Fill Me In

By mahonecarteraustin

203K 7.7K 1K

"H-Hi." I nervously say, my grip on the door strong. "Hi I'm Austin." He smiled, "my mom said she's was going... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenety-Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Chapter Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four
Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight*
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three

Chapter Twenty-One

5.2K 181 23
By mahonecarteraustin

I sigh and grip my backpack tighter. I hold my fingers together intertwined quickly going to my new locker as fast as I can.

I don't want to be seen, I don't want to be noticed, I want to blend in. I hate being the new girl.

I look at my schedule as I reach my locker and find out I have math first. I internally groan and grab my books and then for my next class just incase I can't make it.

I reach in my backpack and grab my headphones shoving them in my ear one by one as I pull out my phone and then see I have a text.

From ❤️🔥💏Austin💗💘💕

Hey beautiful! :) Have a good day at school and don't forget that I'm here if you need me! Make some friends! As long as they aren't boys 😜😉

A big smile spreads across my face as I send him a quick text back...

To ❤️🔥💏Austin💗💘💕

Thank you :) I hope I make friends and don't worry I could never find anyone better then you ☺️🙈 I love you ❤️

I shut my locker and then began weaving my way through my new fellow classmates. My eyes were glued on the floor and my schedule trying my best to not get lost but to also stay invisible.

I soon find my class and go up to the older bald man, who I'm just going to go out on a limb and say he is the teacher, and tell him the situation.

"Oh of course!" He smiles warmly at me, "Emily right?"

"That's me." I quietly reply, tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear.

"That's going to be your seat." He said looking at a paper and then pointing to a desk, "and I'm probably going to have you come to the front and introduce yourself-"

"Do I have to?" I shyly ask, "I'm not really good at that stuff..."

"Um- uh yeah that's fine." He said, "but I'm going to just say your new. I won't make you say anything else."

"Thanks" I smile, "Mr.... Long."

He just nods and smiles and I quickly go to my desk and instantly sink into it. I sigh dreading the upcoming event. I know it's only going to last five seconds but I really don't want everyone looking at me...

Just before the bell rang I went to go check and make sure my phone was on silent and I had a text.

From ❤️🔥💏Austin💗💘💕

I love you more beautiful 😘 Don't forget to keep your head up and smile 😊 show them that beautiful smile princess 🙏 see you soon baby.

I smile softly and then put my phone in back pocket when the bell signals the start of class.

"Okay class." Mr what's him name says and all eyes go on him, "before we start class I just wanted to let you know we have a new student and her name is Emily."

As soon as he gestures in my direction, every single head turns in direction and I could just feel them trying to figure out every single detail of my life just by looking at me.

I force a small smile and then soon they turn back around and begin taking notes... This is gonna be a long day.


I sigh as I get my lunch and stand in front of all the tables. Lunch. The most terrifying thing a new student can go through.

I sigh as I look for a table, not to empty not to full. Right when I was about to go towards and empty table some tapped my shoulder.

"Hi." A girl smiled warmly at me, "do you want to sit at a table with some of my friends?"

"Umm sure." I smile shyly, "thanks."

"No problem!" She smiled and I started following her to her table, "I'm Kylie."

"I'm Emily." I smile back as we soon sit down at a table filled with a few other girl and a couple guys.

"Guys this is Emily." She smiled sweetly and they all gave me a quick hello.

"Where you from?" A girl across from me asked.

"Florida." I answer, "pretty far away. But not much different."

"Oh that's so cool!" The final girl said and I smiled, not knowing what to say.

"Oh!" Kylie said, "I should probably introduce you to everyone!"

I found out the girl with the short very blonde hair is Lauren, the girl with the long brown hair is Kylie, and the girl with the long black hair was Vanessa.

Then for the guys, there was Cole. He had long brown hair. Then there was Dylan. He had darker brown hair that was at medium length.

"Well it's good to put names to faces." I smile.

Then we all just started to get to know each other and it turns out they are all really awesome.

"Oh my god I almost forgot!" Vanessa smiled, "we're going to the beach on this Friday! Wanna go?"

"Yeah! That'd be awesome." I smile.

"We're going surfing and the girls might just tan." Cole laughed.

"I've never surfed before..." I say nervously.

"Don't worry." Vanessa laughed, "I haven't either but I'll try if you will!"

"Okay." I say nervously, "how hard can it be right?"


I sigh as I get home and instantly call Austin like he wanted me to.

"Hi Austin." I smile brightly when he answers the phone.

"Hey gorgeous." He said and I could practically see his smirk.

"Austin." I giggle, "you can't see me."

"I don't have to." He smiled, "your always look beautiful no matter what."

"Thank you." I smile and blush. Oh god, he can still make me blush?!

"How was your day sweetie?" He asks considerately.

"It was good surprisingly! I made friends! There's Lauren, Cole, Vanessa, Dylan and Kylie!" I explain making sure to blend the guys names in, "and don't worry Austin. They aren't going to try and take you away from me."

"They better not." He chuckled, "or I will have to make a special trip there to beat their assės. Did you tell them your mine?"

"No." I nervously say but then quickly add, "they didn't seem interested in me that way. If they do I'll let them know that I'm yours and I love you. And that's not gonna change."

"Good." He said proudly.

"How was your day?"

"Pretty boring." He laughed, "he guys and I just lounged around. We didn't know what to do without you. But I'm planning on visiting soon. I don't know exactly when..."

"Austin it's so expensive for you to come out here... Your not going to be able to come over all the time."

"Do you not want me to come and see you?"

"No! Of course not Austin! I want to see you but do you know how expensive it would be for you to get a plane to come see me? You can't waste so much money on me Austin."

"Then I'll drive!"

"Austin." I sigh, "do you know how long that will take you? And- and... How much money gas will be?..."

"How am I going to see you?"

"I think we just need to wait a little bit." I sadly admit, "I love you and I miss you and I want to see you... But I can't let you waste so much money on me. Let's just wait a little bit and then you can stay for a longer time."

"Your right." he sighed, "Skype tomorrow? I need to see you..."

"That's sounds great." I smile, "talk to you later."

"I love you." He said quietly, "bye baby."

"Bye Austin. I love you too."

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