The God Gambler: A COTE x Kak...

By Nekoramara-senpai

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Takes place after Volume 10. Tsukishiro successfully expelled Kiyotaka with the help of Sakayanagi Arisu on t... More

Prologue: Deport & Arrival
Chapter 1: Behind Her Mask
Chapter 2: Vote Rock-Paper-Scissors Pt. 1
Chapter 3: Vote Rock-Paper-Scissors Pt. 2
Chapter 4: A Kakegurui
Chapter 5: Tradition
Chapter 6: My First Gamble
Chapter 7: Traditional Culture Research Club
Chapter 8: Saotome Mary's Fall
Chapter 9: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 10: Insults And Mockery
Chapter 12: Flaws
Chapter 13: Not My Type
Chapter 14: Ikishima Midari
Chapter 14.5: Life Plan is a Joke...Except it's not
Chapter 15: Telling Jokes

Chapter 11: Intervention And A Big Loss

6.2K 271 39
By Nekoramara-senpai

I've been out for a month or so because.... Well, I'm lazy af while playing and watching shits. Also, school is as stressful as ever so you know.

Should I commit seppuku for the late upload...?


No, forget about it. The next chapter will be out soon anyway as it is only a few thousand words and a short one compared to this. It's a good way of payment right?


Ah, and I didn't have time to check for possible grammatical errors. So forgive me if you ever see one.

~ ~ ~ ~

Third Person POV

The cold, sterile air coming from the air conditioning was the only noise the people inside the room could hear. Not a single soul could utter a word nor do any kind of movements that could interrupt the constant awkwardness.

For them, the continued silence is starting to be so noisy for their ears to handle. However, no one dared to try and break it.

The same goes for the players- No, only one of them felt that way. Her opponent is still as excited as usual. Nishinitouin's calm demeanor managed to cool her down, but she herself knows that her temper has reached it's highest peak.

The silence seems to be helping her to calm down for a bit. It also managed to clear her head and pulled her sense of reality back. She could now manage to think straight, somehow; something she couldn't do earlier due to constant anger piling up on her head.

"Both parties are in agreement. I shall place ten swords into the pot!"

Despite the short Interruption that Yumeko made, Kumagusu continued the game with slight tension drawing on her face.

"Now it's all set! 10!"

The countdown immediately started as soon as she finished shaking the pot. This 10 second countdown will be the last they will hear.

Of course, no one among them gained the upper hand as the advantage. The amount of their chips also didn't changed from way back from when the game first started.

However, what made this round the last is due to Yumeko's absurd amount of bet. She decided to use all of her chips this round, with no room to spare for another game to play.

Such a risky move is something nobody expected. After all, no one knows what's happening inside this girl's head. She's an unpredictable person, not only in gambling but on other stuff as well.

Constantly teasing Nishinotouin when the game started, personally attacking her next, making fun of her name then betting all of her chips in one round. She brought all kinds of turmoil and emotions in one single day.

I can't, I can't... To lose my temper at such mere insults would only bring shame onto the students council's name. However, even if I were to win just like this, Psychologically, I would not benefit. After all, stress is a huge enemy to one's beauty.

She wants to prevent that at happening at all cost. Bringing shame to the council is something that she must not do— No, she cannot do it. Just the thought of it makes her nervous and scared. She couldn't care less about her appearance if the cost of it is embarrassing the council.

The fact that Kirari is the president makes it worse. The sole reason of her fear was this woman, nothing more.

Despite the fear enveloping Nishinotouin's body into constant trembling, she managed to keep up her smile and mature composure— Well, she tried.

But a certain someone already knew that she's not being her usual self. She's not as calm as before.

She was afraid— or so that person thought.

The student council president respects those of individual skills, but...

Nishinotouin took stack of chips and held it within her right hand.

[ Life or Death ]... Fufufu, as the name dictates—

She started to place her chips on every corner of the board that she pick in a craze. It was insanely fast that the chips are already in placed before anyone knew it.

