♤~No Reason~♤


6 1 7

I honestly don't know where I'm going with this story of mines but I had inspiration and basically Izuku is a... More

Chapter 1

6 1 7

I hope everyone is having a nice day today!

Izuku looked down and smiled at the lovley green grass. The smell of it reminded him of his mother. Aswell did the smell of iron. Yet it hurt him to think about her but alas he couldnt help it. Its almost like he thinks about her on impulse. "Thinking about you is deadly momma...I wont give up our dream,I promise" he said to no one in paticular. After all it was just himself in an abandoned factory with bloodied bodies everywhere he looked. The blood smered on the floor like someone panicked and tried to hide them. He picked up a blood covered flower that grew from the cracks of the factory floor and smiled. Izuku is just a 14-15 year old child and is homeless. Hes never been cared for unless it was his mother. He doesnt like pro herosof any kind beacuse he beleives they talk more then save. 'Stupid heros' he thought and let go of the flower and started to investigate the crime scene only he could see. "This man is 32 and in charge of a fashion industry...Oh this one is also in charge of one,but from america?" He looked at the 3rd body and went to it. "This girl is the assistant of the second corpse. Why would someone kill 2 people part of huge fashion industries but kill an assistant as well?" He took out his notebook and wrote down the information down. Then he flipped some pages back and read over them. "Hm,51 year old samuel higgens, villain and was a big shot at the same place those two were located in before he gpt kicked out officially for his villainous actions at the work place. His ex wife is...hm" Izuku walked over to the 3rd body then took out her wallet from her bloody pocket book and smirked "is Marie lancer formally known as Marie Higgens! Alright good job me, class dismissed." He slammed his notebook shut but not before writing all the clues down on a sheet of paper and gently placing it on one of the bodies and calling the police about the revenge situation. He walked out of the factory and groaned "what person brings people to a factory and straight up murdures them? It so...so movie like." He laughed at the thought and walked down a alley that lead to the streets. Many people fear Izuku since hes so unknown in the neighborhood. Many people have also seen him take down many thugs without anyone to back him up so of course people were scared of him. Even the rebellious and homeless kids knew not to go near him or talk down about him. Izuku walked down to the corner store he always went to and grabbed a pack of cigeretes without paying as usual. "Hello? idiot arnt you going to pay for that? 1.50 please" He turned to the female store clerk that actually walked out the store and grabbed his arm. 'This girl must be new, otherwise shed be pleading for mercy right now.' He scoffed and pulled his arm away deciding to give this new girl his mercy. He liked to solve cases, he didnt like being bossed around even by people he knew were older them him. "Ill call the police if you keep walking!" She shouted but it ended up going out the other ear. So thats what she did. Izuku didnt care since he didnt live in a actual house or apartment. He walked to an abandoned car that layed in a street. nobody ever went near the street for some reason but maybe cause it was near villain territory "which villains were they again? The gemaphobe or that weird hand guy... ugh i dont know and shouldnt care." He opened the car door and there layed a cat "well hello little guy? did you get in from the broken window or the hole on the floor of the car?" Izuku smiled when the cat meowed. "Your so cute! Oh i have tuna in one of these bags, is that what you smelled?" The cat replied with a meow and pawed at the green bag. Izuku giggled then opened the back, it smelled like cinnamon and caramel since he liked to buy a lot of those when he didnt have cigaretes on him. Speaking of cigaretes Izuku pulled out one and lit it. He got the tuna and sat in the front seat of the car and put it in the passengers seat. The cat dug into the food like a hungry pig. Izuku sighed and took his phone out seeing if the police got to the crime scene yet. "how come there putting it on the news?Oh wait there popular, duh izuku...god im such a dork" Izuku said with a giggle at the end and watched the news of it. After he went and checked out if people were talking about it. Turns out the news spread like wild fire. "How do people like fashion designers. all they do is make clothes that have designes on them." Yet he would never get his answer since he was talking to himeself. A meow broght him out of his thoughts and he looked and saw the cat at the window of the car. "Your leaving now? Alright little cat be carful, its a dangerous world for us weaklings." and with that the cat jumped out the car and sprinted to an alley. Izuku sighed "Alone again I guess." He looked to his phone then saw another mystery case. He smirked, 'Who needs sleep when you could have a little bit of a slice of life?' he puffed smoke out of his mouth then threw the cigaret out the window the left to find where this next mystery could be.

