The Tipton Titanic

By fgzmyers19

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The Suite Life on Deck meets The Titanic... A new cruise line opens, The Tipton Titanic, where young teens ca... More

Chapter 2: Day 2

Chapter 1: The Beginning of an Adventure

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By fgzmyers19

The loud foghorn blew, signaling the undocking of the Tipton Titanic. Families lined up at the dock to wave goodbye to their children who were studying abroad this fine ship.

"Bye guys! Have fun! I'll miss you! Love you!" shouted Carey Martin, mother of twin Zack and Cody

"Bye mom!" The boys shouted back

Bailey Pickett, a young girl from a small town in Kansas, was particularly upset about the departure.

"Bye mom! Bye dad! I promise I'll send postcards and letters!" She shouted tearfully

"Bye sweetie! We love you!" They shouted back.

Before they knew it the boat was too far away from the dock to hear their family and they were off on a seemingly great adventure.

"This is going to be so fun! A cruise ship full of young girls and no parents!" said the young Zachary Martin, a suave Casanova

"Zack, we have to be responsible. After all we were sent here to study abroad not look at girls and slack off." Replied Cody, the smart, mature twin.

"Oh, don't worry I am going to be studying a-broad, particularly that pretty blonde one over there!" Zack snickered

Cody rolled his eyes and walked away. There was no helping his brother.

"Boys." said a stern voice from behind.

Zack and Cody turned around to see Mr. Moseby, the Tipton Titanic Manager.

"Hey There Mr. Moseby!" The boys said in unison

The boys knew Mr. Moseby as the hotel manager at the Tipton Hotel where they used to live.

"Your parents sent you two to do schooling abroad this ship. I expect to see more responsibility now that you are nearing adulthood." He said

The ship manager reached into pocket to pull out some plastic credit card looking objects.

"I have here your student cash cards that are only to be used for school and food. They are not to be used foolishly." He said focusing mainly on Zack

"I also have your room keys. Here on The Tipton Titanic, boys, and girls, for good reason, will be boarding on separate floors. It may interest you to know that the both of you will not be roommates." The ship manager said

"Really! Awesome!" Zack said

"Yes, finally my own room!" said Cody gleefully

"Ah! not so fast. You will have roommates just not each other. Cody you will be roommates with Mr. Woody Fink, and Zack well we don't have a roommate for you yet."

"Alright! My own room for once in my life!" said Zack, who was filled with excitement.

The two boys made it to their rooms, which were conveniently right across the hall from each other.

"I still can't believe after all these years we get separate rooms, but I still have to share mine."

"Relax, Codester. It will be like I never left."

To Cody's dismay, his brother was right.

Cody walked into his room to find a rather overweight boy with afro like hair and glasses, standing in the bathroom doorway.

"Hi! I'm Woody! Just to let you know I would not go in the bathroom for a little while."

Cody did not have to go into the bathroom to smell the stench that the other boy released.

"Oh god! What happened? It reeks!"

Woody gave a dirty smile

"You think that's bad? Wait until Mexican night. I can fart to the tune of "Stairway to Heaven."

"That's like a 10-minute song." Cody said horrified before dashing out of his room for fresh air.

He knocked on Zack's door.

"Dude I can't take it!" Cody said

Zack confused replied "It hasn't even been 10 minutes. Is he that bad?"

"He is worse than you. He is a slob, and he farts classical rock." Cody said disappointed

"I want to trade!"

"No way!" Zack said

"I just got my own room for a change, there is no way I am giving that up." Said the mischievous twin

"Come on, let's go up to the sky deck and see if we can meet any cute girls."

Cody without hesitation followed his brother, anything to get away from that gas-bag Woody.

Up on the sky deck the boys saw many other young kids their age who were also studying abroad. One female in particular caught Cody's eye.

"Whoa! Who is she?" He said a loud

"I don't know but she is smoking! Let's go find out." Zack said

The two boys walked over to the table she was sitting at. A young girl with beautiful light brown hair and hazel eyes. She was a studious type that loved academics. In her hand was the book Pride and Prejudice.

"Hi there! I'm Zack and this is my twin brother Cody." Said Zack

The young girl looked up from her book

"Oh Hi, I'm Bailey." She spoke in a very soft, sweet tone

Cody could feel his face blushing. Everything he saw in that sweet southern belle, he instantly loved. Cody, himself was a lover of academics and considered himself a romantic.

"I just have to say you have remarkable taste in literature." Said Cody

"Thank you! I love romance novels. I hope to find my Mr. Darcy someday." Bailey said

"Well, maybe someday is closer than you think." Cody said nervously

Bailey looked up at him. Now she felt her face going red. She smiled at him, but it was this moment that Zack pulled Cody away from the table.

"Dude! What are you doing?" He asked

"What? Can't I like a girl"

"But you have a girlfriend? Barbara?" said Zack

"I remember her name, but before we left for the boat, I broke up with her. I didn't think it was fair to continue a long-distance relationship." Cody said

As the boys continued to bicker, a tall, muscular, ruggedly handsome came from around the corner.

"There you are Bailey Bunny!" He said with a southern twang.

"Aw Moose, I told you earlier not to call me that in public

Cody looked down in embarrassment,

"Oh, I guess you already found your Mr. Darcy." Said the boy disappointed

Moose saw Cody conversing with his girlfriend and was not pleased

"What did you just call me boy? Why are you talking to my girlfriend?" He asked

Cody now cowered beneath Moose just waiting for him to pummel him.

"Dude, he's cool. Don't hit him!" Zack said trying to defend to brother

"Moose, stop it. He didn't say anything!" said Bailey

"Don't let me catch you talking to my girlfriend again, or you'll be sorry." Moose threatened

Zack patted Cody on the shoulder.

"It's okay dude, we will find you another girl."

He brushed his brother's hand off his shoulder.

"Zack, I think Bailey is in trouble. Something is not right."

Confused, Zack asked, "What makes you think that?"

"The way he acts around Bailey, He seemed very possessive."

"Look at her dude, if she was your girlfriend wouldn't you be possessive?"
Cody thought to himself, maybe he's right. I mean I wouldn't want her to be talking to another guy either.

"Maybe you're right." Cody shrugged

The boys stared out at the wonderous view before their eyes.

"Wow Zack would you look at the view!"

"It's gorgeous, vast waters and fading lands."

"What an adventure we are about to embark on Codester!"

"An adventure indeed!" Cody said putting his arm around his brother neck

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