The Idol's Daycare (KDA x Mal...

By BlackTalonCr0w

768K 16.4K 13.4K

An average daycare worker finds himself taking care of four of the world's most famous pop idols kids. Can he... More

Chapter 1- Introductions
Chapter 2- Apartment Pals
Chapter 3- Shattered
Chapter 4- Their First Day
Chapter 6- Dancing Fever
Chapter 7- Little Trouble Maker
Chapter 8- Drama Queen
Chapter 9- The Saturday
Chapter 10- Sister's calling
Chapter 11- The Outing Part 1
Chapter 12- The Outing Part 2
Chapter 13- Close Call
Chapter 14- House Tour
Chapter 15- Confession or Confusion?
Chapter 16- The Ninja's birthday
Chapter 17- Big Moves
Chapter 18- Cooking with feeling
Chapter 19- A SpOwOoky OwOky Night
Chapter 20- Love Fever
Chapter 21- Unexpected Arrivals
Chapter 22- "Friendly" Competition
A/N: 100k Q and A
Chapter 23- A Family Talk
Chapter 24- A very Merry KDA Christmas
Chapter 25- Strays
Chapter 26- Roll your D20
Chapter 27- (Y/n) "Silverhand" (L/n)
Chapter 28- Bulls and Horns
Chapter 29- The Lake (+18!!! NSFW)
Chapter 30- No S'More Please
Chapter 31- Cake by the Lake
Chapter 32- Lucid
Chapter 33- Lost in the city
Chapter 34- Enrollment
Chapter 35- Interview with the Devil
Shorts: Driver's Ed
Shorts: Talent Show

Chapter 5- Confrontation

29.9K 543 688
By BlackTalonCr0w

(A/n: I got tickets to go see Sabaton tomorrow. So there will be a break in the chapters. As well a postponement on chapter 30 for Pilot, KDA Report. But in the mean time enjoy the chapter.)

Ashe: "(Y/n) come back to me... I'm sorry..."

You quickly glanced at KDA and then backed to Ashe. KDA seemed shocked as to who this person was and why they were calling for you. They quickly turn back to you and you put on your best fake smile.

You: "Um! Excuse me just a second! Um, feel free to go ahead and go! It was nice seeing you all again and I'll see you girls tomorrow I presume! Bye!"

You quickly grab Ashe and bring her into the butterfly room and close the door. You had no other options really and you still needed to clean the room up either way. Taking a deep breath you look at Ashe as she tries to get close to you. The thought of her touching you made you sick and so you went around the room cleaning up a bit.

You: "Why are you here...?"

Ashe: "I'm here to get back with you! Why won't you talk to me?!"

You: "Because you cheated on me Ashe! That's why! Do you really think that I'd want to see you after witnessing that first hand!"

Ashe: "I said I was sorry! Please (Y/n)! I know I messed up! Please just give me another chance!"

Right now you were so glad that the rooms were sound proof since you knew how loud kids could get. As with the discussion you were having right now, it wasn't meant for children to hear.

You: "I gave you my heart, time, dedication, and love. You threw that all in the ground and stomped on it. Do you really think I can trust you? No, that would be so dumb of me!"

Ashe: "I still love you! I do! Please let me prove it to you! I promise I will!"

You: "Ashe just give it a rest already! We're done! Just go back to campus! Go back to whoever he is! You clearly want him more than me! So just go!"

Ashe: "No! I'm not leaving here without you!"

Ashe lunged forward for you until you saw two quick lashers around her. You turned to see KDA still here at the door of the room and with Shay and a phone in her hand. You turned to look at the source of the lashers which was Evelynn with a pissed off look on her face.

Earlier Evelynn's POV...

As we were talking to Mr.(Y/n) his face had a sudden change in emotion when he looked past us. We turned to see this girls about Mr.(Y/n) and Akali's age. It looked like she had been crying for hours with the amount of makeup on her face. Funny enough I knew the brand too since it was Ahri's. What shocked us the most was what she had said.

Ashe: "(Y/n) come back to me... I'm sorry..."

Then it clicked in my mind. So this was Mr.(Y/n)'s girlfriend or now I presume ex-girlfriend from the context clues. Mr.(Y/n) had quickly ushered her into the room he worked in and closed the door.

