The Contradiction Between Hum...

By Weeblet-san

78.9K 2.6K 554

Mochizuki Aito, a white room product, is trying to enjoy the three years of freedom he was given due to the w... More

Aito Mochizuki's Monologue
Chapter 1: The Beginning of My New School Life
Chapter 2: A Random Encounter
Chapter 3: Special Gift
Chapter 4: Club Registration
Chapter 5: Swiming Class
Chapter 6: Murderous Intent
Chapter 7: Zero Points
Chapter 8: Confrontation
Chapter 9: Improvement
Chapter 10: Development
Chapter 11: Misunderstanding
Chapter 12: Island Exam Begins
Chapter 13: Strategies Forming
Chapter 14: Conflict
Chapter 15: Phase One Complete
Chapter 16: Deal
Chapter 17: Reason
Chapter 19: Future
Chapter 20: Discussion
Chapter 21: Opinion
Chapter 22: Students
Chapter 23: Entertainment
Chapter 24: Persuasion
Chapter 25: Next Step
Chapter 26: Cooperation
Chapter 27: Perspective
Chapter 28: Game
Chapter 29: Opportunity
Chapter 30: Identity
Chapter 31: Effect
Chapter 32: One-Sided
Chapter 33: Observation
Chapter 34: Change
Chapter 35: Break

Chapter 18: Results

1.7K 69 1
By Weeblet-san

It was finally time for our short time on the uninhabited island to come to an end. Although our classmates questioned us for being gone and Horikita's sudden retirement, we dodged suspicion with the help of Hirata. Still, there isn't any sign of Mashima-sensei or the others, even when the test ended around noon.

"We're now tallying up the test results. Please wait a moment. Feel free to use the rest of the area if you would like."

After that announcement, the students gathered together and headed toward the rest area. Underneath the provisional tents, they'd prepare tables and chairs so we could get comfortable. There were no signs of Horikita or any of the retired students waiting on the cruise ship. Kiyotaka, along with Kōenji and Sudō, are seated in the chairs they prepared.

"I'm dying to know what the results are."

I shaked the paper cup in my hands, then drank it in one gulp. I gazed up at the sky with a bored expression, contrary to my words.

"Uh, it's uncomfortable with Kōenji here." Sudō scratched the back of his head.

"Consider yourself blessed to be in the same space as me, despite being such a ugly existence." Kōenji haughtily boasted about himself once again.

"Tch, that's exactly what I'm talking about!" He crushed the paper cup in frustration.

"Anyways, why are we here?" Kiyotaka questioned.

"You know how it is. Someone will trigger a cliche event. Trust me, I should know."

"In all seriousness, I presume a certain individual or individuals will try to make contact with each of us in this group. Limiting their movement should suffice for the time being."

"Wouldn't it be more suspicious this way?" Sudō asked.

"Not exactly. The benefits outweigh the risks."

The chances of them noticing that they got caught is low. So this'll appear as a 'meeting' and that'll give them the false impression that I slipped up and revealed the people involved. Which will make me seem less intelligent in their eyes. By slightly noticing my intentions, the person at hand must be hiding their talents since a random Class D student isn't capable enough.

Their next step will be to approach them one by one. Not knowing they won't get the answers they seek. Kiyotaka will either avoid the question altogether, give vague responses, or spread misinformation. Kōenji won't be bothered to take them seriously. Though Sudō's temper makes him the easiest to target, he can't tell what he doesn't know. Maybe they won't be subtle about it and just confront me.

To sell the narrative, I arrange this act according to the script I made up. The past incidents serve as a way to confirm his behavior.

"That's common sense, how can you not understand simple things, red hair-kun?"

"That's it!" Sudō slammed his hands onto the table.

He approached Kōenji before being quickly stopped by Kiyotaka and I. Making it seem like his outbursts were a common occurrence.

"Calm down, you know how bad his personality is." Kiyotaka said.

"We'll be leaving, see you around." I waved goodbye.

"Now what?" Sudō quietly uttered.

He hadn't caused me trouble. Rather, he'd acted just how I wanted him to. However his anger was authentic, the difference was that he can control it somewhat better.

"It should be anytime soon."

"Great work. Thank you for everything you did this week. You saved us." Hirata appeared with words of gratitude.

"I didn't do anything noteworthy. In fact, Horikita did everything."

"She gave us some really important information."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Sudō, unable to grasp the situation, tilted his head.

