Από teeetales

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The best things come unexpected and sweep you off your feet Περισσότερα

bonus chapter


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Από teeetales


A week after gone by and it was safe to say that Amaru was getting better, he could stand from his wheelchair and take a couple of steps before he falls back down. Nevertheless, it was good process for both of them. It showed that Áine was really good at her job.

Walking into the home gym and hearing the loud Meek Mill and Drake song playing in the background as Amaru held on to the rail and practiced his walking. With a few grunts and clenched teeth, he tried his very best and Áine could see that and she was proud of him.

Walking over and turning the volume down, Amaru turned around and set his eyes on her.

"I see you putting in a lot of practice". She commented with smile on her face, wheeling his chair towards him and grabbing his water and towel, holding them out towards him.

"I want to walk again". He told her, slowly taking a seat and a sip of his water.

"I get that, I totally do but you can't put too much strain on your legs". She mentioned.

"Ain't nothing wrong with extra practice ".

"Did you at least warm up?". She questioned with her brows raised. He blankly stared at her with his lips pressed in a thin line. He didn't.

"See I told you, you gotta warm up to prevent injuries but you don't listen to me. You wanna do want you want and not what's best for you. I gotta ensu-".

"Hey, hey, look, I'm fine and I'm sorry I didn't do what was required. I was just so excited and got into it". He interrupted and also apologizing.

She blew out a breath and sighed, palming her forehead "look I don't want you doing all that by yourself that's why I'm here to help".

"I don't want to put all the burden on you. You have done more than enough, and I will forever be grateful but now? I gotta do this on my own ". He told her. Amaru was really appreciative for everything she had done for him but now was his chance to do it on his own. She simply nodded her head.

"Oh, thank you for the clothes the other day". She told him, retrieving them from her purse. It had taken her a while to bring them back, but she finally did.

"Ain't no problem ". He spoke.

"Who did they belong to". She blurted out, looking down at him. His mood dampened by the question.

"If you don't wanna talk about it then that's fine". She quickly rambled, feeling embarrassed for even asking.

"Nah you good". He waved her off. He wheeled his chair moving to the back of the home gym that led to the backyard. Amaru noticed Aine standing in the middle of the room.

"You coming?" He questioned, looking back at her. She quickly nodded her head and followed behind. She had no clue where they were going but she was glad nevertheless to be talking to him and getting to know him.

Amaru led her to the backyard, passing the beautiful blue pool and into a small house hidden behind the huge tree which had a swing tied around it. Stopping before the door, Amaru turned the doorknob, causing it to open. Walking in behind him, Aine covered her nose as the dust particles invaded her nose. She shook in disgust as she noticed all the furniture covered in dust.

She tried her hardest not to run out of there because of the germs covering the furniture. Amaru suddenly stopped causing her to halt her movement as well. He picked up a picture frame nearby and gently wiped the dust off.

"I had a wife". He started looking at the picture in his hand. Aine stood in surprise.

"Y-you had a wife?". She stuttered, looking down at him as he nodded his head.

"What happened to her?" Aine questioned, watching him wheel himself farther into the house.

"She died". Shock invaded her body. She stood not knowing what to say.

"Sorry to hear about that". She sadly said.

"What about you? You got any husband or boyfriend?". He asked with a chuckle, turning himself around so he could look at her and see her reaction.

Aine shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself not because she was feeling cold but because of the feeling she got every time she talked about Kobi. It always brought her back to a dark place and now she was left to pick up the pieces by herself.

"No, we broke up". She told him, taking a seat on the couch with plastic covered on top of it. She quickly jumped up, wiping the dirt off her bottoms. Amaru looked at her weirdly.

"Are you okay?". He asked her causing her to nod her head.

"Why did you just jump like that?". He questioned, with his eyebrow raised.

"I-I just don't do too well with the dirt". She stuttered, clearing her throat.

"Germophobe?". He asked, looking at her.

"Yes". He left the conversation at that.

"Can we go outside because I don't do too well with the dirt". She asked him causing him to nod his head. She turned around and walked out, feeling her airways opening up a bit and the air filling her lungs.

