My Demon Girlfriend (Tales of...

By zman627

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He loved her the day he met her but he had to leave when he meets again she is a demon but his heart dose no... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

95 4 0
By zman627

The Van elita docked near Loegres on the journey to the dock the group had learned more from the ancient book and figured the fallowing. As long as someone is able to resonate with Innominat power the Therions will forever reborn so it does not matter if the group kills all of them. There will always be on to take its place. However, they can only be a maximum of seven Therions in the world so if the just kidnap the Therions they can't be replaced. But they would need a place to hide the Therions and that was the trick question so they group had decided to ask the silkjays for information everyone left of the capital except for (Y/N) his face was to well known it would draw to much attention.

So, for now it just (Y/N) and Kamowana below deck the two got along well enough "Hey Kamowona could I get your help with something?" he asked as he took out his egg "With what?" I'm running some test and if I could get a bit of your blood it would help, I can get it with this, I won't lie it will hurt but only for an instant?" Kamowona thought it over for a moment then nodded her head. "Ok now let your arm hang lose and keep your hand open ok now He stuck her with the needle. It was over in an instant and she didn't even wimpier. "Good girl now then Tenebrae get my book." The black dog brought his master his book as he looked into the egg. Kamowona blood had simmer traits to Velvet and Phi's bugs' blood. "So that settles it you're a Therion Velvet but how do I cure you?"

Night had fallen by the time the others had returned with some else. Price Percival Yil Mid Asgard. Crown price of the realm "Percival what are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked wide eyed "I could ask the same of you (Y/N) Percival replied. Elenore looked at (Y/N) then back to the prince "You're on a first name basest with the prince?" "Yes, I am over the past three years he and I have been fast friends." The group headed for Titania a prison island that had gone quite for a while upon arriving the group discovered why it was crawling with demons. After fighting their way in the group found themselves in the abandon prisons deepest cell Velvets cell it was there, she filled everyone in on the fact she was a Therion confirming (Y/N) hypotheses. And by leaving Tatiana she had caused the malevolence to go ramped thus the cause for all the demons. Elenore started to become uneasy seeing that all of this seemed to point back to the shepherd as the cause of all this "Lord Artorius would never have." "No what's so unbelief?" Velvet said her expression darkening "that he used his wife's bother as a human sacrifice? That he imprisoned his wife's sister? Because that's what your dame holy shepherd did. All to get his hands on Innominat's power!" Elenore looked at the ground scared to keep going "I'm sure he a reason for." She said timidly Velvet stormed over and got in Elenore's face "a reason? To spare the world of its pain don't give me that. Who will spare my brothers pain who will soothe my brothers' despair! He murdered my little brother Laphi and you'll stand then and tell me it was for the greater good." Velvet said her voice rising with each world.

Then (Y/N) bust out laughing as everyone turned to look at him "Velvetyou fucking hypocrite." Velvet eyes widened at his remark. (Y/N) continued "whatabout all the peoples whose lives you have ruined you burred the port ofHellawes crippling that towns lively hood and by removing Kamowana from hervillage it turned everyone into daemons. What about their suffering their despair You commit all these crimes for revenge yet you have the gall to call Arthur the villain. Velvets arm turned demonic she stormed over grabbed (Y/N) by the head and slammed him against the stone wall. "I told you I don't care what I have to do I will have my revenge!" looking at (Y/N) as he looked at her threw the gaps in her giant fingers. (Y/N) let out a chuckle "He who fights with monsters best take care lest he become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." So are you going to eat me I guarantee I going to give you indigestion." Velvet growled at his comment.

latter after clearing out the rest of the demons a revelation was discovered the hawk that prince Percivile had with him was a Therion growing up the prince did not have any friends except griffin his hawk. Then one day the Abby learn that Griffin was receptive to Innominats power. The Abby turned the bird into a Therion and locked him away deep beneath the palace were an earthpules point was. The prince could not take this he managed to free his friend and got the bloodwings to get Velvet and co to smuggle them out of the city. Percivil knew the consequences of his actions how the people of the capital would eventually turn into demons and his abandonment by the crown. He did not care all matter was being able to see his friend sore threw the skies again.

The next morning Laphi had a hunch he wanted to test out something for reasons unknown to himself he seemed to be able to use the earth pules on the island as a conduit to find the bigger earth pules, they most likely have Therions. The closet one two them was Hellviess and after a few days at sea the group arrived.

