Suicidal Child ||tpn x bsd x...

By itz-stuts

44.9K 1.2K 584

ON PAUSE!! "The weak fear happiness itself. They can harm themselves on cotton wool. Sometimes they are wound... More

Y/n profile + A/n
Love interest
Dark Era Y/n + A/n
Happy 180 reads peopleπŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
Happy 400 readsπŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
Thank youu sooo much for 1k
Happy new year people!!!
Updated Love interest + one shoutout


1.2K 36 4
By itz-stuts

Ray pov:

I went out towards the terrace I saw a figure sitting on the ledge i walked closer and released it was Y/n making me look at her i walked up to her and hugged her from behind making my best not to feel awkward...and to my she hugged me back making my face a bit flush...

3rd pov:

After a while they both sat on the ledge. There was silence for a few minutes but Y/n decided to break it "You are up early Ray, or you pulled a all-nighter to know more about me from the book i gave you..." She said "Just pulled a all-nighter" he responded "Oh~ Ahh~look at this beautiful ledge if we jump of i might just die~" she said earning a smack form the black haired boy making her whine "Soo... i read the book...I sorry for  what happened" he said with small  pauses "Pain is the only thing telling me...that i am still alive...soo it is normal for me...whenever i try to gain anything it always seems to leave me..." she said calmly as she was looking towards the sky. "Soo are you still the Plant executive..." He asked "No...I am not i resigned two weeks later after Odasaku's death" she said "Now...Tell me everything about Mama...cause i have a few hunches and i want see it its true~" she said darkly "Well...what do you want to know..." Ray asked her "What was the recent thing you told Mama?" she asked "About Norman's Rope under his bed" Ray honestly answered her "Tell me what did you did after resigning?" he asked her "I came back to Grace field remember when i use to be a little secretive and did not send time with you guys...That time i was the executive after the two weeks i asked Isabelle to let me live her like a normal kid....She asked me if i wanted to go to the Ministry of special Merchandise Division. i declined i said i wanted to live with you guys so, i can  help you escape this hell hole...I told Isabelle too keep my ability a secret from any mama or sister who will work i am guessing she didn't told you too huh?" she explained " what does your ability do?" he asked "Ray~ it is my turn to ask a question~" she cooed "Oh right...sorry" he said "Soo~ why did you became Mama's sheep dog~" she said while leaning in towards Ray making him back away a little "I remembered everything from the womb it is a disorder-" ray said but got cut off by the brunette "infantile amnesia (i think that's what it is called though i am not sure) I had a good guess for it~ Well now you ask~" she said "Right...What does your ability do?" he asked "It can disable another persons ability" she replied "Well i guess it is getting late for us to sit here we should go down~ Hmm~" she cooed while standing up "Right...." he said before standing up...

Y/n pov:

I was reading my suicide book while Norman came near me i look up towards him "Norman~ is there something you need~ " i asked "No. Y/n could you help me find the Mole?" he asked 'I can just tell him though it would just make him more suspious about me....Well let's help and let him find out on his own~' i thought "Sure" i answered with a grin. "So you already know the trap that you helped me set up for the mole right?" Norman said "Yes~ and i happened to have heard your conversation at night soo~ Gilda is out of the list soo why don't you talk to ray about it i am sure he must know things~" i said "Right! thanks for the help Y/n!" he said while going back "Anytime~" i cooed...'I am going to make your wish come true Odasaku' i thought as i continued reading my suicide book...

3rd pov:

Y/n was helping Anna clean the clothes as she asked her for help "Anna~" she said while holding her hand. "You are the most beautiful person i have met will you commit a double suicide with me--Ack!" she said but got hit in the head by a certain black haired boy making her yelp. "No! you are not committing a suicide!" Ray scolded the brunette making her pout 'Cute...' others thought.

Every one was back in the house doing their own thing Y/n was walking out of the restroom while Emma was counting something. Norman walked in and looked at the both of them "Y/n! Emma! Can i talk to you guys?" he asked making Y/n grin and nodded.

Both of them were sitting on a chair. "I want to know what you think. What if there is a is who is willing doing the demon's bidding, because they guarantee their safety by doing so?" Norman asked Emma "You mean by spying, they can avoid getting shipped out and live? "  Emma asked making Y/n look at Emma as she said "Exactly~ i also want to hear your thoughts on this on actually~ Would you leave them behind or take them with us~?" making Emma think for a moment  "I take them with us" she responded making Y/n and Norman slightly shocked "Even if they don't wanna come?" Norman asked as Emma nodded "Yeah. I'd make them. I mean, if we manage to escape who know if they are gonna be kept safe or not..." Emma said making Y/n smile and Norman gasp. "Besides...I wanna believe in every one. The thing with Gilda made me want to believe even more. Ray said to suspect everyone, but even if there's a mole who's tryin' to sell us out to the demons, I don't think they're actually a bad person. We are all family, we grew up together! Even if they mess up the plan, betray me, or call me naïve, I still wanna believe in them!" Making Y/n look at her with soften eyes as she stoop up and cups cheeks "Emma, you are the kindest person i have ever met....though this is will take a toll on you someday....but at that it I will be there....don't worry sunshine we will escape with the mole" she said softly with a small smile. Making Emma's cheeks flush with a light read tint on it.

