I Am Hated, Or So I Thought V...

By Cyclone499

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A mother who once tried to kill me. A sister who always found wrongs in me. A childhood friend who insulted m... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Daily Life Of A Complicated Teenager
Chapter 2 - Childhood
Chapter 3 - Greeting Death When The Hope Turned To Despair
Chapter 4 - False Accusation
Chapter 5 - An Elder Sister's Heart
Chapter 6 - A Date With Senpai And Help Request
Chapter 7 - Sleepover
Chapter 8 - A Date With Another Girl
Chapter 9 - A Girl's Lament
Chapter 10 - Helping A Talent Bloom In The Right Place
Chapter 11 - Truth Or Lie
Chapter 12 - Family
Chapter 13 - Family Time
Chapter 14 - The Framed One And The True Culprit
Chapter 15 - A Mother's Fury

Chapter 16 - As Always, I Was Never Trusted

1.2K 33 1
By Cyclone499

Two days passed by without I realized it. For the first time, I never thought the two days would pass this quick without me sleeping more than two times. The time I spent with Miss Akari and Miss Harumi was making me going haywire with my sense of time. I did not know that going around with them would make more than forty eight hours became less than a day.

Over these two days, I definitely changed albeit very little to the point even I did not notice it. I only knew that when Miss Akari pointed it out. Miss Akari softened her attitude with me to the point I almost forgot how harsh she was before.

One of the changes was I spoke more than I did from before. When I walked around with them, they always asked me questions and I answered them as honest that I could. Then, by the end of the day, it was me who just naturally answered them with more than necessary information.

I also spoke faster without any pause. There was hardly any hesitation or time lag when I talked to them. Of course, I still did not speak much but, it was easier for them to communicate with me.

Lastly, I did not know why. But, I felt like I was looking forward to where we would be going next time. I felt this unexplainable emotion that wished for us to be together more.

Well, in the end, time was just not on our side yet I did not regret spending these two days with them, or so I thought I was feeling. I was sure that I did not regret since there was just a light emotion in me now.

Right now, I was in a train, commuting from home to school and from school to home. Even though Miss Akari wanted to go with me, she decided to give me some time for myself since she did not want me to feel annoyed or uncomfortable by constant advance. I took it positively as I did need some time for myself.

Since I did not like crowd, today's train was fortunately not too packed. It was not like there were not many people, it was just more breathable than usual. There were some spaces to move here and there. In time like this, I would usually be standing near the door while gazing outside. It was my habit as it brought me a sense of peace. Somehow, I just did not feel like it today, so I sat at one of the empty seat.

By my sense of time, it would be around thirty minutes or more for the train to arrive somewhere near the school. If nothing happens, I should be able to go to school like always.

A few minutes later, I saw a woman with a bulging stomach looking around with a worried face. She did not seem to feel well. A pregnant woman in a train was not a good idea, all the more reason as she was walking very slowly. For a pregnant woman like her to walk around, I figured that she must had a concerning issue.

I did not know why. Perhaps, I was slowly changing, I took the trouble of concerning myself with her issue, unlike the usual me who would only let her be.

"Miss, you sit here."

"Oh, thank you. But, it's fine."

While she was surprised at me calling out to her at first, she did not seem to be suspicious of me. That was one plus for her.

"You don't seem to look good, why don't you sit first and tell me what are you looking for so that I can help you?"


Even I was amazed by myself who could speak such a long sentence to a stranger. Thinking back, I thought I sound a bit intrusive and bothering.

Fortunately, the woman did not take offense of what I had said. Instead, she listened and took a seat. She breathed a sigh listlessly albeit still worrying.

"Miss, may I ask what are you searching for?"

She was hesitant at first but gave up. Maybe she realized that she did not have the ability to do what she wanted to.

"I'm searching for my daughter. I went to the toilet before and told her to wait, but when I went out, she was gone. I tried to search for her but couldn't find her."

"Your daughter, may I help you search for her?"

"Wouldn't it cause you trouble?"

