Not interested..... yet

By miaxdevil

11.6K 143 177

Katsumi is a girl with blond spiky hair and red scarlet eyes she has the biggest curves, she is the biggest p... More

New girl
Art Project
Deku's Room and Feelings
Hangout and New Member
Working on the Project
Party,Shinkami,Momojirou,New Member
Momojirou,Todoiida? Serect Friendship?
Questions and Skipping School and Ruined Date?
Izumi and Her Past
Mommy Daughter time andDropping out of U.A??
Hangout,Sleepover and Decision
Apology, Katsumis feelings and Timeskip

Finishing art project,Fight, And End of TokoTsu and Bakudeku Cuddles and Kiss?

706 10 13
By miaxdevil

When Izumi was done watching the whole attack on titan series, she checked the time and saw it was 6:03am so she got up and went to get her coffee machine and knowing shinsou would want one she starts making it and starts to make hers as well.

(5 minutes later)

Izumi got done making the coffee's and left her coffee in her dorm because she was coming right back and left her dorm to give shinsou his coffee.

(10 minutes later)

Izumi finally gets to the 4th floor because her dorm is on the 2nd floor and she hasn't really been on the 4th floor so she was confused where to go.

Izumi gets to Shinsou's dorm and kicks it open to see Denki sleeping on Shinsou's chest and Shinsou on his phone texting their friend because they might go to a party again today.

Izumi then speaks up and says, never knew you were the one to let someone sleep on you knowing for a fact you hate people sleeping on you and hate people in general.

Shinsou then sticks up his middle finger and says fuck you bitch.

Izumi then chuckles and says love you to simp.

Shinsou then shakes his head and says, did you come in here to annoy me or ask me for coffee?

Izumi says, well basically to annoy you because I already have your coffee made.

Shinsou then makes a slight smirk and says did you make my favorite?

Izumi then walks over to Shinsou and denki and gives the coffee to Shinsou.

Shinsou then says, Thanks zumi

Izumi looks at him with a slight smile and says np shin but where is my 150 dollars from the bet?

Shinsou then looks at Izumi and says with a boring tone, it's in my dresser.

Izumi then walks over to the dresser and pulls the first one.

Izumi then see's ripped and empty condoms with a little bit of cum inside and see's a vibrator and its with fresh white cum and she see's kitty ears, kitty tail and a maid dress.

Izumi the smirks and says, y'all haven't even been together for a week yet and y'all already doing it, i bet denki can't walk.

Shinsou the slightly blushes and says, well he was jumping up and down and he was in my lap and i got hard so he helped me with a that.

Izumi then says, meh it's not like it's new lmao, remember that time we walked in on momo and jirou having sex, Izumi slightly chuckles of the memory.

Shinsou then slightly chuckles as well and says, their faces were priceless.

Izumi then stops laughing and says, alright where is the money at.

Shinsou then stops laughing as well and says it's in the second one.

Izumi then nods and says thanks and opens the second dresser and gets out the 150 dollars and heads to the door and says, i still gotta finish that dumb art project with katsumi, Izumi rolls her eyes.

Shinsou then says, yea it's probably gonna take you time to finish it but have fun, Shinsou says with sarcasm and a slight smirk.

Izumi then rolls her eyes again and leave the room so she can go back to her dorm.

(10 minutes later)

Izumi gets back to her dorm and see's that it's open a little bit.

Izumi then opens her door to see...

Katsumi in her room on her bed with Izumi's Sketch book.

Izumi then walks over to the bed and says give me that.

Izumi then snatched it out of Katsumi's hand and says what are you even doing here.

Katsumi then looks at Izumi and says, well we have to finish that stupid project right.

Izumi then speaks up and says, why the hell are you up at 6:23am you usually come out of your dorm at 10:00am-12:00pm and your in my room looking through my shit, Izumi grabs her coffee and drinks it.

Katsumi then says, well i wanted to see you so i woke up early and came here.

Izumi then sighs and says well I don't need your help with the project and leave right now.

Katsumi then acts sad and frowns and says, but i don't wanna.

Izumi then laughs and says stop acting like a bitch and get out.

Katsumi then stops acting and says, no im not im staying here until i want to leave.

Izumi then sighs again and says, fine just lock the door.

Katsumi then says, okay sexy with a wink.

Izumi rolls her eyes but blushes a bit.

Katsumi then gets off the bed and locks the door.

Izumi then says, im about to get in the shower you stay in here and don't touch anything got it jerk?

Katsumi then says, sure thing cutie.

Izumi then goes in the bathroom and starts to take a shower.

Katsumi then smirks and says in her mind, she forgot to bring her clothes into the bathroom so she is rather gonna ask me for clothes or just change with me in here.

