Held by Darkness [Rainbow Que...

By IDrawzStuff

45.8K 1.4K 9K

A rainbow quest fanmade story Characters and inspiration by Favremysabre Ahahaa also. Chapter 3 is being stu... More

Ch. 1: a beginning.
Ch. 2: they're real?!
Ch. 4: smol friend :]
Ch. 5: Beach episode! :D
Ch. 6: Nightmare King
Ch. 7: New acquaintances
Ch. 3: the beginning of the end
Ch. 8: Easier than predicted
Ch. 9: Plan-making
Ch. 11: Experiment
Ch. 12: Plans, Plans, Plans...
Ch. 13: Deception
Ch. 14: Stuck
Ch. 15: Home Home
Ch. 16: Trust to Betrayal
Ch. 17: The Middle World
Ch. 18: Finally-an explanation
Ch. 19: The World Beyond
Ch. 20: Who Do You Serve?
Ch. 21: Nobody's Gonna Know
Ch. 22: Let's split up Gang!!
Ch. 23: Running out of Time

Ch. 10: Visiting a 'friend'

1.9K 53 336
By IDrawzStuff

*sabre's pov*

The bright light dissaprears and we stand in a forest.

"okay... Uh... Is that the outpost over there?" I ask while pointing to a distant structure.

"yep, that's the one. Let's go." yellow says and runs ahead.

"UHM... Orange? I'll stay behind until you tell the guards I'm coming. I don't want them to panic when they see me..." I say while looking around to check if wicked is anywhere.

"sure thing. Just don't stay back too far." orange mentions and then walks over to the structure, his two friends follow him.

Alright. Now's my chance!

I walk behind some trees and call out to wicked.


"ah there you are :]" I say as wicked jumps down to the ground from the trees.

"wicked. New plan. I'm gonna go visit the nightmare King." I say in a casual tone.

"what." is all wicked says as I can already tell how panicked he just got.

This is gonna be a long day...

I continue to quickly explain what he has to do.

"okay. That should be everything you need to know-" I say but he cuts me off.

"are you sure sir...? That's dangerous." wicked interrupts me.

"it's good. With how the nightmare King has been acting, I'm pretty sure he's not going to hurt me." I reasure the red corrupted steve.

"now. Go back in the trees, tree man. I gotta go see the true yellow king." I say and run over into the direction of the structure.

Wicked dissapears into the trees again.

I slow down as the structure comes into view.

Happy orange steve is waving to me and signaling that I can come over.

I do just that.

I make my way over and look as innocent as I possibly could.

"hello! :))))" I say to the guards at the front gate of the outpost.

They look me up and down.

They seem unsure but let me through either way, probably cause I'm a friend of orange-

-or at least they think I am... :)

This is fun...

These people are all so Easy to munipulate...!

Alright, time to meet the king.

Orange, happy, funny and I walk into the outpost.

There's multiple yellow tents, some farming grounds and everything is surrounded by a stonebrick wall.

Huh... This is where the real king is hiding??

Wow this is... Smaller than expected.

There's a bunch of yellow steve's around.

They do spare a glance in my direction, but don't let that glance last long. They ignore me.

That's good I guess.

Very different from the violet steve's...

A lot more different.

We walk to a cave that is also connected to the wall.

There's loads of guards around the entrance.

I walk inside along with the others and we reach a cavern with a throne inside.

"hello again, yellow king! :D" happy orange steve greets the glowing yellow steve.

Woah... That guy really must be powerful...

He's quite literally glowing!

Hm... Neat. The nightmare King only has a faint glow, barely noticible.
-while this guy! He's a lamp!!! :0

... What would he look like if he were corrupted???

Would the guy still glow??????


We'll find out soon :)

"hello orange, happy orange and funny orange-and... A new guest?" the king says in surprise when he sees me.

"yep, yellow king, this is sabre, he's our friend. :)" orange introduces me

Mm should I be respectful and do a formal greeting??? The others didn't...

Mmmmmm I won't....? Maybe I should...

"hello true yellow king, I'm sabre. It's... Wonderful to meet you." I chose to do a greeting that is relatively respectful but doesn't require too big words.

"hello sabre, it's wonderful to meet you." the King smiles as he greets me.

The King seems nice... But... His assisstant....

His assisstant is giving me a death glare.


Can he tell that I'm planning something...?

Hm... Maybe that's just his normal face.

Maybe I'm overreacting.

I should calm down.

"well, I'm guessing you're all here for those scouts." the king musters as he gets up from his seat.

"yeah, we know why they're here in the first place." happy answers.

The yellow king looks at happy intrigued.

"well, they're not here to find you nor the outpost. The nightmare King sent them out to find sabre. We don't know why.... But for some reason he's found an interest in the human." happy continues to explain.

I'm barely listening now.

I'm thinking some more about the plan...

Man. Have I ever planned something so much?

Hm... Not since my childhood.

We always planned huge adventures back then...

Then my childhood was over and I never really did anything with friends anymore...

I barely went to meet people.... Didn't go on adventures anymore...

