Rainfall Chronicles: Amelia R...

By AverageCabbage19

362 20 83

Amelia's destiny had been set in stone from the moment of her birth. Her story is one of tragedy, one wherein... More

Chapter 1: My Name is Amelia
Chapter 2: My Dream's Genesis
Chapter 3: My Emerging Power
Chapter 4: My Journey's Dawn
Chapter 5: My Encounter with Fate
Chapter 7: My Guardian Angel
Chapter 8: My Second Chance
Chapter 9: My Glimpse of History
Chapter 10: My Fault, Through My Fault...
Chapter 11: My Most Grievous Fault
Chapter 12: My Father Who Art In Hell
Chapter 13: My Answer is Him
Chapter 14: My Decision is Clear
Chapter 15: My Hero

Chapter 6: My Dance with Death

18 1 1
By AverageCabbage19

Amelia: Chapter 6 — My Dance with Death

I've been walking around the empty streets for what feels like days now. Honestly, I forgot how shitty this life was... As horrible back home was, at least I had food and water, but this is just sad.

It's freezing. The winter season is horrible. The only thing I look forward to during winter is the snow, but, so far, all of what I've been experiencing is all this stupid rain! This isn't natural at all...

The hunger is unbearable. I haven't seen a piece of food in days, and seeing all of the people walking around with food in this stupid city isn't helping me in the slightest. I've never eaten at a restaurant before... leftovers in the trash are all I can really say I've eaten from restaurants.

Walking by all these advertisements sucks so bad. I can't remember the last time I had a good meal. Cookies from the library are all I can really say were "good." I wonder how far away I am from the library... I hope I can go back there someday.

In order to distract myself, maybe I should think about what happened in the forest.

What the hell happened...? This never would've happened if I had just stayed indoors when I saw the rainclouds. But even after all of that... what was up with the rain from before? It was somehow controlling me... telling me what I should do. In retrospect, I was probably being silly, but... no way, that felt way too real for me just being "silly."

I mean, the water pushed me for God's sake. And then there was that lightning strike when I turned around, and... there was that eye!

What the heck was up with that eye?! I looked up at the clouds, and it looked like it stared at me back! That was not natural. Why did I feel so bad when I saw it looking down on me as if it was frowning? It's a cloud — a CLOUD!

Christ — Then, there was the temple. I swear I could name where the architecture looks like it's from, but it's just stuck at the tip of my tongue. The rain wanted me to go inside that temple, but for what reason?

If it was so that I would be forced to run away, going back to this old life, then I hope whatever the hell god is up there is having a laugh.

I go to a nearby fountain, and try to collect my thoughts as I sit down.

I was somehow able to get the water to tell me where to go, but how? I've never been to that place before. Then there was all the symbols on the wall. I was nearly about to figure something out if I wasn't so distracted.

As I continue thinking about all the pictures on the walls, I play with the water in the fountain. It was just me fidgeting, but, somehow, the water begins rippling by my hand again. I didn't think much of it since it was also raining, so I initially thought it was just raindrops making the water move, but... I realized that the waves in the fountain were all attracted to my hand.

Intrigued, I lift my hand up, and, sure enough, the water followed. I was shocked, and quickly retracted my hand from the fountain. The water returned to normal. Curious, I do it again: placing the palm of my hand against the surface of the water. Just like that, the water begins violently rippling once again.

What's even crazier is that, while I was doing this, I still had the mural on the temple wall in my mind. Due to this, the water begins coagulating... or something, maybe that isn't the right word for it. All I know was that the water in the fountain was trying to form something.

It almost looked like... a word, maybe?

I was focusing all of my energy into the fountain, trying my hardest to help the water form into whatever it was trying shape itself into. I was pushing myself to my limit. In fact, I'm using the last remaining bit of my energy into this one action...

But, eventually, the pressure was too much. The water gives in, and it begins rumbling. I try to restrain it, but this causes the entire fountain to start shaking. All of the people sitting on and around it begin screaming thinking that an earthquake was happening, but it was just me!

Eventually, my powers cut loose. The fountain's stone foundation cracks, and nearly all of the water shoots up into the sky, drenching me, and all of the surrounding pedestrians.

It's over. All the water that I needed seeped into the ground, and now I'll never know what it was trying to tell me.

I look around me. The smiles on everyone's faces are gone, as everyone is now soaking wet. Nobody saw me tamper with the fountain, yet, deep inside, I knew that this was all my fault. I ruined a perfectly good fountain, and I just ruined everybody's night... God, I'm such a failure...

Even though I shouldn't have been, I felt the guilt override me. Nobody saw it because of the raindrops, but I began crying. I couldn't help it. I was cold, hungry and lost... and now's the time I decide to let it all out.

I was hungry... so, so hungry... but I quickly ran away from the scene. I didn't want to see anybody sad because of my stupid power.

I keep running, but I couldn't even run one street before collapsing in the middle of the sidewalk. I desperately crawl to an alleyway in between two buildings before anyone sees me.

You might think it's stupid, and it really is... I should be asking for help, but I just didn't want it at the time. I didn't want anybody to patronize me. I've been wallowing in my own pity for all my life... I don't need anybody else to do that for me.

Miserably, I crawl next to a dumpster. I merely sit against the wall, hiding from the outside world. I could barely think over the sound of my stomach digesting itself from starvation. I'm so thirsty... but none of the water I've found was drinkable... 

I'm freezing... it was already cold enough, but being drenched in water wasn't helping. I hopelessly attempt to warm up, but my clothes were soaking.

All this... made me come to a realization: I'm going to die here.

What is even the point...? I ran away from the only home I've ever known, I haven't consumed anything in days, and I used up all my energy from running and abusing my powers...

I really am just a worthless speck of dust in the grand scheme of the universe...

My end is near.

I guess dreams are only meant to be broken.

I only wished... to have a normal life in my next life. I want to go to school, I want to find someone who loves me, I want to go fly in a plane... I want to live...

But as my eyes falter, and begin closing... the last thing I hear are the squeaking of rodents next to the dumpster next to me, the sound of my own stomach rumbling, and the gentle pouring of rainfall...

I look down at my necklace... I open my locket, and look at the picture of my biological parents. I look at Amy and wonder how much she thinks of her lost daughter... I think of my father, and wonder what he would look like if the photo wasn't charred over his face.

I wish I could see my parents...

Maybe... they're in heaven... and if I go now, they'll see me up there.



That sounds like a plan.

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