The Lost Master

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Seven years after Ash's defeat in Sinnoh, the Champion Cynthia is ruthlessly crushed in a battle for the titl... Daha Fazla



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Agent stood on a hill overlooking on Lily of the Valley Island. His search for Mewtwo had brought him here. Agent had heard rumours of a very small blue tail of light that had ended here, and had come to investigate. And there was one person he knew would know. He walked down the hill, heading for the main administration block on the island. As he walked he thought about his other assignment. Find out who the Pokémon Master really was. It was galling really, to be so totally unable to work it out; he had never had a failure like this before. In the immediate aftermath of the assignment, Agent had found out as much as he could about the first time that Team Rocket was attacked. He hadn't been part of the organization then and so had to search through the sparse records from the time. The man who had attacked then had come from nowhere. There had been no warning, just a slaughter. Of all the Rockets in the headquarters underneath Viridian City, only one had escaped. Giovanni himself. The boss had sacrificed his organization in order to preserve himself. Four years on, and the man had struck again, only from a position of far greater power. That was all that Agent had to go on in uncovering his opponent's identity. Although he suspected that if he could get Mewtwo back under Rocket control, the Genetic Pokémon might have an answer. Agent clenched his fists in annoyance. He had thought he was the master of the game of subterfuge, but he had been made to look like a novice. The Pokémon Master had made all of Team Rocket look like a fool. And that annoyed Agent.

Reaching the main area of the Sinnoh League, he smiled at the lack of security. It was a common feature of the Pokémon League; anybody was able to walk into the reception of the administration block. Getting further however, would be a challenge. Thankfully he knew how to manage it.

"Good morning." Agent said warmly, flashing a smile at the receptionist as he walked through the doors. "I was wondering, is Cynthia in? I have urgent business to discuss with her."

The receptionists gaze flicked up to look into the relaxed, trusting face of Agent and she smiled back. "I'm sorry Sir, Miss Shirona is currently unavailable."

His smile never faltering, Agent looked into the eyes of the receptionist. "She will see me."

"No Sir, you don't understand. She isn't here. She left two weeks ago."

Agents mind started to process the news, whilst he continued to speak. "When will she be returning? This is urgent."

"She hasn't set a return date." The receptionist answered. "And I'm sorry, but I don't know where she was going. Is there anything else I can help you with Sir?"

"No, thank you. Enjoy your day." Agent turned on his heel and strode out of the building, his mind in turmoil. Where might she have gone? As he headed across the island, he was working away on another problem. A sharp turn to the left and he walked straight into another building, crossing the entrance hall purposefully. He passed two men and a woman, none of whom questioned him; he looked like he belonged. Agent finally reached a room filled with computers. There was a keycard on the door, and he pulled out a card that he had swiped from one of the men in the corridor. The door silently opened and he stepped in. There was a terminal at the back, and Agent strolled over to it. As the terminal booted up, a password request flashed up. Agent pulled out a hard-drive and was soon into the system. Accessed the video files for two weeks previously. Found that Cynthia had nothing in her office. Quickly scanned for anything else across the rest of the building. And froze. The entrance to the Elite Four training area was watched, although the training area itself wasn't under surveillance. But that didn't mean that Agent didn't recognize the figure that had followed Cynthia out of the training area. Mewtwo had come to Sinnoh, and tried to hide with Cynthia. And then she had vanished, and the Genetic Pokémon had never returned to the training area over the next few hours. Agents mind was working furiously to try to work out where Cynthia and Mewtwo might have run off to. It wasn't positive. In fact, there was a single reason he could think of quickly that those two would team up. Cynthia had been removed from her role in Indigo due to events in Goldenrod; the attack on the Rocket Headquarters that she ruined. Mewtwo hated Team Rocket. Agent quickly unplugged his hard-drive and strode out.

Outside the administration building, Agent pulled out his phone. It connected instantly, and Giovanni's voice came over.

"Yes Agent?"

"I think I know where Mewtwo might be going Sir."

"Where?" The excitement in the Rocket Boss' voice was clear.

"To you Sir. He left Lily of the Valley Island with Cynthia, and I'm not sure where else they might be going. My suggestion is that you plan for their arrival, and deal with them. Mewtwo can be recaptured, particularly with Cynthia as bait."

