The Casset Crew

By 1-800-TOP

6 1 0

A story about three cassettes who are trying to defend all of Asia and Eroupe. How will they fare? Will they... More

Path to Home

6 1 0
By 1-800-TOP

A/N There is no romance here and so if u want that. leave because these boys r brothers. Also, I'm not the best at writing so if you guys would kindly point out any weird bits I would appreciate it :D. Thanks, everyone- Tommy 

My pedes hit the ground as I ran from the large organic creature that continued to chase me through the mountains that covered this cursed planet "Enigma can I get a warp here? This planet is less than habitable!" I screamed into my comm, only to tumble as the large creature behind me slammed its tail down a few feet ahead of me. Effectively blocking my path, "Slag!" I shouted before being interrupted by the creature's loud call, It sounded like it could shatter glass. "We can't warp you back unless you're standing still remember? Last time you were running and we warped you back you were cut into half!" Exclaimed my brother from the other end of the comm. Oh yeah, I remember that incident, I'm unsure as to how our other sibling C-143 managed to put me back together but he did it, safe to say he's the best doctor we coulda ever asked for. I was abruptly brought back from my thoughts as the creature's large servo shoved me into the rocks that blocked my other path.

"Sometimes I wish I wasn't a cassette." I sighed aloud while looking up at the creature's large and smelly intake. I wrinkled my nose as disgust took over any feeling of fear. "Your ugly," I stated with a blank face before charging up my dual pulsar cannon and firing at its optic, effectively popping it. The large organic screeched and fell back in pain, flinging the weird liquid all over me. "Enigma, beam me up!" I called while raising my servos to the sky as if pointing at the ship. "On it, Soundbreaker" Replied my brother, almost reluctantly. I flipped off the creature as my atoms began to quickly re-organize themselves back on the ship. Everything went blank for a moment before I appeared back on the CC-25 Also known as The Cassette Crew-BE.

"Welcome back Soundy!" Exclaimed an all too familiar voice while I walked back onto the bridge. "Primus, can we never go back to this planet like, ever?" I wondered aloud as I shook off the weird goopy fluid that came from the creature's optics. My brother made a disgusted noise at the action.

"Don't worry, we won't. We have better things to do like heading to a planet called... Erth" C-143 peeked out from the hallway, "I believe it's called Earth, Enigma" "Oohh.." C-143 shook his head as he made his way to the navigation center, "Earth is too an Organic planet, however...There is a main species inhabiting it. They don't take kindly to new things.." He showed us a recording of a threat of being harmed if we dare enter their atmosphere.

"Then why are we going there?" I asked while the recording played over once more. "And what's a Nuke?" "you know those Atomic bombs that we had back on Cybertron? It's that" I nodded as he spoke once more, "We are going there because I got a message from Optimus prime about a possible home, however, there is a downside.." He murmured while pinching his nose bridge lightly. "It is practically crawling with Decepticons" Both I and Enigma groaned at the same time,

"Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?" C-143 shook his head fondly as he typed the coordinates into the navigation system, "Here. We will be landing in a nation called America. From there we will speak to Optimus Prime about setting up a post on the other side of the world." He pointed to a map that popped up on the screen and dragged his digit from the left to the right side of it. "If he agrees we will be setting up a post here." He pointed to a place with the words, 'United Kingdom' over it. I nodded agreeing with our brother's plan, "And what if Optimus does not accept?" Asked Enigma from behind me, C-143 shrugged. "We will converse with him from there then." Enigma nodded silently, humming softly as his leg bounced up and down.

"Well then what are we waiting for, C? Let's get going so we can get there as soon as possible!" I shouted excitedly, "Once you head to the wash racks we will get into the stasis pods, Earth is a ways away 'Breaker" I nodded, waving at them as I quickly slid down the halls and to the wash racks. "This gooey stuff is slippery.." I muttered while clutching onto the wall and taking a sharp left turn. I stopped myself from slamming into the wall by slamming into the bench and flipping over the edge. I Shouted loudly as my neck bent forward and slammed into my chest. "ow.." I whined while I pushed myself up and popped my neck cables, effectively pulling out the kinks in them.

I vented while I walked into the wash racks and turned on the cold water, letting it push the gooey stuff from my frame and down the drain that goes to gods know where. Probably to be cleaned and then circulated, I don't know. I shrugged and deleted the unneeded thought, opting to pour the cleaning liquid over my frame and rub it in with a sponge. The collected dirt dyed the water a dark brown as the normal blue and orange paint showed below. I shook my helm once more as I turned off the water and sat down on the bench with a soft towel to dry my frame off. It was annoying to get between the little openings to get the water that was stuck inside it.

After an*Insert cybertronian equivalent of an hour here* or so I was able to make my way back to the bridge, my blue and orange paint shone brightly as every speck of dirt was cleaned off of it. "It's about time 'Breaker" Huffed C-143 as he tapped on a small panel in the side of the wall before stepping back and watching as it turned to reveal five stasis pods. I shrugged, "Sorry I had to get the crevasse that the water would get stuck in" I explained while leaning on the door. C vented fondly and gave me a small smile, I being the great brother I am smiled back. "Okay, the navigation is all set up" Shouted our youngest sibling, Enigma. He looked up from the control panel with a bright smile and greeting. I laughed fondly before tackling him to the floor and hugging him tightly. "You're so cute!" Enigma wheezed softly as he tried to slip out of my tight grip. I only laughed and hugged him tighter. "Sound stop it!" Whined Enigma as he pushed away my head. I pouted softly and let go of him as I made my way back to my pedes. "Laaamee" I cried playfully as I pretended to sulk in the corner. C- Just rolled his eyes and laughed, "alright you two, into the pods. I'll be the last in so you won't have to close it yourselves." He explained while pushing them to the pods that sat in the wall. We just nodded and smiled once more, "Okay but when we get out you owe me a hug" C- Sighed and nodded "I guess I owe you that much Sound" Enigma giggled as he stepped into his pod. I too did the same and vented softly as I leaned into the soft texture below me. "Goodnight C" Called Enigma as C-!43 closed his pod, "Goodnight Enigma" He responded before closing mine. I simply waved and smiled as I soon fell into a deep recharge.

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