The Armour Zone of Remnant (K...

By Gatackon

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In the world of Remnant. There were humans and Faunus that treated each other as enemies but they have one th... More

Bio - Amazon Omega -
Bio 2 - Mole Amazon
Team HACT/AMZN [Amazon])

Vol. 0 - Prologue - Origin

490 6 5
By Gatackon

A long time ago...... in the world of Remnant, there were two kinds of humanoid species, one was of course the humans, then the other was a species known as Faunus, humans with unique animal traits. Both species were fond of eachother, some humans say that they are freaks of nature...some say that they were just mistakes of Oum. And as for Faunus, they say that humans are selfish creatures and so on. But there is also another humanoid species, amongst both species, humanoids with the ability to transform into creatures of nightmare and crave for flesh of meat. They are known as the Amazons..... As far as anyone know, they had been walking on Remnent for who knows how long but whatever that has flesh and blood, they will not stop until they had feasted on anything with flesh...... but one incident which almost made them gone extinct, the remaining Amazons had reside away from human civilisation and now reside on a large island, an island which was connected to Vacuo is now their new home. Amazonia..... the home of Amazons......

In the forest of Vale....

At night in the forest beside Vale, a family of five was sitting around the fire pit as they were on a camping trip. Everything seemed to go well until suddenly, rustling was heard near the bushes which was two feet away from them. 

Lady: What was that? 

Man: It's probably nothing, don't worry..

The family felt uneasy until the rustling began getting worse as the sounds were getting closer and louder. Whatever was near them, whatever is lurking in the shadow, it was getting closer. Then out of nowhere, a wolf-like creature with a bone-like armor on its limbs and back sticking out from its back

It was growling like crazy as it slowly crawls towards the family, then two more Beowolves had also came out from the shadows as they crawl while growling. The family stood still and didn't move a muscle as they just prayed that they do not attack but these few aren't the type to just leave them be. But before they could pounce, another growl was heard at a nearby distance but it wasn't any normal Grimm growl, it was something more horrific, something monstrous.


The Beowolves heard the growl as they were looking around in search of the source of the growl. This gave an opportunity for the family to escape while they can. 

Man: Run, now!

The family quickly ran away from the site and into the forest but the man went the other way towards the tent.

Lady: John!

John: Get out of here! I can handle them!

The Beowolves took notice and ran only towards the man as he quickly grabbed a weapon from the tent. The weapon he took out was a crossbow as he shot a Dust arrow towards the creature but it didn't give any effect towards it as it pounced onto the man. But he quickly transformed the crossbow into a sword as he blocked the claws of the Grimm while the other two were circling them. He use all of his strength to push the Grimm away and tried to run away but one of them manage to use its claws and slashed his left leg.

John: Argh!

He fell down onto the ground as he saw that his leg was bleeding, he quickly crawled away but the Grimm were slowly moving towards him, with no choice he shot the remaining dust arrows towards them but some weren't able to hit them and made the crossbow empty on arrows.

John: Damn it! 

He backed up from the Grimm as they were ready to pounce, one was about to pounce on him as it did mid air but was stopped by a green humanoid monster as he tackled it away from him.


 The man was speechless as he was seeing with its own eyes a  green humanoid creature that resembles a lizard and has deadly red eyes facing the pack of Beowolves

John: An..... Amazon.......

The green Amazon crawled around a little as the pack were doing the same, waiting for each other to attack first.... One of the Beowolves went in for the attack as it uses its claws to attack but the Amazon dodged the attack as it ran towards it and starts hitting it ruthlessly as the Amazon pinned it down to the ground, the Grimm struggled to get free but from its immense strength, it couldn't until the Amazon suddenly grabbed its claws and forcefully torn it away from the body as it threw it away as it also disintegrated. The beowolf was growling in pain as the other two were scared as well as for the man.

John: Oh Oum....

The two Grimm were scared to attack the Amazon as it it pins it down when suddenly he bites the beowolf's neck and bite parts of it out, it continued until it's head was fully torn apart while the whole body disintegrated as well. After such behaviour that the Amazon had shown, he turns its sights towards the two Beowolves. It snarls at them as he slowly got up and pounce towards them. The Amazon pounded them with its arms and just fighting them in a canibalis cannibalistic and ruthless way, pulling the Grimm's limbs, tearing them apart and then eating whatever is left before the grimm's body would disintegrate.

After the gruesome fight, the Amazon was panting and holding its torso as it was bleeding green blood. The man slowly got and limp away but he would accidentally stepped on a small twig which made a noise which alerted the green creature as it turns it sights at the man. It growls and starts crawling towards the man. 

