In form of Fragments - An Ani...

By Methereader22

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An Anidita OS collection...... Found a perfect blend of history and fiction to unleash my creativity in form... More

**✿❀ INKED ❀✿**

✧༺ GOLDEN ༻✧

693 38 27
By Methereader22

"Start singing the bhajan, dear child", said an old woman of about fifty while sitting in the shade of the big banyan tree with her friends in the hot afternoon.
The child gave a perplexed look. He started...
We shall overcome,
We shall overcome one day
Deep in my heart I do
We shall overcome one

Suddenly he felt his cheek burning. His cheek had a shade of red. The old woman had slapped him hard.
Krishna, while crying, asked her, "Why did you slap me, Thakumaa? "
His Thakumaa, Kishori, who was mother of the village sarpanch Mr. Devraj Bannerjee, felt humiliated in front of all ladies.

One of the ladies said, "Kishori, your grandchild has no Indian values in him. Your son will surely suffer in old age if his son learns this villayati culture. "

Kishori held Krishna's hand and ran back to her house.
Entering her house, Kishori started screaming while Devraj was having lunch while sitting on his chair.
"Control your child, Devraj beta. I must say it would benefit you if you get Krishna out of that villayati school.He is taught only their beliefs and culture. He has forgotten Indian values, bhajans dedicated to Indian Gods.He sings the villayati prayers being an Indian. He will soon forget to respect and care for his family if he continues going to that villayati school. "

Devraj, who seemed tensed started, "Maa, You know that I want Krishna to become next sarpanch of Tulsipur. For this, he must go to school as he needs to get basic education to qualify for sarpanch election in future. I can't stop his schooling. "
Kishori replied, "Then beta, find some way of teaching him Indian ethics and granths and not those villayati ideas. "

Devraj, after thinking a little, "Haan maa, I have thought about it earlier and today I will talk to the villagers and zamindar babu too. "

Devraj went to the Roy Chowdhary haveli where every month a meeting consisting of sarpanch and other panchs, villagers and zamindars was held to ensure smooth functioning of the village system.
The villagers had gathered. Trilochan Roy Chowdhary, Anirudh and Bondita were to attend the meeting.
The meeting started where the villagers were asked about their problems. In order to solve their problems, either mutual settlements were made or financial aid was provided by Roy Chowdhary to ensure peace and prosperity.
Devraj, stood up from his chair and headed to the raised platform in front of the RC haveli to make an announcement.

"Our village and villagers have been very close to their roots. I want to take our young children a step closer to our roots. I want to keep a proposal in front of you people. Since, there is only one school in Tulsipur, Oak Leaf High School, an English school with western education, I want to build a new school which would be an Indian school. There Indian education would be prominent and this would give employment to the villagers as teaching and non-teaching staff too.I want to know if you people agree to my proposal. "

The villagers conversed among themselves.The villages were amazed by the idea that the children would learn Indian values in school.

Devraj continued, "In the school, there will be lessons based on ancient Hindu texts. Every child would learn different arts from the Vedas and Puranas. The Ramayana and Mahabharata would be the foundation of their lives. They will learn the Indian values of respecting parents, living with the rules of Indian society, without questioning and breaking our customs.Their minds would no more be filled with the useless villayati knowledge. "

The loud sounds of a Yes from the crowd of villagers filled the air.
Trilochan Roy Chowdhary was pleased with this idea and announced that he would donate land for the establishment of an Indian school. He was happy since ancient tradition of children being taught by gurus, Pandits and maulvis seemed to recede.

Anirudh and Bondita were listening to everything very minutely.
Anirudh ran upto the raised platform and started speaking.

"I think the idea of having an Indian school is like taking a step towards the Independent India. But I don't agree to the differentiation between education. No one should be deprived of education and education too can't be deprived to reach the young minds. You people can't stop children from getting western education. Their minds should be filled with questions and not only with facts. I don't oppose the study of Indian religious texts but I won't tolerate injustice to education and children too. "

Soon after this, the mob started to rebel. One man from the mob said, "Barrister babu, it's our choice if we want our kids to get Indian education or western education. Please don't interfere in this. Western education just makes children go wild and directionless. The British are using this as a weapon to destroy our religion.Zamindar babu, please help us with land."