Ahri: "Who was that?"

Me: "My guess, his recent ex-girlfriend."

Kai'sa: "What?!"

Akali: "How could you tell so easily?"

Me: "Are you serious? The girl looked like she'd been crying for hours. And obviously she seemed to have been here for our little daycare worker."

Mai: "That's the lady I saw in Mr.(Y/n)'s head. That's why he was sad."

Ahri: "Mai, it's not nice to look into people's thoughts like that without permission."

Mai: "I-I-I'm sorry mama."

Ahri: "It's okay my little fox just don't do it without permission."

As I was about to go towards the room Mr.(Y/n) had just gone in. Ms. Shay had approached us.

Shay: "Oh! You're still here! Did you need something?"

Me: "Do you know that white-haired woman that Mr.(Y/n) took with him into the butterfly room?'

Shay: "White-haried woman... Oh my god! His ex is here!"

Me: "I told you so."

I turned back to look at the rest of the group.

Shay: "And he's in there alone?!"

Shay went to the door and peeked through the window. We all gathered over as well and opened the door quietly a bit to hear what they were talking about.

Ashe: "I'm here to get back with you! Why won't you talk to me?!"

We were kinda shocked as to why she was yelling at Mr.(Y/n). We then looked at him and saw what his response would be.

You: "Because you cheated on me Ashe! That's why! Do you really think that I'd want to see you after witnessing that first hand!"

After that we were shocked.

Ahri: "Oh my god that's terrible!"

Kai'sa: "Oh, poor Mr.(Y/n). I hope he's going to be okay."

Akali: "Ugh! What a brat!"

My blood started to boil when Mr.(Y/n) listed the reason why this girl was the cause of his sadness and anger. I could empathize with Mr.(Y/n). A few of us actually could...

You: "Ashe just give it a rest already! We're done! Just go back to campus! Go back to whoever he is! You clearly want him more than me! So just go!"

Ahri: "You tell her Mr.(Y/n)!"

Akali: "Yeah! Frick her dude!"

Kai'sa: "I'm proud he's making a stand for himself."

Shay: "I have 911 on standby just in case she tries something on him."

I didn't say anything, I just continued to watch with anger not just at her but for Mr.(Y/n).

Ashe: "No! I'm not leaving here without you!"

I saw her try to go over to Mr.(Y/n) I quickly opened the door and stepped into the room. I sent both of my lasers to warp the girl up. I was extremely upset at this point.

Normal POV...

Evelynn: "Mr.(Y/n)... Please do you want to see this garbage ever again?"

You: "Ummmm..."

Evelynn: "Answer. The. Question."

You: "No. No, I don't want to see her ever again."

Evelynn: "Good. Listen here little girl. If I ever see you trying to bother our children's daycare worker ever again. I will find you myself and show you truly what hell can be. Now I'm going to let you off with a warning and only a warning. Now go."

Evelynn had released Ashe and Ashe had turned your way to say something.

Ashe: "(Y/n) I-"

Evelynn: "LEAVE! NOW!"

Ashe was completely startled and started crying and ran out of the room and the daycare. Evelynn being that loud and having that much anger in her voice scared not only you and Shay. But KDA and the kids as well. You didn't know what to do but you wanted to break the deafening and tense air in the room.

You: "T-t-t-thank you Miss Richmond. You... You didn't have to go and do that for me but I appreciate the gesture either way. If there is anything I could-"

Evelynn: "Stop there Mr.(Y/n). No thanks is needed. Deanna darling come on. Let's go home."

Evelynn walked off and picked up Deanna, she seemed unfazed by her mother's nature and just hugged her. Evelynn then left the room and went back to the lobby to wait for the other's. Ahri walked to go see if Evelynn was okay. While Shay, Kai'sa, and Akali walked up to you to see if you were okay.

You: "I'm sorry you all had to witness that. How much did you..."

Shay: "Everything honey. Come here (Y/n)."

Shay pulled you into a hug and you silently started to cry. You then felt a couple pairs of arms around your legs and looked down to see Leah, and Ina. You kneeled down to them and gave them a hug.

You: "Thank you girls. You're very sweet."