"I think you'll understand pretty soon. Anyway, Class C is strange...They're on another level."

Because most Class C students retired on the second day of the test, there wasn't anyone here. I saw no sign of Ibuki or Kaneda anywhere on the sandy beach. I saw a rather amusing sight, Ryūen standing alone being the only remaining student from Class C.

"Why is he...? Ryūen-kun didn't retire?

While Hirata tried to figure out the situation, Ryūen turned towards us, as if noticing our stares, he slowly drew near. My eyes slightly widened as the tension started to rise.

"Oh, hey there. What happened to Suzune?" said Ryūen, ignoring Hirata's presence.


As he drew near, he drained the contents of his paper cup, and threw it at my feet.

"Throw that away for me."

"Calm down. Here, I'll throw it away."

Hirata, not wanting to escalate this further, quickly tried to pick it up. Sadly for him I kicked it towards Ryūen. His passive nature is what keeps me from entrusting him with orders. That's why I used Horikita as a shield.

"Be a responsible person and pick it up yourself." My voice sounded like I couldn't care less since a certain someone will throw it either way.

"I thought you retired, Ryūen-kun."

"Who are you? More importantly, where's Suzune? I've dreamed of squeezing her bottom."

Hirata gave him a look saying something along the lines of 'you really said that?' Sudō is getting angrier by each second. I don't think it was due to Ryūen calling Horikita by her given name but more because he dislikes Ryūen. Meanwhile Kiyotaka is hiding behind me...wait what? Oh, he's diminishing his presence to not bring attention to himself.

"You really are a detestable person, Ryūen."

When I directed a faint glare his way, he showed no signs of agitation. I quickly replaced it with my normal look.

"I have no idea why you would pick Horikita over Ibuki. If I was you I would be going for Ibuki because Horikita is a bitch. Think about it. She'll be willing to meekly follow your commands. Co—"

Just then, we heard the click of a megaphone being turned on. Irritated, I saw that Mashima-sensei appeared on the beach. The first-year students hurriedly tried to form a line, but Mashima-sensei waved his hands at them to stop.

"It's fine. We don't mind if you want to keep relaxing. The test has already concluded. Now we've entered the summer vacation part of the trip, so it's alright if you loosen up."

Even though he'd said that, tensions naturally increased. They stopped their chatter in an instant.

"Over the past week, we, your teachers, have closely watched your efforts in this special test. There were some students who took on the challenge honestly, head-on. There were some who devised schemes to tackle the test. Many things have happened, but overall, the test results were splendid. Good work."

The students appeared relieved to receive straightforward praise from Mashima-sensei. It seemed like everyone was finally starting to believe the one week test was over.

"To get straight to the point. I would like to announce the results of the special test."

There wasn't a single person, not even our homeroom teacher, who'd seen the results.

"We will not accept any questions regarding the results, no expectation. We would like you to accept the results you have been given, analyze them, and use them to help you for the next test. It is what it is. You must accept reality, you know?"

"That's what we should be saying to you Class C people. You used up all your points, right." Sudō poked fun at Class C's reckless behavior.

"We have over 125 points remaining. I think we'll be quite fine." Hirata proudly said.

"Ha. I'm jealous of the nerve of you small fry. How can you be satisfied with that amount of points..."

"Yeah, it's outright pitiful." I shook my head in embarrassment.

Hirata had a look of betrayal. Before he could voice his thoughts, Mashima-sensei's voice sounded through the megaphone.

"Now, we will announce the rankings. The lowest class is Class C, with 0 points."

"Bwah ha ha ha! Hey, check it out! You guys have zero points after all!" When Sudō heard the results, he clutched his stomach in mocking laughter.


(A/N:Cue the soundtrack)

Ryūen didn't understand the situation. Mashima-sensei continued the announcement matter-of-factly.

"In third place is Class A with 70 points. Coming in second place is Class B with 90 points."

Barely containing the urge to grin I scanned to see the students' reactions. A commotion broke out. No one had expected the rankings or the point totals.

"And then, Class D..."

For an instant Mashima-sensei's movements stiffened. However, he soon resumed speaking. Must be tough announcing the results in front of the crowd. Perhaps they don't want to humiliate the higher classes.

"...has come in first place with 401 points. This concludes the announcement."

All of the students except for Kiyotaka were probably more confused than everyone. Hirata, who was barely involved in guessing the leaders, wore an exuberant smile.

"What's the meaning of this, Katsuragi?!"

