BNHA Boyfriend Scenarios

By CrystalDiaty

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Kinda self explanatory Includes: Midoriya Bakugo Todoroki Kirishima Ida Kaminari Shinso Tamaki Aizawa Hawks S... More

How You Meet
Becoming Friends
Realizing His Feelings
When He gets Jealous
He Asks You Out
First Kiss
He Saves You
When You Fall Asleep
Caught Making Out
First Time
NSFW Alphabet - Midoriya
NSFW Alphabet - Bakugo
NSFW Alphabet - Todoroki
NSFW Alphabet - Kirishima
NSFW Alphabet - Iida
NSFW Alphabet - Kaminari
NSFW Alphabet - Shinso
NSFW Alphabet - Tamaki
NSFW Alphabet - Aizawa
NSFW Alphabet - Keigo
NSFW Alphabet - Shigaraki
NSFW Alphabet - Dabi
NSFW Alphabet - Chisaki
When He Cries
When You Cry
When He Wants Attention
When You Want Attention
The Fight
Making Up
Regaining Your Trust
When He Has A Nightmare
When You Have A Nightmare
The Attack
The Discovery
The Hunt
The Recovery
When He Makes You Blush
When You Make Him Blush
He Meets Your Parents
You Meet His Parents
When He Takes Care Of You
When You Take Care Of Him
He Walks In On You Changing
You Walk In On Him Changing
He Gets Harassed
The Kidnapping
The Call
Coming Home
The Aftermath
Appreciating His Scars
Appreciating Your Scars
When He Scares You
When You Scare Him
When He Turns You On
When You Turn Him On
He Accidentally Hurts You
You Accidentally Hurt Him
When He Feels Insecure
When You Feel Insecure
When He Marks You Up
When You Mark Him Up
His "Friend" Makes A Pass At You
Your "Friend" Makes A Pass At Him
The Arrest
The Trial
The "Release"
The Consequences
When He's Left Alone
When You're Left Alone
The Little Things He Does
The Little Things You Do
He Dreams About You
Talking To His Friends About You
Mornings With Him
The Incident
Where Do I Go When I Vanish

You Get Harassed

3.9K 59 4
By CrystalDiaty


- There was this big festival being put on in town and he wanted to take you since the place seemed like it was going to be filled with a bunch of your favorite things.

- Your eyes practically lit up when he showed you the brochure and you got even more excited when he told you that he wanted to take you there so you were all set to go on this date and he was happy to see you so excited.

- You had fun for the first two hours but unfortunately when he separated from you just to go get you some food a random guy walked up to you and started talking to you while getting way too close for comfort.

- You tried being polite and just trying to make up an excuse to get out of this situation but he had you pinned against a wall with his arms right next to your head so you barely had any room to move and push him off of you.

- He kept getting closer to you and his friendly persona is long gone since he's now dropping as many flirty comments as he can.

- He actually manages to press a few disgusting kisses to your collarbone and neck and you still can't manage to get him off you since you're stuck in such a compromising position which is why you're actually panicking now.

- The guy is ripped away from you in a millisecond and you're immediately wrapped in your boyfriend's embrace as he checks you over making sure you aren't wounded.

- You look over and realize that Midoriya used his quirk to slam the guy into a wall across the entire venue and he didn't even bother to check if the guy was still breathing or not as he gently kisses you trying to ground you let you know that he's there.

- The sound of coughing and yelling alerts him to the fact that the guy survived and he slowly turns to him with murder in his eyes.

- "I'd lay back down if I were you because if you stay standing you're going to force me to hit you again and break even more bones in your body. If you even think for a second that I'm going to just let you walk away after what you did, you've got another thing coming."

- The guy takes the warning and lays back down on the ground just waiting for paramedics to show up and help him which is going to take quite a while and that makes Midoriya happy as hell since that means he gets to suffer, longer.

- He takes your hand and just decides that it's better to take you home and help you relax for the rest of the night because you two can always come back before the festival ends at the end of the week so he isn't worried about it.

- He keeps you in his arms the entire way there and he takes you right to your dorm room and lays you down on your bed and he drops right down on top of you completely protecting you in his own way making sure that nothing could hit you through him.

- He places a few gentle kisses to where he knows the other guy did and he's just trying to do his best to remove any sign that he did anything to you and he actually apologizes to you multiple times for not getting to you quickly enough.

- You've managed to relax completely at this point and you tell him that he's got nothing to apologize for and he just holds you tighter to him just trying to calm himself down at this point because he's still fuming.

