BanG Dream: The Feeling Of Lo...

By FantasyWriter241

7.4K 192 83

"Is this... what being in love feels like? It feels nice." (Y/N) (L/N)'s life became sad as his little brothe... More

Prologue - Starting Point
Chapter 2 - Rest In Peace
Chapter 3 - Exposing Sadness
Chapter 4 - Smile Emergency
Chapter 5 - I Want To See You Smile
Chapter 6 - Writing Dream
Chapter 7 - Working At A Live House?!
Chapter 8 - Hidden Feelings
Chapter 9 - The Spook Is Coming
Chapter 10 - πŸŽƒπŸ‘»Hello, Happy Halloween World!πŸŽƒπŸ‘»
Chapter 11 - Happy Happy Island
Chapter 12 - My First Date
Chapter 13 - A Stormy Visit
Chapter 14 - The Wonderful Surprise
Chapter 15 - The Second Date
Chapter 16 - Our Special Home
Chapter 17 - Our Paths To The Future
Chapter 18 - Our New Lives
Chapter 19 - The Special Moment
Chapter 20 - Aquarium Theme Wedding
Epilogue - Watching Over Us

Chapter 1 - Hello, Happy World!

548 11 22
By FantasyWriter241

Next week...

Location - (L/N) Residence, (Y/N) Room

Your POV

"The next day, as expected..." I said to myself as I arose from my slumber.

The sunlight was hitting me in the face, and normally, I would be happy that it is the start of a new day, but due to my brother being at the hospital overnight, how can I ever find it in myself to be happy?

I got out of bed and took care of my morning routine, and after that, I stayed in my room and stayed sulking for the rest of the day. However, about an hour or two later, my mom came into my room to check up on me.

"You doing okay, buddy?" She asked.

"I guess so." I replied, then I began to sigh before continuing. "It's not fair at all. I mean, Haruto is only a kid and he should be doing kid stuff, not laying down in a hospital bed."

"I know it's hard, but you shouldn't lose hope so quickly. Who knows, your brother might make it out of this alive." My mother said. I seriously doubt that.

"Listen, how about you go outside and get some fresh air? It'll do you good to get you out of the house." My mother suggested.

"Yeah... I think that is a good idea." I hesitantly replied.

We left my bedroom and I told my dad where I was going. After getting my stuff together, I walked out of the house, and went... who knows where.

Location - Station Entrance

When I left the house, I had no idea where I wanted to go at first. I figured I would just walk around town aimlessly until I figure out where I want to go, or not go anywhere at all. At some point, I felt like eating something sweet, so maybe I'll go to a cafe or something.

While walking towards the train, I spotted someone familiar in the distance. It was that Kanon girl I met at the hospital the other day. But she wasn't alone, Kokoro was with her, along with a few others I don't recognize. This must be their bandmates, and... is that Michelle?! I've seen her in the shopping district a lot.





It looks like the band is doing a street performance, and everyone was watching them with interest, and I snuck over to do the same. Hearing their music was starting to put a small smile on my face. I am surprised that I was able to smile after everything that is going on.

After their street performance ended it, the audience began to clap, cheered and walked away with smiles on their faces. But then, I was spotted by Kanon and smiled.

"H-Hi there, (Y/N)-kun." Kanon said nervously.

"Hey there, Kanon. I just caught the end of the street performance. It was a sight to behold." I told her, making Kanon smiled. Why do I find that smile of hers so precious?

Soon her bandmates came over towards us as well.

"Who is this, Kanon? A friend of yours?" The purple-haired girl asked. 

"Yeah, this is (Y/N) (L/N)-kun. He saved me while being lost at the hospital." Kanon explained.

"That's right!" Kokoro added. "He is such a nice guy, too!"

The compliments are starting to make me feel a bit embarrassed, especially if it's from a bunch of girls.

"Thank you, fleeting prince, for looking out for our friend." The purple-haired said.

"Oh, umm... it's no trouble at all." I replied in embarrassment.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves: I am Seta Kaoru."

"Hi hi! I am Kitzawa Hagumi!"

"And I am Michelle."

"And together, we go by Hello, Happy World!, a band with a goal to put smiles on everyone's faces with our music!" Kokoro declared.

With a band name like that, they can make that goal a reality. But then, Kokoro began to think about something...

"Hey, where's Misaki?" She asked. Misaki?

"Yeah, she should meet (Y/N)-kun, too!" Hagumi added.

"Ah, one moment please." Michelle said before hurrying away.

I was starting to get confused, then Kanon explained in the best way she could, and now I was able to understand. Eventually, a girl with short black hair came over to us. I have a feeling that is Misaki.

"Yo, sorry to keep you waiting." The girl said.

"Misaki, perfect timing! Say hi to (Y/N), he helped find Kanon the other?day." Kokoro said.

"Is that so?" Misaki questioned before looking towards me. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too." I said. I never thought someone as serious as her can be Michelle.

Kanon looked towards me.

"So, (Y/N)-kun, do you have any plans for today?" I asked.

"Well, I thought about going to the cafe, and eating something sweet." I replied.

"Oh, do you think... I can come with you? I would love to get to know you." Kanon offered.

"Oh, sure, I don't mind." I said with a faint blush on my face.

"I want to go as well!" Kokoro declared.

"Me too!" Hagumi chimed in.

"Interesting. I shall accompany you guys as well." Kaoru said.

"I guess this means we're all going..." Misaki said with a quiet sigh.

"That's fine. I'd be happy to get to know all of you."

I thought I was going to be alone with Kanon, but I guess not. Oh well... We began to head over to the cafe, hoping to get to know my new friends.

By the end of the day...

Location - Residential Area

I had such an amazing time with the Hello, Happy World! girls. Being with them made me forget about everything that I have been through. But with my brother still at the hospital and on the verge of dying, I don't think I should risk smiling and feeling at ease.

Eventually, it was time for everyone to go our separate ways, and I was left alone with Kanon. I don't know why, but... when it is just the two of us, I feel happy. 

"So... do you mind if I walk you home?" I asked.

"I don't mind. I want to spend more time with you." She said.

"You do?"

"Of course, I think you're an interesting person to be around."

I started to blush and couldn't help but... let out a small smile.

"As you wish."  I said and we began to walk to Kanon's house. But while I was walking her home, my phone got a text message. But I will look at it later, it can't be that important, right?

Mom's text: (Y/N), where are you? Your father and I are going to the hospital to see your brother, and it doesn't look good...

To be continued 

A/N: Forgive me if the ending felt a little weak, I just couldn't add any else to it. Despite this, I hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless. See you in the next chapter. :)

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