I need to get my mind out the gutter.

I shift my attention back to what the others are saying.

Ah... Happy is still explaining.

And the assisstant is still giving me a death glare.

Welp... That's probably his resting face.


Finally the king takes us somewhere.

I follow the others suit.

We walk to a building at the back of the outpost.

Huh... It looks a little like a small dome.

We walk inside and find 2 cells opposite of each other.

I stop at a point where I'm out of view for the inmates.

"ah... So you two are those nosy little scouts..." orange steve shifts his tone to be more threatening.

And it's working.

The scouts look... Scared.

-Or at lest one of them does.

"so... We're gonna make a little deal... I'll let you two live...if you keep your mouth shut about this place." orange steve threatens.

"... You don't scare me you orange stain." one of the yellow steve's curses.


"oh...so thats the game you wanna play-" orange threatens as he gets cut of at the end.

"orange. Control yourself." I interrupt him.

Orange looks back to me.

"Let me handle it." I say and walk over into a shadow so that the yellow steve's won't see me.

I'm in the shadows.

So hidden >:]


"so...instead of dealing with your life... How about we make a trade." I say in a serious tone.

"trade...?" the yellow steve who protested before asks.

"yes, I know you were sent out to find a human named sabre." I say with a smirk creeping on my face.

"... I'm listening." the yellow steve behind barrs says.

"well, you see... I know where he is and I'd be willing to do a trade including him." I offer.

The yellow steve seems to think but waits for the other side of the deal.

"alright. We'll trade you sabre, if both of you swear to your lifes not to tell another soul about this place." I state the deal.

"wh- you cant-" orange starts but I give him a warning glare.

He seems to understand and shuts up.

"... And what would happen if we did tell." the yellow steve stated blatantly.

"if this information leaves your tongue... You'll loose what you swore on." I say now not being able to hold back a smirk.

"heh... Sure. You have a deal." yellow steve says with a twisted smile.

"are you sure yellow?" his other friend asks with concern.

"yes, I'm sure." the one from before reasures his friend with a soft caring voice and a loving smile.

"well then... Swear on your lifes" I tell them.

"we swear on our lives not to tell a soul about this place" the two steves say in unison.

"good. I'll go get him" I say and walk out, leaving a few very concerned and dumbfounded steves.

I walk out the prison being followed by two orange steve's

"sabre!!" happy whisper-yells at me.


"yeah! I agree with happy!" funny chimes in.

"chill, everything's gonna be okay. The nightmare King is not out to kill me. Plus... I can find out what the guy's plans are. So... I'm like... Undercover!" I say with a smile.

"you-you can't just-DEAL YOURSELF AWAY." Happy says in a desperate tone.

"and who are you to say what I can and can't do." I say in a sassy tone.

"I...... Are you sure about this?" he asks, I nod in response.

"... But what if they don't hold their promise?" happy orange asks.

"well, as I said. If they break the deal... They loose what they swore on." is all I say as I turn around and walk back to the prison.

Happy doesn't follow me, it's like he's rooted to the ground.

I walk inside and find the two steves now free from the cells and getting their equipment back.

"okay... So you two are the ones I'm supposed to follow?" I say in an innocent and scared tone.

Hiding the fact that I just literally threatened them with death.

Well, I already know that they'll tattle... So I've already told wicked to keep an eye on them.

He said he could get some darkness to infect them and then erase their memories.

"yes...you are wanted by the nightmare King and must be brought back to the kingdom this instant." the yellow steve, that I made the deal with, states.

"o-okay" I stutter for authenticity.

"are you sure about this sabre?" orange asks.

"yeah... I'll be fine." I give orange a happy smile

"okay... If you say so..." orange says, unsure of this situation.

"alright... But let me teleport you guys. The yellow kingdom is quite far from here." orange says as we walk out the building.

"okay..." I say as the two yellow steve's come closer.


No lightning.

Only light.

The blinding light around me finally dissapears, I look around to find the two yellow scouts and I in front of a giant gate, connected to a wall.

" well, we're here." one of the yellow scouts says.

"this is... The yellow kingdom?" I ask the two steves.

"yes. I'll get someone to open the gate." one scout says.

I pay no mind to him and ignore whatever he said.

I look around to see if wicked made his way here already

Nowhere to be seen.

I get surprised by a sudden movement.

The gate opens.

Whoa... That's a huge godamn door :0

We walk inside and they guide me through the streets.

I realize that one of the scouts is talking to me but I'm ignoring him.

I instead look up to the roofs of the houses.

Hmm... Oh!

There's wicked :D

He's on a roof!!

He's up so high!!!


I give him a small smile and a headnod.

He nods back and dissapeard.

After a few minutes of walking we reach a big field in front of a castle.

We walk over to the entrance.

"alright. Guard. This is sabre, the King requested his presence. Please bring him to the throne room." the scout says and both the scouts leave.

The guard nods and asks me to follow him.

We walk through the halls... Man this place is big.

And there's a LOT of yellow steve's.

That's the most steve's I've ever seen in one place.