—with respect, I'm going to kill you

The chips was organized, neatly arranged and placed with 5 each on 8 spots. Of course, it goes without saying that there's no need to make such a move if Nishinotouin only wants Yumeko's chips to fall below zero.

She's definitely angry. Nishinotouin decided to put her anger through this game instead of throwing a tantrum and losing her composure.

Upon seeing this, Yumeko let out a slight snicker while staring right through Nishinotouin's eyes.

"Hehehe. Nishinotouin-san, I apologise if I affected your mood."

It was an apology that she didn't meant to. More like, it was another one of her way to provoke Nishinotouin. Though this time, Nishinotouin didn't seem to mind it at all, but she seems to be rather confuse.

Hmph. What is it, all of a sudden...

"Ah, I didn't pay it any mind. More than that, time is running out."

There's no more than 4 seconds left remaining, but Yumeko haven't made any moves yet. She yet to pick up her chips let alone place it on her decided numbers.

"From the start, It was all..." Yumeko then grabbed tons of chips in front of her and arranged it like a tower on her hand. "—only for the sake of making you bet here, so please forgive my rudeness."


Nishinotouin's confusion was the accurate response to anticipate. After all, Yumeko's phrasing made it look like she was spouting nothing more than gibberish things.

However, the stress she puts on the word 'here' seems to say otherwise.

It's like everything that happened thus far is a part of her story. Like a story writer who constructed the characters movements and emotions upon her will


Upon realizing what just happened, Nishinotouin's face turned into a complete 180. It was a mixed emotions of grim, surprised, sudden fear and nervousness. Her face was completely covered in sweats, looking like she just took a bath from the rain.

"Zero! Times up! No more—" With her eyes wide opened, Kumagusu immediately stopped in state of shock upon seeing the same thing as Nishinotouin. However, her reaction was far more troubled than the player herself. "bets..."

What lies in front of them was a tall tower made up of all of Yumeko's chips. Yes, all of it, no exceptions.

Yumeko indeed told everyone that she would bet all of her chips on this round. And there's no real reason to doubt this girl. After all, what she said will undoubtedly happen, no matter what. Nevertheless, they didn't expect that she will bet all of it on just one number.

Like, who on right mind will do something like that? It's obviously crazy.  Not only her chances of winning is tremendously reduced, but it also posed a lot of disadvantages if she ever lose the game.

"All 40 chips on number 24...?" Suzui muttered rather loudly.

"A-Ah... W-Why...?" Still trembling and sweating in nervousness, Nihsinotouin managed to ask the one question that everyone on the room wants to ask.

"Why...? Because you are cheating, that's why."

Her answer was rather straightforward. But almost everyone knew what she's talking about, except for one.

"Cheating...?" Suzui asked in confusion.

With no room for another round nor game to spare— That was what Yumeko was thinking. But it wasn't a reckless nor idiotic move. She knew what she was doing, and what her enemy is plotting as well.

Yumeko's confidence has a reason— No, it has a cause.

"Yeah. Please take a look at the dealer's hand. There are small dots that looks like moles at first sight, yes?"

Hearing this, Kumagusu subconsciously covered her right hand where the dots are located. It was on top of her right palm. Within her index finger and middle finger, two black dots could be seen on plain sight.

"The girl who showed us around here also had the same 'moles' on her hand."

The person in question widened her eyes in surprise of Yumeko's revelation.

"Wh-Wha...? What does that...?"

"Basically, what I'm saying is that those 'moles' were made artificially. It's something subtle like piercing." From the way she said the word 'moles' before, it's clear that Yumeko meant something else. "And for the sake of this trickery, making the club members go to such length as piercing their hands..."

Yumeko covered her mouth in a mocking way, trying her best not to burst into laughter. "Fufufu, Nishinotouin-san, you do such incredible things, don't you? ♡"

( I don't know what to do about this fcking emoji. Should I make it colorless like this or do you guys prefer the red one? )

Yumeko continued to unveil what was 'hypothetically' happening behind the scenes. "Most likely, just one of the swords in the set contains a polarised magnet. If the dealer controls their strength of movement carefully, the sword can be secured during the shaking because of the magnet. Slide your hand down the pot and be able to have the sword land anywhere you like on the board."