"Better?". He asked.

"Yes, thank you". Aine told him, taking a seat on the bench just outside the small house. They sat in silence, enjoying the warm breeze.

"Do you miss her? Your wife?". She questioned him, briefly glancing at him. Amaru stared ahead in silence.

"Sometimes but not that much". He mentioned.

"What do you mean?". Aine asked with her brow raised.

"We weren't in love with each other. More like I wasn't in love with her. She gave me the greatest gift that I will forever cherish but she wasn't the one for me". He explained.

"Wow". She said to herself as this was the most, she's has heard him speaking. But then again, it was sad to hear he had lost his wife. She couldn't believe she had lost her child again and she missed him every day.

They sat in silence, allowing their thoughts to take them away and dwell on the fact that will they ever heal and get back to their normal lives.


Filling the bathtub with hot warm and the scented bath bombs, Aine pulled her month-old braids into a messy bun as she slowly slide in the water, feeling her tense muscles relax. Her scented candles were lit and burning slowly.

Threw away your love letters I thought it'd make me feel better I finally got you out my bed, But I still can't get you out my head,

Summer Walker's Session 32 played in the background as she closed her eyes, exhaling. After a long day with Amaru, this gave her a sense of tranquillity.

Brown eyes laid behind her eyelids as they focused on her peripheral view. She noticed them and knew who they belonged to. Amaru

He had the most beautiful brown eyes she has ever seen. They had green specks in them and when he grazed at her, he studied every detail of her body. He looked deep into your soul. She felt a sense of security and peace around him. He made her feel comfortable and a sense of belonging.

She couldn't help thinking about what they talked about earlier. She had so many questions, but it wasn't her place to ask about his wife. She felt he will open up when he was ready.

Hearing a thud in then distant, Aine jumped up from her daydream, heart beating against her chest. Listening intensively for any more weird noises, she heard nothing.

"Hello?". She called out, receiving no response. Hearing another loud thud, Aine decided to get out the water, splashing it on the floor. She grabbed a towel from the rack hanging on the door and wrapped it around her body.

"Shit!". She lowly exclaimed almost slipping on the floor. Hearing loud footsteps in her room, Aine quickly rushed to the blow the candles out and hid behind the door.

Was I being robbed?

She questioned herself as she stood quietly. The bathroom door open and she squeezed herself farther into the corner, but it didn't help since the person knew his way around the house.

"Hey Aine, you missed me?". He questioned as he switched the lights on.

"Kobi what are you doing here?". Aine questioned, blowing out a breath of reflief  and realizing it was just Kobi.

He simply stared at her with a sadistic smile on his face.

"What are you doing here Kobi?". Aine questioned again. He moved close to her and grabbed her arm, putting pressure on her forearm.

"I came for you." He spoke.

"Me?" She questioned, surprise laced in her voice and placing her hand on her chest.

"You giving my pussy to some bitch ass nigga?". He asked her, getting in her face.

"What are you talking about?". Aine looked at him crazily.

"You know what I'm talking about. Don't play dumb with me". He got into her face, putting pressure on her arm.

"Let me go and get out of my house Kobi!". She tried snatching back from him, but his grip was just too tight for her. Tears glistened in her eyes. She couldn't believe this was happening again. It was bringing back all the bad memories and all the things that had happened to her in Kobi's care.

"Let me go!'. She yelled at him, trying to push him back. She knew why it was happening. He was back on drugs. She couldn't believe he had managed to break into her house again after she had changed the locks multiple times.

Kobi pushed her off him, making her hit her head against the bathtub. Tears fell as she touched her forehead and bringing her fingers in her peripheral vision, seeing blood on her fingertips.

Realising what he had done, he came back to his senses and started apologizing.

"A-aine, b-baby, i-i am sorry". He said walking close to her.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!". Aine yelled, crouching in the pool of water that had gathered on the bathroom floor.

He stood for a few moments, staring at her cry then ran out the apartment, leaving her alone.

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