There was silence down the phone, before Giovanni's voice snapped out once again. "Get back here. I want you in charge of this."

"Yes Sir. I'll be back within the day." The call disconnected. Agent reached down to his belt and released a Pokémon, the beast appearing with a roar. Agent stroked its flank, before swinging himself up onto the Pokémons back. "Get us back old friend. Speed is of the essence." There was a rush of air as Salamance raced into the sky, leaving Agent to think as he flew into the wilderness.

Mewtwo stood on the top of the mountain, looking down. Cynthia was next to him. She had been impressed at the speed that Mewtwo had been able to find the Rockets, them having been gone for a mere three weeks, and they were in such a remote place. Cynthia doubted that even 'Champion' could find them here, although Mewtwo had dismissed the doubt. He just suspected it would take 'Champion' longer. Cynthia turned to Mewtwo, whose eyes were closed in thought.

"How did you find them out here? We are more than a hundred miles from the nearest region. This is beyond remote."

"Agent set this up. He had several places to go, this was one of them. We've been checking the others."

Agent. The man who Cynthia simply feared. She knew that he was the man in charge of most things; he got things done. He had been the one to set up the trap for 'Champion' and the one that who had led the attack to capture Mewtwo. If he was at the Rocket base, it was going to be far harder for her to succeed. But having come all this way, Cynthia was not going to give up. She was determined to make her mark on the battle between the Pokémon League and Team Rocket.

"What do you plan to do now that we have found them?" Mewtwo asked.

"How many Rockets are there?"

"A couple of hundred. There aren't as many as there usually would be, probably because this is a last resort."

"How many could you defeat at once?"

"A lot."


"I don't know."

Cynthia crouched down, looking down at the base. After three weeks of searching, she had gone beyond the idea that this was a simple search mission. Having found the Rockets, she wanted to be the one to end them. She knew that she shouldn't, her Pokémon weren't strong enough, and two hundred Rockets were far too many for her to face. She then looked over at her companion. Mewtwo was clearly tired. The Genetic Pokémon had barely had a break in the three weeks searching, travelling whilst she slept, carrying her. Although his strength was phenomenal, she still knew that he needed to take a break.

"We'll rest for tonight." Cynthia decided, speaking out loud. "A short distance away, so they don't know we are here. And by we, I mean both of us. You need a break Mewtwo."

Mewtwo looked at Cynthia tiredly, not bothering to argue. He had come this far, and wanted to end it. If he was able to defeat the Rockets tomorrow, he would jump at the opportunity. If he couldn't... He knew that he would have to stop Cynthia if she tried to attack when he didn't think it would work. He didn't want to have to explain to Ash how he had managed to get Cynthia captured. As Mewtwo nodded, he and Cynthia lifted from the ground, and flew very close to the ground, down the hill and around two more. Two miles from the base. Mewtwo hoped that would be enough. Cynthia nodded her head as they landed in a clearing, and she walked across to lean against a tree and lay against it. Within minutes the Sinnoh Champion was asleep.

Mewtwo took longer. Over the three weeks he had had a lot of time to think. In particular about Ash. The man who as a mere ten-year old boy managed to show him that friendships with Pokémon was possible. That to co-exist, for humans and Pokémon to live together was possible. A lesson that Mewtwo had never forgotten. When he allowed the clones to leave, he had done so knowing that they were able to survive. If they were captured by trainers, they would be well treated or leave. Mewtwo had seen Pokémon abandoned by their trainers and turn on them. Ash's Charizard was one example; as a Charmander he had been abandoned and when his trainer tried to take him back he had driven Damian off. When he had first met Ash, the boy had been vibrant, and enthusiastic, impulsive and caring. He was an enigma that Mewtwo had been completely unable to understand. When he saw the boy stand between him and Mew, taking the brunt of both attacks to stop the fighting, for the first time Mewtwo had felt guilt. An emotion he hadn't been used to.

He had wiped the memories of the trainers, and yet two years later, Ash appeared once again. On Mount Quena, Mewtwo met Ash who stood by him to fight against Giovanni. The boy who had potentially foregone the benefits to humanity of the pure waters on Mt. Quena to try to save Mewtwo's life. Mewtwo hadn't understood what drove him to do so; surely a human would care more for humans than for Pokémon? The answer that the then twelve-year old had given Mewtwo was simple. Why do you need a reason to help somebody in trouble? The rebuke was subtle, but it was there. Mewtwo once again felt guilt. It was strange how the only time he felt that emotion was around Ash.

