The Lost Master


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Seven years after Ash's defeat in Sinnoh, the Champion Cynthia is ruthlessly crushed in a battle for the titl... More



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Outside Indigo Stadium, the face of the Pokémon League, a platform had been set up with a podium on it. In front of the stage was a media presence larger than ever before seen. Hundreds of reporters were there, representing every news network, major and minor. Loudspeakers were set up around the area, microphones crammed in front of the podium, cameras pointed to get every possible angle. Two days after the event the world was waiting for the response of the Pokémon League to the attack on Silver Stadium. They had been given no information, just told to come to a statement by the Pokémon Master.

Inside Indigo stadium was Ash Ketchum, quietly standing next to Lance Waturu and Steven Stone. The three of them knew that they finally had to reveal the organization behind the attack as well as the full extent of the damage and the losses. The blow to the Pokémon Leagues image would be terrible. Furthermore, the missing presence of Cynthia hung over them. The Sinnoh Champion should have been there and her absence would not go unnoticed.

Ash felt something brush against his leg. He looked down to see his Espeon rubbing against him. He knelt, and petted her head making her purr. Inside his head he felt her presence. He stood up, and turned to face his immediate subordinates. He could not allow himself any more moments as Ash Ketchum until the crisis was resolved. For the foreseeable future, Ash had to become 'Champion'. The Pokémon Master. The strongest battler in the world. The man who would bring vengeance upon those who committed acts of terrorism.

As they ascended the platform, silence fell throughout the throng. It was possible to hear the wind blowing. Many of the reporters looked nervous; they had been assured that 'Champion' himself had guaranteed their safety, that his Pokémon were around, defending the area. It hadn't inspired the same amount of confidence it would have a week previously. Like the image of the Pokémon League, 'Champions' aura of invincibility had been tarnished by the attack. Despite this, he still looked powerful. Dressed in his usual colour his clothes were still a bit different. The hat remained, covering his face. The trousers were identical to his usual, but his torso was no longer covered by a jacket. His shirt revealed his muscles, and the cloak blew around him, giving him a windswept look. He emanated a combination of power, ruggedness and anger. It was an intimidating combination but exactly what he had needed to convey.

"Two days ago there was an unprovoked, violent attack on a peaceful competition." 'Champion' started, speaking into the absolute silence. "The Johto League, like the other three regional tournaments has long had a history of being a peaceful way for trainers to compete and Pokémon to show their strength and ability. Even in times of war there would be a truce over these tournaments, and anybody would be allowed to compete. Two days ago that changed. Two days ago history was ignored and a new precedent set. Two days ago, during the final of the tournament a series of detonations of explosives underneath Silver Stadium occurred. These detonations were designed with only one thing in mind. They were designed to kill."

'Champions' words sank into the crowd, but the silence prevailed. Across the four regions viewers waited with bated breath to see what his response would be. As the de facto leader of all four regions, 'Champion' had a huge amount of authority and power, and he spoke for the governments across all four.

"In the two days since, I have worked with my Pokémon to analyse what happened." 'Champion' continued. "We have gone over the security measures that enabled this attack to happen, and we have looked at ways of preventing anything in the future. We have confirmed the damage and casualty statistics. We have investigated the motives for the attack. We have investigated the method for the attack. And we have identified the organisation responsible."

A gasp greeted 'Champions' last words. There had been speculation about who might have launched the attack but nothing was confirmed.

"The organisation is one that many will be familiar with. They have been subdued in recent years after an attack on their headquarters, an attack that very nearly resulted in the capture of their leader. In the years since that attack, they have rebuilt. They are larger than before, and far more sinister. Years ago they were concerned with merely stealing Pokémon and running tests on them to enable them to make money. Shortly before their decline that desire for money had started to lead to a desire for power. And that desire for power led to ideas for revolution. Since their rebuild they have undertaken different projects. They no longer merely thirst for money. They want control. The organisation in question is known as Team Rocket."

There was instant uproar. Team Rocket were well known for their petty crimes, but they had never appeared capable of more than that. Reporters were on their feet throwing questions at 'Champion' who stood silent in front of the crowd. After a few minutes of noise, he held up one hand. The reporters completely ignored him. 'Champion' spoke into the microphones, but despite the number of loudspeakers around, he was hard to make out over the noise of hundreds of people shouting. 'Champion' stepped away from the microphones and released his strength and anger.

"ENOUGH." He thundered into the hurricane of noise in front of him. The power of his words actually caused the nearest people to stumble backwards, and a gust of wind swept across the field as his anger finally showed. The assembled journalists were stunned into silence as 'Champion' returned to the microphone and the wind began to die down.

