The Sister (Harry Potter/Geor...

By StylesImagines444

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Angelica Lily Riddle is the secret Daughter of Lily Potter and Tom Riddle (Voldemort). She was sent to Azkaba... More



28 1 0
By StylesImagines444

The Sister Part XXVIII

Angel's Point Of View:

A Few Days Later:

Angel's Outfit Below:

Frozen in place, I didn't know what to do next. Five minutes ago, I was pricing down stock for discount when the shop bell chimed and in walked the last person I expected to see. George gently shakes my shoulder and I finally turn to him and he sends me a soft smile.

"Why don't you both go to the back room? More privacy."

He offers and I nod and leave the counter and make my way to the back room, leaving the person to follow after me. I get to the back room quickly and once they are inside, the door is shut and we just stare at each other.

"I knew that your Mother was pregnant with twins. However, when your Brother was left on our door step, I just assumed that you didn't survive. It was a shock to hear from Harry that you did. Considering who your Father is, you can't really blame us for being a little apprehensive."


I tell her and she frowns, not knowing what I was talking about.

"My Father. You said 'is'. He isn't alive anymore, well, physically at least. I'm not him. I wouldn't enjoy hurting people for fun. It's not who I am, it never has been. It angers me that people keep expecting the worst from me because of who my Father was. I figured the only people that I wouldn't get that from is my family. I guess I was wrong."

I say and she sighs, obviously understanding now that my Father and I are two different people. 

"I am sorry, Angelica. After all, you and your Brother are the only thing I have left of my Sister. I would love if you and Harry and your respective partners would join your Uncle, Cousin and I for dinner at our home."

She offers and I'm taken aback, a smile breaking out onto my face as I nod.

"We'd like that. Harry and Ginny will be back in a few days from their honeymoon. We'll contact you then."

I say and she nods, pleased and moves to leave the room.

"Aunt Petunia?"

She turns around at the call of her name and I smile at her.

"Thank you."

I say and she nods, offering me a smile before she leaves the room. George appears after her and looks at me with a 'well' expression.

"She actually invited me, you, Harry and Ginny for dinner at her house when they return from their honeymoon."

I say and George looks surprised, but, smiles at me, making his way over to me where he wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'm so pleased. Baby steps."

He says and I nod and lean up to kiss him.

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Later that day, I was back at Malfoy Manor with Narcissa, learning something new.

"You're doing so well lately. Has the voice returned?"

She asks, but, I shake my head. She nods and looks behind me, nodding her head. I frown and turn, seeing Hermione, Ron, Molly, Arthur and George standing behind me.

"Thank you all for coming."

Narcissa says and I turn back to face her, more confused than ever.

"Why are we here, Mrs Malfoy?"

Hermione asks as George appears beside me.

"Well, I've taught Angel all I know. The last step before she can bring Fred back, is to rid herself of her Father. In order to do that, she needs to gain entry."

Narcissa explains.

"Entry to what?"

George asks.

"Her Father's chambers here in Malfoy Manor, formally known as Riddle Manor."

She says and dread fills my stomach at the thought of walking into my Father's forma living quarters.

"Why can't you do it?"

Molly asks and I mentally thank her sweetness. Narcissa shakes her head.

"We've tried. He had it cloaked with many defensive spells and protective charms, not to mention curses. He sealed it with his blood, so, only a direct blood link to him can open it. Also, inside is the key to your vault at Gringotts."

"I have a vault at Gringotts? What's in it?"

I ask her and she shrugs.

"Only you can answer that."

She says and I sigh and turn to George.

"Stay with me?"

I ask him and he nods sternly.


He says and I nod and turn back to Narcissa.

"Take me to the room."

I say and she nods and begins walking back into the house. We all follow after her. After many stairs and hallways, we reach a door at the top most tower of the manor.

"This was your Father's chambers."

Narcissa says and I nod and step forward slightly, immediately hearing whispers spoken in Parseltongue. 

"There are no spells or charms stopping people from entering."

I say, hearing the whispers get louder with every step I take.

"Then what-"

"Parseltongue mixed with his blood."

I say, cutting Narcissa off.

"Hermione? Can I burrow a hair pin?"

I ask her, not turning around. I hear her shuffling around before she appears beside me, handing me a hair pin.

"Thank you."

I say, taking it from her. She nods with a small smile before returning to Ron's side. Using the hair pin, I prick my forefinger. Stepping up to the door, I put my finger over the centre and chant the words needed in Parseltongue. 

"Ossssspsssssesssssnsssss tssssshsssssisssssssssss dsssssosssssosssssrsssss."

Stepping back, the door begins to open, taking a little longer given how long it has been sealed. It finally opens and I stand, frozen to the spot.

"We're all here with you, sweetheart."

I hear Molly say and I smile and with George's hand in mine, walk into the room. The others follow behind us. 

"I knew you could it, my littlest Riddle."

My heart sinks. The voice is back. But, when I look around at the others, I knew that they heard it too.

"How are you guys hearing him too?"

I ask, frustrated, but, nobody could give me an explanation. Instead, I ask the one person who is the cause of this whole thing.

"I'm only here to find a way to rid the world of you, forever."

I say, my voice holding so much venom.

"Oh, I know. Bedside cabinet."

Dropping George's hand, I make my way over to the bedside cabinet and open the top drawer. Inside was a diary. The front had my Father's birth name printed in bold letters. I hear multiple gasps and I turn with a frown.

"But, Harry gave Tom Riddle's diary to Dumbledore after he destroyed it."

Ron says.

"That was a portal, a Horcrux. That is an actual diary, one he wrote things in."

Narcissa says and I nod and open the front cover.

"Date 31st July 1980."

The voice says and while everyone shivers, I turn to that page.

"The day Harry and I were born."

I say as I take in the two pages of writing for that date. Taking a deep breath, I begin reading.

"Today, Wormtail notified me that my Daughter was being born. So, I made my way to St Mungo's Hospital. When I arrived, my Daughter was already born. She was such an image. Then I heard them talking, the Potters. They were going to keep my Daughter from me. They were going to take her away. I won't have that. Plan B is looking much more likely. Nobody is going to take what's mine. Nobody."

I stopped reading as the other page highlighted the death of James and Lily Potter. With a shaky breath, I slam the book closed and throw it to the ground.

"Why kill them? Why not just take me and leave?" 

I ask angrily into the air while everyone watches me.


Is my reply and I scoff, disgusted with the person that I have to call my Father.

"You talk about wanting me for yourself, but, threw me onto a prison island to grow up. Everyday, being tortured, abused, looked down upon. That was your plan wasn't it? For me to be treated so badly that one day, I'd lash out and finally become the Daughter you wanted? But, I didn't. Because I'm not you and I never will be."

Tears streamed down my face. I received looks of pity from the others, but, I didn't let it deter me.

"So, come back. I'll throw your arse to hell where it belongs."


Narcissa screams and I frown, everybody turning to her, shocked at her outburst.


The voice says before disappearing completely.

"What have you done? Another way he can come back is if you invite him. You just gave him an open invitation to return."

Narcissa says and my eyes widen.

"You didn't tell us that!"

George shouts at her and she looks at a loss for words. 

Suddenly, a black mist appears, covering the room completely before clearing. I see everyone back away from me, including George and I know why.

I slowly turn around. Behind me stands my Father, in his Muggle form. 


"Hello, my littlest Riddle."

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