A Fortune I Seek

By The_Queen_97

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Chasing calamity, dark and unruly, perfecting the art of an undetectable midnight slaughter ... introducing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

279 9 45
By The_Queen_97

A beautiful fanmade edit!! I am actually obsessed!!

Huge thank you to @redkissesxox for the amazing cover!! Xoxo

Now, enjoy!


Maisie and I did not sleep that night. What was supposed to be a small plan of action turned into an all encompassing battle plan. Maisie has always been a fiend when it comes to strategy whereas I excelled at combat and Bear excelled at ... well ... just a general chaotic headfirst charge into unfavorable situations.

"Okay so let's review." Maisie flipped back several pages that had been destroyed by horrible handwriting and illegible scribbles, "I will set up alarms and surveillance using our own security system so that it cannot be hacked. It shouldn't take me much more than a day or so to activate. While I am doing that, Bear will assess the grounds and team up with Foxtrot's men to better fortify the estate against possible intruders. His main points of interest will be the fence since you clearly were able to sneak in, along with the back of the estate that is too far for the cameras to monitor. And you will use these pages," She tore out a chunk of papers and handed them to me, "As a guideline to educate the Bel Bunch about our rules."

The rules are what took up most of the night. They were intricate, precise, and strict. And mandatory. After meeting the group of young collectors, I have a very strong feeling that they will not enjoy this list as it limits their freedoms quite significantly. However, it is in everyone's best interest.

Bel's especially.

"And finally, the three of us will work together to keep them safe." Maisie declared, much to my surprise as it was not a part of the dissertation we had created last night, "You will be our charge, Bear and I will follow your orders. But, the least we can do is help lessen some of the additional stress of these extra kids. That way you can put your full focus on Bel and his safety."

I dove into her and hugged her tightly, "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

She laughed and hugged me back, "Maybe once or twice."

"There is just one last thing." I sat back and looked through the papers scattered around us, "We need a diversion for Mr. Abbot."

Maisie made a face, "Why?"

"Bel thinks Mr. Abbot killed his own brother and since he was bold enough to hire a mercenary to kill the son of one of the richest families in the country, it would be downright asinine to think he won't try again." I have been thinking about this since I accepted Bel's offer, "Whether he is guilty or not, it wouldn't hurt to keep the old man buried in busywork until this whole thing passes. It will be one less thing for us to worry about."

Maisie nodded through my explanation and made a note of it on the paper, "I will look into it. How busy do you want him?"

I thought of Mr. Sutcliffe's deathly sweet smile laying in that coffin. To think Mr. Abbot put him there made my stomach queasy, "Mr. Abbot only has a few grey hairs."

My cousin laughed, "We'll make sure he has a full head by the time we're done with him then."

That's what I like to hear.

We spent the rest of the morning making handwritten copies. We were tired but sleep deprivation was common in our line of work so we decided against rest until we had delivered our plan to Bel and the Bel Bunch, as Maisie started calling them.

After collecting the copies we made, we left to find Bear who was passed out on the couch in the break room with our younger cousin Tessa curled up next to him.

I poked the Bear, literally.

He woke up as gracefully as a hibernating bear might, and before his eyes were even open there was a knife at my throat.

"Nice reflexes." I commented.

When he realized it was me, he lowered his knife on a yawn and used the blade to scratch at his head, "What time is it?"

"Time to get up." Maisie said. She nodded towards Tessa who was still fast asleep, "Slumber party?"

Bear yawned again then carefully slipped away from Tessa to keep from waking her, "Pretty much. You know her parents are away on a mission and after what happened with Travis, she has been having nightmares. So I told her I would lay with her until she fell asleep," He gave a hefty laugh, "But I fell asleep too."

Travis had been Tessa's older brother. He died last year while helping Tessa on her first mission. She made a mistake, a misjudgment that would have otherwise been harmless, but it cost her brother his life. Her parents remind her everyday and now that the anniversary of his death is nearing, her subconscious reminds her every night.