- He just wants to be able to erase this memory from your mind and he's angry at himself for letting it happen in the first place but he finally calms down when he feels you run your fingers through his hair as you thank him for protecting you.


- Bakugo has made it plain as day to all of the hero schools that you two are a couple and he makes sure to demonstrate that whenever another hero school visits.

- He'll keep his arms around you constantly and give you kisses wherever and whenever he can just showing off to them and making sure that all of them know that you're off-limits and you're fine with that.

- So far, this method has worked but unfortunately, a new school was being allowed to visit and spar with the students and this school consisted of quite a few arrogant snobs who couldn't care less about who's off-limits.

- This became extremely obvious when one of the guys started sparring you and he caught you way off guard when he did a move that ended with his face in the crook of your neck.

- He whispered a few creepy things in your ear before actually licking up your neck and roughly grabbing your ass which causes you to slap him and immediately stop the fight so you can tell Aizawa what just happened.

- Nobody seems to hear you though and this guy gets more aggressive trying to push you against the wall and pin you to it informing you that he's using his quirk to create an illusion that you two are still fighting like normal.

- Bakugo felt something was off when he was watching you two spar and he saw that you were repeating a lot of the same moves which is quite unusual and he didn't like it one bit.

- He followed his instincts and just set off a huge ass explosion right at the guy which hits the real him and sends him off balance which causes you to immediately run to Bakugo's side.

- You quickly explained what happened and literal steam started to radiate off of Bakugo and before anyone could do anything he set off a huge explosion right at the guy hitting him and burning the crap out of the entire right side of his body.

- "Hey, get up. You don't get to just pass out after you decided to assault my girlfriend. Harassing and assaulting someone I love is a death sentence and I thought I made that clear but I guess not. Oh well, I'll do better next time and you should spread the word to all of your shitty friends that this is what happens when you hurt her."

- He's about to kill him and everyone knows it which is why Aizawa is wrapping his scarf around him and kicking him out of the training grounds while canceling out his quirk just to make sure that he couldn't possibly do any more damage.

- He let Bakugo go when you practically begged him to because you wanted your boyfriend right now because you weren't really keeping it together mentally and you were practically breaking down because of how overwhelming this all was.

- Bakugo was wrapping his arms around you and taking you back to the dorms as soon as he could and he was actually apologizing to you for not noticing what was happening sooner and for also probably adding to your stress since he almost murdered someone.

- You told him that he has nothing to apologize for since he was just defending you and you really didn't want him to feel guilty about any of this since it wasn't his fault and he did what he could to protect you.

- He didn't receive any punishment since technically he was defending his classmate but they did give him a stern warning that if this happens again they'll be forced to either expel him or arrest him because this is now the second time he almost killed someone in defense of you.

- As long as you're okay he doesn't care and he wants to make sure that you don't get any punishment for his actions even though that's unlikely but he doesn't want you to be looked down on because of something he did.


- Endeavor had decided that he wanted to test the members of his agency physically just to see how well they hold up on their own.

- He asked one of the best martial artists he knew and then just tossed these poor secretaries and sidekicks into a fight with this master of martial arts just expecting his people to hold their own even though most of them aren't suited for close combat.

- He put you in a fight as well because he's looking for any excuse to fire you at this point without the risk of you releasing all his dirt to the public and he figured that you shouldn't be able to hold your own against this guy because of your attack.

- You proved him wrong though and managed to get this guy to tap out in about five seconds since he was already planted on the ground the second the fight started so all you had to do was wait for him to give in.

- You're wishing that you would've just forfeited the fight now though because this guy will not leave you alone at all.

- He's constantly hitting on you and at first you thought he was just admiring your skill but you quickly realized that he was trying to get with you for no other reason than you're the only person who's ever beaten him since he became a master.

- You weren't interested at all and you manage to dodge all of his advances but he wasn't making it easy at all and he had actually managed to touch you quite a few times.

- It had been a long day, you were tired, frustrated, and uncomfortable but nobody seemed to notice how this guy was all over you constantly which meant you didn't get any help and you couldn't hit him because that could lead to a fight that you aren't prepared for.

- You floored him once you don't think you could do it again the same day so now you were just praying for a miracle as this guy actually follows you out of Endeavor's agency and to wherever you were walking.

- Todoroki was waiting outside the school gates for you so he could walk with you to the dorms and he didn't expect to see you practically sprinting away from a guy who was practically on top of you.

- He met you halfway down the street and pulled you away from him before activating both his ice and fire just daring the guy to make another move.