And then time passed. Mewtwo withdrew into looking after the clones until they chose to leave, one at a time. When the last two, Meowth and Pikachu left, Mewtwo was left with little else to do. He had started to travel, to look at the world in a different light. Where he looked he saw Pokémon and humans living together happily. He realized that Ash had been right. Yet he couldn't find the trainer. He had wanted to see what came of the trainer that had changed him so much, but he had found him impossible to find. Until that day four years earlier. Mewtwo had been resting when he suddenly heard a fleet of helicopters arrive. At the time he had been a few hours outside of a major settlement and as such had been hesitant to use his most powerful attacks. As a result, he was unable to fight off the Rockets and they had captured him. And then Mewtwo had been freed. An entire convoy of vehicles not just destroyed but massacred. Mewtwo had looked at the bodies of the Rockets afterwards. Not all of them had been killed by Pokémon. Some of them been killed by a man. Mewtwo had seen Ash again that day. Ash, the boy who had cared for him, who had saved his life, had done so once again. And Mewtwo was forced to revise the philosophy he had wanted to follow. Clearly it wasn't simple enough to have to help everybody. Only those who deserved it. Give people what they deserve. Except Mewtwo didn't think that was really what Ash had meant on Mt. Quena. The Genetic Pokémon shook his head in frustration. Why couldn't things ever be simple? Why did this human have to be driving him mad, even after all this time?

Mewtwo growled quietly, and forced his thoughts elsewhere. He didn't want to have to deal with these thoughts now. He needed sleep. Mewtwo curled up underneath a tree, and closed his eyes. Sleep never was a particularly easy thing for him, but he suspected that this would be a long night ahead.

Agent led the team of men around the hill. All of them were dressed in black although with backpacks, moving silently. As they reached a path up into the forest, Agent held up a hand. The squad around him instantly stopped and dropped to one knee, instantly turning invisible in the gloom. Agent gestured to one man, and he moved forwards, creeping his way deeper into the woods. Just before he vanished, the man dropped to his knee again and another man moved up to join him. One at a time, the rest of the squad moved into the woods, not making any noise. As they reached a clearing, the squad dropped back to their knees. Agent peered into the gloom, and saw exactly what he was looking for.

Cynthia Shirona was asleep, resting against a tree, whilst a large purple Pokémon was lying across the clearing, the movements of its chest clearly showing that it was in a deep sleep. Agent smiled to himself, and then stood up, gesturing for his men to do the same. Mewtwo stirred slightly, spurring the squad into action. They all reached for Pokéballs, and threw them, releasing a variety of Pokémon. All of them except for Agent. He had burst into a sprint, straight across the clearing and reached Cynthia. Drawing a knife, he quickly cut the belt of Pokéballs from her waist and kicked it away, before hauling her up, the knife pressed into her throat. Mewtwo awoke from the roars of the released Pokémon, and floated straight into the air, his eyes glowing blue.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Agent's voice cut across the gloom. "If you try to resist us, Miss Shirona here will die."

Mewtwo's gaze turned towards Cynthia who was stirring in Agents arms, and saw the knife at her throat. Agent's other hand was pressed into her back.

"Yes Mewtwo. She has just been given the same thing that you always had in you; just we've improved it slightly. Normally the devices only have to be in contact with you. This improvement means that they can actually be stabbed into you. If my hand is removed from Miss Shirona back, the electric charge will kill her. Now, I suggest you land on the ground and look happy. Because I can assure you, you are never leaving Team Rocket again."

Mewtwo dropped down, and stepped towards Cynthia, causing Agent's eyebrows to raise and his arm to tense.

"I will not resist." Mewtwo's voice spoke into the heads of everybody present. "I merely wish to see if she is alright."

Agent nodded slightly, but made a backing off motion with his elbow. Mewtwo nodded and just looked into Cynthia's eyes. They were open now, but she was frozen with fear, and feeling the pain from the device that had been forcefully stabbed into her back. She nodded slightly, and Mewtwo seemed to sag. He stepped away, and held out his arms.

"Very well. I will submit."