As Kaka was about to say yes for the land, Anirudh shouted at the top of his voice, "No land would be given for school. You people think western education makes a child go wild and directionless but the truth is that it makes a path for a child. You say that British use it to destroy our religion but the truth is that it can destroy their existence from our country. The difference is of perspective, which you people are not ready to change and we are not ready to support such viscous thinking veiled by a pious idea. "

As the villagers were about to protest, Bondita came and stood beside Anirudh. Bondita started, "I agree to what my pati babu just said. Remember as sky is limitless, knowledge is also limitless. You cannot bind stars to shine in a boundary in the sky and the same way you can't bind children to receive a particular kind of education. Still, I have a proposal for you. You want children to learn Indian texts which are not taught in English school so we will make a new school in Tulsipur where Indian texts as well as western subjects would be taught. We will arrange Indian teachers for this too. This way you can get the land and fulfill your wish too. "

Anirudh smiled at Bondita thinking how well she handled the situation for betterment of children. She didn't lose her temper like he would in most cases instead, moulded the situation patiently and wisely.

The villagers had a conversation with the panchs and the sarpanch after which Devraj came towards Anirudh and fowarded his hand.
He said, "We are ready to compromise. We accept your offer and want you to undertake the responsibility of this project."

Saying this, they had a hand shake. Anirudh approved the idea with a wide smile.

Anirudh had submitted a plea in the Tulsipur government office for the approval of building a school on the land. Although the land belonged to RCs, the government approval was needed since the open land would now turn to a commercial one.
The approval didn't come. Instead, a letter came after ten days. On the letter, it was written that the villagers need to get approval signed by the Mr. Walton, who was incharge of land and revenue department of Bengal. He had his office in Calcutta.
The five panchs along with sarpanch Devraj, decided to go to Calcutta. They had to use a hath-gadi for this since trains were stopped since a month because of the deadlock between Indians and the government. Anirudh could not accompany them since he had a hearing on the day they had to leave Tulsipur.
The six men left the village in the morning of 20th October, 1939.Hardly had they left Tulsipur when a handicapped man, holding a cotton bag, came in front of their cart. He was about to get struck by the car but got saved. He asked Devraj to help him as he had to travel to Devipur urgently. Devraj agreed. Devraj was a kind hearted man although he had an old and conservative mindset. He helped the man. Soon, they reached Devipur. The handicapped man got down the cart and went away. Devraj noticed that he had left his bag in the cart. A red hued object was visible in the bag as it was made of cotton. Devraj picked it up and was about to move out of the cart when...
The telephone of Anirudh's study rang. Bondita picked it up. It was a call from her friend Bela, who was in Devipur at her parents' home. Bela said, "Bondita, do you know today a few people from your village were crossing Devipur in a cart when the cart blasted in the middle of market of Devipur. I heard that six men died in the blast. "
Bondita, who was shocked hearing the news immediately kept down the receiver and went to Anirudh who was in the Hall and informed him about the blast.
Anirudh immediately rushed to the accident spot. The bodies of six men, whichever could be recognized were taken to Tulsipur already. The only thing left there was the burnt cart. Anirudh examined the cart and even asked the newspaper seller whose shop was close to the incident spot. The seller said, "Zamindar babu, the accident was really horrible. No one could survive except the lucky man who got out of the cart before the blast. May God give such good fortune to everyone. "

Anirudh was unable to figure out that who had survived the accident when six men died. He was about to leave the spot when he saw a red coloured broken box shining with a small torn golden sticker on it, lying a few inches away from the burnt cart.


A month had passed. The villagers were no more interested in building the Indian school as they considered the accident as a bad omen and a sign from God for not continuing with the school. Anirudh and Bondita tried to convince them but of no use. Thus, they decided to make the school on their own.