"Thank you." The Pokémon Master said, his calm exterior in complete contrast to the anger he had just shown. "Please attempt to refrain from interrupting. I will take questions at the end, but until then remain quiet so I can continue." After a pause, where the silence prevailed, 'Champion' continued.

"I have known about the return of Team Rocket for some time. I have eliminated many of their bases around the four regions, but their main headquarters has thus far eluded our attempts to find it. I cannot go into any further detail, because of the nature of the situation. With respect to the attack, Silver Stadium is badly damaged, and large parts are no longer structurally sound. My Pokémon attempted to reinforce the structure during the attack which saved it from complete collapse. The quantity of explosives used were more than sufficient to completely level the stadium. I owe my Pokémon thanks for the lives that they saved. Despite their best efforts, they couldn't completely contain the attack. As a result, I must stand here and reveal the scale of the tragedy."

Silence reigned. Silver Stadium had a capacity of nearly fifty thousand. While the full extent of the damage hadn't been officially revealed, satellite images had helped show the damage to the building. One of the stands had almost completely collapsed, while many other parts had melted under the heat of the explosions. The field was completely destroyed. Bodies had been pulled out of the stadium for more than 36 hours afterwards, despite the number of Psychic Pokémon that were involved in the rescue operation.

"It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that two thousand, seven hundred and nineteen people were killed in the attack." 'Champion' said. "A further six thousand have been spread between medical facilities to be treated with any injury that is more than minor. More minor injuries have been treated by paramedics at the scene."

The Pokémon Master gave the crowd a moment to absorb the numbers. It was difficult for him. When the decision to make the Pokémon Master the head of state had been taken, there had never been a national emergency quite like this. In fact, throughout all of history, there hadn't been a situation like this. 'Champion' knew; he had checked. However, he knew what he had to do. It was a job he had trained for.

"There are also a number of people who appear to have been captured." 'Champion continued. "The majority of their names remain classified, subject to their relatives being informed but I can confirm that two of those captured were Mellanie Rigger and Aaron Greywind." 'Champion' raised his voice to cut over the renewed protests. "Their safe retrieval is our priority. I have a team out already attempting to track down the helicopters that were used to extract them, but I am of the belief that we will find them when we find the Rocket headquarters."

"In addition to the casualty figures, the damage to the stadium is severe. Silver Stadium will undergo a full inspection and will be rebuilt, it will just take time. The cost of the rebuilding will be borne by all four regions that fall under the jurisdiction of the Pokémon League. In times of need, friends will help out and Johto's need is great."

'Champion's' words were accepted quietly, with the majority of the audience still trying to process the numbers of casualties. Knowing that the time was right for uplifting, 'Champion' launched into the next part of his speech.

"The number of casualties reflects the severity of the attack, and without a doubt dictates the severity of the response." 'Champion' continued, speaking into the deathly silence. "There will be a time to mourn the dead, to remember them, but we are not at that time yet. I stand before you, not only as the head of state but as a person. To the families bereaved by this atrocity, I say this. I may not have a human family of my own, but to me, my Pokémon are my family. And if anybody had attacked them in the way that Silver Stadium was attacked, I would be beyond furious. And so, I stand here, before the nation and before Team Rocket I say to those behind this atrocity only one thing. Be afraid. You have started a war, and it is one that we intend to win. I am coming for you."

'Champion' stopped talking to silence that stretched on. There was no applause; it wasn't appropriate. His words had been exactly what had been needed, enough to accept the tragedy and then to promise a response. He knew that while the scale of the attack had been driven home, people needed to know that revenge was on its way. It wouldn't bring back the dead but it would make living easier for those that were left. And he knew that he would be the one to launch the attack, although he couldn't announce it to anybody. If it became known that the Pokémon Master had left for the wilderness Team Rocket would surely strike. If they gained a foothold anywhere near civilians deaths would ensue. Since the war was out in the public eye, another fight like Goldenrod couldn't happen. It was irritating, given how well he operated alone but 'Champion' knew that his use of others would increase his standing in the eye of the public.

"Since I am aware of the public's desire to be heard, I will accept questions." The Pokémon Master said. Immediately hands shot up among the assembled reporters, drawing a wry smile from Steven.

"Who will be in charge of the response?" came the first question.

"I will be in overall charge of any operation." 'Champion' answered. "There will be no freelancers going after Team Rocket; if I don't know who our targets are, I cannot operate. Unity is required in our response. There will be many wishing to contribute to the response; Gyms across all four regions will be accepting trainers as part of the cities defences. As for the identity of any on the ground commander, that will remain classified until after any such operation."

"Did the Goldenrod incident have anything to do with Team Rocket?"

