Red vs blue (female OC) seaso...

By maddiebear17

9.9K 250 36

The reds and blues are shipped wrecked on a mysterious planet and Carolina and Epsilon are gone. Washington i... More

Oc bio 10
Other oc bio
Get your tucks in a row
Heavy mettle
A real fixer upper
Can i keep it?
The grass is greener and the blues are bluer.
A house divided, then multiplied
Long live the king
Worst laid plan
Finders keepers
+1 follower
Neighborhood watch
Lost but not forgotten
Old friends

Barriers of entry

458 12 2
By maddiebear17

Fade in to the canyon where Tucker and Shawn are seen doing squats. Washington watches them.

Tucker: Sixty! Sixty-One! Sixty-Two! Sixty-Three! Sixty-Four! Sixty-Five! Sixty-Six! Sixty-Seven! Sixty-Eight! Sixty-Nine...

Shawn: Seventy!

Shawn stops as they look at Tucker who's still on the ground.

Washington: Tucker, you can't keep stopping on Sixty-Nine.

Tucker: No! This time, my legs went out.

Washington: (sighs) Come on.

Washington grabs his arm and yanks him up.

Tucker: Ohhoh, Holy Christ! I haven't been this sore since that bachelorette party on Bourbon Street.

Shawn: Gross.

Washington: You want me to believe you banged an entire bachelorette party?

Tucker: I want you to, but really the groom just showed up and cracked three of my ribs.

Washington: That's what I thought.

Shawn: Mhm.

Tucker: Why do we have to train so much? We never had to do squats when Church was in charge.

Washington: Exactly. I'd say you two have fallen out of shape, but generally in order to fall out of something you have to be in it first.

Shawn: Ha!

Tucker: Hey, that's funny! You should try comedy Wash. Why make one person miserable, when you can work over an entire room?

Washington claps his hands together as he looked Him with a annoyed smile.

Washington: Alright! Time for sprints.

Tucker: Screw you!

Washington puts his hands down and looks at Tucker.

Washington: I want five laps around the canyon.

Tucker: Die in a fire.

Washington: Six laps, around the canyon!

Shawn: Tucker stop!

Tucker: Hey! Why isn't Caboose down here? Shouldn't you be making him do dumbbell rolls, or inverted push-ups or something?

Washington: I think he's having one of his... off days.

Tucker: Oh...

Shawn: That poor boy.

Cut to the Red base interior. Sarge walks down a ramp and speaks to Grif, Thea and Simmons

Sarge: Men! And Lady. It has come to my attention that we have been approaching this base problem from the wrong direction.

Simmons: What do you mean?

Sarge: I mean we've been approaching it from the outside. What we should have been focusing on is the interior, the layout is all wrong. Upon reflection, I realized that a man of my military expertise, requires more private quarters, a place where I can reflect on my vast victories. And contemplate, on my non-existent failures.

Grif: Is the place called denial?

Thea: Ha!

Sarge: Which is why I ordered Private Grif here to erect this new wall.

Simmons looks around for a wall

Simmons: Okay, I give up.

Grif: The sandbags.

Simmons: What?! That's the wall?

Thea: What?

Simmons, Thea and Grif approach a small pile of sandbags.

Sarge: Grif! I asked you to give me a proper erection, not to stiff me!

Simmons: SO glad Donut's not here.

Grif: Hey! It's not like I'm some expert carpenter or something.

Simmons: This isn't even carpentry, this is stacking things in a straight line... poorly.

Grif: Well, it's all I could find, so build a bridge and get over it!

Thea: If I needed something built poorly and that might humiliate me, I'll give you a call. Oh god I really am losing it I'm sounding just like Church.

Simmons: Hey Grif, when I build a bridge, should I use a few sandbags, or you know, something freaking useful?!

Sarge: Useful or not, I hereby declare that from this point forward, this side of the wall is to be reserved for my own personal use.

Simmons: Wait wait wait, you get half of the base all to yourself? What about me, Thea and Grif?

Thea: I'm a girl! I can't be in the room as the guy scared of Girls and this guy! No offense Grif.

Grif: None taken.

Sarge: Sorry Simmons, Thea, afraid I can't hear you from the next room. These walls are just too thick!

Sarge backs up from the three.

Simmons: But I-

Thea: Hey!

Sarge: Enjoy your new roommate! (chuckles)

Sarge leaves as Grif looks at his new roommates.

Grif: Ground rules, if there's a sock on the door, don't come in!

Simmons: But we don't have socks, or a door.

Grif: And I don't have an internet connection, but we've all gotta find some way to masturbate, now don't we?

Thea: This is what I mean. I guess I'm gonna sleep outside tonight. If you guys need me I'm gonna be at the radio Tower trying to fix it, I'm pretty sure Wash would want me there.

Thea walks away as Grif puts his hand next to his mouth.

Grif: Yeah you do that! You help your boyfriend!

Thea: (yelling) Oh, Shut up!

Cut to Caboose looking at something. Wash approaches him from behind.

Caboose: (depressed) Sigh. Groan. Oh, woe is me. Oh, I don't know what that even means.

Washington: (awkwardly) Still standing in the corner, Caboose?

Caboose: Oh yeah, Yeah, I just... yeah, I just miss Church sometimes.

Washington: I know you do, buddy. He was your leader for a very long time. (walks closer to Caboose)

Caboose: Yeah, I am just...I, I'm just so lost without him! I... I don't even recognize my own face!

Washington: (awkwardly) Well, you don't have your old helmet anymore, Caboose. Also, your helmet and face are not the same thing.

Caboose looks up and sees that he's looking at a mirror.

Caboose: Oh, god, that explains the blinking contest. (walks towards the ledge, sounding distraught) Why'd ya have to tell me that? Aghh, you just made it worse.

Washington: (walks over to Caboose's side) Look, Caboose. I'm sure that somewhere out there, Church is thinking about how much he misses you too.

Caboose: (sounding hopeful) You really think so?

Washington looks at Caboose as he has a flashback of Caboose, Epsilon, Shawn and Washington. Caboose speaks loudly over Church.

Caboose: (indistinct rambling) WE'LL GO ON ADVENTURES TOGETHER-

Epsilon: Shut up.


Epsilon: Just shut your mouth.


Epsilon: Shut up.


Epsilon: Shut up.


Epsilon looks up while yelling.


Cut back to the present.

Washington: (unsure) Yeah. ...Why don't you go for a walk? Take a little time to clear your head.

Caboose: Yeah. Yeah, I just... yeah, I'll go on a walk by myself, I guess. (starts walking away) That won't be depressing at all. (off-screen) Ohh. Oh god. I'm walking by myself now. Ohhhhhh. Ohhhhhh.

Washington: (sighs) What am I going to do with him? (spots Tucker outside walking at slow pace while Shawn sprints past him) I said sprints, Private Tucker!

Tucker: (while running away) I'm going to spit in your next meal! And it's not going to be spit, if you know what I'm talking about!

Shawn: Your disgusting!

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