Substitute Bride

By WriterChick82

433K 13.6K 471

Philip Treyane needed a wife. He was the last of his line so he decided that it was time that he married so t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

32.8K 1.1K 43
By WriterChick82

     Philip Treyane rode up to the front of his manor. He sat on his horse and surveyed his estate. He was proud of his ancestral home. It was left to him by his father, John. He had to wait until he was twenty-one. On the eve of his birthday, he moved in. He felt guilty  for leaving his three sisters, but he couldn't live in the same house as his parents. His stepfather was verbally abusive toward the children. His mother didn't care about them.

     Philip's mother married Stephan Henderson when Philip was five. His father had died of a heart attack. Neither parent had a kind word to say to the children. Philip had planned that whenever he married, he would take custody of his sisters. He already spoken to his parents. They didn't hesitate to give him permission. His lip curled in disgust.

     He took out his pocket watch to look at the time. He had a ball to get to in two hours. He was quite dirty from his ride and needed a bath. His stable hand, Maxwell, came up to him. Maxwell was the fourteen year old who Philip had found on the streets and took pity on. Philip jumped down from his horse. He handed the reins to Maxwell.

     "Give Sandy here an extra carrot," Philip said. "We had quite a ride today."

    "Yes, sir," Maxwell said. He led the horse away.

     Philip ran up the steps. He opened the door. The butler, Samson, greeted him.

     "Good afternoon, sir," Samson said. "Did you have a nice ride?"

     "Yes, thank you," Philip said. "Please send Jason to my room."

     "Yes, sir," Samson said.

     Philip went to his room for a quick wash. The ball was to make a formal announcement of his betrothal to Caroline Wilson. He told his family friend, Stuart, that at now twenty-eight, he decided to settle down and marry. He had a daughter from an affair with a local woman. She was very poor and couldn't take care of a child. He offered to set her up in a house and take the child. But his daughter was illegitimate and couldn't inherit the family fortune. He needed an heir.

     Stuart suggested his daughter, Caroline, because she was young and loved children. Stuart assured Philip that she would treat his daughter as her own and wouldn't judge her because she was illegitimate. Anna was another reason why he decided to marry. After giving him their child, her birth mother severed her ties with the infant. He wanted her to have a female role model in her life.

     Jason, his valet, came into the room as Philip was shaving. Jason laid out his black suit. He helped Philip dress. After he was ready, he went to the nursery. He was surprised to find his sisters there. The oldest, Lauren, was rocking Anna to sleep. The other two girls, Elizabeth and Nicole, were sitting on the floor playing with dolls.

     Nicole looked up and saw Philip. "Philip!" she exclaimed. She stood up. She ran over to him and hugged him around the knees.

     He scooped the four year old up and gave her a hug. "Hi, squirt," he said. "What are you doing here?"

     "Mother sent us over here," Lauren said. "She said we were underfoot."

     "Well, I am happy that you are here," he said. "I have missed you."

     Nicole kissed him on the cheek. "We have missed you too," she said.

     He gave her a kiss and set her down. "I just wanted to see how Anna is doing," he said.

     "She was very well behaved," Lauren said. "I just gotten her to fall asleep."

     "Do you not have a ball to go to, Philip?" Elizabeth said.

     "I do," he said. "It is to announce my engagement to Miss Wilson. It will not be a very long engagement and soon you three will come live with me."

     "I am happy to get out of that house," Lauren said.

     "I know, sweetheart," Philip said.

     He kissed them farewell. Maxwell brought the carriage around. Philip got in and went his way to the Wilson home.

     Jane looked at herself in the mirror. Even thought she knew that she wouldn't turn a man's head, she believed in looking her best. She wore a yellow full length dress. She wore matching slippers on her feet. Her hair was swept up in a french braid with ringlets framing her face. She put a little rouge on her cheeks.

     Caroline came up next to her. She checked herself in the mirror. Satisfied that she looked pretty, she stepped back. She looked at her sister.

     "You look pretty tonight," she said.

     Jane blushed. "You think so?" she said.

     Caroline nodded. "I don't know why you did not have many suitors," she said. "You are a wonderful person. You are kind to others."

     Jane felt flattered by her compliments. Most men didn't give her a second glance after seeing her sister. "Thank you," she said. "But most men do not prefer a plump wife."

     Caroline kissed her cheek. "No matter what people say," she said, "you are beautiful to me."

     Jane kissed her back. "You are a good person," she said. "I am lucky to have you as a sister."

     "Of course," Caroline teased.

     Jane swatted at her playfully as Caroline walked away. All the guests were downstairs and only Mr. Treyane was left to arrive. Jane walked down the stairwell while scanning the crowd. She spotted her best friend, Melissa, with her fiancee, Michael. Jane went over to them.

     "Jane," Melissa said, giving her a hug. "How are you?"

     "I am well," Jane said.

     "Hello, Jane," Michael said.

     "Hello," she said. "I am glad you can make it."

     "I cannot believe Caroline is going to marry Mr. Treyane," Melissa said. "I always thought she was going to marry Mr. Owen."

     Jane looked at her in surprise. "Am I the only one who did not know about Caroline and Mr. Owen?" she asked. "Caroline only told me last week."

     "It seemed obvious to me," Melissa said, shrugging.

     "I have a confession," Jane said. "But you cannot tell anyone."

     "What is it?" Melissa asked.

     "Caroline refused to marry Mr. Treyane," Jane said. "I will be taking her place. But no one is to know. I am sure I will be found out after the wedding. Or when Mr. Treyane lifts the veil. You know how important to Papa not to break his word."