"Yes. I will not go into further details." 'Champion' said levelly, looking the man who had asked the question in the eye until the reporter looked away.

"Where is Cynthia?"

'Champion's' head shot around to look at where the question had come from. The focus of his gaze fell on a woman in her early thirties. She blanched as the reporters around her seemed to edge away slightly as she realized that the focus was on her completely.

"I only meant to ask, given that Lance and Steven are here..." the woman continued. "I mean, they are here, why isn't Cynthia?"

'Champion' continued to look at her for a few moments longer until it was completely clear that she had nothing else to say. Turning back to the cameras he looked up, while still making sure his hat obscured his face.

"Miss Shirona returned to Sinnoh following her decision to take up her role as Sinnoh Champion once more. Lance's presence here is due to the fact that it was his region that was targeted, while Steven has contributed to the relief effort by having his Pokémon aid in the rescue of those trapped."

"But Cynthia was not brought in?" came a voice from across the field. 'Champion' didn't bother to look as to where this one came from, merely pressed on with his answer.

"I did not request Steven's presence; he is here of his own accord. I also did not request Miss Shirona's presence, and as such she has felt that this is not her place."

The woman to have first asked about Cynthia spoke up once again.

"I have been to Sinnoh." Gazes fell on her once again, but this time she carried on far more confidently. "Cynthia is not there."

"Perhaps you haven't looked sufficiently hard." 'Champion' said, hoping that the reporter would get the hint. There was a ripple of surprise that 'Champion' would say anything as a joke, but it was quickly stifled as the woman carried on.

"Or she isn't there. What is your administration hiding from us?" Silence fell across the field as the weight of the accusations was felt, but 'Champion' didn't respond. Emboldened the woman continued.

"You hiding information from the public led to the disaster in Silver Town. You cannot lead the world by yourself 'Champion'. You have a duty to the public to share information, perhaps you'd care to do so?" Once again 'Champion' didn't answer. "Has she been taken by Team Rocket as well? She left her post after Goldenrod which you have admitted had something to do with Team Rocket, is she on a mission?"

Viewers around the four regions were leaning forwards in their seats as the reporter continued to hurl accusations at the Pokémon Master. So caught up in her moment she hadn't realized that her colleagues around her were backing away slowly. The world watching had realized that she may had gone too far although 'Champion' hadn't yet moved a muscle. However, he suddenly spoke and she paled.

"Are you finished, Miss Rinot?" 'Champion' said coldly. "I am aware that you are trying to get a great story Miss Rinot but this is not the place. Furthermore, this is not the way I would expect you to conduct a line of inquiry during a state of national emergency. I have read what you have written, damning of my every move since I earned my title. I have completely ignored everything you have written; I am above such petty point-scoring. Perhaps I had hoped that at such a time as this, you and your colleagues could have put aside your desire for a story and act in an appropriate way. Accusing me of negligence and claiming that I have to share absolutely every aspect of a military campaign with you is not in keeping with my hopes."

'Champion's' voice had remained completely level, despite its edge. However, the reporters around him had backed away while Miss Rinot was frozen.

"As Pokémon Master I invoke act seven of the constitution and declare a state of national emergency. There will be a state of martial law across all four regions, enforced by the local police forces and supported by the Gyms. Furthermore, the Pokémon League will be operating under a media blackout. Once this situation is resolved I will hold a conference similar to this, but until then I will not speak to any person in public. Any attempt to get a story from a member of the Pokémon League will result in the arrest of the journalist at fault.

'Champion' turned on his heel and strode away from the platform. Lance and Steven turned and followed as they were led by the Pokémon Master into Indigo Stadium, leaving a stunned, silent audience behind them.

"Damn." Agent muttered as he watched 'Champion' disappear into Indigo Stadium. Next to him Giovanni made a steeple with his fingers as the screen turned to a reporter sat in an office and blacked out.

"That is a blow." Giovanni agreed. "What is our situation?"

"There are forces ready to attack as soon as 'Champion' leaves Indigo. When he does we will take the Lily of the Valley Island and the Sinnoh administration buildings. After that has fallen we shouldn't have too much opposition as we move through Sinnoh. Rig just one city and we win; they will not dare attack us if we hold the lives of millions in our hand."

