A Journey's Link

By Particulan

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'A Journey's Link' is a tale about Ash and Goh, as they continue their duties as research fellows at Cerise L... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Battle
Chapter 2 - Adventure
Chapter 3 - Business
Chapter 4 - Pathway
Chapter 5 - Solutions
Chapter 6 - Crystal
Chapter 7- Performing
Chapter 8 - Research
Chapter 9 - Rustboro
Chapter 10 - Preparations
Chapter 11 - Mister Stone
Chapter 12 - Determination
Chapter 13 - Central
Chapter 14 - Reunion
Chapter 15 - Control
Chapter 16 - Burden
Chapter 17 - Skipped
Chapter 18 - The Lake
Chapter 19 - Reflections
Chapter 20 - Dreaming
Chapter 21 - Rivaled
Chapter 22 - Resolve
Chapter 23 - Sighting
Chapter 24 - Linkage
Chapter 25 - Truths
Chapter 26 - Celebratory
Chapter 27 - Connections
Chapter 28 - Departure
Chapter 29 - Instinct
Chapter 30 - Planning
Chapter 31 - Lurking
Chapter 32 - Presentation
Chapter 33 - Paired
Chapter 34 - Anistar
Chapter 35 - Searching
Chapter 36 - Opposition
Chapter 37 - Threats
Chapter 38 - Passion
Chapter 39 - Split
Chapter 40 - Past
Chapter 41 - Ignite
Chapter 42 - Whereabouts
Chapter 43 - Secret
Chapter 44 - Hidden
Chapter 45 - Impersonations
Chapter 46 - Potential
Chapter 47 - Mixing
Chapter 48 - Squishy
Chapter 49 - Achievement
Chapter 50 - Key
Chapter 51 - Intentions
Chapter 52 - Sacrifices
Chapter 53 - Village
Chapter 54 - Close
Chapter 55 - Intuition
Chapter 56 - Blasted
Chapter 57 - Attack
Chapter 58 - Master?
Chapter 59 - Freed
Chapter 60 - Revenge
Chapter 61 - Explanations
Chapter 62 - Found
Chapter 63 - Fueled
Chapter 64 - Disagreement
Chapter 65 - Aftermath
Chapter 66 - Reconnection
Chapter 68 - Home
Chapter 69 - Descent
Chapter 70 - Boundless
Chapter 71 - Finality
Chapter 72 - Energized
Chapter 73 - Life
Chapter 74 - Awakening
Chapter 75 - Confession
Chapter 76 - Forward

Chapter 67 - Transformation

909 21 3
By Particulan

"What?!" Sanpei exclaimed. "How do you know this?" He had known that the transformation into becoming a peacekeeper of the village was bound to happen soon, but didn't know that it was happening now. "I had a dream," Ash explained, rubbing his head. "Whenever you healed my arm, I had a dream with Greninja in it."

"That doesn't mean anything!" Sanpei responded. Ash shook his head. "It was different from a normal dream, I promise!" He insisted. "Greninja had the Caring One's symbol on it and everything!" His insistence was enough to cause Sanpei to believe him, so he turned to Goh and asked, "Is Greninja still with the medic?"

Goh nodded and quickly opened the door again. "He should be. The rest of the group is trying to help out, but you need to come quickly, Ash!" Goh exclaimed with enough urgency for Ash and Sanpei to run out the door and down the street alongside Goh.

They started getting closer to the main area of the village where the houses were completely leveled and began hearing a commotion from the crowd there. "They're probably freaking out about Greninja!" Goh yelled as they ran towards the crowd. "It's not every day that you see this," Sanpei responded in between breaths as they continued running.

Ash tried to weave his way in and out of people blocking his way to Greninja, accidentally pushing people along the way. "Sorry!" Ash apologized, appearing at the center of the crowd and staring right at Greninja on the straw bed. Ash could see the symbol being formed on Greninja's tongue, almost as if he was being tattooed.

Ash frantically looked around for the medic once he noticed the visible painful expression on Greninja's face, but couldn't find the elderly woman anywhere. "Greninja!" He exclaimed, grabbing Greninja by the leg and trying to lift him. Ash instantly let go of Greninja's legs the second he grabbed them, as it seemed that his entire body was searing hot.

"What's wrong, Ash?" Goh asked, running up behind Ash. "It's like his entire body is burning," Ash explained, staring helplessly at Greninja. "I have no clue why either," he added. Goh sighed and stuttered, "W-Well, what do we do? We can't just sit around and do nothing while Greninja's in pain."

"Goh's partially right," Sanpei said from behind both trainers. "We can't just sit around while this transformation is happening," he advised them both. Ash and Goh both stared at him with wide eyes. "Transformation?" Ash asked, looking at Greninja. "Is that why Greninja is burning hot?" Sanpei walked over to Greninja and felt his skin, realizing its searing hot surface.