"How could somone solve so many mysteries in one month and cause more chaos for both Pro heros and police at the same time?!?" Detective tsukauchi said and gave the papers to Nezu with a puzzled but pissed off expression showing. The heros at the meeting table started to whisper amongst themselves, Aizawa though closed his eyes for a moment thinking of the possible possiblities on who it could be. The only information they had on them that it was a male 10-19 year old, they didnt really care for that type of information they only cared for trying to catch the kid. It seemed like he would help us one day then go off interfering with hero and police work without any motive it seemed. Aizawa was also concered for the kid since it seemed like hes seen multiple dead people. "There does seem to be a pattern" Nezu said making everyone silent so they could listen in to what the bear like creature has to say "It looks like he doesnt show up to a case no longer then 2 weeks old. So he goes after the new ones" Tsukaichi took the paper that Nezu was holding and looked over it. "Alright then, that answers that but why has he been stopping villains from doing wrong and then still stealing and somtimes giving people terrible injuries if they crossed his path! Not to mention the only information we have on him is that he is a 10-19 male and yet we still have not a clue about his appearence and his quirk!" The meeting room instantly went loud from what tsukachi said. "Everyone please listen!" Nezu shouted catching everyones attention once again. "Its possible he could be going after one of 4 cases as we speak. I'd like to send 4 groups of pros to those crime scenes and stake outat them so we could see who and why this now known as vigilantie is doing these things. Aizawa and President mic will be on case 1 located at *****. Its about a family who had been murdered and I told the police to stay especially away from that one." The said two got up and walked out the meeting room. Aizawa knew his day was about to get a whole lot worse.

Izuku walked around for a bit in the cold night, phone in hand trying to locate where his next case. He finally found it and started to walk to the scene. "It said that police havnt gotten to it yet so it should be perfect" He smiled and desided to pop a cigarete between his light pink lips. When he did get to the scene he quickly put it out and walked in the house. The door was unlocked and once he got in his nose instantly got filled with the disgusting iron stench he knew all to well. Blood was scattered all over the floor yet there wasnt a single body. He desided to walk to the kitchen "wonder if they have wine" He said to himself and looked in the fridge then the cabnets. "Ah! Bingo!" He smiled and held the Wine in his hands in victory "Hm,Moscato. Mom used to drink this a lot when auntie Mitsukiand her hanged out when I was younger." Izuku put the wine on the table and started to continue finding the bodies. Just when he was about to go on the second floor he heard a loud thump sound coming from the living room area. He quickly grabbed his fruity wine and ran to where the noise was, ready to fight head on. Yet no one was in there. "Thats odd im sure I heard- AW FU-ACK-" He got whacked in the head twice then all he saw was black.

Aizawa and Hizashi got to the house and went inside. It was locked but Hizashi lockpicked it which isnt surprising. 'Since everytime I had a mental breakdown at my house when he'd come to hang out he'd lock pick the door to come help me out. What a nice boyfriend.' This made Aizawa smile at the thought. The two heros went in the house and there faces instantly scrunched at the smell of iron. "I still hate the smell of blood, ugh I think ima vomit" Hizashi said and Aizawa chuckled "Well im sure theres a bathroom upstairs. go before you ruin the crime scene for the problem child" After his boyfriend said that he ran upstairs to a bathroom. Aizawa sighed and leaned on a wall. He closed his eyes for a while and soon fell asleep. He then woke up from the door opening. He felt his shoulder was heavy and saw his boyfriend leaning on him asleep. He shook him awake "Babe whats-" He quickly covered his mouth and pointed to the door that was in there view that was currently opening. They both quickly hid and hope the kid didnt see them. To Hizashi this felt like a horror movie which made him want to giggle so badly at the thought of it but knew he couldnt. Aizawa just rolled hi eyes knowing what he was thinking about. "Wonder if they have wine" The two froze and looked to eachother the they heard things being opened from the kitchen area. "babe hes to young for that stuf we have to stop him" Hizashi whisper yelled "No shit Hizashi, we have to capture him anyways and the way he walked in is telling me he isnt on high guard at the moment. As long as we dont be loud were fine-" Aizawa then somhow managed to drop a glass vase that was behind him down but with his cat like reflexes he caught it with a thud. "...Babe what the actual fuck did you just say about making noise" Hizashi said with the most 'wtf' face ever. They then heard footsteps which caused them to panic. "shit" Aizawa whispered to himself. he took a peak at the kid and saw that he dropped his fighting stance when he didnt see anyone. Aizawa got behind him quickly slowly raising his hand as if he had a chancla in it. "Thats odd im sure i heard-" *WHACK* "AW FU-" *WHACK* "ACK-" Then a big thud. "well that does the job, lets call Nezu-howd the wine not break?" Hizashi said and Aizawa picked it up then looked at Hizashi who had hopefull eyes "No im not going to be romantic right after we were sent to basically kidnap a child." Hizashi pouted and got his phone out to call nezu. Aizawa took a closer look at the teenager and saw he had a black hoodie on that said the words "Fuck off" on the back 'what great fashion sense' he thought sarcastically. He saw that the kid also had eye bags bigger then his own and if you smelled him you could easily smell cigaretes. "Ugh, This kid is going to be a hassle" He said and picked him up with the wine still in hand. "Alright we will be there as fast as we can." Hizashi put the phone in his pocket and smiled at his lover "guess we'll be running, Nezu wants us there immedietly" Aizawa groaned. This is when they started there run to UA while flirting to eachother. How lovley for the poor teens dreams.

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