Giovanni nodded slowly, before looking at the man in front of him. He had had his reservations about Agent for some time, but the man was so effective. This latest plan showed just what he was capable of. Giovanni hadn't realized quite what he would be doing when he gave the go ahead for the attack on Silver Stadium. He bowed his head slightly, he had come a long way from the businessman he once was. As time had passed Team Rocket had stopped being so focused on furthering his own business interests and become more and more criminal. He had slowly lost his business acquisitions over time and he had little left. Now Agent had taken a step that had turned Team Rocket from a simple criminal organization into the largest terrorist organisation ever to exist. A step that he wasn't entirely sure he had wanted to happen. Up until the point where he had destroyed Silver Stadium, Giovanni had hoped that he might be able to be reincorporated to society. Agent had put paid to that; 'Champion' knew who Giovanni was and knew that he was behind Team Rocket. He had decided after the attack that if 'Champion' was going to come for him, he was going to make it as costly as possible. He was never a man to do things by halves.

Despite this, since the attack Giovanni had been worried. Worried that he wouldn't be able to stand against the power of the Pokémon League. As far as he was aware, there were no back-ups for the base he was currently hiding in and he didn't believe that the Pokémon Master couldn't find it. If Mewtwo had been able to do so, 'Champion' could. Whenever he came up against the Pokémon Master, Giovanni found himself so far behind it was almost not worth fighting. And that was the man who had just announced to the entire world that he would be devoting himself to a campaign to hunt down Team Rocket. And Giovanni didn't think he would survive. Such a realization had driven his decision to try to cause damage. However, there was a line that he didn't intend to cross twice. Mass murder was not something he agreed with, and couldn't permit. Had he realized the full extent of what Agent had been planning, he would have stopped him.

Since the attack on Silver Stadium he had men following Agent. Looking through files and old records. They had uncovered a surprisingly small amount given the man's importance to Team Rocket, but they had found enough. The previous night, Giovanni had waited until Agent had left for one of his usual walks, to a destination he now knew, and had gone to talk to Mewtwo. The Genetic Pokémon had listened sullenly, but brightened as the conversation went on. He had listened to what Giovanni wanted and cautiously agreed. When Agent had returned that night, Giovanni had started to make his move.

Now, as Agent stood in front of him, Giovanni was ready. The door behind Agent opened, and Mewtwo walked in. Giovanni nodded to the Genetic Pokémon who inclined his head back.

"I am curious about how you encouraged Mewtwo to be under our control." Giovanni said, stressing the 'our' slightly. Agent jumped slightly, but then inclined his head.

"I persuaded him. The details are not important."

"Still." Giovanni pressed. "I feel they are. Please, do share, in case I need to do similar when you are away."

Agent smiled slightly. "I made him an offer he couldn't refuse."

"Which was?"

"Is it important?"

"Yes." Giovanni said sharply, and Agent inhaled slightly. Behind him Mewtwo stood impassively, as if awaiting a command.

"When I detected Mewtwo, I discovered that he would do as we said as long as we promised not to use him to cause extreme damage. Furthermore, I promised to kill if he didn't obey."

"Ah." Giovanni said. "I understand. Tell me Agent, are you aware of what Team Rocket was set up to do?"

Agent blinked. "No."

"It was many years ago. I was an upcoming businessman, and the Pokémon Master at the time had put pressure on the region champions to raise taxes and restrict areas of research. Team Rocket was created to give me the means to pursue dreams that I had, dreams that I couldn't pursue legally."

Agent didn't know where Giovanni was going, so merely waited quietly.

"Over time, I found that I was being driven further away from mere business arrangements and into the realms of true criminals. Attacks, kidnappings and violent crime started to edge in. I sat back and watched my life's dream be slowly pulled apart. Despite this, I needed Team Rocket. They have provided the money and security I needed to be able to conduct the experiments I wanted. I have innovations that could revolutionize the world. Mewtwo has been controlled by some of them; the ability to deliver shocks to a system without damaging the system too much. Do you know what I had wanted that for? I wanted it to be used for electric Pokémon, to make them stronger. We have similar ways of strengthening other types of Pokémon. Mewtwo himself is an example of what I had hoped to achieve; a Pokémon created genetically. Cloned. It was for these reasons that I allowed Team Rocket to continue its activities; despite the crimes they were committing. Team Rocket was still at the forefront of science, where I had dreamed I would be."

Agent stood silently, listening to Giovanni talk. He was unsure what the relevance was; Team Rocket had moved away from science and towards the realms of what Agent considered to be proper crime. He had put the framework in place for a coup that would put Team Rocket on top of the world. And Giovanni was talking about his childhood dream?

"When Mewtwo had been successfully cloned, I found that I had begun to lose my way. I took Mewtwo, and put him in a suit which amplified his psychic strength, another innovation that I could not share with the world. I used him to demonstrate the power that I had been able to achieve; my greatest achievement. Yet I had already lost my way. I did not see what Mewtwo was; a living being. I saw him as an experiment for what I could do. It was a mistake."

Giovanni leaned forwards, the light throwing his face into sharp relief.