- "I would cut your losses and leave if I were you because let me be perfectly clear, if you take another step towards her I won't hesitate to put you in a hospital bed or worse a body bag. The pain wouldn't end quickly either because lord knows how many burns you'll have."

- The guy recognizes Todoroki and takes the hint but your boyfriend does send a bit of ice his way hoping he would slip and crack his skull on the pavement but other than that he doesn't want to cause any more of a scene.

- He feels you wrap your arms around him from behind as you bury your face in his back and he carefully turns around to face you and he realizes that he's not getting the full story and when you did tell him everything he was ready to set this whole street on fire to get to the guy.

- He was also pissed that his father had allowed this to happen and he didn't want anything like this to ever happen again especially when you're under a pro hero's supervision, this just shouldn't happen.

- He takes you back to the dorms where you can actually relax and breathe and he does his best to make your life as easy as possible for the rest of the day mainly because he needed something to distract him from burning down a block but also because he didn't want to leave you alone.


- For some reason, the teachers ordered a mass cleaning of the U.A. dorms which meant that the students had to deal with a cleaning crew in their rooms all day.

- The students could carry on like normal but there would just be a bunch of cleaners with loud ass vacuums going constantly and the students couldn't do anything except tell the cleaners what not to throw out.

- This meant that unless the students wanted all their belongings to be tossed into the garbage they were going to have to stay in their rooms to supervise each cleaner and then they could leave once they finish.

- You were doing a bit of homework on your laptop when you felt some of your bed dip as the cleaner you were assigned decided to take a break.

- You figured that maybe he was just exhausted so you just didn't acknowledge him because you didn't want to seem like a snob and demand that he get back to work when he's been cleaning the dorms all day.

- You're forced to acknowledge him though when he slowly closes your laptop right in the middle of your work so you, of course, asked him not to do that and then asked him as nicely as you could to get back to work.

- He didn't do that though and started asking you a bunch of questions while leaning forward and sort of trapping you on your bed because you couldn't get around him to get up.

- He got a bit annoyed when you asked him to get back to work again and he ignored your request as he grabs you by your shoulders and pushes you down onto your bed and that's when you realize that his vacuum is still going so no one can hear this happening over the noise.

- You tried to push him off you but he pinned your hands above you so now you were just trying to kick him just to get him to budge at least a little bit so you can get him off of you and alert Aizawa to what the hell is going on.

- The sound of your door being slammed open and the feeling of the guy being pulled off of you is enough to make you sigh in relief and relax just a little bit.

- "Don't ever touch her again. Finish your job and then get the hell off the school grounds before I push you out the window and you just become another splatter stain on the pavement. Don't look at her either or I'll gouge your eyes out."

- Your boyfriend sits down on your bed and helps you sit up so he can wrap his arms around you and so you can hide your face in his chest as he just glares at the guy speedily cleaning up the rest of your room and then sprinting out the door.

- Once Kirishima makes sure that the guy has left the building itself he turns his attention back to you checking you over and making sure that he didn't manage to leave any marks on you of any kind.

- Your wrists were a little red because of how tight the guy was holding them but those marks will be gone by the end of the day and other than that nothing really damaging physically happened to you.

- It didn't matter how bad those marks were he was pissed and if it wasn't for the fact that people would notice if that guy went missing he would've followed through and just pushed him out of your window without hesitation.

- You thank him for protecting you and he did his best to remain calm but he will admit that about three weeks after this he was still trying to see if he could spot the guy on the street just so he could get a little more revenge.


- He wanted to take you out on a date to a nice dinner so the both of you could finally have a relaxing night just to take a break from training and school.

- He was also open to taking a walk with you afterward just to enjoy the lights of the city at night and he wanted to make it special for you since it's been a while since you two were actually able to get off the school grounds and actually go out.

- Everything was going fine up until you actually walked into the restaurant mainly because you picked up on the waiter looking you up and down constantly whenever he would come to the table and you were really regretting wearing a skirt since his eyes never left your legs.

- Iida noticed how uncomfortable you were and he was a bit confused but when the waiter came back to the table and you tensed up it clicked immediately.

- He didn't want to make a scene but he also didn't want to let this continue at all because he wanted you to enjoy your dinner in peace which is why he requested to move tables hoping to shake the guy off.

- He left you alone for a while and you were able to relax for a bit but that relaxing feeling came crashing down the second the waiter clocked out and started flirting with you at your table.

- He wasn't working anymore therefore he felt that there wasn't any reason to hold back when it came to trying to hit on you and he completely ignored your boyfriend who was sitting right there.

