Eeveelution Forest

Por PasteIPenny

8K 112 280

This story is about eeveelutions currently living in a peaceful forest but they decide to go on adventured wh... Más

Chapter 1: The Eeveelution Forest
Chapter 2: Crush
Chapter 3: Thingz
Chapter 4: gettin ready
Chapter 5: VALENTINES💗
Chapter 6: Valentines preparation
Chapter 7: Couples
Chapter 8: Sad Espeon
Chapter 10: The next day
Chapter 11 : Frostii's outrage
Chapter 12: Charco's plan
Chapter 13: Saved
Chapter 14: Someone finally confesses

Chapter 9: Adventure!

567 12 25
Por PasteIPenny

Early in the morning Leafeon the first woke up at 6 today 

Leafeon POV: ahhh the sun is shining the Fletchling's are chirping and-

*shuffle shuffle*

Leafeon POV: oh my arceus what was that???

*shuffle shuffle*

Leafeon POV: Help *glup*

Leafeon POV: don't be a scaredy pokemon leaf... go check what it is!


Ekans: "rawr!"

Leafeon: ;-; "hi??"

Flareon: "Yo leafy-   an Ekans?"

Vaporeon: "Good morning guys! Okay bye!"

Flareon: oh ok-

Espeon: "Vape-?? oh hey flare and leaf"

Leafeon: "oh hi espey... you might not wanna see this"

Espeon: "suspicious..😒"

*Espeon walks over*

Espeon: *shreik* "EEEEEK!"

Leafeon: "told you gurl"

Espeon: "Whatever!"

Hello people!

im suprised you guys still read this 😭

Jolteon: "ughhhhhh i wanna go exploring..."

Flareon: "Oooh- ME TOO"

Sylveon: "You sure? we never been out of here before really"

Jolteon: "Buts thats the point of exploring!"

Glaceon: "not now guys, its barley even afternoon"

Vaporeon: "but it sounds cool"

Leafeon: "Stopp- its not cool it sounds.. creepy-"

*Umbreon just sitting there listening to their conversation*

Umbreon: "..Espeon? need anything?"

Espeon: "i wanna talk."

Umbreon: "oh- ok?"

*when they are in a more "private place" *

Umbreon: "So.. what do you want to talk about?"

Espeon: *deep breath* "i just wanted to say i- i lo"

Espeon: "I kind of lost feelings for you.."

Umbreon POV: "its literally been like a day?? but whatever"

Umbreon: "Thats fine.. i didn't even like you anyway- i mean not in a bad way"

Espeon: *Giggles* "Thats fine, i figured out that i was more into girls now.."

Umbreon: "Ok thats fine, lets go back"

*they walk back*

Sylveon POV: "What did they do? they seem happy.."

Sylveon: *distracted*

Glaceon: "Sylvey- SYLVEY SYLVEY!!!!"

Sylveon: "OH- uhm sorry i was dozed off.."

Glaceon: "Ok but we were deciding to go out for an adventure."

Sylveon: "A-adventure?? what are we going to bring?? Is it now?"

Jolteon: "No chill, Its tomorrow 4pm we are gonna go, agree?"

Sylveon: "...Ok then.. i will go, BUT STICK TOGETHER OK?"

All: "Ok"


eveyone agreed to go on an adventure

Glaceon: "Jolt, can you pass me my blanket?"

Jolteon: "Oh yeah sure"

Glaceon: "Wait.. isn't this one of yours??!!"

Jolteon: "Uhmm... sorry! i got yours muddy and forgot to wash it -.-"

Glaceon: *looks at blanket* *blushes* "its ok" 

Jolteon: "whats wrong??"

Glaceon: "N-nothing..!"


Flareon: "Damnnn- this is gonna be GREAT"

Leafeon: "Yeah totally....... ACTUALLY IM NERVOUS"

Flareon: "if you're nervous.. then bring something that comforts you or something"

Leafeon: "o-ok..." *grabs Flareon* *shoves in bag*


Leafeon: "Okayy"

Flareon: *sigh*


Vaporeon: "alright im done"

Espeon: "vape...??"

Vaporeon: "Espey-?? yeah-?"

Espeon: "everyone has a buddy to go on the adventure... so can you be my buddy since we both don't have one-?"

Vaporeon: "S-sure! we can be buddies" 

Vaporeon POV: "aaaaahhhh- my heart is so tingly-!"



Leafeon: "sooo how do we start this???"

Glaceon: "errmmm idk-" *eevee in her backpack head out*

Jolteon: "Hmmmm we decided which way we wanna go first"

Flareon: "Lets go left"

Umbreon: "no. it looks to bright"

Flareon: "AuGhHhh what do you expect-??? the sun is still out!"

Umbreon: "well i vote right"

Flareon: "Left"

Sylveon: "hmmm right"

Jolteon:  "Sorry dude- right"

Glaceon: "erm.. right-"

Eevee: "right!!!"