"Well, I'm used to it. Can you tell me how your daughter look?"

I was glad that she did not deny my help. As she told me all that she could to describe her child's appearance, I imagined her in my mind and created the most similar appearance I could.

"I understand. Lastly, is there anything that can prove to your daughter that I'm searching for her? I don't want to be caught by police after all."

"Oh, this might help. If she is suspicious of you and ask for password which is a question, answer her with this. Yozora is the reason why."

".......I understand. Then, please rest here. I'll be going."

I almost let it out on my face. The password was strangely familiar to me. I felt like there was more to this woman than meets my eyes. However, I would push the question for later. The priority now was the daughter.

I slipped past a couples of people along the way to search for the girl. Based on what she told me, the girl was probably bored and walked around. Then, she got lost or something.

It did not take me long to find the girl. She was about seven to eight years old, I think. Today was supposed to be school days but she might be having a day off or two like me, seeing as how her mother brought her to walk around without any worry of her school. She seemed like she was about to cry but held in her tears. At the corner near the wall, I wonder why people did not notice her.

I came near her and knelt to make sure that I was at the same level as her. Then, I called out her name. I really hoped that she would not just shout out loud when I talked to her.

"Little girl, are you Sayoko?"

"....who are you, Big Bro?"

Fortunately, she reacted normally. At least we could communicate.

"Your mother asked me to find you. I'm here to bring you to your mother."

"... Mom said I shouldn't trust strangers."

"Yes, that's true. You're a good girl for listening to your Mom."

Well, she definitely was right. Never follow or trust strangers you just met. Though, this might be problematic for me.

Then, when I thought what I should do, she asked me a question.

"Um, if Mom really asked you to bring me to her, can you tell me the password?"


"Why does the moon shine and the stars glitter?"

....so this was the question. Why did the moon shine? Why did the stars glitter?

Thinking logically, the moon shine because the light form the sun was reflected on the surface of the moon while the stars glittered because they were suns. However, thinking philosophically, the answer was-

"Yozora is the reason why the moon shines and the stars glitter."

Yozora, the night sky. Without the night sky, the moon would never have the chance to shine and the the stars would not seem to glitter. The meaning of my name, Yozora.

"Aah, Big Bro is really sent here by Mom."

"Yes, let's go. I'll bring you to your mother."


Seeing how she immediately lost her suspicion, she looked like a simple girl. While it was fortunate that she trusted me this easy, her mother might need to teach her to be more careful of people.

Well, one thing settled. All that was left was for Sayoko to meet her mother. I felt my hand being grabbed and noticed that the Sayoko was the one holding it. She was still a little girl, so I would not mind it. She might still be scared being alone without her mother back then.

Slipping through this crowd might not be easy with the two of us despite the less people today. Fortunately, we could still pass through and arrived at the carriage Sayoko's mother was inside. Perhaps, she still did not see us, she was still waiting while looking worried. I was afraid that she looked not too well right now, like she was feeling anemic.

I wanted to go to her and return this girl to her right away, but I saw something that I could not really ignore now. I might be careless about other people but sexual harassment was definitely one of the top ten things I despised.

Although I wanted to stop it, Sayoko was holding my hand and I was afraid that she would not know where her mother was even if I told her. I glanced to my side and saw a woman with the professional air around her. Then, I took no time to ask her for help even if it was out of my character. That was just how much I hated sexual harassment.

"Miss, can you bring this child to the pregnant woman over there? Thank you. Sayoko, listen to this elder sister okay?"

"W-wait, wha-?"

I did not give her any time to refuse and headed to the sexual harassment scene. Although with mask and spectacles, the girl was definitely feeling grossed out by this guy's action. I mean, his hand was literally feeling the girl's leg like he was touching something he always played with.

I did not know why she was not screaming or stopping him even though she definitely had the permission and chance to do so. Well, not my thing to know anyway.

For starter, let's grab this guy's hand as silent and as quickly as I could.