John POV......

I tried limping away from the Amazon but with my damn injured leg, it made me slow down and eventually made me fall. I sat up and tried to crawl away but the Amazon was closing towards me. I shield myself with my arms and waited for it to attack but it didn't, it stood still and then it suddenly burst into high concentration of steam, it was so hot that I thought my skin was melting. But after that is over, I saw that the Amazon turned back into.... A boy!? As it lay there while smoke were still flowing away.

John: The Amazon... is just a kid?!

I tried to get up but was still in pain but I found a large branch and walk towards it, I was right, it was just a little kid. A kid that was wondering around the woods by himself....  I continue to examine the boy when my wife and children came back for me.

Sally: John! Thank god you're alright...

John: Yeah, it was scary but the three beowolves were killed by an Amazon.

Sally: Amazon? Here? I thought there aren't any. 

John: I don't actually know? But the Amazon saved me  suddenly but then it collapsed and transformed back into a-

Sally: Wait, is that a boy!?

John: Yes, that boy is the Amazon that saved me.

Sally: Why is he wandering around the woods by himself?

John: I don't know.... 

From the looks of it, the boy looks a little skinnier and had dirt and bruises all around his body along with wounds, scratches and scars with it. I could tell that he was in the woods for quite a long time

Sally: *worried* He looks injured.

John: I know... let's bring him home. We can't just leave him here

Sally: Alright, let me get the car...

*3rd POV*

After that, the married couple along with their children had gotten their belongings and drove back along with the injured Amazon boy. They cleaned him up and put some ointment onto his wounds, which actually made him react in his weakened state but luckily he didn't wake up. 

The Next day....

The next day, the married couple woke up and went downstairs to check up on the boy but to see that the boy is fully awake and was in the kitchen, eating raw meat and leftover boiled eggs.

John: What are you doing!? 

That alerted the boy as he scurried away and hid behind the table. 

 Sally: Why were you eating the raw chicken? You know it's not good for you...

Boy: I-I was hungry..... They look so tasty..... 

Sally: *Sigh* Wait, let me make something with whatever is left with the chicken.

After that, the woman then took out some ingredients and made fried chicken with the leftover chicken that were never got eaten as he left in on the table as the boy was drooling all over the table. 

Boy: *mouth full* Twank Wou lwady-

Sally: Eat first and then talk. Slowy.....

The boy nodded as he slowly chewed his food and swallow it

Boy: Thank you lady....

Sally: Oh call me nsally and this is my husband, John. What's your name? 

John: Hey kid, what's your name?

Hikaru: My.... N-Name.... I-Is H-Hikaru

John: What about your last name, buddy?

Hikaru: I.... I don't remember....

Sally: Don't  worry about it, just hurry up and I will help you bath. I don't know how long you were in the woods so I'm going to help clean you.

Hikaru: Okay La- I mean Sally...

*Hikaru POV*

After a painful bath that Mrs. Sally gave me as she scrubbed me everywhere and use both cold and hot water. After that. she helped me get dressed with whatever clothes that fits me and I wait down stairs for the doctor to arrive. Few minutes later a guy with doctor attire came to the house and inspect me.

Sally: How is he doc?

Doc: The  injuries is not that serious, it will be healed soon. But some scars will still be visits he grows up.

Sally: That's a relief, thank you doctor.

Doc: No problem ma'am but may I talk to you two in private?

John: Uh sure? Hey, Hikaru can you go upstairs and play with the others?

I nodded as I went upstairs.


As Hikaru went up, the doc from a cheery smile to a more serious expression as he look at both of the parents.

Sally: So what do want to talk about?

Doc: Are you aware about the Amazon species? And how they work?

John: Well, yes.... Few of my buddies had encountered some during our younger days. From what I heard, they eat both humans and faunuses 

Meanwhile upstairs......

Meanwhile upstairs at the upstairs living room, there were three kids, all with blue hair as the were standing in front of the boy.

The three kids: Hi/Hello!/Hey.

Hikaru: H-Hi....

Mika: My name is Mika and I'm the older sister. 

In an energetic tone, the oldest is Mika Walker as she is just 12 years old.

Mei: My name is Mei, the second oldest. 

The other girl said In a normal tone as. She is 9 years old and a little shorter than her older sister

Lucas: my name is Lucas but you can call me Luke and I'm the youngest here.

And finally the third child, he is 7 years old and more shorter than his sisters.

Mika: What's your name?

Hikaru: H-Hikaru....

Mika: Wow nice name.

Mei: So why were you out in the forest last night?