Voices saying such things echoed from one end to another. Class A students circled around Katsuragi.

"Something is strange...What does this mean? Don't tell me..." he muttered.

"Your class ended with zero points after all!" Sudō mocked.

"I have no idea how we did it but we got first place!!!" shouted Yamauchi for joy, as Class D students gathered together.

"What's going on?!" Ike, filled with excitement and confusion, asked Hirata for an explanation.

"I'll explain everything. Well, Ryūen-kun, if you'll excuse us."

With those final words, Hirata walked toward the boat alongside Kiyotaka, Sudō, and Ike. Sudō raised his middle finger, but Ryūen didn't pay attention to it.

"Cheer up, you're fortunate the points didn't go to the negatives." I patted his back while he stared at me with hostility in silence.

"Don't look at me like that. It isn't my fault you lost." I shrugged it off, leaving somewhere.

Technically it was true since Kiyotaka would've done the same with or without my assistance.

After walking abroad, I met up with Kiyotaka once again to discuss the near future. While talking Chabashira-sensei stopped us, more like stopped Kiyotaka.

"Can you leave us alone for a moment? I need to have a word with Ayanokōji here."

"Oh? Sae-sensei, seducing a student isn't very professional, you know." I said like a mother scolding her child.


"But!" I put my hands together, making a clapping sound.

"If that's your decision I'm not going against it. Just remember my advice and you should be fine."

When I mentioned the 'advice', her mood darkened. What will she do? Her threats are no longer valid for Kiyotaka to strive for Class A? I highly doubt someone who would go out of their way to blackmail a student for their own selfish motives, would give up so easily.

"See you later, Ayanokōji."

Afterwards, I went back to my room. A clearly awake Miyake put his phone down and greeted me upon my arrival.

"How has the new popularity been?"

"Nonexistent. Horikita is the one getting the attention."

Hopefully she will make a great puppet leader. As long as she does her job correctly I'll have no complaints but if she ever decides to use the 'if you don't listen to me I'll tell everybody who the real leader is' we'll be having issues. To the extent of me being willing to expel her. Though that'll just make Kushida happy. On that topic, what should I do with her? Okay, I'll come up with something later.

"Jealous of her?"

"Why would I be envious of her? I earned something more precious." I went to the closest, searching for a pair of clothes.

"I don't know what you mean by that but—" The ringer of the phone started buzzing.

"What, is your girlfriend calling you?" I sarcastically asked while changing my clothes.

"Nope, it's just Hasebe." said Miyake, answering the call.

Isn't she the one who got into a weird situation with me? I'll have to converse with Hasebe to see her character.

"Ah, I'll leave you be." I headed towards the exit.

"Well..." His voice couldn't be heard after I shut the door.

I went to the hall, checking my phone for any notifications. To my surprise there wasn't any. So nobody wants to know the details of my strategy? I stood there in a dilemma until Kiyotaka came back.

"What are you doing?

"There you are! You must be curious about the results, right?"

"No, not really. I figured most of it out." He quickly shot down my hopes.

"Then who'll want an explanation?"


"He doesn't care."


"He's too much of a dumbass to ask intriguing questions."


"Really? Out of all the people you could've named, you choose her? Leave before I tell someone about your past—oh wait I already did."

"You did what?"

In response to my words Kiyotaka swung his fist at my abdominal region. I quickly reacted by stopping it with my palm. Both of our hands slowly moved going back and forward.

"Do you really think I'm the type of person to betray you?" I sternly glared.

"Yes." He answered with no hesitation.

"You're joking around, aren't you? I took it seriously at first but once you replied with an answer like that, I immediately became aware of your intentions."

"That's right."

"For what reason could you possibly have for doing this?" My stern glare changed into a frown.

"I wanted to see your reaction. You know how you always attempt to get an emotional reaction out of people? I simply gave it a try myself." He shrugged.

"Don't you have anything better to do?"


"Then why is your phone buzzing?" When the brief exchange happened his phone kept buzzing.

"Oh, that must be Horikita."

"Aren't you going to answer her?"

"There's no need for that." Kiyotaka turned off his phone.

"Get your weird ass out of here before the readers complain about you being out of character. Go stand there while I explain everything to the readers."

Alright, let's start with the simple details. First I volunteered to join the search camp. Able to move freely without being suspected is a major advantage to have. I used this opportunity to convince Kōenji to cooperate. Having his help made the plan go smoother. It's obvious that I wasn't going to come out unscathed, so I injured Yamauch and some other students to split the unwanted attention.