Yumeko's accurate statement made it look like she was a part of this so-called plan all along. Like she was there when Nishinotouin explained how it was done and how it will occur.

"W-Wait a moment, please!" Nishinotouin's pleading echoed around the room. Her weak and forced voice made it more convincing that all things Yumeko stated is true. "Since you've been here, I have not once betted on the right position of the sword. Your friend also betted as the pot was shaken, there's no way I could have done such a thing during that time!"

Nishinotouin tried her best to deny all the testimony by bringing up her case with Saotome. It was her best and last shot. The fuel that could be use in the unstoppable rampage of Yumeko's blazing fire, but she mistook it as her last remaining hope of salvation.

"The best thing about this method of cheating is that, there isn't a "100% chance of winning"."Even if you control the swords with the hand's movement, it's not certain it will fall on the right slot. It's also possible that another sword may be blocking the way. After all, there's only one sword you can control, so the rest is up to chance."

It's true that there will be a 50/50, 75/25 and 15/85 for the sword to clung towards the magnet as they planned. Luck is still luck, no matter what. Whether if it'll materialize as an object or stay as a pure generalize skill, luck won't ever favor either side of the coin unless a countermeasure is done.

And by the time someone made a plan to increase their luck and favor them is also the time when it's not referred as "luck" anymore.

( Sorry, my grammar is fucked up. My brain is a big mess rn. )

"The actual probabilities would still be small if quantitied, yes? That's why Saotome-san didn't discovered your trick."

If Nishinotouin abused this trick on her game with Saotome, Saotome would've figured it out, considering the fact that Saotome is also sharp when it comes to manipulation and cheating.

However, Nishinotouin didn't do it. No—

She couldn't, and would never be able to do it

"An uncertain trickery... But you were perfectly happy with that."

Nishinotouin couldn't do anything but clenched her teeth in frustration.

"You, who is the Traditional Culture Research Club's president and a council member certainly have access to a solid form of money. If so, it doesn't matter if there's a chance that you will lose... As long as your chances are just slightly better than your opponent's. With tens, hundreds of repetitions like this, with each game, you can steadily gain plus and rake in money."

"The amount of money one own ultimately decide the victor. This doesn't stop within the walls of a casino, or its cash flow. It's a rule that forms the basis for a capitalist society!"

""For whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken from him." Sounds familiar? It's the Gospel of Matthew 13:12, The Bible."

( Now I lost my motivation to swear. )

"At the heart of that cheating laid no "Trick", but your "Wealth"!"

One shall need money to gain more and one who doesn't own many will lose all. To put it in simple terms, the 'trick' isn't all about the magnet, but the 'money' that will back up Nishinotouin in the chances of an unexpected lost.

She's calm because she have money, just like how all people act on this rotten society of this world. As short-sighted as human could be, having  money will grant them a temporary peace of mind and a feeling of superiority, but it wouldn't last forever.

That temporary peace will serve as a gate leading to a great calamity that will lead to their destruction

"Surely, it wouldn't hurt you to lose a few million yen, right?" Yumeko was confident that her statement was true. "Even when Saotome-san bet for the sole purpose of taking you down, you weren't stressed at all."

She maintained her calm demeanor until the bitter end, even at the brink of defeat, Nishinitouin didn't mind it at all and even mocked Saotome with a giggle.

"I wouldn't call that a fair gamble! I betted all the money I have in my name, it's not fair!" Yumeko's sudden childish behavior came out of nowhere, catching them off-guard.

"Let's feel the same pain~! My bet is 40 chips. If it happened to hit life, your loss will be—."

"2 Billion, 170 Million Yen~! HAHAHAHA~!"

It was an easy computation considering the most possible outcome. Calling it an insane amount would be an understatement, in fact, it was a large sum of money that no ordinary person can acquire and pay even if they work for the rest of their lives.