Agent gestured to his team who stepped forwards and pulled out small pieces of metal from the bags on their back. Each was a part of the armor that Mewtwo wore when part of Team Rocket. The Genetic Pokémon winced as the armor clipped on and the electric charge he thought he was rid of forever came back, surging through his system. As the squad stepped back, Agent stepped forwards, still with his hand pressed into Cynthia's back.

"Good decision. Now, I think you can bring this squad back to the base you found earlier, and you can then return to this spot. I will meet you here, and we shall go and introduce your more... reliable side to Giovanni. I will put Miss Shirona somewhere safe, it wouldn't do for her to be somewhere you could actually try to rescue her."

Mewtwo nodded, feeling the embarrassment flood through him. He was meant to be the most powerful Pokémon in the world, and yet he had been taken by surprise. When he had eventually fallen asleep it was clearly such a deep sleep that his senses had been dulled. He had felt nothing. It was odd; he should have sensed their arrival. And now not only was he captured, but Cynthia as well. Mewtwo's eyes glowed, and he lifted into the air, taking the squad with him. As they flew into the air, Agent turned back to Cynthia.

"Right then. We need to find somewhere for you. I happen to know just the place..."

Steven was pacing around the office he had been assigned at the Silver Conference. His efforts to find Cynthia had been almost utterly useless; he had struggled to find Tobias, with only vague messages about his potential locations coming in. Lucian had also been running his own investigation, and had drawn a blank. Cynthia had vanished. That wasn't what was bothering Steven so much however. It was the state that Cynthia had been in just before she vanished. Steven knew that something was wrong, but he didn't know what. He wished he had persevered, tried harder to find out what had upset his colleague. Steven was the most senior of the three regional Champions; he felt a responsibility for them, despite the fact that they had all been young when they took the roles on. There hadn't been a change of regional champion for more than a decade, and he suspected that there wouldn't be either. Upcoming trainers tended to struggle to get past the Elite Fours even if they did win the regional leagues. They were still the best, aside from the Pokémon Master.

The thought of 'Champion' was enough to stop Steven pacing. With the Johto League only days away, he was due to arrive. In the last month, he had stayed out of the news completely, leaving Steven to wonder what he was doing. In the time since he first became Pokémon Master he had made so many changes that Steven and Lance had worried that it might have caused unrest. Yet at the point where people might have started to question what he was doing, he stopped and let the changes settle. Although, the fiasco with Team Rocket might have taken up his attention. Steven just didn't know; he had barely met the Pokémon Master, and when he had the man never gave anything away. It was infuriating.

There was a knock on the door, and Steven moved across to open it. Lance was stood there, the stress beginning to show. The extra people Steven had brought in from Hoenn had helped, and the Johto League was back on track. Unfortunately, the Hoenn staff had to go home, since they had their own league only a few months away and they had to prepare for it. Steven knew exactly what Lance was here for; they had agreed that this was something that they would have to do together. 'Champion' was due to arrive that morning. Their fear was that he would know about Cynthia. Being unaware of what had passed between the Pokémon Master and the head of the Sinnoh Elite Four, they didn't know how angry the man would be.

"He's a few minutes away." Lance said, before turning and heading towards the elevator. Steven followed quietly, thinking. As they reached the elevator, Lance swiped a card down it and it began to move upwards, stopping on the top floor. The doors opened, and the two regional Champions stepped out, looking out across the sky-line. A shape was in the distance, growing in size rapidly. As it came closer, 'Champions' Charizard began to take shape, before alighting on the roof with a grace that belied his size. The figure on the Pokémons back was dressed in black, the hat on his head still obscuring his face despite the wind from flying at the speed he had been. 'Champion' slid down from the dragons back and held out a Pokéball, recalling it. He then looked across the roof, at the two men who were waiting for him.

"Messrs. Waturu and Stone."

Lance and Steven looked at each other, before Lance stepped forwards. "It's a pleasure to have you here 'Champion'. I presume you will be watching the entire tournament?"

"Yes. Mr. Stone, may I enquire about your presence?"

"I was here to give Lance support for the Johto League. It's been hard work to get it organized, so I've been helping."

'Champion' nodded. "And Miss Shirona?"

Lance and Steven were silent for a moment, before Lance tentatively answered. "Cynthia?"

"Yes. Where is she?"

