How to melt a frozen heart?

By IamLizziet

14.6K 1K 1.9K

Miryam, a young woman who is not looking for anything at the moment. Niko, a young man who has laid his eyes... More

1. Should we drink for that?
2. From where do you know that hot cousin?
3. I don't need just some nice guy to hang around
4. Yet here you are again
5. You know life is for living, right?
6. What the fu....dge
7. She is not a very good with alcohol
8. 365 days
9. Girl you did what?
10. I'm a bit of a candle person
11. How come Atte came up with that... ?
13. If he makes you smile
14. You know I'd really like to kiss you
15. That boy is able to see the future
16. Okay lovebirds
17. What was that now..?
18. More like sleeping troll
19. A Cupid
20. Take me here and now
21. It got me speechless
22. Shut your mouth
23. You must be Niko
24. The sweetest guy in the world
25. A family

12. I might have started to melt

527 43 44
By IamLizziet

The roses looked amazing on my kitchen table, they smelt amazing and they really made me smile. This was also the first time ever I've gotten roses. My ex never got them to me, not even for my birthdays. And of course, each time I looked at them, they reminded me of Niko. God that man just made my mind so busy now. The more conversations we had on the phone the easier it was for me to talk with him comparing to when we first met. The phone calls weren't very long because he called me so late every evening, but he wanted to hear my voice before he went to bed and that was kinda cute. And to be honest, I even started to wait for those calls. Which also reminded me of his words, that he didn't need two months to make me fall for him... What if he was right?

It was Friday. Niko never told me where he was going to take me and all I knew was that he wanted me to wear something nice. So I did as told and put on a black cocktail dress that had an open back. I left my hair open and did my usual eyeliner and mascara, just that this time I added some red lipstick as well. I finished my look with black Louboutin heels and I was ready. Last time I put this nice clothes on were on my mom's birthday when I took her to some nice restaurant. Which reminded me also that I had promised to go visit my parents tomorrow that I almost forgot. While quickly adding a reminder  to my calender, Niko sent me a message that he was here, ready to pick me up.

"Okay then.. " I sighed and took my bag. I was nervous. I had no idea what he had in his mind and what he expected from the evening. I still felt like I wasn't overly sure about what my feelings towards him were, but I wasn't hating the idea of spending time with him either.

"Oh wow... You look stunning" Niko smiled while leaning to the black car behind him.

"Thanks.. You're not looking too bad either" I said. He had black jeans, black shirt and his hair was also left open. He then opened the back door and I sat in, him following. It looks like the driver already knew where to go because he did not tell him any address.

"Where are we going to?" I asked and looked the man next to me.

"You'll see.. But you're gonna love it" he smiled, not willing to tell me anything about his plans. We didn't talk much on the way where ever we were going. Damn that man. Jumps into my life just like that and no matter how much I try not to fall for him, he seemed to push all the right buttons. Oh boy.

"We're here" Niko said as the car stopped. I could see that we were nearby the harbour. Some ferries were on the terminal, some of them were on the way in or out.

"What's here?" I wondered. Again, Niko said nothing. He gave me his hand and I carefully took it after hesitating a while.

"Just come with me" he said and we started to walk towards the building next to us. We went in and took the elevator up and soon the doors were opened to us and a staff members were greeting us. Niko told that he had a reservation and we were guided to our table nearby the window with a view to the city and the sea.

"Wow.. " I had no words. And this was not the first time this week he managed to make me speechless. First the roses, then on Tuesday he picked me up from work and had take away coffees for us. On Wednesday he came to the studio after I finished my lesson and he took me to the café after what we took a walk from Kauppatori to Tervasaari and from there to Hakaniemi before he walked me back home. He was really, really doing all he could to make me fall for him. And now this.

"You like it?" Niko smiled and pulled the chair out for me. I sat down and looked him and then again the view.

"Yeah.. This is ..I .. I don't even know what to say..Amazing..  " I smiled. He sat opposite to me and the waitress soon came to us.

