poison ivy, teen wolf (under...

By moonhecate

301K 9.7K 2.3K

"don't blame me, love made me crazy if it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right." 【teen wolf fanfic】 【stiles stil... More

poison ivy
ACT ONE - season one
01. weird
02. not a joke
03. dead
04. problems
05. cheering
06. bad dog
07. hang out
08. bowling
09. bullet
10. the notebook
11. parents
12. beep beep
13. school night
14. Breakfast Club
15. shower
16. desire
18. jealousy
19. Miguel
20. medical rep
21. gut
22. formal
23. fangs
ACT TWO - season two
24. redhead and brunette
25. blame
26. sniff sniff
27. friends
28. ice
29. training dogs
30. pool
31. failed test
32. gay club with hottie
33. naked
34. library
35. the rave
36. dresses
37. punch
38. a bitch
39. drowning
40. Stiles
poisoned mind

17. full ass

5.3K 191 25
By moonhecate

MELISSA heard someone open the door and cocked her head to see who it was. She was beginning to get worried, as he seemed grumpy during the entire day, "Scott?"

"Stiles." The boy smiled sheepishly at her while she raised an eyebrow.


"Yeah, I had one made, so-" She waved him off, too used to his tactics.

She knew there was nothing to worry about, as Stiles was basically family. She was merely surprised by his wits. "That doesn't surprise me. It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me," She ended up saying. Then, she noticed the bag he had, which fell to floor making a loud sound, "What's that?"

"Uh, school project..." He awkwardly replied, too bad at hiding things from literally everybody.

"Mmm." She didn't seemed to completely believe him but decided to ignore whatever was happening. She knew better than to get in the boys' business. Having spent the day worried for her son, she asked Stiles, "Stiles, he's okay, right?"

"Who, Scott? Yeah, totally..." He trailed off, knowing well the truth. The full moon was affecting the werewolf very hard, but of course, he couldn't say anything about it. Especially not to Melissa. Scott preferred it that way, and honestly, so did he. It would be too difficult to say hidden, but also to explain. No adult would believe them, anyway.

"He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore. Not like he used to." Melissa confessed, her expression filled with worry. Stiles could see in her eyes how tired she was, which added more sentiment to her emotions.

"Well, he's had a bit of a rough week..." He wasn't completely lying, but still, he couldn't tell her the entire truth. He, himself, began worrying about the woman before him. Wondering how long would she be able to take from her son, before the lies became too much between them.

"Yeah. Yeah, I get it. Yeah. Um, okay. Uh, be careful tonight." They smiled at each other, sharing their love and worry for the young werewolf. But having the same feeling for each other. He had always looked up to her, and loved her like family.

"You, too." Stiles replied softly.

"Full moon." She joked, but he didn't seem to catch up as he got alarmed quickly.

"What?" He almost yelled in a fright.

"There's a full moon tonight. You should see how the ER gets, brings out all the nutjobs." Melissa rolled her eyes with a playful smile, relaxing him with her words. He letted out a relieved, Oh. She smiled awkwardly, "Yeah."


"You know, it's, um, actually where they came up with the word 'lunatic'." She told him with a slight wiggle of her eyebrows. He smiled before she left, leaving him alone.

Stiles entered Scott's room dragging the bag, yelping when he saw his friend sitting there in the darkness, "Oh, my God! Dude, you scared the hell out of me! Your mom said you weren't home yet."

"I came in through the window." He replied blankly, his voice void of emotion.

Stiles tried to act as if he wasn't scared off his ass, "Okay. Uh, well, let's get this set up. I want you to see what I bought." He opened up at the bag but his friend didn't even look at him.

"I'm fine. I'm just gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight." His calmness made Stiles even more nervous.

"You sure about that? 'Cause you've got this kind of serial killer look going on in your eyes, and I'm hoping it's the full moon taking effect, 'cause it's really starting to freak me out."

"I'm fine. You should go now."

"All right. I'll leave." He paused before exiting the room, "Well, look, would you just at least look in the bag and see what I brought? You know, maybe you use it, maybe you don't. Sound good?" Without waiting for an answer, he grabbed some chains out of the bag.

"You think I'm gonna let you put these on and chain me up like a dog?" Scott asked coldly.

"Actually, no..." Stiles quickly grabbed the handcuffs he had in his jacket pocket, and linked him with the radiator before he could even process what was happening.