Katsumi then smirks and says in her head again, i get to see her beautiful sexy body and probably try to make her mine.

Katsumi then keeps smirking and goes on her phone to see some of Izumi's Instagram pics.

When Izumi got in the shower she starting washing her body,face,hair,she started shaving her armpits,legs , arms and private area.

(30 minutes later)

Izumi gets out the shower and gets the towel ans drys off her body and her hair.

Izumi then notices she didn't bring any of her clothes and she is don't gonna ask Katsumi to bring her clothes.

Izumi then says, fuck it silently and walks out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped around her body.

Izumi then turns to Katsumi and says don't look you jerk.

Katsumi is blushing like crazy and with a smirk and says sure thing cutie,

Katsumi puts her hands over her eyes but keeps peeking and then she see's Izumi take of her towel.

Katsumi then starts to blush really hard because she didn't know Izumi was this curvy and fit.

Katsumi then sneaks a picture and chuckles silently.

Izumi let down her towel and put on some shorts, some socks and a crop top with no bra on.

(Izumi's Outfit)

Izumi puts on her lotion,perfume and deodorant.

Izumi then tells Katsumi, you can stop covering your eyes bakugou.

Katsumi then taker her hands of her eyes and is surprised that Izumi called her Bakugou.

Izumi then says you can watch something on the tv or do somthing im gonna finish the project.

Katsumi then says, okay deku.

Izumi then says, stop calling me that weirdo.

Katsumi then says, never darling with a smirk and a slight blush.

Izumi starts to blush but shakes it off and plays it off by shaking her hair because it was a little wet still.

Izumi then walks over to her desk where her sketch is at and her manga books are at as well.

Katsumi then grabs the remote and goes to Netflix and presses the movie candy man.

(3 hours later)

Katsumi got done of watching the movie, she checks the time and it says 9:47am and she speaks up and says, Deku are you done with the project yet i wanna cuddle with you, im starting to get sleepy.

Izumi then speaks up and says, no im not done yet and you aren't cuddling me and last then go to sleep what am i suppose to do.

Katsumi then groans and says, well then im sleeping in here then.

Izumi then says, okay go to sleep then.

Izumi doesn't even care about Katsumi in her room rn she she is so focused with finishing her and Katsumi's art project .

Katsumi gets mad because she isn't getting any attention from Izumi but she is to sleepy so she just says, tch and gets under the covers and in the next 5 minutes Katsumi was asleep.

When Izumi heard some loud snores, she turned to see Katsumi snoring, sleeping with her eyes open and drooling on her pillows.

Izumi then laughs and takes a video and photo  of Katsumi sleeping with both of her eyes open and her drooling and snoring.

Izumi then says, that's disgusting and weird but whatever and puts her airpods in.

Izumi then gets back to drawing her sketch.

(8 hours later)

Izumi is about to finally finish the sketching process because she kept regretting what to draw and she kept getting frustrated so she has been drawing a sketch for 8 hours but she finally finished the sketching process.

She checks the time and it says, 5:29pm.

She sighs and gets to the coloring process.

(1 hour later)

Katsumi finally wakes up after 9 hours because of how comfy Izumi's bed is.

She looks at the time on her phone and looks at the time and it says 6:18pm.

She yawns and then wipes the drool of her face.

She sits up and stretches and see's that she isn't in her room but then notices she is in Izumi's dorm room and Izumi's bed.

Katsumi then blinks her eyes and see's Izumi with her airpods in and still sitting at her desk.

Katsumi then gets out of the bed and walks over to Izumi and puts her head on Izumi's Shoulder.

Izumi feels something on her shoulder and see's Katsumi.

Izumi then takes out her airpods and says, looks who's up sleepy head

Katsumi then groans and gets off Izumi's Shoulder and says im not a sleepy head.

Izumi then turns around and says, then why were you all spread out on my bed,drooling,snoring and sleeping with your eyes open and sleep for 9 hours?

Katsumi then says, i was drooling,snoring and sleeping with my eyes open? I never do that so stop lying sexy.

Izumi then says, I'm not lying, i have proof.

Katsumi then says while rolling her eyes and says, show it to me then.

Izumi then shrugs her shoulders and says okay.

Izumi then pulls her phone off the charger and goes to her gallery and pulls out the video and photo and gives it to Katsumi.

Katsumi takes the phone and looks surprised when
she see's the video and phot of her sleeping with her eyes open,drooling,snoring and spread out on the bed.

Katsumi then says, well it's not my fault that your bed is comfy as hell.

Izumi then says, yes it is comfy but not that comfy.

Katsumi then goes through Izumi's Photos and see's some sexy pictures of her so she sends them to herself and then gives the phone back to Izumi.

(The pictures)

Izumi then says, thanks.