"It has been as I rebuilt Team Rocket that I realized I had lost my way. We used the opportunity to cut out parts of Team Rocket that were once crucial. I never wanted my name to be carried by an organization quite like the one I had built. And then you joined Agent. You joined, and quickly became an invaluable asset. You orchestrate our greatest missions, and launch our strongest attacks. And now you've brought down the Pokémon League on my head. When 'Champion' gets here, tell me how you expect to stand against him. You cant. In fact, if you had your way, you wouldn't be here. You would be leading an attack on the Sinnoh region which would give you the potential to commit mass murder. I would take the blame and you would be able to pick up the pieces of Team Rocket, take over and have a huge organization at your fingertips. You were planning a coup. And not against the Pokémon League, against me."

Agent stood stunned as the meaning of having Mewtwo behind him suddenly became clear. He spun, lashing out psychically, but the Genetic Pokémon was too quick. Agent was lifted off his feet, his strength being overwhelmed by Mewtwo. Giovanni stood up.

"I don't like what you've done with my organization. I don't like how you've plotted to get rid of me, and I don't like how you hid the fact that you had your own hold over Mewtwo. Before you try to talk him out of it, Cynthia has been moved. She is no longer your leverage, Agent. I will give you to the Pokémon League and inform them that you were responsible for the attack on Silver Town. I do not expect a pardon, but as long as I bring you down with me, I will be happy. Take him away Mewtwo."

The Genetic Pokémon's eyes glowed blue once again and Agent floated towards the door that opened for him. As the door shut behind the two of them, Giovanni sat back down again with a smirk on his face.

"I was right all along. Mewtwo is there to be controlled by humans. You just have to tell him what he wants to hear." He pressed a button on his desk, and another door across the room opened, with a scientist walking in.

"Is the armour ready?" Giovanni asked.

"Yes sir. We have a small number of armour units that we can use for other Pokémon." the scientist answered, his head bowed.

"Do so. Are the upgrades to Mewtwo's armour in place yet?"

"He has agreed to let us put the improvements in place" the scientist said. "Do you still want to be present when they are turned on sir?"

"I do." Giovanni said, relaxing in his chair. "When will you be ready?"

"Within an hour or so."

"Good. Inform me when you are ready. Ensure that armour for my Pokémon is brought here; I intend to be protected for the coming battle."

"Yes Sir. I will have them sent up immediately."


The scientist nodded his head, before turning and leaving the room. He had heard about Agent's betrayal of Giovanni and knew how foolish it was. Giovanni hadn't held his place at the top of Team Rocket for so long by being politically naïve. It was virtually impossible to surprise the man. He should know, he had been there from the beginning, Giovanni's most trusted scientist. He entered his lab and saw started giving orders, before turning to face Mewtwo. The Genetic Pokémon was stood proud, stripped of his armour. He had been promised that the improvements to his newest armour would enable him to develop his psychic abilities beyond anything he had ever experienced. And Giovanni had been sincere when he spoke to him, apologised for their previous understandings and his treatments. He was looking forward to seeing a change in Giovanni; the promise that the Rocket leader would accept whatever punishment the Pokémon League inflicted. As the first piece or armour was attached, Mewtwo relaxed. He could trust Giovanni now. He wondered what Ash would say when he found out about the changes wrought in Giovanni. His gamble of listening to Giovanni had paid off.

"It's simple." 'Champion' said. "I know where Team Rocket is, and I know I am able to defeat them. I have proven this before. I will take my Pokémon there and I will end the threat of Team Rocket. Your responsibility will be to protect the four regions. Team Rocket may try to attack. I will return in a few days."

The two men in front of him exchanged glances, something that had become extremely common when they were around 'Champion'.

"Are you sure?" Lance said. "I mean, they know you're coming, surely they will try to trap you?" When there was no response from 'Champion' Lance pressed on. "They have Mewtwo and they have Agent. I know your Pokémon are strong, but surely if there is anybody who can beat you it will be that pair? Not to mention the number of other Pokémon that they will surely have?"

"Agent is the most dangerous man I have known in my time as Head of Hoenn." Steven said. "He is coupled with the most powerful Pokémon in the world. Are you sure you don't need back-up?"

'Champion' smiled slightly under his hat, out of view, but waited for them to say the obvious.

"You said after you faced Agent once that he was a psychic." Lance continued. "Stronger than Sabrina. I have faced Sabrina when she has used her powers in battle; she is virtually unbeatable. Agent is stronger with stronger Pokémon. When you faced them in Silver Town, they decided to flee instead of fight, something that we now see was part of their plan. If you go after them you're backing them into a corner, and they will fight back stronger. Do you have a counter that you haven't informed us of?"