I used to babysit Tessa, as a child she was bright and giggly but now she hardly ever smiles and I haven't heard her laugh since the night her brother died. She had to learn an unfortunate lesson too soon, however that lesson is necessary in our family. We have all lost someone, we have all made mistakes.

Some just linger longer than others.

"Come on." I said quietly, "We're going to the Luxton estate."

Bear groaned, "You really woke me up for that? I don't want to go there. It's not even my contract."

"Yet you were so willing to hijack my contract a few days ago when you wanted to kill Bel for yourself."

"That was different. It was for your benefit, not mine."

"Well this is also for my benefit and not yours." I patted his shoulder, "You have been officially recruited, Maisie will explain on the way." I held up my other hand cupped around crumpled dollar bills and circled them in front of his face, "I've got bus money."

He sighed, "At least we're not walking."

It took most of the ride for Maisie to convince Bear to help. He had no desire to be around the Luxton's and no intentions of protecting any of them from danger. According to him, it would be better to let them all die – or kill them ourselves – and take the payout from Mr. Abbot.

Maisie hit him for that comment and he rode in silence for the rest of the way, rubbing at his sore arm and mumbling to himself.

Bear saw the Luxton estate on the night Mr. Abbot hired us but only through the surveillance equipment I had been wearing when I broke in, and it was dark during that time. So he and Maisie were now seeing the kingdom for the first time in the basking light of day and they were dumbfounded. Mouths open wide and eyes open even wider.

The line of houses leading up to the Luxton estate were impressive enough but that gleaming white castle at the end of the street was a blinding diamond in unsurpassed glory. The Luxton's knew they were superior, and they wanted their neighbors to acknowledge it in humbling humility.

"This is ..." Maisie was breathless.

"Sickening." Bear finished for her. That's not exactly the word I would have used but Bear has a different mindset than I do. What I saw as a palace, he saw as a waste of resources, "There are people on our side of town who are living in gutters and starving. Hell, I saw Old Man Wendell digging through dumpsters for dinner yesterday and all he found was a moldy bagel."


"I'm just saying, between the Luxton house and this entire street, we could give every homeless person a room and a hot meal. I bet you these people don't even open half the doors in their houses."

"One problem at a time. We will solve world hunger and poverty next week, okay?"

He huffed.

At the gate, Foxtrot was standing in his usual spot and reading this morning's newspaper. But when he saw us coming, he straightened. If I had been alone, our usual banter might have commenced, however he was not nearly as cheerful seeing the two miscreants lurking behind me.

"Good morning, Miss Val." He greeted slowly. His veteran eyes looked over my company. The three of us were in boots and jeans, Bear in an old Harley Davidson shirt, Maisie in a Metallica crop-top, and me wearing a baggy tank-top with the Batman symbol printed in faded yellow.

Foxtrot raised an eyebrow, "I'm not even going to pretend that this," He waved a finger at us, "Doesn't concern me."

"It's okay, they are with me." My words were as reliable as waterlogged cardboard, "They are here to help with Bel's protection."

Foxtrot sauntered towards the middle of the gate and stood with his arms tightly folded in front of him, "Alright kids, I am only going to say this once because I am sure you hear it often. Keep your wandering eyes forward and your sticky fingers in your pockets."

While most people would be upset at the prejudice we just received, Bear quite enjoyed being stereotyped. He says it makes him feel validated as a delinquent. Of course we could dress like the masses and blend into a crowd, it would certainly make our lives easier to be just another nameless face amongst a mob. But a majority of my family, Bear included, preferred the stares and the gossip. It wasn't about being invisible.

It was about being feared.

"So no staring and no stealing? Is that all?" Bear taunted and leaned towards Maisie to whisper, purposefully loudly, in her ear, "He didn't say anything about arson or murder ..."

Foxtrot narrowed his gaze.

Bear held one hand in the air and placed the other over his heart, "On my honor, I promise to be on my best behavior."

"Your honor means nothing to me." Foxtrot shot back, "And I would expect better behavior from a monkey."

Maisie laughed, "You're not too far off the mark, sir."