"Good evening. Can I get you something to drink while your appetisers are being prepared?" she asked.

"Being prepared...?" I was confused. I thought that I could atleast choose what I wanted to eat.

"I already took care of everything expect the drinks because I know you're maybe not too willing to have any alcohol so.. Order what ever you want, it's on me anyway" he smiled. Again, I had no words. But to be honest, I'm sure I would be having troubles choosing what to eat because everything I saw while looking around looked so delicious that maybe it was better this way.

"I.. Umh.. Well.. I guess we can have some wine with the food.. But water as well.. " I smiled. One bottle of wine won't hurt, especially if we're looking at the place we were. This was fancy as hell and there was no way we'd be drinking just water with the food here.

"Great, so here's the wine list" she said and handed the list first to me but I then gave it to Niko as soon as I saw the prices. I did not want to choose something that costs over 300 euros. Just seeing the numbers behind the wines made me wonder that how expensive this place really was.

"Can we have a bottle of this?" Niko then pointed something from the menu and the waitress nodded. She then went to get the selected wine and was soon back with the greenish bottle in her hands.

"So this is the Remelluri Gran Reserva, from Rioja, Spain. It has some nice earthy tones in it, some cherry, blackberry and oak, yet some say they can even taste a hint of vanilla in it. This wine really has character and it is an excellent choice" she told while opening the bottle. She poured a bit to Niko's glass in order to give him a taste of it before pouring it out. Niko took the glass, sipped the wine and nodded. The waitress then poured the liquid into my glass and filled Niko's glass as well before  she set the bottle aside.

As she was gone, Niko took his glass into his hand and I did the same.

"I'm happy you agreed to come.. " he smiled and it made me chuckle a bit.

"Well, I gave you your chance so that's what I'm doing" I smiled to him.

"How am I doing so far?" Niko smirked, knowing very well that he was doing way better than I first thought and that it was rather hard for me to not to think about him, but that was  something I wasn't willing to tell him just yet. Not that I wanted to see what more he could come up with, but just to make my feelings clear for me. I still needed to take this whole thing slowly even thought Niko was making it so fucking difficult for me.

"Let's say that, I might have started to melt a bit" I smiled to him and brought my glass together with his.

"Told you, I don't need two months" he winked.

"Carefully now" I laughed and took a sip from the wine. It really tasted good. I had no idea if he knew about the wine or just randomly chose one, but he made a good choice.

The food, wine and mood were all just great. Niko had really put his A-game on and yes, he was doing very well with his melting process. Too well, to be honest. He was melting me way. Too. Fast.

"Thanks.. This was really.. Amazing dinner" I smiled as he had just paid the bill. I don't even want to know how much this all cost to him.

"Glad you liked it" he smiled and helped me my jacket on. We walked to the elevator and went back to the ground floor. Thank god the wine did not do any tricks to me this time and I also made sure I drank a lot of water between the glasses. I did not want to end up drunk tonight.

"Umh.. Want to go to my place or... ? Just to continue talking and stuff.." Niko asked carefully while he opened the taxi's door to me. If he really meant just talking then that would be ok, I guess. So as an answer I just gave him a small smile and nodded. He smiled back to me and went to his side. After he got into the taxi he told the driver his address and we were on our way.

I took off my heels and my feet were thanking me. Even tho I was used to heels, after a long day at work they were not the most comfiest shoes to wear. We left our jackets to the stand and I followed Niko to the living room.

"Are you up to maybe one more glass of wine, or tea?" he asked.

"Tea, please" I said and sat on the sofa. No more alcohol this time. I didn't want to give drunk Miryam any chances to have acontrol over me tonight and jump into bed with him.

"Black with honey, right?" Niko asked from the kitchen.

"You got it" I answered and took the freedom to turn the TV on. I searched some music channel and soon Niko already joined me with two mugs in his hands.

"Thanks" I thanked and placed mine on the coffee table to cool down a bit.