The next day, Anirudh was standing outside the court when there was an announcement in Tulsipur.

"Grab the GOLDEN opportunity.....The one who wants to join the British Army can give their names at the British office. You will be provided with all the facilities and good wages. Go and give your names."

Anirudh walked into the court. He had decided that in the afternoon he would go to the British office to talk for the school.

The sun was at its peak and the afternoon was beautifully illuminated. Anirudh had reached the office. He went inside and ask the man at reception for Mr. Walton, who was supposed to arrive at Tulsipur this morning. The man replied , "Sorry sir! Mr Walton could not make to India this month too. Therefore, all his meetings and visits are cancelled."
Anirudh, who was surprised listening to this asked, "Didn't Mr. Walton come to India since a month? "
"No, sir. He didn't owing to some personal issues. He handles the work from London", replied the man.
Anirudh was shocked listening this. He was extremely angry and confused.He started to move out of the office when he heard a voice.
" Oh you guard! Stay outside this room and guard it. No one should enter here. This is the treasure of government and you can be even killed for any sort of irresponsible behaviour towards the treasure. "
Anirudh followed the voice and landed outside a locked room. A guard, maybe the one who was being scolded, was standing outside the room. The guard was again called by the officer. Anirudh peeped into the room through a window. The room was full of arms. Various guns, explosive materials, shields were kept in big boxes. Anirudh noticed a big box near the window. It contained red coloured box like objects with a phrase written in hue of a golden  on each box, World War Army.

Anirudh was still angry for the wrong information he was provided with a month ago. In his anger, he left the place.
He reached home and directly went to his study where Bondita was sitting doing her case work.Sensing his fury, she immediately asked him the matter. In an ear piercing tone and volume, he narrated the entire incident at the British office.

After a few minutes, Bondita spoke out, "Solved."
Anirudh asked, "What? "
Bondita replied, "The mystery of the blast.Pati babu, if you carefully observe the situation, it seems the government wanted to send the villagers out of the village to cause some sort of accident to happen. And out of nowhere how can a bomb be placed in the cart. "

Anirudh, after thinking for a few minutes, replied, "Absolutely!!! Bondita, I was blinded by my anger but you instantly connected the dots. Actually, a newspaper seller had told me that a man left the cart that day before the blast. He must have been the bomb planter for sure. And you know what, I heard an announcement today about admission of unemployed young men for British Army, which wouldn't have occured if the school was build. It would have provided young men with work of labour, teaching staff , non-teaching staff and much more. Now,they have no other way to feed their families and are forced to join the British Army for world War. Their survival is uncertain.Also,the government wants to hinder the progress of our country.This is it!"

Bondita said, "But we don't have any proof against them. All we should do is give the government a bone-crushing defeat by building the dream school of Tulsipur. "
Anirudh smiled and said, "Yes Bondita and I promise to make this happen. "
A month had passed. Anirudh had tried to contact Mr. Walton in London using Binoy's contacts and he was successful even. Mr. Walton was unware of any such proposal presented to him earlier and upon persuasion by Anirudh, gave his permission for the school.
Actually, the governor of Bengal had communicated this school project to the viceroy of India and it was the conspiracy of the governer and local officers on the orders of government, to destroy the school before its establishment.
Anirudh had to meet the governor once in order to inform him about the starting of construction of school building. He had visited his office but the governor made him wait for  hours.Finally, he came to meet him.
Anirudh spoke first, "Hello sir! I am here to inform you about a project I am going to begin in Tulsipur. I am here to fulfill my duty as a citizen. Sir, I am going to start the school project, which was proposed by the villagers two months ago.I have the legal permission and also, I have submitted a formal registration for it in your office. "
The governor, in a sarcastic tone, said, "Oh! It was proposed by the villagers but wait... How much I remember now not even a single villager supports your proposal. After the blast... I mean the accident, this idea was rejected by the people. You Indians call it an omen... that 'apshagun'... Am I not right, Mr.Roy Chowdhary? "

Anirudh, with a smile, replied, "You are wrong sir. First of all, the blast was not accident... I mean it seems that it was planned by some 'apshaguni minds'... And I would like to inform that no child of Tulsipur would reject the proposal of Education. I have their support. And one more thing, this project is now completely my individual project, not a joint one. I hope this would prove to be a huge success with your best wishes. "

He left the office,smiling.The governor was left burning in anger.