'Champion' reached up to his hat, and slowly pulled it off. As his face came into view, Lance and Steven saw the smile on his face, before their eyes were drawn to his. One danced with energy, the other dark. Next to him, Espeon looked up, drawn by his sudden desire to reveal secrets. He looked down at his partner, before looking back to the two shocked men in front of him.

"You wonder how I know I can beat them." 'Champion' said. It was not a question, simply a statement. "There are various reasons. Before I go into them, I remind you that our conversations are confidential. If anybody hears about what I'm about to tell you, your career will be over."

The simple statement shocked Lance and Steven back into the reverie they were just emerging from. The fear of losing their titles, and their careers was terrifying. As they looked at 'Champion', their attention completely focused, he continued to speak.

"Firstly, some of my Pokémon have fought against Mewtwo before. Underneath Goldenrod, the reason he was trying to get you to flee was because he knew he couldn't stop me. Secondly, when I was away from civilization in training, I learned how to use something that was believed to be lost to humans. Aura. That is how I defeated Agent; I am just as strong as he is. It is also the reason for my eye which had Cynthia so intrigued."

His last words finally broke through the reveries of the two Elite Four Leaders. "You mean Cynthia knew this?" Steven stuttered out.

"No. Cynthia saw my eyes. Although she may have guessed. But suffice it to say, I am confident that I will be able to defeat Mewtwo and Agent."

"And if you don't?" Lance said. "I mean, it's possible that you will lose."

A small chuckle escaped 'Champions' lips. "Unlikely."

"But still possible" Lance pressed. "What do we do if you fall?"

"If I fall? Aren't you over-dramatizing this?" 'Champion asked.

Lance had the grace to look slightly sheepish, but he didn't back down. "The fact remains that they have proven they are capable of killing, and it can happen to anybody, even you."

'Champion' sighed. "What do you want?" he asked.

"To know who leads us." Lance said. "I find it hard to be led by somebody I don't know. What is your name, 'Champion'? Somebody should know."

"Somebody does know." 'Champion' replied, his voice hardening slightly. "When I took won my title, I told Charles Goodshow. Since then he has been more than willing to let me run the Pokémon League, only appearing where required. He remembers me from before I vanished and trusts me. And I him. Why should I tell you?"

Lance hung his head. He had wanted to know, but hadn't expected much luck.

"However, should you both prove to be completely trustworthy, I will tell you eventually." 'Champion' continued, raising Lance's hopes again. "Just not yet. Now, you have your jobs, I have mine. I will see you when I return. Good day gentleman."

And with that the Pokémon Master strode out of the room.

As the door swung shut, Lance turned to Steven. "We can't let him go alone."

"Why not?" Steven asked. "I don't want what happened to Cynthia to happen to us as well."

"Then we will do it right. There are powerful trainers who are signing up at Gyms across the four regions. Just pick some of them and one of us will lead them. The other will remain here to coordinate the defence." Steven looked thoughtful, but didn't interrupt so Lance continued. "If we can find out where they are then we can arrive to help. If nothing else, Champion will need people to help bring back any captured Rockets. And if he does get into trouble then more trainers can only help."

Steven looked at his colleague, before nodding. "I agree. We will get into contact with the gyms and get as many trainers as possible. Minimum age of 18?" Lance nodded. "And Metagross will tell us where 'Champion' is going. We can use Psychic Pokémon to get us there quickly."

"Metagross will?" Lance asked confusedly. "What do you mean?"

Steven stood up and smiled as his shirt rode up just enough to reveal that he was missing one Pokéball. "I've learned from experience that it always pays to be prepared" the Hoenn Champion said.

Mellanie stirred from her sleep, which felt like it had been for far longer than usual. She stretched sleepily, and snuggled down into her bed, not bothering to open her eyes. She had the Johto final, and so needed her sleep. A moment later and she sat bolt upright, looking around. She was in a stereotypical cell, made of metal and with a door set in a single wall. There was no window, and very little light, leaking in from a grill at the top of the metal door. Reaching for her waist, she felt the absence of Pokéballs. It was funny how much she noticed the absence, despite only having them a year. Mellanie rolled off the bed, and approached the door, standing on tiptoe to try to see out of the grill at the top. She couldn't get high enough to see anything but ceiling. Frowning at the door she retreated to the bed and tried to move it, only to find that it was welded to the wall. There was nothing else in the room, except the mattress on the bed and a water jug, although she wasn't thirsty. It was like she had just drunk a lot, although she hadn't since the start of the final, whenever that was.

