The hidden truth

By Sanity_was_not_found

115 3 1

Amanda and Liz (inspectorlemoncosplay and Akrcos) are best friends. What happens when the truth that they had... More

Why couldn't I just tell her?
Everything starts to fall into place

The prank

28 1 0
By Sanity_was_not_found


3rd Person

        Amanda woke up the next morning noticing that she was spooning Liz while having her head nuzzled into the blonde's neck. She smiled at the sleeping figure next to her before glancing at the time, "Shit!" Amanda then mumbled realizing that if she didn't hurry she would be late for work. She then tries to get out of bed without waking up Liz though the mission ended up being unsuccessful as the blonde woke up the second Amanda moved her arm. "Where are you going? You're warm, come back..." Liz muttered, still not fully awake. Amanda smiled loving it whenever Liz got like this, "Well, I have work and now that I think about it you do too so get up you heathen."

        Liz jumped up at this statement as if just realizing this wasn't just a weird dream. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" She then exclaimed running around the room trying to get ready. "First of all, I just woke up and second of all, would you have gotten up if I did?" Amanda questioned knowing the answer. "" The older one said reluctantly knowing Amanda was right. After they got ready they headed to their respective cars heading off to work hoping there wouldn't be traffic along the way.

Time skip

        Amanda got off work a little early so decided to surprise Liz at the theater she worked at and maybe prank her too just to add a little more fun into it. She then called Jewels to get her in on the prank and so that way she had someone to help her out since Jewels knew the place much better than Amanda did. Once that was settled Amanda headed to the theater quickly finding Jewels before being led into the back where all the managers were and taken to Jewels office where the prank would be set up. Amanda then got into (Pick a creepy cosplay), once Amanda was ready she hid under the desk while Jewels went and got Liz.

             Once Jewels and Liz came to where Amanda was hiding, Jewels conveniently "had to go to the bathroom" leaving Liz alone or so she thought. As she walked around the room to sit down Amanda jumped out from behind the desk scaring the shit out of Liz. "Amanda! What the fuck! What are you doing here?!" Liz asked as soon as she got her bearings again. "Well, I got off work early and decided to come and see you." Amanda said while shrugging. "By seeing you mean a prank." Liz stated, clearly annoyed at the situation. "I mean it was the perfect opportunity so I went for it."

          Liz sighed knowing that there was no point in continuing this argument seeing as it was going nowhere before saying, "Well even if you got off work early I still have work so don't cause too much trouble while I'm gone." She then walked over to the door about to leave when Amanda called back at her, "Wait!" "What do you want now?" Liz said, still annoyed at what Amanda had done. "I you Starbucks...I thought that might make you hate me a little less..?" The taller one said worried Liz wouldn't want anything to do with her.

           Liz smiled, "Thanks and you know I can't stay mad at you." Liz then said, knowing Amanda is always worried about losing the people she's close too. 'your too cute for that' she then thought, still staring at Amanda. "Wait what?" Amanda questioned when Liz realized she had said that out loud.

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