A Man In Search Of Glorious P...

By GodessOfMischief81

426 16 16

Born to the Frost Giant King Laufey, and adopted by King Odin of Asgard and Queen Frigga, Loki Laufeyson is t... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine :
Chapter Ten :
Chapter Eleven :
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:

Chapter Two:

34 1 0
By GodessOfMischief81

The anticipation and the crowds resounding cheers filled the Throne Room with wave after wave of applause. Finally, stepping forward and bowing before Asgards King Odin, King Odin began his Royal speech of naming Thor the next King, my heart raced, and I felt like I was on pins and needles listening to his speech that I looked on quietly but proudly at Thor, the admiration was so immense. My Mother looked on at me, I glanced back smiling- when suddenly before Thor could take his rightful place on the Throne. Ice creeped along the pillars and strung onto the banners, crackling and stiffening- it could only mean one thing?, the Frost Giants had invaded the castle!. Thor looked away and pointed his head in the direction of the frozen banners, as so did everyone in attendance, when it could be heard clear as day the distant sounds of a battle far below the Throne room. The warriors three drew their weapons in hopes to join Thor, Thor raced in front to the Relic Vault, below, the Warriors Three, and I close behind, stood behind him. By the time we made it, the battle had ended with the smoldering remains of the Frost Giants, shrouded in the smoky shadows, stepped back the Frost Giants assassin, The Destroyer, one of Asgards most lethal weapon of battle, in it's cold armored gauntlets was the object that the Frost Giants failed to obtain,𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘦𝘵 𝘖𝘧 𝘈𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 Sif gazed up still in shock "The Destroyer.." Volstagg looked in awe and disbelief "I thought it was but a legend?". As we all obviously stayed in that moment of surprise for a moment, until Odin arrived behind us. The Destroyer walked over to the pedestal his armor creaking and clanking, as it walked placing The casket upon the pedestal. Thor vowed vengeance for the interruption of his Coronation. I remained quiet, remaining anonymous and confused as to what had just happened, so no one around would suspect that I invited them, willingly, I slightly shook my head. a bit disappointed that my plan had failed...at the hands of The Destroyer, " they have paid with their lives, The destroyer did it's job, and The Casket is safe, all is well" Thor looked in disbelief, "All is well?!- they broke into the Weapons vault!, if the Frost Giants had stolen one of these?..." he pointed out to the different weapons of battle, Odin calmly exclaimed " but they didn't?" I sensed that this was the point where my Father and Thor would begin to go at it. "I want to know why they-" he began, "Odin began to become firm " the Casket Of Ancient Winters belongs to the Jutons they believe it is their birthright" he said facing Thor, as I looked on unsure weather to jump in and defend Thor or not, he went on to say that it was our Father's fault for taking The Casket without a proper royal truce, something I had yet to even learn of, Odin dismissed the Warriors Three, as they turned and headed back up the stairs to The Throne Room, muttering back and fourth at what they had just witnessed. It was just Thor Odin and myself in the Weapons Vault. Odin and Thor continued their rants, as I stood there quiet, watching them, Thor began, "if I were King of Asgard.." he began until Odin interrupted yet again, "You are NOT King!- not yet!" in disagreement and disappointment, Thor stormed back to the stairwell doors forcefully opening them to slamming them as the Vault echoed with the resounding echo of the doors clasping shut behind him. Odin watched as he left, I stepped forward still in a mocked bewildered like shock, but turned at Father. "You must be grateful that you do not have to bare the weight that your Brother Thor has to carry" with that he made his way to the doors "come along Loki?" he summoned me to follow behind, I made my way up the stairs closing the doors behind. Father retreated to the Sitting room I assumed, as I made it to a side corridor leading to the veranda, the sky was sprayed with millions of diamond stars, when I saw her, glistening and shimmering like a star that had fallen from the heavens and decided to stay on earth, her hair tied up in an elegant bun, her long trailing gown became sparkling upon the quartz stoned Palace Veranda. Our Mother, the Queen Frigga, came up to me, with concern.