The moment I stopped him from touching the girl, the guy's eyes turned to me quickly and he tried to release his hand but failed. My grip was not a normal high schooler's grip, so he had a hard time. I thought he would do his best to release himself. Therefore, his next action surprised me a bit.

"He is a molester!! Someone, catch him!"

Okay, that caught everyone's attention. Now, what do I do?

A smart move in my opinion, but not very smart, since I was the one holding his hand. If there was anyone who thought logically, they would notice that this guy was lying or at least ask what was going on.

However, as usual, people were never that logical in this situation.

Someone gripped my wrist and twisted my arm while taking me down to the floor with my face meeting it. Honestly, it was quite painful as this kind of technique was supposed to be less painful and just to apprehend someone. Yet, the one who used this technique seemed to be amatuer. If he or she did a little bit more mistake, my bone could be dislocated or even worse, broken.

"I got you, disgusting molester! You.....aren't you Minamoto Yozora!?"

A girl forced me into submission. My pride as a man aside, it would be better if she lowered her strength a little. I felt like I was hearing my bones making interesting sounds.

"You, so the rumors are true after all!! I'm ashamed to know that a disgusting pervert like you goes to the same school as me."

Instead of softening, she increased the strength more. This time, I definitely was not imagining it. My bones were singing. I felt like I should counter her now before my bones began making a masterpiece.

The true culprit had disappeared from the scene. That was unfortunate but the least of my concern right now. The victim was on her knees, probably in shock or getting her mind back. I guessed she could not help me either.

Just right before I wanted to gather strength in my muscles, a woman's voice stopped me.

"Girl, he's not the molester. You got the wrong person."

It was the woman whom I asked to bring Sayoko to her mother. Sayoko was not with her, I guessed she was with her mother now. One thing less to worry . I recognized her voice even though I had just heard her voice a little.

"No way. He was literally behind her just now! Who else could be doing such despicable act aside from him!?"

I wonder, did this girl learn ethic and manners during her childhood? I did not see her face as I was still on the ground, enduring the continuous pain.

"Did you see him doing it? Wasn't there a guy who shouted that he did it? Where was that guy? If the shouter was here, he was supposed to explain the story right? Then, using that, isn't the shouter is the molester?"

Well, it seemed that the woman had a good head with her.

"B-but, he..."

"For now, why don't you release him? Let him explain what happened."


Finally, the pain lessened even though I still felt it. At least it would not be worse. Now, to explain.

"I am not the molester."

That was it. I had enough of this. All the positive vibes I had from before turned to dust. Being accused when I did something good made me feel worse. I did not want to explain more. I felt like I would just waste my time explaining such a simple theory and logic to a muscle head like this girl.

"Boy, why don't you explain? This girl would not understand it unless you explain."

"I am not the molester. That's all."

Even when I was asked, I gave nothing more that just that, which drove the girl once again tried to apprehend me. Unfortunately for her, I did not let myself be submitted by her. Instead, I brought her to the ground albeit gently.

And what a surprise, just when I countered her, I found myself facing a policewoman and the girl I saved. The policewoman was familiar to me and it hit me that she was Officer Masamura who I met before. She had a complicated face like she just bit a bitter medicine when she looked at me.

When I looked around, almost everyone was looking at me. Some were pointing at me while some were recording me. It seemed that they really believed that I was the molester. Even the girl I saved was looking at me with disgust and rejection.

Only the woman was looking at me pitifully.

This was when, the reality began to hit me once again. I was hated. I was rejected. Nobody would believe me.

Then, I....never arrived at school that day.


A few hours later...

"Is Minamoto Yozora here!?"

The Public Moral Committee member, Madoka Honoka asked the class loudly. The students were surprised by the sudden shout they received from her. From their eyes, Honoka was a very upright and responsible person.

As to why she was worried about Yozora right now despite how she accused him back then, she finally knew the truth of the incident after the police called her and explained, to which, she regretted and went to find Yozora since she thought he went to school after the case was solved.

"Um, he was ab-"

"Excuse me, may I talk with Yozora?"