- When you didn't really reciprocate any of what he was doing to you he just got even more pushy and the second he leaned over to touch your thigh Iida was using his quirk step on and snap the guy's arm while pulling you away from him.

- "How rude and unethical can someone be to hit on someone with their significant other sitting right across from them? Honestly, she obviously wants nothing to do with you so why the hell are you still trying to come on to her? I'm going to break your other arm regardless but I just wanted to know."

- He keeps his promise and snaps the guy's other arm before turning to you and telling you that the both of you are probably going to have to leave before the cops show up.

- Of course, the staff called the police because he just assaulted someone but most of the staff will vouch for him since they saw the whole thing happen and the guy has been harassing the female waitresses for a while.

- He didn't stick around for all of this and he just wanted to take that walk with you just to calm himself down and to help cheer you up since he knows that this caught you a bit off guard and you were trying to recover as quickly as you could.

- He didn't want the rest of the night to be ruined for you so he did his best to remain calm and act like he wasn't fantasizing about drop-kicking that guy off of a cliff with sharp rocks at the bottom.

- You were doing your best to try and relax and you did manage to enjoy the rest of your night but you really didn't want to let go of him and he knew that which is why he kept his arms around you no matter what.

- He's glad that this didn't ruin your night completely and even though he was still pissed he managed to relax with you and he didn't miss how you snuggled into his arm and thanked him over the course of the night even though you didn't need to.

- He got a couple of calls from a few heroes asking him what happened and he got let off the hook since he was defending another student so nothing really punishing came from this incident other than a pair of broken arms.


- A bunch of students decided that they were going to go on a quick weekend vacation to the beach just so they could relax before their exams coming up.

- You and Kaminari were a part of this group and both of you were so excited to just get out and spend some time together even though you guys would be surrounded by quite a few classmates but you two take what you can get.

- He was running around the beach like a child just so excited to get some fresh air and also to be able to swim in an actual ocean instead of a heavily chlorinated pool so he was like a kid in a candy shop.

- You didn't want to swim just yet so you just stayed on the beach and claimed a spot of the both of you while you waited for him to come back.

- You looked around really quickly just to take a headcount of who was here and how many people were here just in case someone gets lost in the crowd as you guys get ready to go back to the hotel later.

- You realized that some of the students that weren't in the hero courses were here and that just made you a bit worried about how many were here.

- You get distracted from counting when one of the students that you didn't recognize sits down next to you and starts trying to make conversation with you and that would've been fine if he was actually looking at your eyes instead of your chest.

- You tried to be polite but he was right in your personal space and basically drooling all over you which made you extremely uncomfortable.

- You tried to stand up to go find Kaminari but the guy actually managed to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you back down which made you freak the fuck out rightfully so and you were about to scream your head off.

- You didn't have to though because your boyfriend had seen what was going on and immediately made his way towards you so he could pick you up and pry you from the guy's grasp.

- He couldn't use his quirk on the guy because he didn't want to risk accidentally electrocuting you since Kaminari was soaked and the water would most definitely amplify his quirk and he just didn't want to hurt you because he's holding you right up against him.

- "The only reason I'm not losing it on you right now is because we could both get arrested for creating a public disturbance. That's not going to stop me from warning you that if you ever come near her again in school or in public I'll stop giving a fuck about the law and just kill you right there on the spot."

- Even though it seemed like a bluff the look in Kaminari's eyes told the guy that he wasn't bluffing and he was ready to make this guy become past tense so fucking fast it's a miracle that it isn't happening right now.

- Once the guy runs off Kaminari picks you up and just tells his classmates that he's going to go back to the hotel with you since you're pretty much done with today and you always have tomorrow if you want to go swimming.

- He was pissed at himself for leaving you alone especially since there were a bunch of people that he didn't know all around you and he just felt bad for not realizing what could happen if you were left alone for a while.

- You don't want him to be angry at himself because it's not his fault and you flat out tell him that you should be able to sit on the beach for as long as you want without getting harassed and it's not his fault that there are just scummy people on this planet.


- You hadn't volunteered at the animal shelter in a while and you knew that your schedule was going to be packed in about a week so you wanted to go one last time.

- You just thought that you could do a little bit of volunteer work for old times sake and you also thought that everything would've been just like normal but for some reason, you felt uncomfortable the entire time you were there.

- You realized why when you saw a potential rescuer staring at you and then you realized that he had been following you around the shelter the entire time you had started working that day which made you panic a bit.