Mellanie dragged the mattress to the door, and folded it up. After she'd folded it twice, giving silent thanks for the flimsy nature of it, she tried to stand on it again. This time she was a bit closer to the grill, and could see out of the door by jumping. Her first jump showed her nothing, but after she'd gotten used to looking quickly she began to build up a picture of the corridor outside. A series of doors along the corridor all looked like cell doors, but she couldn't see into any of them. There was a guard in front of the door a short way along, but he didn't seem interested in her. She couldn't go anywhere.

Mellanie dragged the mattress away from the door and returned it to the metal bed, before lying down on it. She wanted to try to work out what she could do. She remembered battling against Aaron in the final, down to her last two Pokémon. Flaaffy had fought against Absol, and was struggling to pin down the Disaster Pokémon. Then an explosion, and men sprinting onto the pitch. They ordered her to recall Flaaffy which she did, and then she didn't remember anything else. It was galling to not know anything. She could be anywhere. The only group she knew of that could even contemplate such an attack was Team Rocket. But they had been crushed in Goldenrod. She had been there. Surely they couldn't recover fast enough to do something like this so soon after?

She turned to face the wall. There was no way she could know. She was completely isolated from the outside world, inside her cell was quiet. Noise from outside never seemed to really reach inside. She guessed it was the tiny space which was not wall. Noise would struggle to get in through such a small hole. Although... her knowledge of physics was hardly spectacular. As she contemplated she realized how cold it actually was now she had gotten out of bed. She reached for the blanket by the bed and pulled it back over herself, curling up for extra warmth. As she tried to make herself as small as possible, the enormity of her position began to wash over her. Nobody knew where she was. Nobody knew how to find her. Nobody could save her. Mellanie knew that she was strong for a 10-year-old, her family situation had seen to that. Her parents were business orientated, and didn't have time for their daughter. They didn't care about Pokémon. They hadn't objected to her going on a journey, but they hadn't done anything to help her either. She hadn't felt welcome at home. It had been part of the reason that she had gotten so close to Sam; his family had always made her feel welcome. Sam's parents had talked about how they would miss both youngsters when they left for their journeys. Something that her own parents had never said. She hadn't spoken to them since she had left New Bark Town; she wasn't interested. They might have been her blood family, but as far as she was concerned, they weren't really her parents. Mellanie shivered. She wanted Sam there, somebody who would hug her, and keep an eye on her. A friend, no matter what. The closest thing to family she had ever had. But he wasn't there. Feeling more alone than she ever had in her life, Mellanie lay back down on the bed and started to cry.

Mewtwo stood in front of Giovanni, covered completely in his new armour. They were on a training field, giving them plenty of space to move around and test the suit. The Rocket boss was smiling as he saw Mewtwo unresisting and waiting for him to turn on the suit.

"Before we begin Mewtwo, I have something I would like to discuss with you." Giovanni said, causing the Genetic Pokémon to incline his head slightly. Mewtwo was impatient to find out to what extent the suit could strengthen his abilities, but would wait for Giovanni.

"You used to hate me because you felt I exploited you, correct?" Giovanni asked. Mewtwo nodded. "And you felt I tricked you?"

"Yes" Mewtwo said, speaking into Giovanni's head. He had found that he wasn't able to see into Giovanni's mind, something that irritated him. Agent had developed the trick shortly after Cynthia's capture, and had clearly taught it to his boss. It meant that he had no way of knowing if Giovanni was telling the truth, except for his body language. Something that Mewtwo wasn't particularly good at reading; he relied on brains, not body. Giovanni seemed sincere though.

"And yet I never did. I told you that the suit I gave you would make you stronger, and it did. You felt that I was using you for my own schemes, which was true. However, I have to ask you one thing. When has anybody done anything differently?"

Mewtwo lowered his head in confusion. He didn't understand what he was being asked. Cynthia had never used him, and neither had 'Champion'.

"I don't understand." The Pokémon said to the man in front of him.

"What was Cynthia doing when we captured her?" Giovanni asked. "She was using you to fight us. And 'Champion' did the same thing; he used you to bring the Pokémon League down on us."

"That's not true." Mewtwo growled. "'Champion' never did anything of the sort."

"Cynthia did though." Giovanni said. "And 'Champion' hasn't yet, but he will. It is the nature of humans to exploit, Mewtwo. I wouldn't expect you to understand, you don't know us as well. However, I need to know if I can rely on you."

"Rely on me?"

"I can't guarantee that the Pokémon League will accept my surrender. I do not intend to die here, without being allowed to release my inventions. If this happens, will you fight for me?"

"Against the Pokémon League?"

"Yes. I need to know before I turn this suit on. Because if you won't it is because you will fight for them and I can't allow that."