Anirudh laid the foundation of school on the day of Saraswati pooja in the month of February.
A year had passed. The school was almost ready as the construction work was carried out in full vigour. The workers worked day and night for the school to be completed as Anirudh wanted the least possible delay.
It was the day of inauguration of the school. Everyone was really excited. The villagers, who had discarded the idea earlier were again hopeful this time.
All the RCs and the villagers including women and children attended the inauguration. The governor was even invited.
Anirudh and Bondita stood outside the building. The door was adorned by a ribbon which was to be cut symbolising the opening of doors of education.

Anirudh was about to invite the chief guest for the inauguration. The governor began settling his tie and coat, checking his well-gelled hair looking forward to do the inauguration being the expected chief guest.
Anirudh announced, "Lets have our special guest here to do the honours. Let us welcome Krishna, the son of late sarpanch Devraj, who proposed the idea. And it is the best way to start this journey of education at the hands of a child, a learner and the future of our country. "
The governor was again humiliated in the crowd as he had almost come forward and was about to pick the scissors from the thal that Bondita was holding.
Krishna did the inauguration. Kishori, his Thakumaa stood their with happy tears in her eyes.
Everyone entered the building. There was a small function in the auditorium. Everyone gathered there. In the beginning there was a prayer and few dance and singing performances.
Then, A huge board was brought there on the stage,covered with a black cloth. Anirudh stood at the stage, holding a microphone. He started reciting few lines...

Swagat ha aap sab ka,
Sapna ha ye kab ka,
Vidya ka haq ha yahan sab ka,
Hindustan ha ye hum sab ka...

Bache jayenge apne desh ke vidyalaya mein,
Bhed-bhaav na hoga jahan vicharon mein,
Shiksha bantegi kyunki hai vo jaruri,
Na ki iss liye kyunki ha vo teri ya meri...

Shiksha villayat ki nhi ha buri,
Par bina Hindustani ved-purano ke ha vo adhuri.
Kitabe nhi hoti deshi ya videshi,
Unmein toh hoti ha gyaan ki peshi...

Aayiye karein ye vaada,
Na rahe ye vaada adha,
Pakka ha humara iraada,
Soch layenge kranti bhari,
Dekho azaadi vahan hai khari...

Saying this, Anirudh gestured Bondita to remove the cloth from the board. The board read the name of their dream...

Word War Army School

Bondita held the microphone. She exclaimed, with joy,
"This school will prepare an Army which would fight it's every war using words of peace and truth. The WWA school will prove to be the plantations where young minds would grow into patriotism filled hearts. "

The red coloured huge board, with Word War Army School engraved on it in golden,hung at the top of the building.

The journey to revive the Golden Sparrow had begun...


The dirty Political games don't end. Such incidences of mass bombing are really common events to be heard of in times of today.These have become part and parcel of our life. But, the shocking thing is that earlier British played these games with general public and now Indians play these tactics with Indians. The political parties, in order to compete amongst themselves destroy millions of lives through such terrible acts.
And, then we question Terrorism. When Indians don't spare Indians, we expect Terrorism to stop.

As said, Revolution begins at home , let us try to work for the integrity and unity of our nation to fight the outside evils.

The recent example we can take into account is the capture of Afghanistan by the Taliban. Their own leader, left his country in the face of doom. Its just the general public who has the power to face the situation and win.


Hello readers!!!
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I know it was really long. If this was not worth your time, I apologize.

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Thank you♡

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