You are the one


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"I have loved you since forever" First loves and first crushes are all memorable for us right? That one look... Mai multe

Author's Note:
I have loved you since forever...
Beginning of something new
Destiny was playing a game afterall
Old feelings and a strange announcement
Moving in with you
Excellent cook and an accidental incident
A Late night Karaoke
Flour fight and a misunderstood marriage
I am not jealous (Yes I am...)
I hope you can catch me when I fall...
"A really small world..."
An Impromptu Date
Its you...It has always been you...
You...You are my universe
I saw a was with you
Two five year olds in love...
I would always root for you...
When life gives you a Dilemma...
A cruel thing called 'LIFE'
Saying goodbyes are the hardest...
Long distances are hard...but we will make it through
Let's build the future that we dreamt about
The most beautiful moment in life
Epilogue (You are the one for me...)

Delicious Disaster

315 22 7

Sunlight was seeping quietly through the Balcony glass doors, as if, it also didn't want to wake up Palak. The whole room was illuminated by it. If anyone listened closely, they could hear the sweet chirping of the small birds and rustling bustling of the city below. 

But unfortunately, sunlight had failed, for now, Palak slowly seemed to wake up. She opened her eyes, trying to take in the familiarity of her surroundings.

 Wait, it didn't seem like her room....

 where was she?   

She rubbed her eyes, as the familiar karaoke came into vision. All of a sudden, all the events from last night one by one payed a visit to her.... that, how delicious the food was, how Veer had handed her the mic of the karaoke, how she had sung almost more than fifteen songs, how she had fallen asleep-

A blanket?  Where did this come from?

Palak was confused seeing the blanket that was perfectly covering her. Then it slowly hit her...

Veer had brought a blanket for her and covered her with it.

Palak couldn't stop herself from smiling. Veer truly was a gentleman... which he didn't know or realize at all. Speaking of him...where was he? she wondered.

She got up from the sofa and slowly folded the blanket. It was Friday, so today, her classes  ended earlier than usual days. Assuming that Veer was in his room, she quickly went to the bathroom and freshened up. After that, she decided to go to the kitchen and prepare a small breakfast for them. But, to her surprise, she found a fully, perfectly made breakfast, properly covered, already waiting for her. It had a small note on the top.

"Sorry, I have early classes for today and I have to leave at 7:30 itself. You were sleeping really peacefully, so I didn't wake you up. Let the 'breakfast making together plan' be for some other day...Today enjoy the breakfast made by me, warm it  if required... I Hope you will like it.."


Palak removed the plate above it, to find her favorite red sauce pasta again!

Haaye! What would she do with this boy!


"So please note down...."

His professor's voice drowned out in the background for him.

Would she like it? Did he add to much cheese? Shit, should he had woken her up, before he left? She looked really beautiful even she was asleep....

Veer couldn't concentrate at all. Every time he tried to pay attention, his thoughts would still take him to Palak.... 

He tried so hard to think about anything...anything else  other than her.  But, she was all he could think about.

"Veer- Veer...VEER!" Krish almost yelled as he shook his shoulder hard, finally getting the attention from him.

"What?" Veer asked, confused. 

"This is the third time you have spaced out today! What has happened to you bro?? You are never like this! Tell me, any problem?" Krish asked worriedly.

Veer himself was shocked. He never spaced out like this...and by never he truly meant never.

He needed to get a grip.

"Let's talk after class okay?" Krish added soon after.

After the class ended, they both came out of the hall. 

"So, now tell me... what happened?" Krish asked again.

"I don't know, Its just that I can't concentrate today at all" Veer mumbled. 

"If there is something that is bothering can always tell me, I am here" Krish tried to reassure him. 

"Its nothin- Its jus-, Tell me Krish, Has it ever happened to you that you can't stop thinking about something or someone, no matter how much hard you try not to? When does it happen?"

Krish went if, He was in a deep thought. After a while he said, "Not with me exactly, but it can happen only in two situations...first one, where you are troubled or in distress, worried regarding something....or the second option, if, you are in love..."

Veer didn't know what to say to that. He knew he was in love with Palak...but to this extent! 

He never thought...

"Although I am sure, the second option will never apply to you at, tell me, what are you worried about?"

About how deeply he was in love with Palak...

"Ahhh...I think I am just worried about choosing a specialization after MBBS" Veer lied. 

"Arre, that still has time for us to decide....that's so typical of you Veer...something will surely work out for you in the end...." Krish answered in his regular bored voice.

Veer's heart was in a turmoil. It was no longer unclear to him that there was no treatment for his condition. 

He was a gone case....


"You won't believe Aadi, he had brought a blanket for me and had covered me, so that I don't feel cold..." 

"Lucky you! You got such a gentleman living with you....girls would die for guys like him!" Aditi said, admiration dripping in her voice.

"And, he had again made breakfast for me this morning...that too my favorite pasta!" Palak exclaimed excitedly.

"Aww! he is the ideal guy! Palak if you don't want him...make him available for rest of us na!" Aditi teased her.

"Stop it yarr! I am telling you all this because I want to say thanks to him in someway...I mean by doing something..."

Suddenly Aditi face lighted up in a knowing smile. Palak knew that smile very nicely. It meant that Aditi had a really brilliant idea....

