I Scream (Book 1)

By TheNeopolitan

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 23 + 1/2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Book 2

Chapter 10

3.4K 95 20
By TheNeopolitan

I watched from a rooftop as a large fight rose up as the nearby huntsmen and huntresses tried to fight of the swarm of attacking Grimm. The Lieutenant had gone off to check on his men, and to tend to his wounded,  leaving Roman and I to wait on the roof of a nearby building for Cinder's next command. While I waited, I quickly found team Rainbow and watched them closely. They were a talented group. 

Recherche and Nevermora fought together to take down the largest Ursa I had ever seen and two beowulf. They worked together flawlessly. Nevermora spun her giant Nevermore feathered fan around, blocking both the Ursa and the beowolf's attacks even more effectively than my umbrella.  As the Ursa swung and the other Grim lunged in and out, the fan was there to block. Mora seemed to be doing a dance as she spun about, breaking the large fan into two smaller ones and putting them back together again as needed.

Perhaps one of the most beautiful things about her fighting style was the way that she matched with Recherche. Mora swung the fan around herself and Rech, blocking for both of them. She spun in a circle gracefully swinging her fans about. Recherche danced with her as well. She matched Mora's movement pace, sometimes ducking under a fan, or stepping over Mora's arm. They weren't quite touching, but still very close especially for fighting.

Recherche was the attacking part of this duo. She threw her daggers deeply into the enemy,  and used her arcane marks to summon them back, also kicking between fan movements. It was amazing how well they worked together, almost as if they knew each other's moves before they made them. 

I looked closer and saw as both girls spun through their dance they came to face either.  Without stopping Recherche gave Nevermora a quick kiss on the cheek before throwing a dagger through the Ursa's head. Mora blushed a deep red add she reached around Rech to block an attack from another Grimm.

I blinked in surprise. Oh. They were together.  I didn't know that.  They were... really cute. It also explained how they knew each other's movements so well. I smiled down at the cute couple and looked for the other two.

Bolt had perched himself on the top of a car and was firing arrows with incredible speed and precision. His special bag filled each arrow with a certain kind of dust. The control for it was located on his bow.  About seven smaller Grimm surrounded his car.  He quickly pulled two arrows out of his bag and fired them all at once. One was filed with fire.  It exploded flames between two Grimm. They screamed as the flames burned them but their pain was short lived. The initial explosion knocked them back into sharp stones that had been torn up when the train crashed through.  They fired on impact.  The second arrow had been filed with ice dust,  and froze the next two Grimm solid. The third arrow I almost missed.  He had created it in the last moment with his aura. It was a light green bolt of energy. It shot at two more Grimm quick like a bolt of lightning. It struck the ground between them, illuminating a small circle with energy and electrocuting them. 

One Grimm was untouched by all of the affects of the arrows, and it lunged at him. While it was in air,  Bolt took out a normal arrow from his quiver,  twirled it in his fingers as he avoided the Grimm's class,  and ranged the arrow up through its jaw and into its skull. It went limp, and he used his momentum to throw it to the side,  pulling his arrow back out as he did so.  He put it back into his quiver,  reloaded it with dust,  and fired it at more Grimm nearby.

Then my eyes drifted to Wolf.  He stepped as he swung his ax, using the motion to strengthen his attack. It chopped the head of a beowulf clean off. Another Grimm leaped at at him, fangs aimed for his throats.  I tensed, but not to badly. I knew how well Wolf could fight. I did have a hand in training him after all. He blocked the wolf with the long handle of his ax and with a twirling motion, he buried the blade into the beowulf's head.  The then tucked the crook of his blade against his shoulder and held the handle out towards the beasts. a smaller handle and trigger popped out of the handle and used it to fire rounds of dust. A few hit the wolves, taking them out just like Bolt's arrows had, but there were too many, and dust rounds weren't cheap.  

More Grimm surrounded him. They lunged in and out at random points. Wolf twirled his ax around, blocking and hacking at a few. Somehow during his twirling movements, he managed to pull a few dust rounds out of his ax handle. When he had a brief moment, he through the shells to the ground, causing them to explode. Before the dust affected him, he quickly activated his semblance. His burnt red colored aura took the form of three small wolves. Looking closely, I could see that they resembled red wolves more than they grey wolves, but it was an easy thing to miss when you were busy fighting for your life.  They absorbed the dust that had erupted from the rounds that Wolf had thrown to the ground, and took on their properties. While they were still Wolf's red aura color, they took slightly different forms. The one from fire dust was practically made of flames, the coat of the second one crackled with visible electricity, and the third seemed to be made of very thin ice, with the red glowing inside of it. The pack of aura wolves along with Wolf's ax finished off the circle of Grimm quickly, and the aura faded, leaving Wolf panting from keeping it going so long. It didn't seem to bother them though, as he quickly rushed to the aid of a first year huntress, one I didn't recognize. 

"Does some one have a little crush?"  Roman mocked, coming closer to my side of the building. I just rolled my eyes, making them switch colors in annoyance. He was right though. If Cinder saw me staring this way, we'd be busted. How careless could I possibly be? Instead I walked past Roman, walking to the back edge and looking down, but I was still able to see Wolf and the team out of the corner of my eye. 

"Roman," a familiar voice said calmly, yet with enough rage to set the world on fire. I turned my eyes from the fight below to across the roof, where Cinder and her two henchmen were waiting. 

"Ahhh Cinder! I- I can explain! You see...." Roman began, trying to babble out some poor excuse.

"Silence!" Cinder commanded, raising her voice only slightly. Her eyes narrowed dangerously, in a way that made even me want to step back. Roman for once, kept his mouth shut and stared at her with wide eyes. Like a child who knew that they were going to get spanked. She walked closer to us, her anklet clinked lightly, even the sound made the hair stand up on my arms. She was about two or three yards from me, but the still made me nervous. I scolded myself and held my ground. I was a henchman. I should not be cowering from some Cinder witch, I told myself, and yet I still couldn't bring my eyes to hers. Damn. 

"You failed me Roman," she purred, sending shivers down my spine. Her glare was so powerful even Roman couldn't talk back. "You will be punished." She brought her glare over to me and I immediately dropped my gaze, one of my eyes going white.  

She gestured to Mercury and Emerald on the other end of the building with her chin and told me, "Go over there and talk with them, sweet little one. The adults have to talk."  This comment ticked me off so much I cant even put it into words, but she was my boss's boss. I lifted my chin defiantly, though not looking her in the eyes and stalked over to her two henchmen. "Play nice you three," she called after me.

I could tell by Cinder's tone, the way that Emerald braced herself, and by the way that Mercury grinned, that this was a type of order. I strutted over with confidence and a big smirk. I flicked open my umbrella and twirled it lightly, taunting them. I had a reputation to uphold after all. Unlike my fight with Yang, I knew absolutely nothing about them or their fighting styles. I had only heard rumors, usually about their assassination missions. All of them had been successful.  No doubt I was wary of their skills, but I had skills of my own. I came to a stop very close to them, forming a triangle, and not backing down. 

(AN: the pic attached isn't mine)

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