"What the hell are you doing?" Scott almost barked.

Stiles answered angrily, "Protecting you from yourself... and giving you some payback... for making out with Dahlia." Stiles left to the kitchen and grabbed a dog bowl, drawing in then the word 'SCOTT'. He entered the room again looking smugly at his best friend, "I brought you some water." He showed him the bowl as he poured water in it. Finally, he settled it down on the floor.

As Stiles stepped out of the bedroom, the dog bowl flipped into the air, soaring past and bouncing off the wall, "I'm gonna kill you!" Scott furiously shouted.

Stiles paused at the threshold, trying to resist the urge to let out his anger out, but at the end, he couldn't help. So, he turned around, "You kissed her, Scott! Okay? You kissed Dahlia. That's, like, the one girl that I ev-" He stopped himself, sighing, "And, you know, the past three hours, I've been thinking, 'It's probably just the full moon,' you know? 'He doesn't even know what he's doing, and tomorrow, he'll be totally back to normal. He probably won't even remember what a complete dumbass he's been. A son of a bitch, a freaking unbelievable piece of crap friend'-"

"She kissed me." Scott interrupted him.


"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me," Stiles stepped away, not wanting to hear it anymore nor look at him. He pressed his back against the hallway wall just outside the door, "She would have done a lot more, too. You should have seen the way she had her hands all over me. She would have done anything I wanted." Sliding down a sitting position, he placed his hands on his head, trying not to listen, "Anything!"

Stiles didn't want to believe what he was saying, but it made sense. Why would she not kiss him? Of course she didn't like Stiles. She even called him a nerd, several times, in a row. He didn't know that she really didn't want to kiss him, and that it was all a plot. He didn't know that she didn't had her hands all over him and that she wouldn't had done anything he asked for. But it didn't matter, because his insecurities won and he felt like crap. Knowing that his best friend made out with his crush, and that she would never be his. Scott was the winner of the two, and he would always stay a loser.

"Stiles, please let me out. It's the full moon, I swear. You know I wouldn't do any of this on purpose. Please, Stiles, let me out. It's starting to hurt," He heard his friend plead but he knew he couldn't, "It's not like the first time. It's the full moon... it's Allison breaking up with me... I know... that it's not just taking a break. She broke up with me. And it's killing me. I feel completely hopeless." With all his being, the human tried not to fall for his lies, "Just, please. Let me out."

"I can't." He said with pain lacing in his voice. Scott snapped up, screaming in rage at the door. Showing that he didn't mean a word of what he said. Which only hurt Stiles further.

Dahlia looked outside the window, seeing the moon in its full mode. She always thought it looked beautiful and even found therapeutic to admire it. The full moon didn't bothered her, not in the same way it did to her family. If anything, it brought her peace and calmness. She received a message from Lydia, telling her that she was yet to hear from Jackson, and didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. She thought it was a good one, because of the way he treated Lydia. Dahlia hoped things ended soon, as she was aware of how unhappy Jackson made Lydia. Even if the strawberry blonde didn't want to admit it. Dahlia went to sleep that night, covered in her blankets and dreams of her past.

"Lara, I think there's a monster under my bed." Young Dahlia warned her older sister, who was helping her and Cora getting to bed.

"Ignore her, she's just being dumber than normal." Cora commented from behind. Dahlia glared at her, showing her middle finger.

"Hey! Hey! Who showed you that?" Laura asked, looking between the two girls that caused trouble on the house.

"I can't say. Just look under my bed and get rid of them." Laura raised an eyebrow but nodded nonetheless and looked under it.

"There's nothing here, Dia. You're safe." She smiled at her little sister and ruffled her hair.

Before she could leave the room, she was stopped, "Wait, wait!" She looked at the younger Hale again, "There's another monster you have to get rid off." She furrowed before looking at where she was pointing, realising it was Cora. Who just glared and repeated her younger sister's actions. A gasp escaped Laura as she glanced between the two.

"Ok, stop that before mom finds out and you two get in trouble. Again!" She exclaimed, finally leaving the room. Laura sighed, climbing down the stairs and entering the kitchen. Where she had a small fight with Derek before going to sleep. She knew it was him who showed them about the middle finger, probably with the help of Peter.

Cora looked at her younger sister, debating whether to lay next to her or not. She decided it would be a good idea and did it. "What's wrong?" Dahlia asked her worriedly, Cora seemed sad, afraid even.