"I would have thought in Sinnoh, I'm sure that she had a lot of work to do after her extended absence." Lance answered.

"I know she isn't there. In fact, I know where she has gone. I was wondering when you were planning on telling me that the leader of the Sinnoh Elite Four had headed out, ignored her responsibilities and gone off chasing Team Rocket?" 'Champion' said, his voice still completely emotionless, but managing to send a chill down the backs of the two men in front of him. "I would have thought that one of you would have felt that this might be worth bringing to my attention. Clearly not."

Lance was clearly stunned, by the revelation that the Pokémon Master knew all about what had been going on. Steven however, was sharper, and quicker to respond.

"I didn't think that it was worth bothering you for Sir. She is a sufficiently powerful trainer that I was sure she could take care of herself."

"What you mean, Mr. Stone, was that you were hoping that your attempts to find her would be successful before I could find out." 'Champions' biting retort, delivered simply, was crushing. Neither Steven nor Lance knew what to say. "It might interest you to know that I'm merely disappointed in you." 'Champion' continued. "I understand why you did what you did; I just don't think you should have done it. I expect to be kept informed of important developments in future." Steven and Lance nodded. "As it is, I'm not surprised you didn't find her Steven. She isn't in any of the regions. Team Rocket has fled to well beyond those boundaries. After the Johto League I will be leading a team out into the wilderness to deal with them once and for all. You will both be required to remain here and ensure that the League remains strong in my absence."

'Champion' started walking, the two men instinctively falling into step behind him. The man's aura of command was invariably more than enough to make them follow. The trio disappeared into the building once again, leaving the rooftop empty once again.

Pikachu was really bored now. He had thought that travelling once again would be fun like it had been with Ash, but he had quickly realized that it wasn't to be. Misty and Gary didn't have time to take their time, rushing between cities was the only way for them to make the Johto League. And Misty was so much stronger than the Johto Gym Leaders that Pikachu hadn't been needed. Although he had enjoyed the battle in Azalea, Misty freaking out about bugs was still amusing, even after all of these years. Gary too had chuckled when Misty had seen the Pokémon in that particular gym, but the glare his girlfriend had given him had stopped him from going any further. It had become quite depressing really though. The Gym Leaders didn't stand a chance against Misty. Even Claire who had been grumbling about being beaten by a pair of kids, and wanted revenge, had been easily beaten. Pikachu hadn't really realized how strong a trainer Misty had become. He found himself thinking that there really was a chance that Misty might be able to do what he wanted; win the Johto League and meet 'Champion'. Pikachu wanted nothing more than to battle against him. Throughout the entire journey, the electric type had been trying to work out why he felt like something was wrong with the Pokémon Master. He had drawn a complete blank.

The car they were in was driving away from New Bark town once more. Pikachu was pleased to have this slightly quicker method of travelling, even if it did mean that the fun of the journey was taken away. After realizing how dull the whole journey was going to be for him, Pikachu just wanted it to be over. He wanted to be at the Silver Conference. Sat with his face pressed up against the window, Pikachu watched the country-side flash by. Misty and Gary were chatting about something pointless in the front of the car, Pikachu didn't really care. He just wanted to be battling once again. It had been so long since he got the thrill of fighting in front of a crowd, he was hoping that Misty would let him fight. Although she had told him that she was saving him as a surprise for when he was needed. That meant he wouldn't get any fighting. Pikachu pressed his face against the window with a bit more force. It was infuriating.

He had spent the month in training, making sure that he wouldn't let Misty down when she called on him. He remembered the lessons of 'Champion' from the training camp, and had tried to incorporate them into his own battling style. It was something that was very definitely a work in progress. Pikachu had always been able to dodge attacks, and speed was his speciality, but endurance? Taking a hit to return more? Or the power that the Pokémon Master's Charizard had shown? It humbled Pikachu to admit it, but he knew he was no match for that kind of power. If he was hit by it... But then, the electric mouse thought to himself; he had to be hit first. And if he was to face that Charizard, he was fairly sure that he could at least out pace it. Surely the dragon couldn't keep up with the speed of him?

Pikachu suddenly blinked. There were two people on a path off the side of the road, on the inside of the bend that Gary was driving around. Yet he recognized them. A young boy and a young girl. They were about a day's walk away from Mount Silver, and Pikachu wasn't sure where else they could be headed. Unless they were going to Kanto... Yet he recognized them. And when the penny dropped, Pikachu felt stupid. He knew exactly where he had seen them before.