Norman on the other hand was a little jealous knowing that Emma likes Y/n too but decided to suppress the feeling. "Of course you would say that, Emma" Norman said calmly with a smile. "Well then i will be going now~ i have a new suicide technique i want to try~" Y/n said while walking out "Wait-" Emma said as Y/n turned around "Emma~ you can come if you want~" she said as Emma came with her "Yeah cause i don't want you too die now" Emma said with smile. They both walked out as Norman sighs.

With Y/n:

Emma and Y/n both went to the kitchen "Emma~ Let's get some snack~" Y/n said "Sure Y/n but not all of them please the last time you went for snacks you raided the whole kitchen" Emma said "Hmm~ okey~" as the brunette replied. They both took some snack and went to the bed as no was there both of them sat on Y/n's corner bed. with the back wall having a few suicidal articles on them and with brown bedsheets and brown curtains with a brown with a white vase with aa few flowers in them on the side table. Emma and Y/n both sat on the bed "Emma~" Y/n coed as she scooted near to Emma "What is it Y/n?" Emma asked with a pink tint on her cheeks. They both ate the snacks while talking about random things as Emma started to feel sleepy which Y/n noticed. "Feeling Sleepy?" She asked "A bit" as Emma replied. Suddenly Emma felt someone's hand on her head. Y/n placed Emma's head on her lap as she gently stroked her head "There you go now you can go to sleep" Y/n said making these actions made Emma blush. After a while both of them sat in a comfortable silence as Emma asked "Y/n, Do you think we all can escape with everyone" Emma whispered with tears in the corner of her eyes "I don't want my family to die-" Emma said but got cut off from Y/n "Shh~ sunshine we will escape that is what is what i am her for Me, Norman, Ray will help you and i will be there to back you up soo no crying my sunshine never cries~" Y/n cooed while stroking her head making Emma's eyes heavy as she fall into a deep slumber making Y/n sigh and carry Emma bridal style and place her on her bed and tuck her in and left the room as she went to the other room where Norman and ray were talking as she leaned against the door and listened to what they were talking about 'I guess Norman figured it out~' she thought.

"The transmitters can be neutralized for sure." Y/n heard ray say "Do you get it? The guy sitting in front of you is the biggest ace card in this game. With a Trump card up up his sleeve. Be it about the transmitters or about Mom, I hold more info that can help the escape than you could ever imagine. I've been preparing for this ever since I learned the truth behind the House. And I sent you two to the gate and made sure nobody else would realize. you are right Norman...And I sent you two to the gate and made sure nobody else would realize." he said 'Well~ Well~ this is getting good though i do have to interrupt in a bit~' Y/n thought with a mischievous smirk. "You are right Norman, i am not your enemy though i am also not your ally. I you accept my condition's i don't mid being your pawn. I will give all the info. you need and tell mama all the lies you want " Ray said "Condition?" Norman asked nervously "Trick Emma. Tricking Y/n would be impossible cause she is way to smart to outwit us so you can-" Ray said but got cut of by a voice making him shock "You can't~" it said as they looked over it reveling Y/n "Huh?" Norman said "You can't trick Emma~ I mean you can take the act as long as you want though i will be helping her in taking everyone~" Y/n said while coming towards ray as he gulped a bit "Ray~ You do know that being our little trump card will help us in killing Korne right?" She whispered in rays ear darkly making the poor boy get shivers down his spine "So~let me get this~ you want to help us though you want everyone to be left behind~" Y/n said while holding Ray's chin and lifting it towards her making a pink tint dusted over his face earning a glare from Norman.

"Hai..." Ray said nervously as Y/n back away from Ray "So~ what are your thoughts on this Norman?" Y/n asked "They're all doing better than we expected in training. You even said they were moving fine. You meant that, didn't you? Then we could take-" Norman said while sitting on the side table but got cut off by Ray "But that still doesn't change the fact that they will be dead weight" "Ray~ But didn't you wanted to help us out~" Y/n cooed "This is my way of helping if you can't agree with these condition then both of you and Emma with the others can die her" Ray said while pointing at the floor "Well~ Well~ i thought you didn't wanted us to die~" Y/n said "If you're going to die soon anyway, you're better off being shipped out. What'll it be? Do you accept my condition?" Ray replied as Norman looked at Y/n "Norman~ Do as you think~" Y/n said "But what if something goes wrong?" Norman asked "That's where i come in~" she responded with a grin making Norman sigh "Fine. i accept" Norman said while getting up as Ray walked over to him and said darkly "And what if you are lying to me?" making Norman shiver a bit "Wouldn't that be a pity~" As Y/n said which a sly grin on her face. 

Making Norman tense a bit due to the blood thirsty aura both were releasing then interupted "I won't. I know what is stake" He said calmly. As Ray walked out making Y/n sigh "Well~ Norman i will be leaving now~" Said while leaving Norman in shock. 