"We're always going to be sisters, right?"

"Well, that's something you can't undo. Only death will." Dahlia replied innocently, not understanding why she was saying that or why she looked at her the way she did.

"I don't mean that. I mean... One day, Laura will get married, Derek will marry Paige. Uncle Peter will still be here but he'll bother us. Mom will die and... it will be just the two of us..."

Dahlia furrowed, "Why do you asume I will not get married?"

"Because it's impossible to keep up with you and you're looking for one of those superheroes Uncle Bobby talks about."

She hummed slowly? "True," She paused, looking at her softly, "And why wouldn't you?"

Cora sighed  "I hate people."

"Also true." They both stared at their ceiling, that was painted with starts and a full moon, "I also hate people, maybe we can do it together. Till the end of days."

Cora smiled at her, "You promise?" Her sister just held out her pinky.

"Pinky promise."

They smiled at each other, intertwining their pinkies, "Till the end of days." They repeated at unison.

Suddenly, their door opened and Peter exhaled quickly, "Little ones, I need your help."

They both sat up and looked at each other. Cora was sad, so she nodded at her sister to let her know she should do all the talking. "Our price got higher after you broke mom's car and we got you out of it." The two girls, looking much alike, crossed their arms around their chests.

Peter raised an eyebrow, not that impressed by their attitude, "Higher? It was 50 dollars."

"Whatever you did now will cost you 60." Cora nudged her shoulder, "70," She nudged her again, "80." She finally nodded.

"Ok. 40 each, right?" They looked at each other and giggled.

"80 each, Uncle Pee!" They giggled again, "And you call yourself our uncle? You should know better by now."

Peter sighed but nodded, "I'll give you your money. Now, I need help getting out of this one. I lied to your mom about something, and she will kill me when she finds out. In case she does, I need you two to pull the act of your lives and show those puppy eyes of yours, ok?"

They nodded at the same time, both speaking, "Deal."

Peter smiled at them, giving them a thumps up before pushing his index finger to both of their foreheads. He turned around, like he did long ago, but this time he looked at them one last time, "One more thing." Dahlia furrowed, her sister no longer by her side and the room starting to burn, "Wake up."

Startled, Dahlia gasped and sat abruptly in her bed, sweat covering her forehead as she breathed deeply. "What the hell?" She mumbled. Suddenly, the room started to smell like smoke. Looking around, she couldn't figure out where it came from, but the scent was there. Getting out of her bed, she noticed how even the floor was hot, but with her enhanced healing it wasn't much of a problem for her. She opened the door of her bedroom, looking each side before going to her father's room. Dahlia could hear him cough, which made her rush to the bedroom.

Turning the knob, it wouldn't work. The door didn't open and the coughing just got excessive. She slammed her fist against the door several times, calling out her father but the only answer she got was coughing. She stepped back before lifting her right leg and hitting the door, opening it with her strength. Looking around, she couldn't find her father, and there was no smoke. Clear air filled her lungs again. She didn't know what was happing but she didn't like it. She called her father through her phone, scared about whatever was happing, "Dad, where are you?"

"Dead, sweetheart." She frowned, his voice sounding unnervingly calm.


"I'm dead, like the rest of your family." She shook her head, not believing what was happing.

"No, that can't be right."

"Oh, but it is. And again, you weren't here," Her frowned deepened, as her heart shattered, "Again." Her phone fell to the floor, but she could hear him still, like he was in her head, "Again. Again. And again. I died and you weren't there. What were you doing, honey?"


"You were playing with your toys the first time. With me! And now I'm dead and you weren't there!" He laughed maniacally. She shook her head, denying what was happening. "They burned, and you were playing with your toys!" He laughed again, tears falling down her cheeks uncontrollably  "Laura died. And you went bowling!" Laughing again, she stumbled down the stairs, trying to get out of there, "And now I'm dead. And what are you doing!? Dreaming about your dead sister." She opened the front door, only to find her dad with an arrow in the middle of his stomach. He looked dead, almost as if falling apart, to pieces, "Guess the end of days came sooner than expected, huh?"

Dahlia jolted awake again, this time truly. Running her hands down her face she realised she had been crying this whole time. "Dad!?" She glanced at her clock, thinking he should've been awake.

"Yes, pumpkin!?" Hearing him reply, she sighed in relief.

"Nothing, dad. I love you!"

"I love you too!"

author's note!!!

scott is on another level of delulu

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