"Pika! Pikachu!" he called into the car, causing Misty to break off her conversation to look at the electric-type.

"What is it Pikachu?" she asked.

"Pika, pika, chu, chu Pikachu." Pikachu replied, pointing out of the window. As the road began to straighten out, Misty squinted out of the back window, before realizing what Pikachu was pointing to.

"Gary, stop." She said. "I think that might be Sam and Mellanie out there."

As the car glided to a stop, Pikachu leapt out of the door as Misty opened it for him, and dashed away, leaving Misty to chase after him. As she finally caught up, she found the two youngsters looking very surprised whilst Pikachu stood in front of them.

"Do you reckon this Pikachu has a trainer Mel?" Sam was asking.

"I dunno... he certainly seems to want something." Mellanie answered. It was an understatement. Pikachu, always happy to see somebody that he recognized was bouncing in front of them. The years hadn't diminished the electric type's energy; he always had plenty for anything. Misty arrived behind him panting.

"Sorry. Pikachu recognized you and wanted to come and say hello."

Sam and Mellanie looked shocked. "Misty!" they said in unison.

"Sam and Mellanie!" The red-head replied with a broad grin. "I thought it was you. What are you doing all the way out here?"

"Headed for Mount Silver." Sam boasted. "We're going to compete in the Johto League."

"So you've both got eight badges?" Misty asked.

"Of course." Sam replied, flashing his eight, with Mellanie doing the same.

Misty thought about something a couple of days before. "You two aren't the pair of youngsters that beat Claire and drove her mad are you?" she asked.

Mellanie grinned. "I think she took offence to being beaten by somebody as small as me. It didn't seem natural."

Misty laughed. "I'm impressed. To get all eight badges in such a short space of time, as new trainers. Very impressive."

"Yeah. But it did mean that we couldn't capture many new Pokémon." Sam said slightly sadly. "We had to rush to make this Johto League. But there was no way we were going to wait a whole year for the next one; we'll travel more slowly after the League."

Misty nodded. It had been the best part of travelling, to enjoy taking time getting from place to place. It was good to see that some youngsters still appreciated that.

"Pika, Pikachu!" The little rodent didn't want to be forgotten, and was making it very clear.

Misty smiled down at him, and held out an arm for him to spring onto. "I don't think you ever really met Pikachu, did you?" she asked. "He is accompanying me."

"But I thought you were a water specialist?" blurted out Sam, before he saw the hurt cross Misty's face. "Oh. I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry about it." Misty said with a sad smile. "You couldn't have known. But there is a sad story there. Maybe I'll tell you one day."

There was a slightly awkward silence among the trio, before Pikachu started pulling on Misty's arm, gesturing to the car. Misty looked at where he was pointing, and then back to the two young trainers in front of her, before registering what he wanted.

"Do you two want a lift?" Misty offered. "I'm headed the same way as you, and I'm sure Gary won't mind."

"Err... Gary Oak?" Mellanie asked, turning slightly red.

"Yes, Gary." Misty said with a warning look. "I warn you, he's taken."

Mellanie turned bright red as Sam burst out laughing at her. "I knew you still had a crush on him!" the young boy shouted. "I knew it!"

"Sam, shut up!" Mellanie yelled.

Misty watched the argument develop with a sad smile on her face. It reminded her of when she was that age. When she was travelling around Kanto with Ash, arguing over anything and everything. It was a long time ago, yet still so prominent in her memory. As it started to get heated, she looked at Pikachu who was smirking, before he leaped off her shoulder, releasing a Thundershock at the argument. Misty laughed as the two fell to the ground, and looked slightly frazzled. Pikachu landed back on her shoulder, looking very pleased with himself.

"So how about it?" Misty asked again as the two regained their feet, casting wary glares at Pikachu. "I mean, if you're going the same way anyway, there isn't really much between here and there. You can have real beds again tonight at the Silver Conference."

It was the offer of the beds that did it, as Sam and Mellanie agreed, and headed back towards the car. Misty leading them was smiling as she thought about what they would say when they found out that she was to enter the league as well. She hoped she would get the chance to face one of them, she was sure that they were strong. They had to be to earn their badges so quickly.