Hikaru: I-I don't r-remember.

Hikaru: I-I w-was feeling h-hungry. 

Mika: Thats ok so what do you want to play?

Hikaru: Umm

Lucas: Why not we play some video games? Dad did bought the new Star Impact Game.

Mei: Thats  sounds fun, so what do you say?

Hikaru nodded and they all started playing video games with the trio as he was slowly smiling and having fun. 

Meanwhile again downstairs.........

Doc: Alright, as you two may know, he is an Amazon. 

Sally: We are well aware.

Doc: But, this boy is something else.... I never thought about at first but from his own biology, he's...

The Doctor suddenly paused Ashe couldn't muster up the words to tell to the two parents.

Sally: He's what? 

 Doc: after I examined the boy..... He seems strange at first, but when I examined further, it turns out that he is a very special boy.... He wasn't any ordinary Amazon... he is the second Amazon Omega.... One of the most Dangerous Amazons to ever walk on remnant.....

Sally: Amazon Omega?

John: Wait, you mean that boy has the Omega cells?

Doc: Well I'm not fully sure but I know a doctor who is specialised in Amazons. But he is currently stationed at the kingdom of Amazonia. In order to fully examined Young Hikaru, you must go there.

John: Sally?

Sally: Well than we will make plans to leave in a few days.

Doc: Well then my job here is done. 

He pack his stuff and was about to leave but he told them.

Doc: Oh and one more thing, be careful around him, he might be young Amazon but when the young gets hungry, you know what happens.... Good day.

The Doctor left the adults in fear to know about Hikaru's true power but they are still worried about him going berserk so they decided to go to the fifth kingdom. The kingdom of Amazonia, home to many kinds of Amazons. After making plans and packing their stuff and headed to the most dangerous Kingdom on Remnent...

Timeskip to next month....

The family and Hikari had finally arrived at Amazonia, as they visited, the most Dangerous Kingdom known to Man and Faunus kind.... But it was all wrong.... The whole rumours of the Kingdom was slightly false.... As most imagine that the kingdom was a barren wasteland full of jungles, mountains, rivers, but instead the Kingdom was thriving more than ever. Many Humans and Faunuses were coexisting with the Amazons, the kingdom was bigger than anyone could imagine, bigger than Atlas itself.... Most Amazons are roaming in their wild forms but no one was running away but talking amongst one and another. As they lived in harmony....

Because of this sudden culture shock, the family was in awe while Hikaru didn't understand what was going on. While at Amazonia, they visited the doctor but it turns out the doctor was also an Amazon, an elephant Amazon. The doctor checked Hikaru's condition and gave the Parents syringes that contains protein and other types of meds in order to keep his Wild form under control.  

Sally: Thank you Doctor Alan. 

John: How is he doing?

Dr. Alan: He's condition is getting better, minus the scars but I would suggest for him to better stay here for his and others safety..

Sally: Why Doctor?

Dr. Alan: Most Amazons are more familiar here because there are less human and Faunus here and it also allows most Amazons to roam freely without the dangers of the person and others. If they roam wild in other kingdoms, there will be more chaos for the Humans, Faunus and Amazons.

Sally: Oh dear...

John: Alright? Anything else?

Dr Alan: Well, I don't want to ensure this but Young Hikaru will most likely to be placed in an orphanage since the boy has no parents or any living relatives or even legal guardian. 

The adults looked at they knew they couldn't leave such sweet and innocent boy to live alone with no one properly taking care of him.

John: What if we adopted him?

Dr. Alan: Are you sure sir? You do know that he will eat humans right?

Sally: Over the few days with him, he seems like a nice and innocent kid... I know it's not his fault he could control his Amazon side or even anyone at this matter.... Hikaru was all alone in the forest where we found him and I don't want him to experience that again.

John: And so... we might discuss on the subject of moving our family to this Kingdom. To ensure the safety of our family and everyone else.

Dr. Alan: Well if you insist,  I will bring out the adoption papers and the Amazon Register as well. Oh and by the way, congratulations on your adoption.

The parents were more than happy to have adopted Young Hikaru and made him part of their family, it was a long shot but they ensure to their children that they would be happy in a new life in the Kingdom

Another times skip to next month

The parents had already discussed about to their kids that Hikaru is part of their family to their relatives and friends and told them that they are also moving to Amazonia because of Hikaru's traits. Most were shocked but happy for the new family member but some were disappointed that they choose an Amazon to take care. But from all the backlash and boost of luck, they family were hesitant at first but they eventually stayed at Amazonia and lived a good lifestyle. 