"Pallu, if you want to thank him by doing something....why not cook the dinner tonight for him? the classes end early would have a lot of time! besides, isn't he has always been the one who has been cooking for you both? can do that for him!"

Cook? oh no...

"No! you know it Aditi, I am a really bad cook! it would end in a disaster!" Palak almost shouted at her.

" doesn't matter! its the sincerity that matters! you can follow youtube tutorials....You can at least try!" Aditi tried to prove her point.

Palak thought for a while... Could she do it? She could at least try....and besides Aditi was right...its the sincerity that matters in the end.

"Okay! I am giving it a shot...and if it goes wrong...I am coming to kill you!"

"then my ghost would haunt you!" Aditi said and they both started laughing together.


"So...first take a bowl and add 250 grams of cubed boneless chicken,  one and a half teaspoon soya sauce, in the same way add again one and a half teaspoon of chili sauce and then one fourth teaspoon of pepper powder....." 

Palak followed the YouTube video like an obedient child. On Aditi's advice, she had decided to cook dinner for both of them tonight. After going through so many dinner ideas, finally she had settled on making Chili chicken and roti. Even if she could manage making chili chicken, she had never ever made a roti before. Being a Bengali, her life was all about Rice...but figuring out that chili chicken with rice was a weird combination and Veer might not like it....she settled for roti.

Following the video, she marinated the chicken...kept it for a while, prepared the sauce...then fried the chicken pieces and ultimately mixed them thoroughly until the gravy dried up a bit.

Finally, Chili chicken was ready and hot. She tasted the gravy and found that it tasted quite okay....well, Her only wish was for Veer to like it.

Then she moved on to the hard part...Making rotis.

Taking an estimated amount of flour in a bowl, she started kneading it using water, as she had seen her mother do sometimes. While doing this, one time, she poured so much excess water, for which the entire thing went watery...then again after many attempts which also included the failed ones, she could finally knead it properly into small balls.

The next part was the hardest, trying to get the perfect shape. Palak was frustrated...It was as if she could make each and every shape that exists in the world, except a circle. She did not need it to be perfect, but just resemble a circle. After so many failed attempts.... she gave up and settled for hexagonal shaped rotis instead. 

Way to go Palak! Veer would absolutely love these...she thought sarcastically. 

After cooking the 'hexagonal shaped rotis' on tawa, she stored them properly in a casserole and let out a relived sigh. Finally her mission, cooking dinner was over!


As soon as Veer entered his flat, A slight smell of soya sauce hit him. He was surprised to see Palak sitting on the sofa with her designs sprawled all over the table before it. On seeing him, she gave a small smile.

"You left early today?" He asked surprised. 

"No...actually on Fridays our classes end earlier than rest of the days of the week, so... as I had nothing else to do, I came home early" she replied.

"Oh..." he said and gave a slight nod.

Palak was very nervous inside. 

Would he like it?  shit...I think the rotis were a disaster!

"Palak?" Veer's sudden call, shifted her attention towards him.


"Did you cook something for me already?" he asked, an eyebrow raised at her.

"how did you figure out?" She asked surprised.

"As soon as I entered, the smell of soya sauce reached you know, I kind of figured it out" he said chuckling.

"Its true that I tried to make something for you, but...I guess it didn't turn out the way I expected.." She said sulking a bit.

"Arre, we will see that...first let me freshen up, then we would find out" 

While he went to his room, Palak set the table. When Veer came out of his room, he was surprised to find a bowl of hot Chili Chicken and a casserole he assumed, which had rotis in it waiting for him. To say he was happy and touched on seeing all that, was an understatement.

"You prepared all of these alone? wow!" Veer said, excitement dripping in his voice.

"Yes...but I don't think it is good though" 

"let's find out whether its good or not by digging in...come on, sit down"

Palak slowly served the chicken to both of their plates and as soon as she opened the casserole to reveal the 'hexagonal or somewhat octagonal shaped rotis' ,Veer tried hard not to smile, but at the same time was touched by her effort.

"I tried making them in a circle, but unfortunately, It seemed that I was an expert in making all the shapes except a circle.." Palak pouted slightly.

Then they began eating and Veer was thoroughly surprised again. He would not lie by saying it was just perfect, It had its flaws, like the chicken could have been fried a bit more...but still, it was really good. He found Palak's hopeful eyes looking at him, to see his reaction. As soon as their eyes met, she asked, sulkily...

"So, tell me how was the disaster?" 

"Though I would not say, these were perfect....but, it was really tasty, are not bad as you think Palak, you are actually pretty good...Only you need more practice. These imperfect things, together made the perfect dinner. I really liked it. So...ultimately, I would say, all these were not a disaster as you think, but turned out to be really delicious instead....Thanks a lot for this..." He replied with a wide smile.

Palak suddenly felt giddy seeing his smile and knowing that he liked it. What was happening to her?  what was the fluttery feeling in her stomach?

She tried to ignore the fluttery feeling ...and asked, "So, Its a Delicious Disaster then?" 

When their eyes locked, they both ended up laughing....


Hii!! New chapter! don't forget to vote and comment!

It was supposed to be yesterday's update, but due to some problems, I uploaded it today. Another upload will be coming up today! stay tuned!

The credit for this chapter's idea goes to my bestie @nisha_132❤❤

(ps please start writing a story on your account too na! my 'Idea Master')

total word count: 1937 words.


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