand. Cole really knew how to get under my skin, he always has. But Marco was still a sore topic for me so obviously I was annoyed at him.

"No , you wanted a milkshake and I wanted to go somewhere else to eat" he says.
I mutter something under my breath and put my AirPods in to which he notices and turns the volume in the car up louder to drown out whatever I'm listening to.

After about 5 minutes I turn to look at Cole and to my surprise he's already looking at me, he turns away back to the road quickly.
"Now who's staring" I say to him.

"Fuck off, as if you weren't turning to look at me though" he says defensively.

We arrive at what appears to be a small diner type of restaurant.
Cole holds the door open for me.
"UNCLE COLE!" I hear a little girls voice scream with excitement. This blonde girl who looks around the age of 6 runs up to Cole and hugs him as he picks her up.

"Who's that?" She asks looking at me with excitement.

"That's my friend" he says back while placing a kiss on her forehead before putting her down.

"Huh Friend?" I scoff while rolling my eyes.

Cole looks at me , gives me one of his sarcastic winks and waves for me to follow him.
"What is this place ?" I ask him.

"It's my sisters shop, and that's her daughter Hannah" he says with a smile across his face.
"Uncle Cole can you take me to the zoo again please"
"Only if your mum let's me , I got in trouble last time remember" Cole says to her. Hannah had her arms around his waist.

This was so weird for Cole and I to be in the same room without verbally attacking each other, I'm seeing a side to him I didn't know existed. He seemed so genuine and a nice person.

"Why are you smiling like that weirdo" Cole says snapping me out of my trance.
"Nothing" I say

"Look mummy Cole is here and he bought a friend". I look up and watch as a quite stunning brunette girl from the back of the shop steps into view.
"Hey Faith" I hear him say and he gives her a hug.

"Is that Harry Harrison?!" I hear her ask him , her eyes wide and fixated on me.
"Hi" I say timidly.

"You're friends with the Harry Harrison?" She says with excitement.

"Nah I hate him" Cole laughs.

Cole looks at me and smiles and turns back to his sister.

We order a milkshake each and Cole orders a burger as well.

I go to pay for my part of the order ,
"Don't he says" hitting my card away from the eftpos machine.

"Wow Cole's being nice?" I say teasingly.
He just smiles and laughs.

Our order comes and we have to take it and go because we have to be back at Cole's dads building before Stacy comes back to check on us.

Cole let's me drive his dads car on the way back while he eats his burger.

"You're getting sauce all over the leather seats" I tell him with shock and he just looks down between his legs and stares at it.
"Whoopsie, wanna come lick it up for me?" He says with a toothy grin.

"You're disgusting" I reply

"Maybe, or maybe I genuinely want your head between my thighs" he says.

I let out a sound of disgust.

Cole is still his usual self towards me but something felt different. We seemed to be getting along despite the fact we were still at each others necks, just not the way we used to.


We arrived back in the room the food was in just in time as Stacy walked in two minutes after us.

"Looks amazing" she says gazing around the room.

"It was all Harry" Cole says tapping me on the back.

"Well I'm glad, hope you two are getting along just fine" she exclaimed enthusiastically.
"Cole's going to do the grand opening tomorrow with you. You and him are going to be filmed so having you guys get along was a plus".

"You're kidding" I gasp "surely not"
"Stacy I've known this boy for a while he's definitely not even fit to be behind the scenes let alone infront of them" I say to her.
"You're so high strung Harry" she says as she walks out the door

I look over and there's Cole pouting his lips sarcastically. "You don't want me to steal your shine?" He says in a mocking tone.

"No I'm just shocked" I tell him. "Anyways I guess our job is done here" I say.

"Hey , dads not leaving for another two hours, wanna do something?" He asks.

"We hate each other" I tell him.

"That's true, but I'm really bored and you're my only option" he says giving me a sheepish grin.

"Where are we going? " I say rolling my eyes as we head out to where my cars parked.

"Shops?" He says
"Shops" I reply back

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