The Savior (Third book to the...

By Jasminelusiak

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The Savior (Third book to the Beings Who Care Series)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 31

121 4 3
By Jasminelusiak

"He's dead." I say to Grace.

"Really?" She asks.

"Well I cut off his head and set fire to his body so yes, I think he is dead."

She hugs me and smiles, "Thank you."

I smile at her and rub my arms. Masky notices my scratches and he hugs me. On the way back through the forest something steps on a branch and I turn around sharply. Toby and Masky notice my discomfort and stop also. I slow my breathing so I can hear every sound. I hear someone running in circles around us and I can feel my heart being to speed up. I stop in one direction, narrow my eyes, and shoot an icicle as hard as I can in that direction. I hear the icicle hit a tree and someone begins to yell. I run over to the cursing person and come to find a girl about my age with short brown hair and glasses. She instantly notices me,

"Are you the one who shot me with a fucking piece of ice?" She motions to her shoulder that is pinned to the tree.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Just a girl with a fucking icicle in her damn arm while trying to do another freak of nature a favor, are you Anabelle?"

I nod my head, "What do you want?"

"Get this piece of ice out of my arm and maybe I'll tell you."

I narrow my eyes at her, "You tell me who you are, what you are, and what you want with me or I leave you here for the wolves."

She holds her one good arm up to me, "Whoa, hold up there blondie. I'm Mikaela and I'm one of you. I control fire and speed. I have bad news and I think I should get fixed up before I tell you it."

I rip the icicle out of her arm and she gasps at the pain. She then clutches her arm and before she can sass me I speak, "Follow me, I know a place where it's safe to talk." I take her to my house where we hurry up to my secret room before my dad can notice. Masky follows me in there and we sit Mikaela on the couch where I can fix her up.

"Sorry I threw that at you, I thought you were dangerous so I stopped you from running around us." I kneel down and begin to heal her.

She looks at Masky and smiles, "Who are you?"

"Masky." He says, trying to ignore her as he sets up the training area for me.

"You're hot, why don't you and I go on a little date and then maybe we can kick it back at my place for a little treat afterwards." She winks at him and he chuckles for a moment leaving her confused until I pour the healing water on her. "Hey! What was that for?"

I go over to Masky and turn his head to me where I have a quick make out session with him before turning back to Mikaela, "That's why." I smile and she looks at me with a small smile.

"So you're pretty, have a hot boyfriend, and known as the most powerful creature ever to exist. This news shouldn't be too much of an issue then."

"What's the news?" I ask.

"Well, the thing is that there is a society of people like us. There are only like 98 of us around the world but we are all synced. At the HQ we heard your signals from a couple of days ago, you were in mass amounts of pain. The power levels were out of control!"

"Get on with it." I say.

"Anyway, you seemed to have unlocked something inside yourself, something that hasn't been seen for hundreds of years."

"What is it?"

"It's some sort of mass power that you've unlocked, the last time it was unlocked was probably over 300 years ago and it turned him insane. It burned out all of his power, he wasn't able to fight it. I'm here as a warning. If you go back into your transformed state you will have to battle this thing before it gets too late because if you wait too long it will get more powerful and the more powerful it is the harder it will be to beat. You need to end it sooner than later or else you'll die and as the most powerful being you are in the most danger. This is your challenge."

Something just then reminded me of what my mother said a couple of months ago. She said something about my challenge. Is this what she was talking about? I turn to Mikaela, "I don't need to face it, I'll be fine."

She stands up, "What the hell are you talking about? In a couple of weeks it will be at full power and then you will be helpless. I came so you could get this over with now!"

"I said I'll be fine. I've dealt with keeping it held in for 18 years, I can do it for the rest of my life!"

"It'll take you over and you'll never be able to do anything anymore if you don't do it now!"

Masky puts his hand on my shoulder, "You need to do this."

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