Being the players maid

By Undercover0608

129K 1.3K 263

Sixteen-year old Jessica Preston has her ups and downs. Ups she lives with one of the richest family's in the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

16K 291 52
By Undercover0608

School! I still couldn't wrap my head around it, should I be excited or disappointed. Last night King and Queen Biach had informed my siblings and I that 'the tall dumb blonde looking girl' would be starting high school. Yes. I would be the 'tall dumb blonde looking girl' I know they meant to insult me but some part of me was happy that finally, someone had called my shortass tall. We weren't told why they now suddenly decided that at least one of us needed an education, but I was not about to complain it meant less time in this hell hole of a house cleaning after those spoilt gremlins they like to call children. Plus my god the look on Jayden's face when they said he would be the one to show me the ropes was priceless, he whined to them for hours about having to 'help the help' and who am I to complain I had 6 hours out of my day to annoy the pretty boy.

Now this was not the time to babble to the voice inside my head, it was time to prepare. Suffling of my bed I walk over to my cheap Ikea desk and grab a notebook and pen make my way back to my bed. Whenever in doubt make a list. Since I could remember, if I couldn't wrap my head around something or was having a bad day I would write a list about something random. Odd I know but hey don' knock it till you've tried it.

- Organise and pack my stationery

I grumble and scratch out the first dot point. I don't actually have any stationary not do I have the money to buy any. I turn over to a fresh page and start again.

- Sneak into Jayden's room while he's at school and steal stationary (Not morally correct but you do what you must)

-Email teachers about any catch-up work (Teacher's pet 101, or that's what girls in the books I read did. SO fingers crossed)

- Pack bag

It's short but its a start, speaking of starting I will be doing that after I finish all my maidly duties. Yay, note the sarcasm. Waking up at 6 am to clean a mansion every day wasn't exactly my idea of fun. But we have no money and nowhere to go. When the Walkers had invited us to stay here there were rules, no leaving the house without their say so, no friends, no speaking to their guests, no jobs, and accept any task given with a smile and no complaint. Meaning in short we are stuck.


Finish the knot of my apron I pick up the piece of paper with my list of things to do

- Make all the beds

-Wash, fold and put away all the clothes

-Tidy up the lounge room

-Throw out garbage

-Do weekly shop, there is a list on the fridge

Ok ok, not to bad at least there were no washing dishes on there today. I have a feeling I won't be doing that again for a while, until I learn the difference between soap and detergent at least. Making my way through the list felt like a breeze today until I looked at the time and realised I had only one hour before my jobs were supposed to be done. It's not even worth thinking about what would happen if I finished late, the dungeon, the dungeon is what happens. Tearing the list off the fridge, removing my apron, and ditching it. I scramble for the keys of the walkers cherry red Mazda 3 and race down to the store. What you thought because we were maids the walkers would make us walk ha ha. You're completely right but what they don't know won't hurt them.

Shopping was always my favourtie job, it let my image what it would be like to shop for my own family. Placing each item in my basket two little children running up to me asking me if they could have a small chocolate, Humming along to the song playing on the in-store radio completely lost in my own family bubble, I turn down the last aisle and run face-first into a very very large poll, which oddly smelt like men's deodorant. Oh great, the poll was no a poll in fact it was a man, a very very large man. Any normal person would have instantly jumped back and apologised but not me, I just stayed with my face firmly planted on this man's chest for a very long long few minutes.  'Um sorry Mr. I think your rock hard abs broke my nose' yep I have my face firmly resting on a man's stomach and I just said that. God if you are listening please oh please teleport me back to the car. Or if you feel like being crazy just zap me to Hawaii. 

'Jessy' hang on the poll man thing knew my name and I knew that voice. I look up and am met with a face I knew far too well. Please kill me. Months ago I would be staring into these same blue eyes with so much love and admiration, now I just wanted to get as far away as possible. 

'I...I....have to' unable to form the words I point to the store exit and bolt. Completely forgetting about all the items in my basket I run straight for the door. 'Miss stop you need to pay for those'  Oh for fuck sakes can this day get any worse, looking up at the roof I mumble 'thanks for having my back' hiding my face as best I can from the millions of bedding eyes staring back at me I slowly walk over to the angry stares of the cashier. Fumbling for the items in my cart I hastily slam them onto the checkout, without a word. 

'Miss.. miss can you hear me... Are you ok' I snap back to reality and mutter a quick 'sorry' and 'fine'. She looked like she wanted to yell at me for my pour attitude but decided it would be wiser to not. I threw the bags into the cart and paid faster than I ever thought was humanly possible and dashed for the car. The drive home was one giant blur of cars and houses passing by. My mind racing with memories and one question 'Why was he back?'



Im back, its been so long I have no idea if people are even still interested in this story. But I missed writing and wanted to get back into it. Let me know what you think of the chapter xx

Lots of love,

Mordi x

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