This'll work for another one of my longer term plans. The distrust in other classes. Seeing the state they saw us in, they'll assume that Class C or A is responsible. This will lead them to not want to associate with them in fear of the consequences. Being in the alliance with Class B will make my classmates put their trust in them, knowing the chances of Class B betray us is low makes it a decent plan. Not the best plan but it should work to a certain extent. Luckily it isn't important for my future goals, so if it works or not, it doesn't matter.

Utilizing the hint the school provided us, I humbly requested Kōenji to check how many spots got occupied. Since Kōenji also noticed it, I didn't have to explain where their locations were. By the time the roll call happened I got knowledge about which classes were occupying which spots.

While Kōenji gathered info, I made a deal with Horikita to get access to the keycard on the first day. It was actually quite simple. I offered her information about Kiyotaka since she's curious about him and wants to know more about him. I waited for Horikita's fever to worsen, increasing the probability of success. I persuaded her with claims she couldn't deny. Paired with the fact I showed no true value other than being Kiyotaka's friend while being reliable enough led to the deal.

I was sure it was going to be successful since there were many moments where Horikita used help from Kiyotaka, knowing little about his capabilities. Her interest in him was a major factor. It helps that Chabashira-sensei influenced her to seek answers.

I'm pretty sure she didn't even completely understand the rules. She wouldn't have given me the key card in the first place if she knew I didn't have it for 70% of the time. Kōenji used the key card to claim the seven spots he available.

Figuring Class A's leader took a bit more observation. As I mentioned some time ago, the class was split into two fractions. At first I thought Katsuragi had more influence in his class as he took the initiative but while I observed them it appeared that he had less followers than I expected. So why did the other fraction do nothing to stop him? That's when I recalled that one student couldn't participate due to health issues, so connect the dots and you should come to the right conclusion.

The brief exchange I had with Katsuragi before the test made me discard him from the possibility of being the leader. My bet was on the one called Yahiko since from my point of view he was the most loyal one from the group, he was also the one who got into an argument with me.

Unfortunately, there was no proof leading to him until Kiyotaka suddenly told me he was leader for no apparent reason. I don't know if he's doing it to help me or to annoy me, but at least I got the leader's identity.

Class B's was a whole another case as I didn't have to go through all the trouble. My mere presence was sufficient. Shiranami Chihiro was Class B's leader. Due to us having a good relationship, nobody questioned me when I approached her. The rest of my time was spent making Kaneda's life miserable. Messing up his attempts to get the leader's key card, raising the suspicion on him, blaming him when I purposely messed up, and much more.

Near the end of the test, I told Ichinose Class A's leader specifically when Kanzaki wasn't present. I was going to show her some evidence to back up my claim but to my surprise she actually believed me. I don't know if I should be happy or disappointed because she trusted me so easily. I didn't guess their leader since it would be stupid to ruin the alliance for a short term win. Then I stole Kaneda's digital camera, took a picture of the key card, destroyed the transceiver making him unable to contact Ryūen for instructions, and peacefully left the spot.

After checking Kaneda's bag, I came to a conclusion. Ryūen must have still been on the island. Neither did Ibuki nor Kaneda have a key card, and there was no way I'll believe that Class A's had one of Ryūen spies. Plus he causally set a transceiver on the table which couldn't be used unless you were on the island.

From that day onwards, I was awake all night to wait for Kōenji. While also protecting something very important. That's how I noticed what Ibuki was trying to do. Well, I copied that idea as I caused the internal conflict between the students. This was done for two reasons; to have more influence over Class D and to split them up to the brink of not cooperating with each other. That improved the chances of Ibuki finding a way to steal the key card. When I returned it to Horikita, I 'accidentally' dropped it in front of her.

The method I chose to distract them was a fire. Kiyotaka had the same idea which made it happen faster. The interesting sight I saw was what I sought to see. Yes, seeing Hirata break down was the intention I had when I started an arson. Although there isn't much evidence, I have a vague idea why Hirata was placed into Class D. You should know what happened next.


I struggled when writing the explanation. I knew what the plan was but couldn't put it into the right words.
So forgive me if it doesn't make sense, I tried my best.

I finally finished volume 3, it took over 3 months. I'll be adding another author's note to give my thoughts on volume 4. Though I already have an idea on what to do, I want to get your opinions to see which idea you like.

As always if you got any more questions, feel free to comment them.

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