Hikaru's POV

After moving from Vale to Amazonia, I kinda sense Deja Vu but feels nostalgic when I'm here. I have been frequently visiting the doctor and always take syringes and injected to me. It felt kinda uncomfortable but now I'm used to it. After we moved Mr. John and Ms. Sally or my mom and dad had sent me and my step siblings to the elementary but I felt a bit left out be because even though this kingdom is full of amazons there are still humans and faunuses. My step siblings were just fine fitting in but when I tried to talk to other human and faunus kids. They instantly walk away. Some called me a monster, freak of nature, a cannibal, etc.

Time skip....

During Lunch I always sit alone but sometimes my Step siblings sit with me but not a lot. But then this time is something different. I was sitting alone in my spot but suddenly some human kids who was a higher grade started bullying me.

Bully 1: Hey freak! 

Hikaru: Hmm? what do you want?

Bully 2: You know that you're a freak of nature right?

I just ignored them and continued my lunch.

Bully 3: Hey  freak we are talking to you!

Hikaru: I don't care if you call me a freak, just go away!

The bullies started to get pissed until they saw Mika and they decided to push her on the ground.

Mika: Hey  why did you do that for!?

Bully 1: Because you're a traitor!

Bully 2: yeah people should be away from freaks like him *pointing to Hikaru*

Hikaru: Don't..... You....Dare mess with my sister......

Bully 3: Oh yeah what are you gonna do? Bite me?

Mika: Stop it now!  

Mika tried to defend me but got pushed away and hit the ground harder before which made me snapped. I rush towards Mika and hold her to see that he is just okay, but the fact was before she fell she almost made her hit the table corner. That made more angry....... 

Hikaru: Why would you do that!? You almost hurt her!

Bully 1: Oh what are you gonna do about it? Cry to the teacher? Cry to your mommy and daddy to save you! Oh that's right, you're just an adopted freak with no parents!

The bullies were laughing, when they turn to look at me my eyes were red and suddenly I released steam from my body and I started turning into my wild form

Hikaru: Grrrrrrr-rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......

I started growling as I stood up with my eyes glowing

Hikaru: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrgrrrahhhhhhhh!!!

I started roaring at them as steam was being released from my body, very hot steam.

Everyone in the cafeteria were shocked. I ran towards the bullies and hold one of them on the neck but when I saw the other kids and my siblings. I froze there processing on what I man doing I drop one of the bullies and ran out to the courtyard and ditransform back to my human form. The teachers found me and took me back to class. I heard the other kids gossiping and looked me in fear. When I returned back to class to more kids come up to me.

???: Hey/Hi. They waved

Hikaru still silent

Axel: My name is Axel the strong one and this is Clay, who likes to looked at girls

Clay: Sup- wait no I don't! He yelled.

Hikaru tilted his head in confusion.

Clay: anyway what's your name?

Hikaru: Hikaru Mizusawa Walker

Axel: wow that's a pretty long name and a cool one, are you from mistral?

Hikaru: Well actually I'm from Vale but I moved here.

Clay: what you did earlier was cool!

Hikaru: Really?

Axel: Yeah, hey would you like to be part of our friend group?

Hikaru: Why? I'm a freak you two saw me transform, right?

Clay: it was scary but awesome at the same time!

Hikaru: So you don't think I'm a freak?

Clay/Axel: Nope/Nah. 

Axel: So friends? He place his hand for a hand shake

Hikaru was hesitatant but agrees and shack hands

Hikaru: Friends. He also puts his hands and shakes with Axel

Clay: so what are we gonna do now?

Axel: I got an idea why don't we become huntsman?

Clay: Yeah that might be a good goal to achieve.

Hikaru: Do you think we can do it?

Axel: we will never know if we try right?

The Trio Nodded

Hikaru: so what should our team be called?

Clay: I don't know maybe team storm? Or team dynamite or-

Axel: or we could just called ourselves the trio of hunters

Hikaru: why?

Axel: Because with my strength, Clay's questionable Charm and your Amazon form. We could be the best team!

Clay: I can agree on that so I'm in.

Hikaru: yeah me too.

Axel: well then we will be called the Trio Of Idiots for now on!

Hikaru narration: And after that day the three of us became great friends and were destined to become Remnants greatest Huntsmen. And I was destined to become the first Amazon huntsman and make all Amazons equal to society.


Two men overlooked Hikaru in a distance

???: are you sure you wanna do this?

???: he will be ready, just like how I was before......

???: well then I hope you say so..... 

To Be Continued......


Yo, it's me.... So I decided to re-edit this story because I improved a little.... That's all....

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