The Tale Of Red Diamond

By Potatolover129

20.3K 296 50

White, Blue, and Yellow have decided they wanted another member of the diamond authority. Now of course they... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12
Other Diamonds
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
My new account

Chapter 17

304 5 2
By Potatolover129

Red Diamond Pov

3 hours later

I'm so bored...Yellow and White left so now it's just me and Blue. I can't even have any fun with any of the Pearls or Spinels because all these gems want me to help them. I know I'm a Diamond and I'm supposed to help them but jeez someone asked me to fuse with them because it would make them feel stronger. Blue hasn't even come out of her room and I want to check on her but they keep coming. "Hold on everyone I'll be back I need to go check on Blue" I say causing them all to break out into complaints. "She's a diamond she can take care of herself" "Aren't you a diamond!? Your supposed to take care of us!" "Ugh here she goes talking about helping Blue Diamond why can't she just be a useful Diamond" I keep hearing complaints. "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP" I yell at them causing a small blast to occur. I take a deep breath and talk again. "You all can wait a few minutes you'll be fine just shut up and let me go check on Blue" I start walking away. I rub my head, "Jeez is this what happens with the other Diamond? Are they always so...needy?" I groan and soon I reach Blue's room. I open the door. "Blue? Are you okay?" I ask as I walk into her room. "Red..? Yes I'm fine just..thinking" She said to me. "About who?" I ask with an eyebrow raised. "How do you know it's a who and not a what?" The Blue gem asked. "Well ever since White and Yellow left you've been spacing out so obviously your thinking about Yellow" I assume and she chuckles. "I suppose you're right I hope their safe." Blue said worriedly. "Me too Blue..but let's get to something else..the gems come help me?" I spoke and she nodded. "Of course I'll help you" She said as we left her room.

Yellow Diamond Pov

We haven't come across Black yet but we've been looking non stop. I can't stop thinking about Blue and Red. I hope Black didn't go there. The thought sent shivers down my spine. I haven't felt worried like this since...well since the Gem War. "Don't worry to much" I look up to see White looking at me worry obviously showing in her eyes. "I should say the same to you" I say with a slight chuckle. She cracks a smile. "Ha I guess your right they'll be fine" She spoke looking at the ground. I look out the window and see another ship. This one however is different... it's a head ship kind of like White except well it's black and it has smoother hair. Way creepier than Whites. "There it is..." I mutter glaring at the ship. White comes over and sets a hand on my shoulder. "Ready to do this..?" She questions hesitantly. I nod "Now or never" I saw as we land the ship and exit. As we walk we try to stay as quiet and stealthy as possible. Which it quite difficult when your yellow and traveling with a blinding light. As we get closer and closer to the ship we notice the door opening. We shrink to smaller forms to not be seen and we see Black and her Pearl come out. "My diamond what is the plan?" The Pearl asks looking up at Black. "I suggest we go after the weakest link first...the Red one she's new so she doesn't really know how to control her powers not can she fight well so that'll be an easy target. Then we go after the sad blue one...her power won't affect me very much but we do have some things we'll need to worry about with her. The Yellow one will be more difficult to shatter but we'll be able to do it..and White...that back stabbing conniving gem. We'll save her for last. She won't be easy. Who knows what she can do now after all these years. When we fought she was still a young gem. A very young gem at that. She managed to defeat me then. I know she won't be able to do it this time though. We'll get rid of her then Home world will be mine!" The cruel diamond finished with a dark chuckle. I couldn't believe it. How could anyone be this...brutal. We have to get back quick. As I turn around to tell White we've got to go she grabs my arm and starts running towards the ship. I stumbled a bit but I caught myself. We got back to the ship very quickly. We grow to our normal heights. I catch a glimpse of her face and she looks mortified. She quickly starts to fly her ship back to the palace. "White what's the matter??" I question confused. Sure I was shaken up from what Black said but White looks like she was relieving everything bad that's ever happened in her life. She takes a deep breath. "She saw us..." I hear her mumble. "What do you mean she saw us?? She didn't even look at us " I say bewildered. "I-Its hard to explain but..I sensed it...I could tell that she saw us" She said shakily. "White your making no sense " I told her shaking my head. "Listen you remember all those years I was cruel and...well sort of like her?" She questions as she looked me in the eyes. "Yes, yes I do remember that" "She was sort of trapped inside of my gem, since I tried to use my power on her at the very moment she poofed I got stuck with half of her in my head. I can still sense some stuff that she does. Although she didn't look at us she knew we were there." The bright gem explained to me. I'm still in shock. " had her in your head and you didn't tell anyone before this??? Why not?? White this makes no sense" I speak my thought. "I know it doesn't but I'll explain more when we get back to the palace now take a seat and relax." She said with a calm voice looking out of the window guiding the ship. I take a seat and think over things .

After all these years ... I've finally written another chapter ·—· anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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