Better Together: Green Series...

By loveforpreserumsteve

11.5K 438 68

"Crossing the room to the doorway, so he could greet his husband with a kiss. Not lingering the way that he... More

Part Five
Part Six
Barnes Family Tree


255 10 1
By loveforpreserumsteve

As the weeks passed, the more Steve relaxed. Making it past the halfway mark of his pregnancy and being able to feel his very active wombmate made it easier. Sure, there was still that little voice that was fearful of what could happen. But each day, the excitement grew in him and muffled that voice.

It also didn't hurt that with his own better mood made the whole house happier. Bucky quickly going back to his over-affectionate ways. The boys carefree, as they should always be. And for the first time in a year, Steve truly felt happy. There was still a lingering guilt, but he was starting to feel more like his old self. Starting to feel more like the man Bucky had fallen in love with.

Hell, even his libido was back. Back and stronger than ever with all those extra pregnancy hormones that had been ignored for the first thirty-four weeks. Now, he just needed to make sure that the boys were out of the house.

So, Steve took it upon himself to arrange a sleepover with Auntie Tibbs and Uncle Si. Not that either of his sons seemed to care as they rushed off to play with their cousins. Chuckling to himself, he shook his head and told his youngest sister-in-law, "Thanks again."

"No problem," Tibby smiled, hugging him again. Then, she teased, "But you owe us a kid-free night."

Nodding, Steve agreed, "I'll be looking forward to it. I'll put 'em to work with the baby."

Waddling out of the house, he awkwardly climbed into his Volvo behind the steering wheel. Checking the dashboard clock, he saw that he had plenty of time to stop by the store to pick up some stuff. Giddily, he tried to imagine what Bucky was going to think. Was he going to be surprised? Excited? Would he rip Steve's clothes off him and fuck him right there on the kitchen table?

An excited shudder rolled through him as he grabbed a cart and got to work. Gathering the ingredients needed for the meal he had planned and making sure to pick up stuff for the rest of the week since he was there. All the while, keeping track of the time. Knowing that he only had so much time if he wanted to get everything done by the time Bucky made it home.

The butterflies tag-teamed with Atticus as they swirled around in his abdomen. His excitement growing as he raced home. His mind plotting the execution of his plan. After unloading the groceries and putting them away in their proper places, Steve rubbed his hand over his large, thirty-seven weeks bump.

"Go team," Steve softly agreed with himself.

Once the salmon and asparagus was in the oven, cooking in all of its butter-garlic glory, Steve decided to freshen up. Shaving his balls the best he could around his abdomen. Really scrubbing with the loofah to make sure that every inch of him was clean. Well, cleaner than already was.

When he climbed out of the shower, he dried off and made sure to thoroughly moisturize his skin with the cinnamon scented lotion that Bucky loved so much. Pulling on the singlet he ordered for Valentine's Day, but wasn't able to wear because he wasn't in the mood considering the anniversary of Flora's birth was the day before. Then, he held it off until Bucky's birthday, only, he came down with a bad case of the flu.

So, now was the perfect time for it. Even though Steve was afraid that the satin material wouldn't fit over his significantly larger bump. Thankfully, with some hard work and clever maneuvering, Steve was able to get the thong singlet in place. Ignoring his stretchmarks as he fixed the large, decorative bow over his cock, Steve tried to hype himself up.

"You're a stud," Steve told his reflection. His insecurities only grew, and Steve reminded himself, "Your husband can't keep his hands off you. These stretchmarks are proof of that."

Shrugging on Bucky's bathrobe, Steve went through the house, closing the curtains on his way to the kitchen. Checking on their meal, Steve was pleased to see that they'd be ready almost as soon as Bucky entered the house. Happily, Steve reached for the purple floral plates that they had been gifted for their wedding. They didn't use them often, but Steve adored them all the same, and they seemed perfect for today.

As he set the table, Steve turned on the radio. Swaying and bopping along to the upbeat pop song. Steve was so consumed in making everything perfect that he didn't hear the garage door open. So, when Bucky came up behind him and touched his hips, Steve couldn't do anything but jump and shout in his surprise.

Chuckling, Bucky looked around and asked, "What's all this?"

"Well," Steve smirked, sliding his hands up Bucky's chest to his shoulders, "I was trying to be romantic."

"You were?" Bucky grinned, briefly pressing his forehead to Steve's before pressing a kiss there. Glancing around, Bucky asked, "Where're the boys?"

"Tibby's," Steve answered, licking his lips.