On arriving whether it be fate or whatever you call it the group over heard some towns people talking about a woman named Medisa. Curiosity got the better of (Y/N) and he asked around and this is the story he pieced together. Medisa was a single mother whose daughter turned into a demon. Medisa hide her daughter for her daughter's own safety but someone reported this to the Abby and had the girl put down. In a fit of revenge Medisa killed the man wo turned her daughter a cruel twist sense was planning to marry said man, some time latter she was taken to Faldies ruins up north. Everyone without even saying anything the group knew what they had to do.

The group walked throughHellawes as (Y/N) lead the way to Faldies ruins all the while he talked smackto Velvet. "This towns ship guild has been destroyed and as a result the traderoots are in shambles their livelihood has gone out the window and this town ison the brink of ruin. All because of a selfish demon girl who cares only for revenge."Velvet unphased replied "keep walking exorcist when all this is over you canfind a nice girl settle down and live the rest of your life in peace. (Y/N) stoppeddead in in his tracks and turned to looked at velvet with angry eyes. "Therewas a girl I wanted to share my life with her name was Velvet Crowe but a demonwith a giant red arm ate her up." He said in a calm voice but you could see theflames in his eyes. Velvets face sadden at hearing this "I did not want to eather but I was forced to its best you forget her and move on." (Y/N) looked ather then he leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. "Never you're my girl I'm never going to give up on you Velvet." Velvet could help but slightly blush before turning (Y/N) around and pushing him forward.

It took them awhile to find their way to the heart of the dungeon but eventually they found the Medisa the Therion. However, there was a small hiccup the group had assumed that she would go with them willingly but that was not the case not only was she hear of her own free will she a Therion willingly as well. Thus, the group was forced to fight her into submission

Medisa fell to the floor defeated Velvet walked over to her "It's over." "Curse you lord of Calamity" Medissa said darkly. "Lord of calamity?" Velvet asked. "The name of the prophesized demon lord who bring about the age of chaos. The unrepentant embodiment of malevolence whose blind pursuit of self-gratification will rain destruction upon the world. The irredeemable, uncontrollable personation of human sin... an evil like you."

Upon hearing this (Y/N) could not help but burst out laughing "wow that description was more or less right on the money." Velvet looked to (Y/N) "shut it." Medissa got to her feet ready to fight to the bitter end but Laphi and Eleanor appealed to her humanity mentioning others who had suffered like her. Then it came back a memory in her mind that she ether forget or repressed. The reason her daughter became a demon was because she thought her mother lover the new man, he was going to marry more than her that overflow of jealousy turned her into a demon. And as for Medisa herself when the Abby explained everything, she thought by becoming a Therion she could prevent what happened to her daughter to anyone else, the stress of all this caused her to pass out Eizen went over to pick her up to carry out of here but (Y/N) stepped in front shielding her. "No, I will not allow it! Eizen couldn't help but face palm. (Y/N) looked at Velvet "it one thing to condemn the nearby town to turn into daemons by removing Medissa but to remove her when she hear of her own free will is another." "But (Y/N) you saw what the Abby has done to achieve to goals it's not right." Elenore said trying to reason with him "your right Elenore it's not neither is taking Medissa and turning Hellawes into a demon town! I will admit the Abby has MAJOR problems but when all is said and done the world is better off with them in charge they are a necessary evil. But Velvet you and your little group wherever you go there is destruction and death leaving things worse off than when you arrived. How can you lot be so blind to the pain you cause.

Velvet got close until the two were in each other's personal space. "Be the better person I know you are you bigger than this... I beg you." Velvet bitt her right pointer finger as (Y/N) talked hearing his words and she outstretched other arm and gently moved (YN) out of the way so Eizen could picked up Medissa and start walking out (Y/N) tried to further protest but he felt Velvet squeeze his arm "You're a good man (Y/N) you stive to do the right thing even when there is only a fools chance of it succeeding you want to save me I'm sorry but it's too late for me my path is set in blood and I cannot change it. You needn't worry you barre no guilt in this story just blame everting on the lord of calamity. Whatever is coming I can handle it." (Y/N) looked at Velvet "But you don't have to face it alone you have me." 

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