Then, another important student in the school came to their class. She was Minamoto Akari, the elder sister of Yozora. Again, the class was surprised. While it was not strange for the elder sister to find her brother, to be at the same time as the Public Moral Committee member was quite a coincidence.

Once again, the student tried to answer.

"Minamoto isn't here. He's-"

"Good morning everyone. Is my little junior, Yozora here?"

The most popular senior form the second year broke the scene. Miura Hoshi, a very adorable girl who was smart, beautiful, good in sports and easy to talk to. She was voted as the girl whom everyone want to be at least acquaintance with her. This was a big news for them. Such a wonderful senior was looking for their classmate who stood out in the negative way, it was unthinkable for them.

Three of them looked at each other with different kind of expression. Honoka looked very worried and frightened. Akari was making a hard face whole looking at Honoka while a little gentle when she stared at Hoshi. Hoshi on the other hand, was still with a smile as she waited for the answer.

"U-um, Minamoto isn't here today. He's been absent since this morning..."

"What!? D-did the teacher say anything about his absence?"

"N-no, he said that Minamoto is absent without notice though..."

"....I'm in deep trouble no-!"

Despite having experience in martial arts, Honoka was unable to avoid the incoming attack coming from her side. It was faster than anyone she had ever faced. Her collar was grabbed and she was lifted in the air while she was pushed against the wall. She could feel the coldness of the wall as she was pushed strongly against it.

"Akari, calm down. Let her explain first."

"What did you do to my little brother!?"

There was nothing else that can explain what was Akari currently feeling except, rage. Recently, she had been very sensitive to Yozora's situation to the point she could not control her emotion as well as she had trained before. Perhaps due to the small changes Yozora made everyday, she became more open to her feelings. She wanted to show Yozora what she was truly feeling, so she avoided from concealing her emotions. When she was with Yozora, it was a good decision. However, with other people, it was a very bad choice.

She could not control herself when it came to Yozora. If Yozora was with her, maybe he could calm her down a little as she did not want Yozora to see her being vicious. Nevertheless, Yozora was not there now. She was not restricted by anything.

The pure wrath on her face caused Honoka to tremble. She could not find any words to answer her, which caused Akari's anger to burn even further.

"I asked you, what did you to to Yozora!!??"

Her shout permeated through the whole floor. Even the students from other classes began to peek over to see what was happening.

"I, I just-"

"Now, the girl can't answer if you intimidate her like that. Calm down first Akari."

Fortunately, Hoshi was there to pacify the situation though it would not be long before Akari will explode again. She roughly let go of the collar she held and glared at her with the harshest stare she ever made.

"What happened here? Are you all right Akari? And you, Miss Madoka. Are you okay?"

A little late to the scene, the president of the Student Council came. It was noticeable that he came here running as he was breathing roughly and he was sweating.

Akari didn't answer him and turned away from him while Honoka nodded shakily. As Hoshi was the only calm person, she explained it roughly. The president, Asahi who understood the general situation, asked Honoka.

"Miss Madoka, can you explain what happened actually?"

Honoka wanted to explain, but there were too many eyes over here. If the truth came out, then the truth would be twisted by those who did not listen carefully.

"Then, shall we change place? Let's go somewhere else."

Then, they moved somewhere else, which was the Student Council Office. There were the members inside plus the Principal, who was there to collect the report and other things.

"Sir, may we discuss something here?"

"Of course you can, but may I listen too? It does not seem like this is a simple matter."

The Principal who had also begun to change, decided to learn more about the students. He took a closer type of approach to see what was happening in her school. It was a good change as he had finally decided to learn more about what he was supposed to do.

As they all took seat, Asahi asked Honoka again.

"So, can you explain it now?"

"O-okay. It all began with...."

As Honoka explained, there were three people who had expressions that stood out out of all of them. Hoshi, Akari and the Principal.

Hoshi had a variety of emotions. Anger, sorrow and worry. Truthfully, she was angry to Honoka but more than than, she was worried about her junior. She wanted to call him right away.