- You didn't know what he wanted or why he kept staring at you but you were just genuinely worried about something creepy happening and you not being able to do anything about it, at least not at the shelter so you can protect its reputation.

- The second you finished working you grabbed your phone and called Shinso just asking him to meet up at the cafe right down the street not letting him know what's going on yet.

- You didn't want to make a big deal out of this especially since the guy hasn't actually done anything yet so you didn't want to worry him unless something does actually happen on your way there.

- Unfortunately, when you left to start walking down the street the guy followed you, and even when you walked into the cafe he was still right behind you.

- He actually started talking to you now but he wasn't looking you in the eye since he was still walking behind you and he seemed to get genuinely mad when you didn't acknowledge him and just focused on the menu you were given

- He eventually gets frustrated enough to stand up from the chair that was behind you and slam your menu down while grabbing the nape of your neck and forcing you to look at him which gained the attention of everyone in the cafe.

- You were about to push him off you but when you heard your boyfriend asking the guy a simple question and then heard it being answered you didn't have to worry about fighting back.

- Shinso had the guy completely under his control and the first thing he did was order the guy to let go of you and go stand across the room facing the wall so he could check on you in peace without having another pair of eyes still watching you.

- Once he makes sure that you're all right he turns back to the guy and forces him to follow him outside where a very scary order was given as well as a well-deserved threat that terrified the dude to his very core.

- "You know what's funny? I could make you do literally anything I want no matter how painful it is to you. You grabbed her with your left-hand right? Why don't you go find something sharp and make sure you use it to cut that hand off. If I ever even see you in this city again I'll make sure to remove the rest of your limbs okay?"

- He had a creepy happy tone and a smile on his face while saying this and he kept that smile as the order went into effect and the guy started walking towards a random place, probably a place that has some kind of saw.

- He went back inside to you and sat down next to you while gently massaging the nape of your neck since he witnessed how hard the guy grabbed you and you just thank him by wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in his chest.

- You don't ask what the order was nor do you ask what the consequences could be if he gets caught because all you really care about is the fact that he protected you and did what he felt was best to get rid of the guy.


- Fat needed new volunteers at his agency because he was running out of able body volunteers that could actually help him with his hero work.

- You two were assigned to two specific groups of volunteers just so you could evaluate how they handle patrols and also how they interact with civilians and other heroes because he really needed to see how they handle all situations.

- Among the volunteers in the group you were assigned to was a guy who you just got extremely bad vibes from and he didn't seem interested in being a decent human being towards anyone at all.

- He was extremely rude to all the civilians he ran into and even told off Kirishima when he told the guy to take it down a few notches but what caught you way off guard is how his personality seemed to do a complete one-eighty whenever you were around.

- Instead of just being an asshole when you were around he became a flirty asshole and did literally everything he could to try and flirt with you no matter who was watching.

- You obviously didn't do anything to encourage this behavior and you just focused on trying to finish your patrol even though this guy was breathing down your neck just waiting for you to give any kind of a response.

- You just told him to focus on the alleyways and bars since a lot of drunk people can wind up hurting themselves or others especially if they wander off and get lost.

- He didn't listen to you though and he roughly grabbed your arm and forced you to look at him and he had this extremely angry look on his face and he started acting like you were his girlfriend who had been ignoring him for no reason.

- He had an iron grip on your arm and you were pretty sure that he was using his quirk to keep you in place which is why you couldn't really move at all.

- All of a sudden the guy is being ripped away from you almost taking you with him and being thrown across the street towards Fat who was already making his way towards you to help Tamaki get this guy off you.

- Tamaki stared at the guy for a brief second before once again grabbing him and getting ready to do a hell of a lot of damage but he's stopped by Fat who picks the guy up and holds him towards Tamaki to at least let him get some kind of threat in.

- "I'm afraid that your application to join the hero Fatgum's agency has been declined please remove yourself from this area as quickly as you can. If you are seen interacting with our lovely hero in training over there I'm afraid I will have to end you. Goodbye."

- It was genuinely scary how cheerful his tone was but anyone could tell just by looking at him that he was pissed beyond belief and he was ready to just risk it all just to get another good hit in on this guy.

- He lets it go though when he sees you rubbing your arm, trying to get some feeling back into it and he's by your side in seconds gently lifting your arm so he can see the area where he knows a few bruises are most likely going to appear.

- He stays with you for the rest of the patrol time and he makes sure to stay with you in the dorms but he was eerily silent the entire time and it wasn't because he was mad at you he was just mad that anyone like that was even allowed in a hero school, to begin with.