Agent stood in front of Giovanni, Mewtwo at his side. The Genetic Pokémon hadn't attempted to resist once, although he had asked about where Cynthia was. Agent hadn't told him. Agent had glared at his captive and told him that if he mentioned Cynthia to Giovanni, she would be killed, leaving Mewtwo to puzzle over what was going on. And to make matters worse, he couldn't read Agent's mind like he could to every other living thing he had encountered. It was baffling, and infuriating.

"Congratulations Agent." Giovanni was saying. "The re-capture of Mewtwo is an achievement of considerable note. Are you aware of what happened to Cynthia?"

"She was nowhere to be found Sir." Agent replied levelly. "We found Mewtwo unconscious, and were able to begin to subdue him before he was fully able to resist. I would have liked to use Cynthia as bait, but I can only imagine that Mewtwo has hidden her somewhere."

Giovanni made a steeple with his fingers, before glaring at Mewtwo. The helmeted figure looked back, the mask hiding any expression on his face. "Intriguing. Have you Mewtwo?"

The Genetic Pokémon remained silent, until an electric charge suddenly surged through his body, causing his back to arc in pain.

"I asked a question Mewtwo, and I expect an answer. You haven't been gone for so long that you can forget that."

"I have not hidden her." Mewtwo answered, his mental tone managing to convey a degree of sullenness. "I do not know where she is."

"Very well." Giovanni said, uncaring. "Agent, is he ready for full operations?"

"I am unsure Sir." Agent said. "He has been very, complying so far, but I'm unsure how long that will last. However, in Cynthia's absence, the Sinnoh League is vulnerable. If we can get Mewtwo to fight for us, their Elite Four will be unable to stop us there."

"I am aware of that." Giovanni replied sharply. "Mewtwo, I doubt you wish to feel more pain. Assuming you don't, you will comply with every instruction given to you. I was the man who had you created and if I must, I will be the man to have you destroyed. I will not accept your escape again. If you attempt to deviate from any instruction, even slightly, you will be exterminated. And trust me, that armor you are wearing is more than capable of doing that. If you don't believe me, you're welcome to test our resolve."

Mewtwo glared at Giovanni, somehow conveying his fury through the helmet. "I will not resist."

"Prove it."


"Prove that you won't resist." Giovanni said, his eyes glaring at Mewtwo. "Kneel to me, and I'll believe you."


"Wrong answer." Giovanni growled. Mewtwo suddenly straightened up as the electricity flowing through him was ramped up several hundred volts. As it cut off, the Genetic Pokémon slumped, but remained standing. Agent stood in front of Mewtwo, holding a remote in his hand.

"It would be ever so rude not to follow through on your word. The world's most powerful Pokémon, going back on his word. Such a sad thing really. Perhaps you want to learn some manners?"

As he finished talking, Agent pushed a button on the remote, and Mewtwo growled in agony, as the charge flowing through him increased to beyond what it was before. After several seconds, Agent cut the power off once again and Mewtwo fell to all fours, panting heavily. After a long minute, Mewtwo slowly struggled to his feet.

"Now, are you going to be honest once again?" Agent said calmly. "I think we should run this again. Sir, may I?" Giovanni nodded. "Mewtwo, will you submit to Team Rocket?"

"I... I will..." the mental voice said, far weaker than before.

"Wonderful. This is far easier, I do so detest disagreements." Agent said. "Now, Mewtwo, won't you do what your new boss has requested? A simple kneeling, what could be wrong with that?"


"Mewtwo, be reasonable. It would weigh against my conscience if I had to kill you so soon after capturing you."

Mewtwo looked around. He was all alone. The only man who could have saved him had no idea where he was. Mewtwo found himself wishing that he had never agreed to go with Cynthia. He should have taken the risk and taken shelter with Ash. And now he was going to pay the price with his pride. And so much more. If it was just his pride, Mewtwo could endure. But the thought of what Team Rocket would have him do... It hurt, but he had no choice. Mewtwo had to preserve himself, the instinct at the heart of every living creature. And he couldn't abandon Cynthia; he had already failed her by letting her get captured. Slowly, under the watching gazes of Giovanni and Agent, Mewtwo fell to his knees, his head bowing in submission as he surrendered to Team Rocket.

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