Espeon: "i saw an ekans there last time so right definetly"

Flareon: "WHYY leafy u on my side or not"

Leafeon: "Flareeee Please can we go right... Left seems scary"

Flareon: "F-fine!"

Leafeon: *wink to everyone*


Espeon: "Im scared if there will be another Ekans.. they are absolutly disgusting-"

Vaporeon: "why are you so scared of Ekans anyway-?"

Espeon: *Immediate face drop* 


Espeon: "its ok- just about childhood when i never went to eve forest (eeveelution forest)

Glaceon: "What happend-? "

Espeon: "uhm well"


Espeon and Sylveon's parents are divorced and sylveon lived with her mother while espeon with her father (they reunited later)

Espeon: "mommy im hungry"

Espeon's mother: "you BASTARD you think i-i have anyfood for you!?"

Espeon: "b-but theres bread in the fridge"

Espeon's mother: "Well that is for me."

Espeon's mother: "If you want to eat then go fine some food!"

Espeon: "what..? where?"

Espeon's mother: "L-like THIS" *shoves a live ekans in espeons face* 

Espeon: *GASPS* *runs*

*Ekans chases her*

Espeon: "Noo!!!"

*Ekans bit her by using poison fang*

Espeon: "OW!!! m-my leg"

Espeon: "M-mummy-?? Mummy-??? MUMMY-!!!!??"

Espeon: *faint*



Sylveon: "Can't you care about her for a moment??? sis-? why was mom so mean to you before?? dad was very nice-"

Espeon: "i wanted to stay with you and dad tho.. but mom took me away."

Leafeon: "Well your fine now right?"

Espeon: "yeah"

Glaceon: "Can you continue tho?"

Umbreon: "wait- where are we right now?" 

Sylveon: *grabs map* "ermm oh! the center of the forest-"


*everyone shook but ran away like umbreon said*


Jolteon: "why did you freak out when we were in the center of the forest??"

Umbreon: "because... the humans, they're evil.."

Sylveon: *shock* (because understood what umbreon said)

Jolteon: "WHA-mmff"

Sylveon: *using feelers to cover mouth*  "shh jolt you will see soon.."

Eevee: "whats that?.."

(font = whisper)

*big weird truck comes*

human 1 : "boss we heard a signal here"

^Good.. see if there are any powerful pokemon around here^

human 2: "hey peter-"

human 1: "im SIR PETER JOHNSON to you"

human 2: "alright!- well"

human 1 (sir peter johnson) : "hey dude can you-"

human 2: "HEY, call me Fronks mc grabber hickerbutt"

sir peter johnson: "ok we are here to do a job not fight about our names"

Fronks mc grabber hickerbutt: "Ohh yeah i buh-forgot about that"

(while they were fighting about names the eeveelutions ran away)

Umbreon: "see i told you some evil people would come"

Jolteon: "how did you know it tho-???"

Umbreon: "i've seen it before when i was an eevee"

Eevee: "you were like me before too!?"

Umbreon: "yes when i was little my dad was captured by them and i never really saw him again"

Glaceon: *sniff* "s-stop with the sad stories"

Leafeon: "Aaah glace you dummy-"

Vaporeon: "we should really find a place to stay for the night"

Jolteon: "true... and THERE A CAVE!"



*eveyone getting sleeping thingys out*


Glaceon: "no.." *blush*

Leafeon: "i can literally hear your blush"

Glaceon: "you dare say that again" *paws crinkling with ice*

Leafeon: "Oh-! uhmm mind as well make dinner now.... heh" 


Espeon: "what are those-?"

Leafeon: "I tried my best!! there were only like berries around here" 

Vaporeon: "they aren't that bad alright-?"

Flareon: "aw no spice.. GOOD THING I BROUGHT MY HOTSAUCE"

*happy flareon noises*

Leafeon: "omg'


Later - 10:44 pm

everyone asleep (except umbreon)

Umbreon: *goes on a nearby hill, looks at moon* 

Umbreon POV: "we will always remember you dad.."

Sylveon: "Umbreon..?"

Umbreon: "Sylveon-? what are you doing here?"

Sylveon: "I can't sleep anymore- ooh the moon is so pretty..." *sits beside umbreon*

Umbreon: "Umm its a habit, i look at the moon-"

Sylveon: "when did you wake up?"

Umbreon: "Erm- a little while earlier than you"

Sylveon: "truth or dare"

Umbreon: ??? "truth?"

Sylveon: "how much time have you slept.?"

Umbreon: "um dare?"

Sylveon: "Go to sleep."

Umbreon: "... okay fine i guess,  im done anyway.."

Sylveon: "you know everyone cares about you?"

Umbreon: "yeah..." *secretly smiles*


Continuing next chapter :) 

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