"It's part of the transformation," Sanpei said, blowing on his hand calmly. "The eternal flame of the female Pyroar fills Greninja's body, turning him into the Caring One," Sanpei explained. "What does that flame do?" Goh asked curiously. "It fills the peacekeeper with enough power to stop whatever crisis may occur," Sanpei responded. "That being whatever Giovanni may use with the core."

"More power?" Ash asked no one in particular. Sanpei nodded. "Yep. The spirit of the female Pyroar lets this happen," he responded. I guess it is supposed to happen," Ash thought to himself. Everything, including the sacrifice. Knowing that his Greninja, a Pokemon that he had known for so long, was supposed to be sacrificed was extremely hard to swallow.

"Out of my way! Out of my way!" A raspy voice yelled from the crowd. Ash looked behind him and saw the elderly medic pushing her way through the crowd, holding a large bucket that was practically overflowing with water. Ash watched as the medic took the bucket and dumped all of the water directly into Greninja, causing him to wake up and bring his head up quickly.

Sanpei stared at Greninja and smiled. "I was going to advise that we try to wake Greninja up, but it seems that the medic beat us to it," he said. "Greninja!" Ash exclaimed, ignoring Sanpei's words. He rushed over to the ninja frog and embraced him in a deep hug. "I'm sorry that I let you get hurt," Ash said apologetically and genuinely.

It's okay, Ash.

Ash quickly pulled away from the hug and looked around him. He had just heard a deep voice speak to him, but didn't know who it was. "Who said that?" Ash asked Goh and Sanpei, who both shrugged their shoulders and had no clue what Ash was talking about.

"Ash! Ash!" This voice was real to Ash, unlike the one he had heard moments before; and it was a voice that he so desperately wanted to hear. "Ash!" Serena exclaimed, running over to Ash and Greninja. She was about to give him another rib-crushing hug when Greninja suddenly leaped off the bed and landed in between the two of them.

"Woah, buddy!" Ash exclaimed, getting startled by Greninja suddenly landing in front of him. "Gren," Greninja said quietly, staring at Serena momentarily. He raised his hand and pointed at Serena, nodding slowly.

She's the one.

The voice echoed in Ash's head, confusing him even more. "Who is that?" He whispered to himself. He walked next to Greninja and asked, "What's up, Greninja? Why'd you do that?" Greninja didn't respond, instead continuing to stare right at Serena. Ash turned to Sanpei, who shook his head, as he didn't know what was going on either.

"Maybe he's confused after waking up?" Goh suggested, not knowing what was going on either. "Maybe..." Ash responded, his voice trailing as he looked at Greninja. Serena looked at Ash and said, "I came over to tell you that A left to go find Aaron." Ash whipped his head to her and exclaimed, "He what?" in disbelief.

Serena nodded and added, "I told him that we could all fight Giovanni together, but he insisted that he go find Aaron." She saw the conflicted look on Ash's face and asked, "What's wrong?" Ash shrugged his shoulders and answered, "I mean... he wasn't close to me, but I felt close to him because-"

"He is you," Serena finished, understanding exactly what he was referring to. "It's also weird to know that there's a clone of me out there right now, trying to explore the world," she said, trying to make Ash feel better by sympathizing with him. Luckily, it worked, as he smiled at Serena and said, "Thanks. I guess it's pretty crazy all around, huh?"

"Oh also," she added, remembering another thing. "Sycamore and the others want to test out their machine. Somehow it survived the Earthquake caused by Giovanni," she explained. "Now?" Ash asked. "Aren't we kind of in the middle of something here?" Serena just shrugged and said, "They said it's important."

Ash sighed and looked at Sanpei. "I appreciate your help with my arm," Ash said, shaking Sanpei's hand. "Of course. I couldn't just deny you. You've got the entire world's fate in your hands," Sanpei said, throwing Ash off as Serena dragged him away from Sanpei into the crowd, Goh following close by, shocked by what he had just heard.

"What exactly is this machine?" Ash asked Serena curiously. She shook her head. "I have no clue. The Professor and Clemont are the two who created it," she explained while trying to weave through the crowd of people attempting to get medical help from the medic, who was free after Greninja tagged along with Ash and the others.

"And the Professor said it's safe?" Ash asked cautiously. Serena nodded and responded, "He told me to tell you that it won't go like last time, whatever that means." Ash chuckled at her cluelessness. Serena turned to him. "What's the story behind that?" She asked, laughing at Ash's chuckling.

"It's a long story," he replied, telling himself that he'd need to tell her after this was all over. "I'll explain it when we stop this once and for all," he said. "Promise." Serena smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to it!"