With Y/n:

Y/n walked downstairs where  Isabelle's Office was 'I think it is a time i had a talk with Isabelle~ cause there is no other way to get rid of Krone~' she thought as she saw Ray enter the Room and went inside without anyone noticing. "You're late" Mama said "I was talking to Norman" Ray replied "And?" she asked "Nothing of note to Report. They're still engrossed in their tag training. Anyway, that Sister's making moves again. You should keep an eye on her." he said "Is that so?" she said "You never should've called her. You wanted her to act as a deterrent for me right? It makes me sad that you still don't trust me after I've worked for you for six years." he said "She is just a precaution, Anyway what about Y/n?" Mama asked "What about her same suicidal idiot" Ray said plainly "Oh? I thought she would have been helping them considering she is the smartest. Though the question is why did she..." She said but got cut of by Ray "Did she what?" he asked "Well she swiped some stuff of my office" She said making Ray's eyes widen for a second then go back to normal then a loud sound was heard "Yare~ yare~ guess i slipped out~" Y/n got out making both Ray and Mama look at her in shock "Nice office huh? Very roomy too" she said while looking at Mama "I've never seen you so shocked" while sitting on Mama's chair  "Why are you here Y/n?" Mama said slightly threatening "Well i was just her for my reward though it seems like i got something i wanted~" She said with a sly grin. "Very well then." she said with a sigh as Y/n walked out of the Room. As she went to bed while reading her suicidal book.

Norman's Pov:

I was running with everyone behind me "Let's all get out of here together! You too Ray!" i said then i looked back and saw dead bodies of all my siblings. "Man, I tried...I tried to warn you" Ray said behind me while my eyes were wide in terror and i saw Y/n and Emma's body laid on the ground lifeless with a flower stuck to there heart "Y/n?! Emma!" i yelled as i ran towards Y/n's body and picked it up "Y/n!" as i hugged her head in fear, guilt and pain "Everyone!" Then i heard something from behind as i turned to towards it i saw a demon making me scream in fear....Then everything went black after a while i heard "Norman~...Norman~...Wake up~" and felt a hand on my head making me relies it was only a dream as i woke up and looked around to spot Y/n patting my head making be blush a little "Good Morning~" as she hugged me  "Good morning Y/n" i relied with a smile "Well let's go down stares i am hungry~" she said while leaving 'I will never let that nightmare come true...i promise that' i thought.

Next day~

3rd pov:

"Morning Y/n! Norman!" Emma said "Morning~ Emma~" Y/n cooed "Morning Norman" As ray came from behind and putted his hand on Norman's shoulder "Morning Y/n" he said while walking out "Morning Ray~" Y/n and Norman greeted him. After the breakfast all of the oldest kids went to their usual place.

"So? How did the plan with the ropes go? Was there progress for the source of information?" Emma asked. Y/n only stayed silent and looked at the three. "Actually..." Norman got cut off by Ray. "Oh, that. It's me. I'm Mom's informant. " Ray said. Emma and Norman looked at Ray with weird faces until Emma pointed her index finger at him. "It was you?!" Emma asked as she was also surprised. While Y/n was still staring at the scene. "Sorry for that reaction, but I still don't understand." Emma placed her hands on her head and started swaying. "Yes! Let me explain!" Norman volunteered. Norman then explained what happened while Y/n stayed silent. "So, you were acting as Mom's subordinate all this time for our sake?" Emma asked. "Yeah. The truth is, I was planning on telling you everything as soon as you got back from the gate. But you left Little Bunny behind saying you wanted to escape with everyone, and other unexpected things happened. Mom found out, so I had to manage the situation. Plus your guys were being rash, and about to get reckless." Ray said as Norman. and Emma looked really guilty. "That's why I figured I should keep quiet and get both under control." Ray explained. "So you're saying that you were covering up for our mistakes. And you're still against escaping with everyone, right?" Emma asked with worried eyes.. "But it's different now. I'll help you escape with everyone." Ray said with a smirk. "That's not like you" Emma said making Y/n smirk "Do you think he is lying~" Y/n asked the orange haired girl. "Nah, I'm really glad. Ray's agreed to help us out for real. And this time, we can trick Mom with fake info from the inside. This is awesome!" she said cheerfully making Y/n sigh. "You knew about this thing a long time. It must've hurt. Watching from the sidelines doing nothing." Emma continued while looking down but then suddenly Emma started walking towards Ray making Y/n curious. "Hey. Are the experiments for the tracking devices done on someone's ear?" she asked making the two shocked as Y/n just grinned "What happened to that child or rather children? You didn't causef them to be shipped out early, did you? You didn't sacrifice one of my children for our sake, did you?" as she slowly approached him "Emma~ we would never do that~" Y/n said while putting her arm over Emma's shoulder "O-okay, Thank you That's why we have a chance to get everyone out now. But...Never pick an' choose like that again. You're not alone anymore. You're not alone, okay?" Emma said while tightly squeezing Ray's hand 'I wonder how she will react when she find out i was the executive of the plant ' Y/n thought "I promise" as Ray replied with a smile "Well then~ Let's escape together~" Y/n said. 



(3257 words)

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