"I won't fight for either side. I have had enough of fighting." Mewtwo growled, troubled. This wasn't what he had expected.

"I am relieved to hear that you won't be against me." Giovanni said with a warm smile. "But will you fight for me?"


Giovanni raised an eyebrow. "Well in that case, I can't turn this suit on to aid you."

"You won't?"

"No. And you've lost your usefulness Mewtwo." Giovanni pulled out a button and pressed it. Electrical impulses surged directly into Mewtwo's nervous system, far stronger than ever before. A Jolteon appeared at Giovanni's side, as he smiled genially at Mewtwo.

"You will learn Mewtwo. You can always be replaced. Now I will ask once more, will you fight for me unreservedly?"

Ash strode back and forth in front of his Pokémon, agitated. They were ready to teleport to the Rocket base, but he wasn't happy. He felt there was more he needed to say. He turned to face them, ceasing his pacing.

"Are you all ready for this?" he asked. There were nods from the assembled Pokémon and he grimaced. "You understand that this will be the hardest we have ever fought? This is Team Rockets final stand, Giovanni will know it, and Agent will know it. They will not run; they can't. Not after the attack on Silver Stadium. We have to hunt them down, or public opinion will turn against us. Furthermore, the Rockets that are captured will be put on trial. We cannot commit crimes. This has to be done properly. The strategy is simple; knock out Rockets that you find. If they attempt to use lethal force, take an appropriate response. I will go for Giovanni and Mewtwo, Espeon with me."

As he spoke, the Pokémon waited in silence. It was unlike their master to worry like this, but they weren't surprised. Espeon had spoken to them about the strain of the public eye, something Ash had avoided for as long as most of them knew him. He had gone over this plan three times before, but they would just wait for him to give the command to go. They knew that their response to the atrocity had to be quick and strong, or public opinion would turn. They just had to find a way to ensure that they could manage to do so.

"Once you have cleared a region, move on. I want this done quickly." Ash concluded, before turning to Espeon. She looked at him before mewing gently. Ash smiled back, before sighing. "I know I'm worrying. I just can't help but think that there is something I'm missing. Yet we can't wait any longer." He turned to Alakazam and gave a short, sharp nod. The Psychic-Type crossed his spoons and in a flash of light the entire team vanished.

Mewtwo slowly climbed to his feet, groaning. He had trusted Giovanni and it had backfired. He was cursing himself furiously for his slip. After this was over, he promised himself he would permanently avoid humans. They couldn't be trusted. He now understood why many Pokémon attacked on sight; they were tired of being exploited. Across the field Giovanni stood behind a Jolteon that had appeared while he was on the ground. Mewtwo's eyes narrowed as he realized that the Jolteon had armour on, similar to his own merely etched with lightning bolts. Mewtwo focused his energy, to fling the Jolteon out-of-the-way without overexerting himself. As the attack struck, Jolteon lifted slightly before Mewtwo lost his psychic grip and his opponent settled down once again.

"I thought you would find that." Giovanni called. "We have designed the armour to be resistant to attacks, although Psychic ones are the hardest to block. Although, that was somewhat weaker than expected. I assure you, Jolteon won't show the same restraint."

As Giovanni spoke, a lightning bolt surged at Mewtwo who threw a hand up in front of his face to deflect the attack. As he did so, Jolteon's armour started to crackle and the lightning bolt built-in intensity. Mewtwo grimaced as the pressure on his shield increased progressively. Just when he was ready to retaliate, he felt another surge in his own armour that caused him to collapse, his shield failing and the lightning bolt smashing him off his feet. Giovanni watched in satisfaction as the Genetic Pokémon hit the ground and didn't move. He was about to step forwards when he heard a radio at his waist crackle.

"Yes?" he said into it.

"Gate guard Sir."


"A group of Pokémon have appeared Sir. They are heading for us. They seem to be led by the Pokémon Master"

"Are the armoured Pokémon ready?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good. I'll be up imminently. Have them meet me at the top of the lift."

The radio died, as Giovanni looked across the field at Mewtwo, who was still not moving, and barely even breathing, the damage from wounds across his body showing through cracks in his armour. "I made your armour weaker Mewtwo." Giovanni said to the fallen Pokémon. "It breaks easier. It would have helped you focus your strength to unprecedented levels though. You clearly wasted that opportunity. All that is left is for me to thank you. You have given me an extremely successful test of the new armour; it resists attacks and increases the strength of ours significantly. This should be enough to deal with what 'Champion' is bringing for me."

Giovanni turned and left the training field, Jolteon at his heels, to deal with the team that didn't know what they were in for. Behind him Mewtwo lay, unmoving, and crushingly defeated.

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