- He calmed down when you layed down on the couch with him and you begged him to watch a movie with you because you wanted to distract him from the murder you know he's still planning in his head.


- You two had to partner up with a team of heroes to do a mass recovery mission since their base got hacked and literally all of their information was stolen.

- You're the best with technology out everyone on that team so the plan was to just infiltrate the base and get you to a computer so you could basically just steal all of the information back cut unfortunately he wasn't going to be with the group defending you.

- He had to worry about the villains trying to get into wherever you were so he couldn't be right next to you while dealing with all of this and you would've been okay with this if you hadn't gotten stuck with a creep "protecting" you.

- This guy had a history of feeling up his team members and he's gotten told off for it multiple times but nobody ever really filed a complaint so he got to keep his job.

- He wasn't even focusing on the area where you could be attacked from and he was more focused on continuing to flirt with you since he had been doing so since you separated from Aizawa to get to the computer.

- He had actually tried to turn your chair towards him completely distracting and stopping you from completing the task you were assigned to do and at this point, you're ready to knock his ass out and protect yourself if some villains do get through.

- He turned your chair once again right as you were about to finish and he grabs your chin to force you to kiss him and before you can do anything the door opens and Aizawa pauses for a second before drop kicking the guy across the room and keeping an eye on him as you finish.

- Once you let him know that you got everything the both of you turn your attention back to the guy who is now whining like a child about how Aizawa had no right to hit him.

- Aizawa was about to do a hell of a lot more than that and he actually kicks the guy right in his mouth, knocking quite a few teeth out and breaking his jaw, and effectively shutting him up long enough for Aizawa to make a well-deserved threat.

- "If you ever touch her again I'll kill you. That's not just a threat it's a promise. You're also going to tell the other heroes what you were doing how you wound up with a destroyed jaw or I'll just rip it off."

- He stands up after the guy either passed out from pain or blood loss and turns to you immediately wrapping his arms around you.

- He gently kisses you just to try and distract you from what just happened and he decides to leave the guy there as he safely takes you out of the base with all of the information you had collected.

- You were just exhausted with everything that had happened today so you just wanted to get some rest and that's what you did since you fell asleep in his arms when you two got into the car the other heroes were riving to get out of there.

- They were a bit worried because they couldn't find their colleague and he figures that they'll have questions when they do find him half dead and covered in blood but he's not going to worry about that now since there's no point.

- Once he's finally back at his house and alone with you, he can breathe a sigh of relief since he's finally able to destress after what happened and he just pulls your still sleeping form closer to him, afraid to let you go.

- He doesn't even want to go to sleep because he's so filled with guilt that he actually left you alone with someone that could've done so much damage to you if he had the time to but he tries to get those thoughts out of his head as he just watches you sleep in his embrace.


- Since it's safe for you to actually go outside now you've been going out on your own as well as going out with him when you can.

- He knows that you do this and he worries about you sometimes but he realizes that he can't spend every waking moment with you so he just settles with getting a few texts from you just to let him know where you are in case something happens.

- You just wanted to get out and get some fresh air even though it's cold out and in the middle of the night but you just wanted to go to a nice place and relax and when you found a cafe that was still open you sent Hawks a message letting him know where you are.

- You couldn't shake the feeling of unease you had the second you walked into that cafe because it was practically empty except for one person and there was no sign of staff anywhere.

- You saw the red flags but you didn't read too much into it mainly because you were pretty sure that you could defend yourself just fine against regular patrons.

- You just grabbed a cup of coffee and decided to do a bit of people watching as they walked down the sidewalks and road just so you could make up little scenarios in your head and see if you got close since you're pretty good at analyzing people.

- You were so zoned out that you didn't even realize that someone sat down right next to you and decided that it would be a good idea to place a hand on your inner thigh and lean in close to you to whisper in your ear.

- You weren't listening to him because you were trying to figure out how much trouble you were going to get into if you killed this guy but you're snapped out of your thoughts when his hand moves directly in between your legs and he grabs the nape of your neck to keep you planted.

- His strength was overwhelming and you could tell that this guy had to have been using his quirk and you did your best to break out of his hold even though he's getting more and more aggressive.

- You finally manage to get him off of you long enough to reach for your phone and try to text or call Hawks but apparently, you didn't have to.

- He was in the area because he was tracking a villain that had escaped and his heart dropped when you told him where you were so he was immediately racing to the cafe just to make sure you were safe which is how this guy wound up with quite a few feathers stabbing him.