You gave them a smile and they smiled back. You patted their heads and gave them another hug. You let them go and stood up. Kai'sa and Akali gave you both a look and went in for a hug. Very surprised and caught off guard. You tensed up for a second since they were pop idols and you didn't know them very well. Soon you just wrapped your arms around both of them. You let go signalling it was okay to stop. Kai'sa let go first but Akali held on for a few more seconds.

Akali: "I'm sorry, I know how much you must be hurting."

Before you could react she let go of the hug and picked up Ina and walked out of the room.

Shay: "(Y/n) you can go home early today. You must be exhausted. I'll clean up here."

You: "No, I got it. It's-"

Shay: "(Y/n) just go. It'll be fine."

You just nodded and went to the employee's room. You took off your apron and work shoes and got your backpack. You made your way to the lobby to still see KDA standing there like they were waiting for you.

You: "Uh... I'll see you all tomorrow. Have a good one..."

As you went to walk by them Evelynn grabbed your arm. Surprised you turned to look at her.

Evelynn: "What are you doing this weekend?"

You: "Uh... Probably go out with friends or hangout in my apartment. Why?"

Evelynn: "Give me your phone."

You: "Uh okay."

You reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone and handed it to Evelynn. She spent some time but she then gave it back to you. You looked to see what she had done. You saw that not only her contact was in there but all of KDA's was as well.

Evelynn: "I will text you our address. We need someone to look after the kids while we go and do a photo shoot for the day. You will be paid of course."

You: "But the daycare is open on the weekends. The girls can still be brought here. You don't need to go through the trouble of-"

Evelynn: "Are you working this weekend?"

You: "No..."

Evelynn: "My point exactly. I don't trust anyone else here with the children. So that's why I'm hiring you for the weekend. Now I expect you to be there at 10:00 am sharp. Any later and I will be quite upset. Do I make myself clear?"

You: "Yes Miss Richmond."

Evelynn: "Evelynn, call me Evelynn."

You: "Yes, Miss Evelynn."

She then got in your face. Penetrating your soul with her golden eyes.

Evelynn: "No dear. Just Evelynn."

You: "Y-y-yes... Evelynn..."

Evelynn just smirked and walked out of the daycare.

Ahri: "Thank you so much! See you again!"

Mai: "Bye Mr.(Y/n)!"

Kai'sa: "Have a good day! Bye!"

Leah: "Bye bye Mr.(Y/n)!"

Akali: "Later dude!"

Ina: "Bye! Let's play again soon!"

You just waved them all goodbye. You then got in your car still trying to process everything. When you got to the apartment you just laid down on the couch.

Seraphine: "Hey! Not even a hello?!"

You: "You would not believe what happened at work today..."

Seraphine: "What happened now?"

You: "Well, go get Jinx and Sett and I'll tell everyone."

Seraphine called everyone over and when they all came to your apartment and you told the story of what had happened in the daycare earlier.

Jinx: "Oh that fucking bitch! I'll kill her! Sett go get my shotgun!"

Sett: "You don't have a shotgun."

Jinx: "Then let's go buy one and go get her!"

Seraphine: "Jinx, will you stop please?"

Irelia: "Well it was very kind of Miss Evelynn to step in and help you."

You: "Yeah, that's not the only thing she gave me."

Sett: "What do you mean?"

You: "She also gave me their numbers and address."

Seraphine: "NO FREAKING WAY!!!"


Irelia: "SETT!"

Sett: "Oh, sorry..."

Jinx: "Look at you! From college snake bitches to pop idols!"

You: "Please, they gave it to me because they want me to watch their kids this weekend. I'm also getting paid for it."

Irelia: "I hope the pay is good."

You: "Yeah, but it'll be maybe like $100. $25 for each kid."

Jinx: "Maybe they'll pay you in other ways~."

You: "I highly doubt they would."

You all laugh and just smile.

Seraphine: "But just imagine! Going to the KDA mansion!"

Sett: "Take pictures! Lots of pictures!"

You: "I will, I will."

Seraphine: "I think things are already starting to look up for you bestie."

You: "Yeah... I think they are."

Afterwards you all just ate pizza and played Mario party on the switch. You went to bed with a warm feeling in your heart from today.

You: "I wonder what's in store for me this week and weekend..."

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