     Melissa looked at her in shock. Jane shifted her body in discomfort. She gelt guilty about betraying everyone, but she wanted her younger sister to be happy. Even if she could not. Melissa put her hand on Jane's shoulder. She knew how important family was to her and that she would do anything to secure their happiness. Nothing Melissa would say could change her mind.

     "I hope you know what you are doing," she said.

     Me, too, Jane thought. She forced a smile.

     "Mr. Treyane will be furious," Michael warned.

     "I know," Jane said quietly.

     Philip chose that moment to walk into the room. Melissa saw him and nudged Jane. She looked over to where he stood. Her heart began to pound. She noted how handsome he looked. His eyes scanned the crowd for Caroline. He couldn't find her. His eyes came upon Jane. He walked over to her.

     "Hello, Miss Wilson," he said.

     "Hello, Mr. Treyane," she said. "This is my friend Melissa Thomas and her fiance Michael Shepherd."

     "Pleased to meet you," Philip said.

     "Pleased to meet you as well," Melissa said. Michael nodded in agreement.

     Philip turned back to Jane. "Have you seen my fiance?" he asked.

     "She should be here shortly," Jane said.

     Five minutes later, Caroline came down the stairwell. Stuart motioned Philip forward. Jane, Melissa, and Michael moved toward the front of the crowd.

     "May I have your attention, please?" Stuart said loudly.

     All conversations died. Everyone turned to look at him.

     "My wife and I are proud to announce the engagement of Philip Treyane and our daughter, Caroline," he said.

     Everyone clapped. Caroline and Philip waved. Stuart motioned the band to begin to play. Philip and Caroline danced during the first song. Toward the end, Caroline spied Joshua by the door to one of the terraces. She turned to Philip.

     "I need a bit of fresh air, " she said. "I do not think Jane has a dance partner."

     Philip nodded. "All right," he said. He turned to find Jane.

     As Philip disappeared in the crowd, Caroline made her way to the terrace. Joshua was waiting for her with open arms.

     "I cannot wait to make you my wife," Joshua said. He laid his cheek on the top of her head.

     "One month, my love," she said. "Then I am yours."

     Back in the ballroom, Philip finally spotted Jane talking to her parents. He walked up to them.

     "Hello, son," Stuart said. "Having a grand time?"

     "Yes, sir," Philip said. "I was wondering if Miss Wilson will honor me with a dance."

     Jane turned and looked at him in surprise. "Where is Caroline?" she asked.

     "She went to get a big of fresh air," Philip said.

     Jane knew that Caroline was with Mr. Owen. "I will dance with you," she said.

     Philip offered her his arm. She put her hand on his forearm. He led her to the dance floor. He turned to face her. He put one arm around her waist. He took her right hand in his. She laid her free hand on his shoulder.

     "I wanted to congratulate you on your engagement," she said. "Welcome to the family."

     "Thank you, Miss Wilson," Philip said.

     "Please, call me Jane," she said. "After all, I will be your sister-in-law." Wife, she corrected mentally.

     "You may call me Philip," he said.

     "May I ask how long the engagement will be?" Jane asked. Caroline never told her.

     "One month," he said. "Upon my marriage, I will have custody of my sisters. I wanted them to move in as soon as possible."

     Jane almost stumbled. She didn't expect the engagement period to be so short. She did however expect him getting custody of his sisters. The whole Wilson family knew that Philip's parents were very unpleasant toward their children. Jane's eyes teared as she thought of the nightmare the children went through.

     While Jane was silent, Philip took time to study is future sister-in-law. At her age, she was considered on the shelf. He knew that she didn't have many suitors. Most men preferred blondes. Others preferred their women slender. Jane was curvier than most women. Her stomach was slightly rounded, not flat. Her breasts filled her bodice.

     Soon the song ended. Philip stepped back slightly and bowed at the waist.

     "Thank you for the dance," he said.

     "You are welcome," Jane said.

     Joshua and Caroline walked up to them.

     "Thank you for dancing with my sister," Caroline said.

      "It was a pleasure, " Philip said.

     Jane blushed. Philip caught himself thinking that she looked pretty when she blushed. He mentally shook his head. Think about your fiance, he scolded himself. Not her sister.

     Joshua turned to Jane. "May I have the next dance?" he asked.

     "Of course, Mr. Owen," she said, smiling at him. She took his arm.

     "Is your dance card free for this dance, Miss Wilson?" Philip asked Caroline.

     "Of course," she said. "Call me Caroline."

     Philip and Caroline found a spot on the dance floor a couple feet away from Jane and Joshua. They began to move to the music.

     "Jane is a wonderful dancer," Caroline said. "Do you think so?"

     Philip nodded.

     "She is a wonderful sister," Caroline continued. "She is always there when I need her. I am surprised that she has not found a husband. She is very caring. She helps the local doctor with the sick. She is wonderful with children."

     Philip looked over in time to see Jane laugh at something Joshua said. Her smile seemed to brighten the room. An emotion swelled up inside him. He was surprised to find that it was jealousy. He pushed the emotion aside. He turned his attention back to Caroline.

     "Mr. Owen tells me that he and you went to the same school," Caroline said.

     Philip nodded. "He was my best friend from the beginning," he said.

     "Jane is my best friend," Caroline said. "We did everything together."

     Philip looked over at Jane again. She was smiling and seemed to be having fun. Jealousy swelled up again. He bit the inside of his cheek. He couldn't understand why he was having these feelings. He knew Jane was a nice girl. His father was best friends with Stuart. They had known each other since they were kids. But she was past the marrying age and wasn't his type. He preferred girls who were more outgoing and less quiet.

     Caroline noticed Philip staring at Jane. She smiled. She had a feeling that Jane will have happiness with Philip

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