Well, we eventually reach a hallway that leads to a big room that seems to have no real foundation.

It's just a bunch of bridges, with a deep void below.

The guard tells me to head over the main path, to a throne.

I start walking forward on the path, ignoring the darkness below.

I look more closely to the throne... There's a figure sitting on it.

Hmm that must be the nightmare King.

It doesn't look like he's noticed me yet.

Looks like he's arguing with another yellow steve....

Hmm. Not arguing. He's just yelling at that yellow steve. That poor yellow steve... He looks scared.

I quicken my pase as I realize that the king is pushing the steve closer to the edge of the void.

Ugh. He's getting to close to the edge.

I don't like that.

Nonono. Way. Too close.

The steve is directly at the edge.

Ugh fine.


I call out and both of the steve's snap their heads over to me.

The random yellow steve looks scared.

The nightmare King looks at me with rage but immediately calms down when he sees who I am.

I reach them both, grab the one steve that the king was yelling at by the shirt, pull him away from the edge and behind me.


He seems taken aback.

"you, leave, go home. Live life." I say to the yellow steve and let go of him.

He just seems confused but decides to take the advice and run.

I smile pleased that he got out without a scratch

"now what makes you think you're allowed to talk to me like that." The king says in quite the rude tone.

The audacity!? >:0

"what makes you think you're above concequences." I snap back.

I give the king a glare-

Well-he can't really see it through the blindfold but-

I think he can tell I'm quite displeased

"you're not a 4 year old child, you're a king. Start acting like it." I say getting more angry by the second.

The King just stays silent.

"*sigh* I'm sorry... It's...i may have overreacted. But now... You were looking for me right? I'm here now. Let's talk. " I say with a fake smile.

" hmm, I might have overreacted a little myself. It's wonderful to have you here sabre :)" the King says as his mood seems to shift immediately.

I... Didn't expect that...?

I expected him to lash out... But he didn't.

Probably just pretending.

He's good at it tho...

I give him a friendly smile.

" so... I'm here because...? " I ask.

"ah right. I have a proposition for you. I want you to work with me."  the King explains as he walks back to his throne.

Huh... I just realized... There's another yellow steve here...he might be the kings assisstant.

Poor guy...

Has to deal with this dickhead. >:/

Hm... He looks scared.

I'll be careful around him...so I don't scare him.

I walk after the king as he sits down on his throne.

"work as what exactly." I ask the king further as I stop in front of him.

" I just want us to work together on getting rid of the darkness." nightmare proposes.

"hm... Why me exactly." I ask further.

"ah you see... I've quickly noticed that you seem to have a certain immunity to darkness. I need your help to find out how this immunity works so we can immunize the steve's and get rid of the darkness." the king explains.

"huh... Sure."

Okay... This guy has zero guards in his own throne room.

Welp. He wants immunity. That's interesting.

Maybe... I should find out where he puts the yellow crystal.

Hm... he balances the darkness with the crystal... That means the crystal has to be on him at all time.

"okay! Sure I'll help! :D" I cheer in a happy tone.

Although that happiness is all faked...

I'm quite pissed actually.

He wants to get rid of the darkness-... They're my friends. He won't get far with this plan.

"ah right... I've also realized that the current leader of darkness is after you-so... it's safer for you here...
But I am glad I can have your presence here!" the king says with a charming smile.

I'm not very charmed tho.

I guess I'll play his little game for now.

"thank you for your concern, your castle is quite charming. I'm glad to be so welcomed here :)" I say as I give him a pleased smile.

"now, I've gotten a room set up for you" the king says standing up and walking over to me.

His smile creeps me out.

We walk back to the entrance of the hall together, on the way he tells me all about what he's been planning with the kingdom and how to get rid of the darkness.

Honestly... His plans so far aren't as thought through as I originally thought.

He might be out of his mind a bit... That might also be the darkness' fault.

He said he wants to create a steve made of darkness, saying that this steve should be able to command and control darkness.

Hm... A steve purely made of darkness... Doesn't sound like that bad of an idea...

The part I don't like is...he'll need a steve for this process... Which means he'll be sacrificing one of his most loyal servants...

I'm guessing he'll use the assisstant...

Although that's just a guess...

But it seems like something this madman would do... After all...

'What's he got to loose?'

Those were his words...


...he has a lot to loose...

It seems he just hasn't realized that yet.

That poor fool.

Oh well. It's what he gets for what he's done.

He shouldn't be king.

And I'll make sure he'll loose the battle of the throne.


He may still be laughing now...

But I'll be the one laughing last.


Mmmmmmmm evil sabre go brrrrr

Well hope y'all are excited cause shits bouta go down.

But for now.
Enjoy this nice and relaxing pause...

Well hope you enjoyed!!! :D

Ohohoh I'm so proud of myself because I drew a decent hand!!!!!!!!! >:DDDDDDDDD

Oh and for anyone who hasn't seen the announcement

I'm moving the 'Held by Darkness' uploads to Thursdays, since my school schedule is a lot different than before.

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