- The guy recoils in pain letting go of you just enough for Hawks to grab you and pull you behind him stretching out his wings to cover you and he makes sure to still be holding tightly to one of your hands making sure nothing could take you from him.

- "I'm just going to let you know that if you survive this encounter I will make it my personal mission to track you down and finish the job regardless if you're in prison or not. You're going to regret ever coming near her."

- He doesn't even wait for the guy to speak before he's just sending even more feathers to stab him and he had called the cops on his way here so they should show up any minute so it's just going to be up to fate whether or not he survives.

- He recalls his feathers and takes you out of the cafe immediately picking you up and flying you back to the penthouse keeping you as close to him as possible and at this point you just want to shower and go to bed which he understands.

- He waits patiently for you to come back into the bedroom after your shower and he pulls you onto his lap, his wings instinctively wrapping around you once again and he just wants to comfort you a bit more even though you've calmed down completely.


- He's been rising in the ranks for villains in general and that growth has caused him to gain quite a lot of attention from villains who want to partner with him.

- Sometimes he'll partner with him, sometimes he won't it all depends on how well they manage to convince him that they're strong and worthy of working for him, and even then he'll still have you do a thorough background check of every single one of them.

- Everything usually goes smoothly and he never really cared all that much about leaving you alone with the recruits if he needed to go get something or just check to see how a few of his operations are running.

- You joined into a few of the meetings just to get a read on who these people are and if they really seem like they want to work for Shigaraki without the risk of betrayal.

- You got an extremely bad vibe from this guy that's currently being interviewed mainly because he hasn't looked at Shigaraki once, despite answering his questions, and even though he's looking at you he's looked everywhere except your eyes.

- Shigaraki picked up on that pretty much immediately and he didn't appreciate in the slightest how this guy was scanning over his girlfriend, occasionally licking his lips when he likes what he sees.

- Once Shigaraki made it clear that he wasn't going to partner with the guy, the douche actually turned his attention to you and apparently didn't realize that you and Shigaraki are together.

- He stood up and walked towards where you were sitting all while asking Shigaraki where he got his whore because you seem to be of higher quality than the other ones he's seen and by the time he finishes his sentence he's towering over your chair and reaching out to touch you.

- He managed to lightly brush his hand against your collarbone before it's suddenly gone and the guy is writhing in pain on the floor as the rest of his arm begins to decay since Shigaraki made sure that his hand was completely gone in seconds.

- "How dare you lay a single finger on her. Did you honestly think that I would let you have her? How pathetic. You can't get perfection yourself so you have to try and steal it from someone else. Unfortunately for you, I don't let anyone who hurts her in any way live. Hope it was worth it."

- He decays the guy in an instant and he just watches as his face twists in pain but he doesn't have time to scream before he's dead and just a pile of dust on the floor that Shigaraki steps on just for a little more satisfaction.

- He turns to you and realizes that your body has gone rigid and you're extremely tense all over which makes him kick everyone out of the room while he kneels in front of your chair to check on you.

- He slowly reaches up one of his hands to caress your cheek and he's relieved when you relax a little bit into his touch.

- You place your hand on his and give him a small smile letting him know that you'll be fine you just need a few minutes to process what just happened since it caught you way off guard and not even you were expecting him to be that bold.

- He doesn't care how long it takes he'll sit here on the floor waiting until you're completely fine and ready to go home for the day because he's not going to make you do any kind of work after this for a few days.

- The both of you know that this wasn't anything major but it just terrified you to see how bold some people can be and it scared you to think what would've happened if you were alone with him which is why Shigaraki decided that he's going to keep you right next to him for all meetings from now on.


- You had finally settled into working at the bar and you got used to the crowd of villains that came with the job quite quickly.

- They never really paid you any mind and only talked to you if they wanted to order a drink or if they were just making quick small talk while they wait for their partner to show up and that's exactly how he wanted it because he didn't want any of them to take to much interest in you.

- He wasn't necessarily worried that they'd attack you because he's always a few feet away watching over you but he was worried about a few of them getting a bit too drunk and doing something stupid that could result in harm towards you.

- You don't let them walk all over you though and you know when to cut them off if they're too drunk and even if they threaten you, you usually don't budge in the slightest. 

- This was just becoming the normal routine and he was getting comfortable enough and confident enough to leave you alone for a while if he needed to go on a mission since usually he'll just take you home before a mission.

- That's what happened today, he was going to be gone for quite a while on a mission and you are fine with that usually but today there was this villain sitting in the corner, just staring at you.