Bear shrugged mischievously, "You can't expect too much from primates, we aren't as evolved as the rest of the world." My brother stepped up to the gate and lowered his voice while looking up at the Luxton estate, "And you know what they say about monkeys in cages, don't you?"

Foxtrot faced me squarely, "Miss Val-"

"I promise to keep them in line." I told him truthfully, "My brother talks a big game but he's an idiot." Bear glared at me, I ignored him, "They won't cause any trouble."

Foxtrot was still unsure but what little trust I have built with him coerced a shaky foundation of persuasion. He slowly unlocked the gate and swung it open. I entered first and offered him an honest smile of assurance. Bear, of course, tromped through like the animal he is and beamed smugly. Foxtrot closed the gate behind Maisie and watched us the entire way to the front door.

That ever present gun hung at his hip and it reminded me that although we were mercenaries, we were not the only killers on the Luxton estate.

"Stop that." I demanded.

Bear laced his fingers behind his head, "Stop what?"

"You know exactly what I am talking about."

"I have absolutely no idea." Bear smiled.

He was going to ruin this before we even get started, "This isn't a joke, Bear. This is a serious contract, it is just as legitimate as any other."

Bear snorted, "Sure. Tell me that again after the pretty boy princess finds his hidden treasure."

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

As we walked up the driveway, I noticed a sleek beige car parked at the top of the circle. Maisie gave a long, low whistle and admired the sporty cut of its frame. She likes cars.

When we reached the front door, I rang the bell and a moment later the same man from yesterday greeted us. He, too, paused when he saw us standing there. His gaze drifted towards Foxtrot who was still watching us from behind. The stone-faced bodyguard gave a curt nod of regretted approval, and the butler cleared his throat then bowed, "Welcome back, miss Val."

The three of us entered.

"Please follow me, the young sir and his guests are in the sunroom."

We trailed behind the butler in a single file line like kids on a field trip. I would have been concerned about Bear and Maisie's behavior if they were not so astonished by the décor. They could hardly form a coherent thought let alone consider vandalism. So we carried on in silence, with the butler glancing back at us every so often while my family gawked at the display of wealth dripping down the walls of every hallway we walked down.

The sunroom was at the back of the house, it just happened to be the four seasons room I scaled when I came to kill Bel. Two crystal clear glass doors opened and revealed a lovely room bursting with beautiful flowers. A vintage white metal table resided in the center, dressed in a variety of breakfast items like bagels and fruits and half drank mimosas, surrounded by matching chairs where Bel and the others were sitting.

But there was an extra body here, a guest that I did not recognize.

She turned towards us when the doors opened. Strawberry blonde hair and startling blue eyes that were a shade more opaque than Bel's, gorgeous facial features and plump lips, a slender body and long limbs, all wrapped in an air of regal propriety. Head held high and shoulders set back, she stood among the flowers as though she too were a bouquet to be admired as delicate and dainty as the petals on her sundress. But there were thorns in her stare, sharp and meticulous and pointy, examining me as closely as I was examining her.

When we entered, Bel stood up from where he was sitting beside Taka and Lovelyn. He began rounding the table, "Val, good morning-"

"It is no longer morning, dear. It is two past twelve." The girl corrected. She walked forward, very slowly, and every click of her heels resonated uncomfortably in my ears. She stopped in front of me, several inches taller in her shoes, and she bent down to be eye level with me. Her smile was unnerving, the same way your reflection looks in the dark when you stare at it for too long and your mind begins to concoct a monstrous depiction instead of your own face, "The more appropriate salutation would be, good afternoon."

It was an impressive tactic, probably effective against most others. But I answered smoothly, "Likewise."

Her smile did not twitch, "You are the assassin."

"And you are wearing too much perfume." I replied with a wiggle of my nose, "Mind taking a few steps back?"

Her stare razored but she obliged and wandered back towards the table. Bel looked between us, then fixated on my brother and cousin, "Bear, Maisie. It is a pleasure to see you both again. Welcome to the Luxton estate, please make yourself at home."