Goh, who was behind the two and had been listening, could tell that there was some understanding of their feelings for each other, but no way to tell each other directly. He had told Serena before that this type of stuff wasn't exactly his cup of tea but seeing the two unable to express their feelings had frustrated him to the point where he was about to interfere himself.

"Professor!" Ash suddenly exclaimed, sprinting over to a group of people. Sycamore, still in his giant lab coat despite the weather, turned around and waved. "Ash!" He exclaimed back. "I'm glad you and Greninja are okay!" Clemont and Bonnie both looked over and saw Ash, so they smiled and waved as well.

"I'm glad you could be here," Sycamore said as Ash walked up to him alongside Serena and Goh. "I'm sure Serena already filled you in on everything?" Ash smiled at Serena and replied, "She did." Sycamore smiled and looked over at Clemont and Bonnie, who were setting up the device. "We've made some modifications since you last saw this thing," Sycamore explained.

"Modifications?" Ash asked, perplexed. Sycamore nodded and pointed at an antenna sticking out of the top of the machine. "You see that?" Sycamore asked. "That's going to be able to track Giovanni's location using Greninja." Ash's eyes grew wide in surprise as he heard this. "Track Giovanni?" He repeated in awe. "Like, as in being able to locate him?"

Sycamore nodded and his eyes gleamed with excitement as he continued explaining. "Precisely. That powerful Pokemon had a device, and apparently when Greninja was attacked by whatever move it used on him, the frequencies from the device transferred with it, meaning Clemont was able to find the frequencies that it operated at and locate where they were being emitted." Clemont looked over and nodded.

"Right," Clemont said, picking up the machine. "I've never seen something vibrating at that particular frequency, so it must have been made by some type of technology that the public doesn't have access to yet!" He explained, getting excited as he spoke about the possibilities of the device.

"Wow! Science is so amazing!" Ash exclaimed, not understanding a single word that Clemont said, but finding it fascinating nonetheless. Serena laughed at Ash's instinctual phrase as Goh shook his head. "It's not that crazy, Ash..." he muttered.

"So, do you want to give it a whirl?" Sycamore asked as Clemont set the machine aside. Ash stared at Sycamore dead in the eye and asked, "It won't hurt Greninja, right?" Sycamore stared right back at Ash and said with full confidence, "I promise."

Ash sighed and turned to Greninja, who understood exactly what was happening and walked over to the machine. Clemont connected some wires to Greninja and began entering some numbers onto a small screen. "Alright Clemontic Gear, don't fail me now!" He exclaimed, pressing a button on the screen and causing some lights to come on.

Sycamore stepped back and put a hand on Ash's shoulder. "With this device, you and Greninja should be able to easily take out Giovanni and save that Zygarde core," Sycamore said. Ash sighed and nodded, knowing what Sycamore was saying was true, but still dreading what was supposed to happen to him.

The machine began whirring and small energy pulses began flashing from Greninja. "It looks like Mega Evolution," Ash commented, staring at the blue and red flashes. "Right," Sycamore responded. "We were able to activate Greninja's dormant Mega Energy so that it would always be active when battling," he explained.

He saw Ash's face light up and quickly added, "And no. It doesn't make him always in Mega Form," dulling Ash's face. Ash looked at Greninja, making sure he was okay. "You good, Greninja?" Ash asked, with Greninja responding with a small nod of affirmation.

"And now to activate the frequency finder," Sycamore muttered to himself, pressing another button on the screen. The antenna began whirring as it scanned Greninja, searching for any trace of the frequency emitted by the device. They stood there for minutes, waiting anxiously for the device to give any indication of success.

"Is it not working...?" Sycamore whispered to himself. Ash looked at the device in worry, as failure meant they would have to find Giovanni through a method that would simply take far too long. Suddenly, the device beeped and the antenna stood facing one direction, which was facing away from Ash and towards a seemingly random location.

"Is that it?" Ash asked, staring at the device. "Does it know where Giovanni's at?" Clemont smiled and nodded, pulling up the data from the machine. Sycamore walked over and released Greninja from the machine. "Do you feel any different?" Ash asked Greninja, who stared at his hands and softly said, "Gren..."

"Eerk!" Clemont exclaimed, causing everyone to look over at the inventor. "What happened?" Sycamore asked, intrigued by his small noise of worry. Clemont ignored Sycamore and looked at Ash with a worried look. "Ash, you said you're from Pallet Town, right?" Clemont asked hesitantly.

Ash felt a sense of dread wash over him as Clemont asked the question. "Yeah?" He responded slowly. Clemont gulped and showed Ash the data. "Well, Giovanni's there right now. And judging by these readings, Aaron's with him as well!" Clemont exclaimed, causing Ash to realize what that meant. "Giovanni's going to make my mother see my father!"

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