"I just saw Thor return to the Grand Hall, I'm assuming it didn't go very well?" she asked, "The Frost Giants were here tonight Mother..." I began, "Father was displeased with the way Thor represented himself as a future king, in handling the situation, it wasn't to Father's liking" she turned to me in question "do 𝘠𝘰𝘶 think he's ready?" she asked me "I believe he is Mother, he's been ready for a long time" with that she smiled at me "your so fortunate to have Thor as an older Brother to look up to, his Valor might someday wane upon you" she said placing my hand in hers, "I hope to make you proud Mother?" I looked at her, "I know you will" at that she turned and left to find her husband, I turned to look back at the night sky when an earth shattering commotion happened in the Grand Hall that, I turned and walked slowly to the Pillar, my back to it, I over heard Volstagg speak, looking at the Banquet table turned over, as all of the food that was neatly and well arranged had come crashing down, to the Grand Hall's floor. "All this food, so innocent, cast to the ground, it breaks the heart!" at that the other Warriors came up to him, I slowly came from behind the Pillar as Thor sulked over to the Veranda steps, in utter disappointment. "It is unwise to be in my company right now Brother" I came beside him and knelt beside him, in hopes of comforting him in any way I could, "who say's I was wise?" I looked at him, as he refused to make eye contact with me, he would rather sit there and wallow in his disappointment in a haughty way. "it'll come in time?" I assured him, "if it's any consolation, I think your right, about the Frost Giants about Laufey, everything, if a few of them can penetrate the defenses, who's to say they won't try it again?, next time with an army" Thor looked at me finally "exactly!" he agreed "but there's nothing we can do, without defying Father" In hopes of changing Thor's feelings of the ruined Coronation, He stopped and looked at Mjolnir, I knew all too well what he was thinking "Nooo, stop there- I know that look?!-" I tried to jot the idea out of his mind, but to no avail "it's the only way to ensure the safety of our boarders!" Thor stood up at last, I had to try to think of a way to stop him from going too far. Was this the same brother I knew a year ago, who would rather spend the day, prancing around twirling his grand prize in his arms?, something must've changed?, "It's madness!" I looked at him with concern, Volstagg caught my words, "madness?, what sort of madness?" he came up to Thor and I. "Nothing Thor was just making a Jest!" I tried to extinguish the impending plan..."The safety of our Realm is no jest we're going to Jotunhiem!" he finally declared, I covered my face, and shook my head in disapproval of this new idea that could get us all killed, or enslaved, or worse, The Warriors Three looked in disbelief, at what they had just heard from Thor, we were in way over our heads but this was more personal for Thor, to prove to Father that he too could be a fearless King. I was beginning to feel an uneasy feeling about this, as Thor went back and forth amongst the Warriors Three, explaining their Valor, with great detail until finally , placing a hand on my shoulder, "You are coming with me?-" he looked at me, I stood there startled, but I managed to sigh slowly and decided to agree, "yes of course, I won't let my Brother march into Jotunhiem alone?" I turned to The Warriors Three "I will be at his side" Volstagg and Fandral were in agreement, Sif unsure that this was the right thing to do, agreed reluctantly "I fear we'll live to regret this" as she and The others began to prepare to leave. As Thor motioned for me to follow him to the armory "if we're lucky!" at that we headed to the armory to be suited up for our journey to the Bifrost Bridge, just outside the Kingdom, out to where the earthen lands of Asgard met the foamy sea, and straight ahead was the Gates guarded by the lone Guardsman the Gate keeper Heimdall.

"First we must find a way to get past Heimdall?" Thor thought outloud, Volstagg pointed out "that'll be no easy task, it's said that the gate keeper can see a single drop of dew fall from a blade of grass, a thousand worlds away", listening in to Volstagg's gloating, and boasting, I smiled and quietly stepped away and came up to the Guards and spoke to them unbeknownst to Thor and his friends, retracing my steps to join the others as the horses where readied by the Palace Guardsmen, as I mounted my horse and I looked at Thor, as he returned the look then, lead the way to the Bifrost Bridge just outside the Kingdom, as we followed behind. ready for the unparalleled mission ahead.      



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