The girl giggled quietly to herself at the invitation. Apparently there is something funny about having proper manners to guests.

Already, I knew. She was going to be a problem.

Bel saw me staring intently at the girl's back from where she was admiring a Lilly. He cleared his throat and held a hand towards the girl, "Everyone, allow me to introduce-"

"I can introduce myself." The girl twirled around, elegant and poise. Precise, stopping abruptly to make her dress cascade around her slim legs, "My name is Juliet Delphine Marquette."

Wonderful. We'll just add her to the ever growing list of grandiose, extravagant, bombastic names. Honestly, did all of their parents read the same book of absurd baby names?

"And you are?" She continued.

"Valencia Wolfe." I did not want to hear my nickname from her mouth. I gestured to my brother and cousin, "This is Bear and Maisie."

"Wolfes. In the Luxton house." She side-eyed Bel, "How cute."

The tension was thick and growing more rotten with every passing second. Taka and Lovelyn shifted closer to one another, across the room Winifred and Perdita were hiding amongst the foliage, and Bel – reading the poor atmosphere of the room – absentmindedly pulled at the collar of his shirt, "Juliet is a family friend."

My words were short, "Just stopping by to say hello?"

Juliet laughed behind her hand, causing the silver ring on her finger to glisten in the sunlight, "It would be rude of me not to. After all, how would it be perceived by our families if I did not visit my fiancé when he comes homes after being away for months at a time?"

Oh ... I see what this is about. It would appear that Antoinette isn't the only Luxton child who has been promised in marriage.

Bel sheepishly scratched just behind his ear, "My apologies for not visiting you sooner. I have been rather," A quick flicker of his eyes towards me but no other indication that his attention had strayed from his future wife, "Busy."

"Of course, dear. I understand completely." Juliet laced her fingers in front of her stomach and stood with her feet crossed at the ankles. The stance elongated her body and slimmed her presence, but still she managed to look down on us all, "I can only imagine the headache she must be."

Is this brat talking about me?

I think the fuck not.

But I had only taken a single step forward before Lovelyn pushed up from her chair and hooked her arm around Juliet's, "Would you look at the time? If I am not mistaken, your family has tea promptly at one. You best be on your way if you hope to make it. Being fashionably late is so out of fashion these days."

Juliet easily recognized Lovelyn's distraction but she allowed herself to be escorted out, "I suppose that would be best. Just one thing more." She slipped out of Lovelyn's hold and approached Bel. Her fingers lightly pinched his chin and she stretched up to kiss him, as soft as her name but as territorial as thorns on a rose, "I will see you soon, my love."

Bel smiled down at her and nodded, "Of course. Until next time."

Juliet returned to Lovelyn, "Walk me out?"

"Always." Lovelyn said a pitch higher than I am used to.

The two girls neared. Bear and Maisie stepped sideways but I didn't move and Juliet's shoulder bumped against mine as they passed.

"Whoops." I still didn't move, "Be careful where you step."

Juliet made a point to move around me, dramatically avoiding further contact as if I might sully her clean dress, "And you, my dear, ought be careful where you overstep."

"And what does that mean?"

"Oh my, please forgive me, I will explain in terms you might be able to comprehend with that tiny little canine brain of yours." The bitterness in her sour smile and too soft eyes made her words painfully sharp, "A wolf in sheep's clothing is still, and will only ever be, a dog."

"And a bitch in a dress will still only ever be a bitch." I sucked at my teeth.

Juliet straightened and her sweet face felt too genuine, "Better to be a bitch in a dress with the world in your hands, than a dog in a herd where she does not belong."

If I had a better comeback I would have said it, but my mind blanked.

Victorious, she turned back to the others and waved, "It was good to see you all. Bellerose, I will be in touch."

Winifred and Taka waved back but Perdita only stared. Lovelyn tightened her hold and pulled Juliet out of the room before any other words could be exchanged.


Gotta love a drama queen, right?

As always, please vote, comment, follow, and share!

Thanks again, my lovelies!


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