"I.. I just want you to know something.. " I started and looked the man who was sitting next to me.

"Which is?" he asked and placed his mug also on the table.
"I just wanted to say that..." I sighed and tried to make some sense in my head before I opened my mouth again. The original selection of words did not make any sense so I took a moment to figure out how to put them in an order the way they'd really deliver him my thoughts.

"That I'm sorry if I was so.. somehow.. crusty the morning after your gig.. I just.. " I really felt bad the way I expressed myself that morning. Even tho week has passed since that, it started to bother me after all Niko had done for me this week. He has been so sweet and caring. And now he pulled out a fancy dinner that really made me feel extremely bad about what I said that morning.

"Don't worry about it.. First of all, we were drunk, again, when that happened and.. "
"Yeah but.. I mean...I could have maybe chosen my words better.. " I cut him off.

"And secondly, I was maybe a bit of an ass as well.. I know I shouldn't have put you into situation where you don't maybe want to be.. Or at least not make you feel like I force you to be with me or something like that" Niko said and sat a bit closer to me. I looked at him and then the floor. Robyn was right about him. He was really understanding.

"You did not put me into any situation.. I wouldn't have given you the two months if I didn't want to see where this goes.. The time was, as I told you before, more for me.. This whole thing just happened so suddenly and before I met you I really wasn't ready to get involved with anyone.." I said. Niko smiled.

"Yeah I got that.. And like I said, we have all the time in the world.. " he said and caressed my cheek. I closed my eyes for a moment and just tried to got used to his hand against me.

I spent few more hours at Niko's. Yes, the conversations we had were now carried on naturally and they were not so awkward for me as they were first, the short evening calls he made really helped me overcome my shyness to talk with him. He managed to make me smile and after tonight I really felt myself even more comfortable around him.

"I really had a nice evening.. "I said as I was ready to leave. Niko had called me taxi because there was no way I was going to walk the whole way home with my heels. The time I spent on his couch really relaxed my legs but I was not ready to put the heels back nor walk with them.

"Yeah, me too.. Just sad that you're about to go" he said and took me by my hand. Slowly he pulled me closer to him and took my other hand as well. He laced our fingers together and moved his beautiful eyes to mine.
"Sorry... I promised to went to visit my parents to Vantaa.. Yes it's close but I need to look like a decent human being when I'm gonna see them.. " I said. There was no way I'd show up to my mom's with lack of sleep because I knew that if I stayed here tonight, we were not gonna just sleep. And I did not want to do that just yet. Even tho the tension between us at this moment could be cut by a knife.

"Strict parents?" Niko smirked while still holding me close.

"Something like that.. Mom is a lawyer.. Dad used to be, so.. You can imagine"

"Oh wow.. " the man chuckled.

"Yeah.. So I need to be on time and not almost.."

Niko moved his left hand to the small of my back and pulled me against him. The sudden touch of his full body against mine made me gasp a bit even tho this was not the first time he hugged me. Just that this time it felt like even more sensual than usually. He held me differently, softer or I don't even know how. But it made my heart beat faster. And it's only been a week. Damn this man knew his way around me way too well.. His soft cheek against mine felt too good and there was not just butterflies in my stomach but the whole freaking zoo running around. I inhaled his scent and I swear I could get high from it. This wasn't the way I saw things going but definitely the way he saw. In a way I am happy that he was so determined about getting the two of us somewhere because I haven't been feeling these feelings for a while now. He definitely woke something inside me. Thank you drunk Miryam for throwing yourselfinto his neck..

"Sweet dreams, beautiful... " he whispered into my ear and gave a light kiss on my cheek. I knew he probably wanted to give me a real kiss and not just peck my cheek, but I loved it that he wasn't pushy. We slowly pulled apart.

"You too... " I smiled to him. I then opened the door and made myway to the taxi.

A/N: Awww she is definitely starting to melt! 

Thank you so much for the comments, votes and reads ♥ It is always such a joy to read them

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