The Principal was pale. He was worried now. The moment he began to take a better approach to manage his school, a problem appeared and it was directly involving the student he wanted to avoid messing the most.

Akari, there was no need to explain it anymore. She immediately went to grab the girl once again, only to be held back by Hoshi.

"Let me go, Hoshi! This girl, she hurt Yozora!!!"

"I know, but first we should call Yozora to know where he is and whether he is fine or not."

"But, this girl!!"

"It's fine, she won't run away....I won't let her."

It was fortunate that Akari managed to get her priority right. As she called Yozora, her eyes never stopped glaring Honoka.

"If anything more happened to Yozora, I won't ever forgive you."

"... yes, I understand."

The Principal added a comment while the call still wasn't connecting.

"Miss Minamoto, I hope your brother is all right..."

Aside from his worry that he would lose his job, he was genuinely worried about Yozora, who was one of his school's student.

It took longer that it usually did for the call to connect.


Yozora's voice turned back to how it was before his change. Akari did not take this well. Her worry became worse and she began to imagine negative things.

"Yozora, where are you right now?"

-...where am I.....I wonder where.

"I kind of hear some wind blowing, are your somewhere high or something?"

-...I think so. The wind feels nice. At this height, I can literally see the whole landscape of the city....it's nice.

A depressed boy at a high place that was opened. Not a good source for imagination.

-....hey, Miss Akari. Somehow, I feel like I am free when I look at this spacious scenery.

"... Yozora, what are you thinking?"

Bad premonition came to Akari's mind. As the loudspeaker was on, everyone in the room could hear what Yozora was talking. Not all of them were stupid. They could at least notice the atmosphere.

-...I wonder, what does if feel to fly? Will I feel free from all of this? Will I stopped being hated and distrusted? Will I begin to feel more-

"Stop thinking whatever you're thinking now! Just sit down right there and don't do anything stupid! Wait for me to go there! Where are you right now!?"

Akari was in panic. Her little brother's questions put her into chaos. All those questions made her thought that Yozora was going to jump down the building thinking that he could fly away from the problem.

Hoshi also felt the same but she masked her distress and asked Yozora calmly, though her voice was a bit shaky.

"Kouhai, please answer me. Where are you right now?"

-....Senpai, why are you with Miss Akari?

"I'll explain that later. Answer me first, okay?"

-... I don't know. A second, I was in a train. Then, I was brought to the police station. Then, I was on a room, being questioned. Then, suddenly I was brought here. On a rooftop of a building.

"Okay, let me ask this just in case. You're not thinking of anything stupid, aren't you?"

Please tell me you aren't thinking like that....

-...I wonder. Senpai, as you said before. I should at least listen when people try to talk to me....I did. I had hopes that people would believe me then, if I said something....but they just couldn't believe me....I'm tired.

"... Kouhai, your promise with me, are you going to break it?"

Akari raised her eyes to Hoshi as she heard the word promise. She did not know what kind of promise did Yozora had with Hoshi.


"Kouhai, no. Yozora, are you really going to break that promise?"

-.... Senpai, you know. I feel like I want to stop feeling anything now.

"Yozora, are you breaking your promise with me?"

The same question twice, Hoshi asked with gentle and persuasive voice.

-.....see you later, Senpai.

The call ended. The room was tense and a havoc was soon to come. They all had the same thought.

Minamoto Yozora is going to commit suicide.

Akari was close to tears while Honoka was in fear. The Principal began to find any building that was tall enough to die. Asahi and the other members of Student Council were also panicking.

There was only one person who was calm.

"Calm down. Yozora was not going to die."

From the way she spoke, she seemed certain that Yozora would not kill himself. She believed it, or rather she wanted to believe it.

Kouhai, please. Don't break your promise with me.

She was the one who feared this situation the most. She decided to believe him. As her body was shaking, she forced herself to calm down and put her faith in Yozora's words.

It was 'see you later', not goodbye....

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