Katsumi then says, no problem but gets cut off by a ring from Izumi's phone.

Izumi then says, it's tokoyami and answers it to hear crying and sniffles from tokoyami.

Izumi then gets up from her desk and tells Katsumi to shush and says, toko what's wrong when are you crying and sniffling

Tokoyami starts to cry more and says, j-ju-just come downstairs please i don't want to explain it.

Izumi then says, okay toko calm down for me and where are you at downstairs.

Tokoyami then speaks up in a cracky voice and says, i-im i-in-in the k-kit-kitchen with to-tod-todo, shin an-and jirou and d-den-denk-denki.

Izumi then speaks up and says, okay im coming right their.

Tokoyami says, okay and hangs up.

Katsumi then speaks up and says, what the hell was that?

Izumi then says, idk but we will find out when we are downstairs because we are going together.

Katsumi then says, Hah?

Why do i have to go when im not friends with them?

Izumi then speaks up and says, just come on.

Katsumi then groans and says okay.

Izumi and Katsumi leave Izumi's Dorm and starts heading downstairs to the kitchen.

Izumi then goes to the kitchen with Katsumi and see's todoroki, shinsou, jiirou and denki comforting tokoyami while tokoyami is balling his eyes out silently.

Izumi and Katsumi go to the group and Izumi speaks up and says, what happened to tokoyami guys?

Todoroki then speaks up  and says, just look in the common room through the kitchen.

Izumi nods and says Bakugou let's go see what happening.

Katsumi then says, fine.

Izumi and Katsumi peek on the common room and they are shocked to see


Katsumi then says, weren't emo bird and frog bitch in a relationship.

Katsumi then turns around to see a side of Izumi she never saw before.

Izumi has her fist ball up and has a psycho look on her face with one of her eyes purple with a red pupil.

One thing Izumi doesn't like is cheaters or her friends getting hurt physically or mentally.

Katsumi then walks over to Izumi and puts her hands on Izumi shoulders and says, hey deku calm down okay.

Izumi then says, okay i will let me go.

Katsumi then let's her go but regrets soon as she see's Izumi running to the Common room.

When Izumi reaches the common room she punches tsu and keeps hitting her while uraraka is watching and is in shock.


Tsu is to scared to talk, so she doesn't respond.

Izumi then screams again and says, WELL I HOPE YOU ARE READY FOR A BEATING YOU FROG.

Izumi then laughs in a creepy way and starts to punch,kick,stomping,starts using her quirk, everything so she can to hurt Tsu.

Katsumi goes back to todoroki, shinsou,tokoyami,jirou and denki and speaks up and says, get fucking Izumi she is beating the fuck out of that frog bitch.

Shinsou then says, we can't do anything last time when todoroki was getting jumped by people she broke everybody's bones.

Jirou then speaks up and says, we just have to wait until she is done.

Todoroki is stroking tokoyami's face while Tokoyami passed out from crying to much.

Denki then speaks up and says, you just have to wait.

(10 minutes later)

Izumi then stops when she see's Tsu all bloody and bruised and passed out from all the pain tsu went through.

Izumi then gets off of Tsu and goes to uraraka and starts beating uraraka just the same as tsu.

(10 minutes later again)

Izumi then gets off of uraraka when she see's that she looks the same as tsu, all bloody and bruised and passed out.

Izumi's fist are all covered with their blood.

Izumi then calms down and goes back to her original emerald green eyes.

Izumi then goes to the kitchen to see everybody  cuddled up and sleep except for bakugou.

Izumi the sits down next to bakugou and lays her head down on Katsumi's shoulder and says, im sleepy.

Katsumi then looks at Izumi in suprise because her fist are covered in blood and she is more surprised that Izumi is laying down on her shoulder.

Katsumi then says, well then let's go upstairs.

Izumi then nods and gets up as well as Katsumi  and they walk up to Izumi's room.

When they get to Izumi's room, Izumi goes the the bathroom to clean of her fists and the some blood on her face.

Katsumi then sits on the bed and waits for Izumi to come out.

(5 minutes later)

Izumi then gets out of the bathroom and goes to her desk and speaks up and says, im about to finish this project real fast.

Katsumi then nods and turns on the tv to watch fear street.

(2 hours later)

Izumi is done with the project and she puts the project in her book bag and then she cleans up her art supplies off her desk and organizes them.

Katsumi then looks at Izumi bending down to get some the pencils that dropped.

Katsumi then says damn~~ deku

Katsumi gets up from the bed and smacks deku's ass and see's that izumi's ass and thighs jiggled.

Izumi then looks over and says, stop it you pervert.

Katsumi then says, no and keeps doing it.

Izumi then starts getting mad and gets up from the floor.

Katsumi then says awww i wanted to do it more.