Not needing anymore said, Bucky passionately crushed his mouth against Steve's in a hungry kiss. Drowning in his husband's desire, Steve moaned and pulled Bucky closer to himself. Well, as close as they could go considering his large abdomen.

Trailing his lips down Steve's neck, Bucky nipped and sucked at the soft skin, making the petite blond to whimper. Especially when Bucky scraped his teeth over Steve's mating scar. The noises spurring Bucky on, his hands roamed just like his lips did. Grabbing and groping all of Steve's covered curves as though he would never be able to touch his husband again.

As Bucky started untying the plush bathrobe, Steve pulled back and told his mate, "Wait."

Panting, Bucky nodded and rested his forehead against Steve's so he could gather his wits. Wetting his kiss-swollen lips, Bucky teased, "Why? Ya got a surprise under there for me?"

"Maybe," Steve played coy as he held the rob tighter to himself. Then, he gestured to the set table, "I made dinner."

"Yeah," Bucky nodded, kissing Steve's temple, jaw, and then down his neck. Scenting the pregnant omega, Bucky confirmed, "Smells really good, doll. Absolutely, positively mouthwatering, darling."

Moaning, Steve tossed his head back to give his husband more skin to explore. About to say, "fuck it," with the meal altogether before the timer beeped. Not wanting anything to burn, he tenderly pushed Bucky away and was thankful when the alpha went without trouble.

Quickly, Steve waddled over to the oven and was greeted by the Queen of the house as she yowled, "MEOW!"

"Your cat wants you," Steve teased as he disregarded Greg as she rubbed up against his legs.

As Steve opened the oven to remove the food, Bucky gathered the fluffy long-haired cat. Scratching her head, Bucky carried her into the living room while he cooed about how she was a, "Pretty kitty."

Good-humoredly rolling his eyes, Steve set the dish on the stove top and temped the salmon. When it was determined to be the correct temperature, Steve grinned. Excitedly gathering their plates, Steve started divvying the food between them. Licking his lips at the meal, Steve carried the plates over to the table and set them on the decorative placemats.

Sitting down at the table, he was about to call for Bucky to join him, but didn't have to since the alpha was already taking his seat. For a moment, Steve just sat there, waiting for Bucky to take a bite. However, the alpha had a different idea as he reached across the table for Steve's hand.

Stroking over Steve's knuckles, Bucky said, "Thank you, doll. It looks delicious."

Steve preened, just gazing at his husband for a moment. Then, as if Bucky had been starving, he started shoveling food into his mouth. Blinking, Steve mocked, "Might taste delicious too. If, ya know, slowed down enough to taste it."

Playfully, Bucky rolled his eyes and good-humoredly argued around a mouth of food, "I can taste it just fine. And I'm gonna taste yours too, if you don't start eating."

"If you're not good, you're not gonna get your present," Steve tossed back at the alpha.

As Steve gathered some of the salmon with a piece of asparagus, Bucky's brows arched high on his forehead as he asked, "Present?"

"Mhmm," Steve nodded and focused on his meal.

"What kind of present?" Bucky questioned even though his gaze was running down Steve's covered frame.

Steve swiped his finger through some of the butter-garlic sauce – really shooting for sexy – as he sensually licked his own finger clean. Considering Bucky's jaw dropped open and his fork clanged against the plate, Steve figured that he succeeded. After being together for six years, Steve was glad that he still had some effect on his lover.

Making eye contact, Steve said, "Guess you'll just have to wait and see."

Briefly biting his lip as his gaze dropped down to Steve's, Bucky pleaded, "C'mon, give me a hint."

Feigning thought, Steve theatrically caved as he loosened the oversize bathrobe just enough to let it slip off his slender shoulder where the thin red strap to the thong singlet could be seen. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough. Bucky leaned forward, trying to see if he could see any more of it, however, he wasn't able to. Even if the robe was exposing more of his skin, the lingerie was too little fabric to show much of anything besides his creamy, alabaster skin.

"Ya know," Bucky started, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, "We can just reheat this later."

Chuckling, Steve shook his head, but didn't say anything either way. Instead, just sat there, laughing, as Bucky continued, "It's not healthy to work out on a full stomach."

"That's a good point," Steve agreed. Taking a drink of his sweet lemonade, Steve stood from the table.

Without another word, Steve walked through the kitchen. Pausing in the living room, Steve looked over his shoulder to find Bucky taking their plates to the stove where he could cover them so Greg wouldn't get to them. Once Bucky's attention was back on him, Steve untied the robe and let it drop to the floor.

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