But considering it was Nishinitouin who will get that debt, surely she can pay it within a few months or year.

But anything could happen between those time, especially her time as a slave will be hard

Nevertheless, that's just under the surmise that she will lose.

After all, anything and everything could happen that will bend Yumeko's plan against her own

"Fufu, You might lose so much money in just one game... Just as it's called "Life or Death"... Come, and let's gamble into a craze~!"

Yumeko's craziness is something that cannot be stop nor contained at this point. The only way to put an end on her demeanor was to finish this game and see the outcome.

"Now, decide! Will you please open the pot?!"

She turned her gaze towards Kumagusu with her outmost excitement and anticipation.


On the other hand, Kumagusu tried to ask Nishinitouin for confirmation to open the pot, but was answered by a total silence.

2-2 Billion, 170 million... I can still pay that much, right...? But I can't just moved too much money all of a sudden! I'd have to pull all the money the club members here have paid as a donation, but...

Without their money, my position within the student council will be...!

Nishinitouin's head was a total mess right now. There's a ton of questions in her head that's contradicting her ideals and her sense of reality. She cannot ascertain what's the difference between long term benefits and small exchange  anymore.

The benefits of being a student council member are huge. Money and status is just a thought away. As long as I stay within it, I can stay out of debt and keep these girls safe from slavery too!

Nishinitouin glanced at the members of the club, which was now watching from the corner of the room. They arrived at the room earlier to watch the game for fun, only to be meet by a disaster that will soon befall their club.

If not, everything will be destroyed! All will be ruined!

I...I have to negotiatiate...before the pot is opened!


Her pride as the president of the club and as the member of the student council is the only thing she have left. Her decision for throwing away her pride and negotiate to the person in front of her— her enemy, weighs more than the people who will share the same fate as her.

She was even willing to sacrifice her dignity away, to the point of begging and lowering her head to the floor. It doesn't matter to her anymore, so long as the members are safe.

But, just before she continue to talk, the door of the room smashed open and three people entered the room as if they own the place.

It consists of three girls. The one in the right wearing a bunny hoodie while licking a lollipop, a rather petite body and a small height for her age. The face of an outgoing and a lively personality.

The one in the left was a tall girl with a slender body wearing a mask that covers her entire face. A silver, long elegant hair that reaches her hip. She was standing still like a robot with no functions and actions programmed on her.

And the one in the middle was a beautiful girl who has the same height and body as the girl with the masked. They also have the same hair color and length, but her hair was tied in a rather unique way— a braided ring with a ribbon. Her lips was like the color of a blue bubble gum, while the same thing could be said on her eyes.

"Please excuse us." The girl in the middle said.

"P-President...?! W-Why...?!" The one who responded to the girls sudden arrival was none other than Nishinotouin herself, who identified her as the President.

"E-Eh? The student council president...?" Suzuki was rather surprised by their entrance.

"It's become quite an interesting situation, hasn't it..." Her voice was rather low and monotone, but she phrased it as if she's watching the whole thing. "With the rise of the amount that's betted, trouble can follow. I'll watch over you, alright?"

"T-To bother president's hands with such menial duties would be preposterous. Such small matter can be handled by—"

Nishinotouin's intentions was those of a person coming clean while showing respect, but before she could even finish, the president grabbed her chin, lift it up, and closed the distance between their face.

However, the president's face was a bit above her, making her look down on Nishinotouin while staring at her closed eyes.

"Shut up and open it."

It was an order that she received, and not a request. Such a thing could only be done if the person you're talking to is someone you consider below you, or just someone you think is not worthy of your respect.

Nishinotouin's fear before was incomparable to what she's feeling right now. The presence of the president right in front of her is something even she can't handle.

The president, upon sensing these, let go of her chin and crossed her arms with a grin planted on her face.

"Nyahahaha! Yuriko-chan's gone all green! Are you alright~?" The one who asked with such a mocking tone was the girl in a bunny suit. Her voice was to be expected on someone with her height, but the pitch was rather higher than a middle schooler.