Izumi then says, yes hell to the no.

Katsumi then gets up and hugs Izumi from the back and says, how about i take you on a date tomorrow sexy deku?

Izumi then says, no i am busy tomorrow.

Katsumi then gets mad and says,  WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS THEN TOMORROW HAH?

Izumi then says, im just joking jerk, i have nothing to do tomorrow, so why not.

Katsumi then smirks and blushes and says, okay.

Izumi then moves Katsumi's arms off her waist and looks at the time to see it's 10:50pm.

Izumi then says, im going into the shower and you need to as well so you either go to your dorm and then come back or you wait until i get out.

Katsumi then smirks and says ill wait.

Izumi then says, alright whatever.

Izumi then goes into the bathroom and starts washing herself again.

(5 minutes later)

Katsumi then sneaks into the bathroom and takes off her clothes and gets into the shower with Izumi.

Izumi doesn't notice until she feels somebody's head on her shoulder and arms wrapped around her waist.

Izumi then says, who the hell are you and why are you in my shower.

Katsumi then says, it's me deku or should i say sexy ass slut.

Izumi then blushes hard but plays it off by washing her hair and then notices that Katsumi is in the shower with her.

Izumi then screams, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU IN MY SHOWER FOR YOU ASSHOLE, Izumi pushes Katsumi off of her.

Izumi then turns around the see Katsumi staring at her curves and Izumi then smacks her and says, STOP LOOKING YOU PERVERT.

Katsumi then says, but im already in here and sorry can't help to look at my future gf's body, she says with a smirk.

Izumi then sighs and says, just wash yourself up you jerk and don't try anything stupid.

Katsumi then says, no promises with a wink.

Izumi then turns back around and start blushing because she saw Katsumi's body and her hair wet.

(15 minutes later)

Izumi and Katsumi are done washing up and drying their selves off.

Izumi then opens the bathroom door and starts getting dressed in some socks, some basketball shorts and a bra.

(Izumi' outfit)

Katsumi then starts getting dressed in some sweatpants,black t-shirt.

(Katsumi's outfit)

When Izumi was done getting dressed she turned off the light and got in bed and started to look for shows to watch.

Katsumi just got done putting on her sweats and she goes on the bed to see Izumi trying to pick a show.

Izumi then feels something between her chest and looks down to see Katsumi on her chest with Katsumi's arms wrapped around Izumi's waist and Katsumi looking at Izumi's lips.

Izumi then starts looking at Katsumi's lips.

Katsumi then thinks that this is an opportunity and then she gets closer to Izumi and


Izumi is shocked when she feels Katsumi's lips touched hers, She just started gaining feelings for Katsumi around 1 week ago.

But she kisses back.

Katsumi is so shocked when she feels Izumi kissing back but she keeps kissing her.

(5 minutes later)

They break the kiss with a string of salvia coming from both of them.

Katsumi then says, i should have known you were a good kisser damn deku.

Izumi then blushes and says, well it's not my first time.

Katsumi then says, who the hell was your first kiss then.

Izumi then slightly chuckles and says it was todo or what you call him half and half.

Katsumi then says, HAH IT WAS THAT ICYHOT.

Izumi the nods

Katsumi then says, tch and then cuddle back in Izumi's chest.

Izumi then chuckles because she knows Katsumi is jealous and starts playing with Katsumi' hair.

( 3 minutes later)

Izumi starts hearing loud snores from Katsumi again and she feels her chest getting wet from Katsumi drooling and see's Katsumi's eyes open while sleeping again.

Izumi then chuckles again and takes videos of her and Katsumi while Katsumi is sleeping.

Izumi then goes on live on her Instagram and people are joining.

Izumi then talks on their for a bit and answers questions and joke around with people.

Izumi then says, well guys im gonna get off see you guys later.

Izumi then puts her phone down and looks at Katsumi and kisses her forehead and says, can't wait for tomorrow katsumi.

Katsumi then mumbles, i love you izumi be mine

Izumi then blushes and says, we will see after tomorrow okay.

Katsumi then says mhm and falls asleep again.

Izumi then turns off her tv and gets comfortable and starts falling sleep

(2 minutes later)

Izumi is sleeping and Her and Katsumi are sleeping in eachother a embrace.


(3695 words in total)

Also these are the relationships statuses

Katsumi x Izumi- about to date

Todoroki x Iida- dating

Shinsou x Denki- dating

Momo x Jirou- dating

Tokoyami x Shoji- not dating yet

Tsu x Uraraka- dating

Kirishima x Sero- dating

Mina x hagakure- dating

Present Mic x Mr Aizawa - married

Dabi x Shigaraki- engaged

Twice x Toga- dating

(Remember twice will be 18 while toga is 17)

Izumi and Katsumi's Project.

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