- It made you feel really uneasy because all he did was stare at you, he didn't even order a drink and you actually jumped a bit when he just appeared behind you trapping you in between the bar and himself.

- There's no one else in the bar and you're terrified at this point because he's got your arms locked in one hand and he's feeling you up with the other, actually managing to slip his hand under your shirt even though you are trying to get out of his grip.

- He hasn't said a word and you just feel him place a few sickening kisses on your neck and you have no idea why you can't scream but you don't have to because in a split-second he's gone and a completely different pair of arms wrap around you as your knees buckle in relief.

- You recognize the touch and you grab onto Dabi immediately while he keeps a tight hold on you while glaring at the guy that got sent through one of Kurogiri's portals just to land on his spine right on one of the tables.

- Dabi thoroughly checks you over and does it as gently as he can because you're trembling in his arms and he doesn't want to do anything that'll scare you even more.

- He's furious at this point and he's definitely going to kill this guy but he doesn't want to leave you for a second so he just elects to hold you tight to his chest so you don't have to witness the fucking massacre that's about to happen.

- He doesn't even need to use his fire and he doesn't want to, he wants to make this as painful as possible and there's no way in hell this guy gets to just die a peaceful death after what he did to you.

- "Just to let you know you're going to die in the worst possible way any of us can imagine. If you're brave enough to assault the woman I love then I'm sure you can endure this for quite a while so don't die too quickly okay? We all want a crack at you."

- You've become a friend to a lot of the higher-up villains in the League so they wanted a piece of the guy as well so he just met a horrible end all with sharp objects and nobody used their quirks just because they wanted this to be up close and personal.

- After he did what he wanted to he just looked down at you full well knowing that you want to go home and he takes you there immediately all while trying to calm you down as best he could.


- He needed a break from the constant pressure of being a mafia boss not to mention the heroes breathing down his neck just waiting for him to slip up so he decided to go on a vacation.

- It was going to be a quick one not even making it to a week but it was still needed and he, of course, took you with him which you were so excited about because you hadn't been on an actual vacation with him in a while.

- He almost didn't leave when he realized that his base would be in the hands of Kurono and the Eight Bullets and he didn't know if he wanted to risk the mess that he would come back to but with a little reassurance and convincing from you he was out the door and ready to relax.

- You guys just went to this little lodge on the beach that pops had bought years ago just when he did need breaks and it was perfect for the both of you.

- The lodge was nice and most definitely comfortable and you seemed to be having the time of your life since you just seemed so giddy about seeing everything the whole area had to offer and he was surprised to see how excited you really were.

- You had never really had an actual getaway before and you've never been to a lodge either so this was all new for you and you were loving every second of it and you hoped he was too.

- Everything was going just perfectly for the both of you until he made the mistake of believing that these people wouldn't be complete and total assholes who believed they had a right to get whatever they want whenever they wanted it.

- A few of the neighbors around the loge came to welcome the both of you two days in and immediately you were uncomfortable because there was this one spoiled brat who kept hitting on you constantly and then whined when you didn't reciprocate.

- He was distracted trying to avoid all of the other neighbors who were trying to shake his and get all up in his personal space since apparently, that's normal for them to do but because of this, he didn't realize when you went into the kitchen and the guy followed you.

- The next thing you know you're being pushed against the kitchen counter with the guy forcing his lips on you while pressing his body against yours and he had the nerve to slip his hand under your shirt and press his hand right on your scar.

- Chisaki heard something slam against something else in the kitchen and immediately made his way over there only to find you trying to fight this guy off of you and without hesitation, Chisaki took off his glove and warped the entire room to get him away from you.

- "How dare you place your filthy hands all over my angel. I should rip them off for that. No, I should do so much worse than that. You hurt the woman I love I should make you feel everything being ripped off don't you think?"

- He walked over to the guy with murder in his eyes and used his quirk to do as much damage as he possibly could making sure that the guy felt all of his limbs being ripped off before he dies.

- He looked over to you and immediately went to wrap his arms around you when he saw that you were practically in tears at this point and he paid no mind to the other neighbors in the lodge screaming their heads off after witnessing what just happened.

- You were shaking in his arms in an immense amount of pain and not to mention having a bit of a panic attack because of everything that just happened and he keeps you held tight against him, taking you out of the kitchen and straight to the bedroom.

- He let you take a shower in peace while he took care of the neighbors and when he came back he just laid down on the bed right next to you opening his arms to invite you to snuggle into his chest should you want to and when you did he just played with your hair until he was sure that you were asleep before he went to sleep as well.

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