"Yuriko-sama..." Kumagusu was concerned as she could be, but as much as she'd like to save Nishinotouin from the mockery, she yet to have the authority to match against the student council members, which is why she could only express her concerns on her tone.

Nishinotouin finally responded with a nod, allowing her to open the pot that will finally end all this game.

"....Well then. I will open..." She placed her hand on the pot, and slowly but surely, lifted it up.

It's as if the time is running so slow, that they didn't realize that, deep inside them, they were anticipating about the results this whole time.

What will be the outcome?

Who will be the winner?

Who will suffer from the unimaginable sum of debt?

All of their questions will be answered at this very moment.


Nishinotouin kept her eyes shut, while Suzuki was the one who shouted this in surpirse.

"[Death] on 10 and... L-[Life] on 7!"

This answered the questions inside everyone's head. A single result sufficient enough to satisfy them.

E-Eh? Seven...? Exactly what I had betted...?

What? No, that can't be... 24 wasn't hit...? It wasn't...?

Nishinotouin was both surprised and delighted, but she decided not to show it on her face.

"Yuriko-sama has hit 5 chips on Life! So the chips are 195 [Plus] for Yuriko-sama and 115 [Minus] for Jabami-sama...! Game ends with Yuriko-sama's win by 310 Million Yen!"

It was a complete defeat for Yumeko, while Nishinotouin earned a total sum of 310 Million yen, which is a fairly large amount to accumulate on her age.

Why...? Am I dreaming...?

Nishinotouin still can't bring herself to believe the events in front of her. The ecstasy is something she can't handle, considering the constant struggle and different emotions she felt earlier. She now has a room to breathe, at the very least.

"Yuriko-sama! Congratulations!" Kumagusu held Nishinotouin's hand real tight and congtratulated her.

In response to this celebration, she nodded her head with a slight smile on her face. It was the most genuine smile she could give at this point.

Could it be...?

She already suspected that something was done that leads up to this point that she didn't know about. Since Yumeko already figured out what was the trick behind all of this, she was confident that couldn't win anymore.

But things didn't end up the way she expected it to be.

"I didn't think you'd actually win, you know." As if reading through Nishinotouin's mind, the president simply acted shocked. "Yuriko, you're quite lucky, aren't you? Seems like I have the wrong impression about you."

Her initial impression of Nishinotouin was something no one knows about but the president alone. And it seems like she's not planning to state what it is.

After giving her 'kind of' congratulatory message to Nishinotouin, she turned her gaze towards Yumeko and leaned her body forward.

"On the other hand, it's a shame for you. To lose by such terrible luck even though you tried so hard."

Despite stating this, no hint of sympathy could be heard on her tone. She's not mocking her either. She was simply stating that her loss was due to her own luck, nothing more.

Yumeko kept silent as she touch her lips with her index finger. A flustered expression can also be seen on her face.

People could assume that it was the face of a crying girl, however, that's not the case.

"A badger, was it? For it to be such a thing." She finally responded, but she didn't bought what the president told her but instead, made her own deduction and the most practical conclusion.

"Well, who knows?" is what the president simply replied to her before turning around and walking away with both of her company behind her.

As the conclusion of the long game has been decided by the all odds, it was either a good thing or a bad thing for both sides who took and participated in the match.

They were both silent; that was the only thing that matches both player's behavior right now.

However, their reactions was the only thing that divide the people inside the room into three.

The ones who took the win

The people who will suffer from the loss

And the people who just didn't care about it

Nevertheless, as the results were finally out, this also spells to everyone that the game has already ended, and there will be no room for another match to spare.

Nishinotouin ended up winning, and that fact cannot be changed. May it be done in the most dirtiest way possible or not is a different matter altogether.

While Yumeko ended up taking the loss, it won't be the end of it. Just because the outcome has been decided doesn't mean that her fate has been sealed forever.

After all, a certain someone already planned to make her realize her own shortcomings, and 'help' her to overcome it in the most cruel way possible.

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