polaroid, stu macher

By stqrs4finnick

208K 4.7K 1.7K

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16K 339 87
By stqrs4finnick

     Kimberly jumped into her car, a guilty feeling piling into the pit of her stomach. Getting into the driver's seat, she started the car and reached for the mobile phone that sat next to gear shift. She shifted through its contacts until she got to a memorized number.


     "Practice ran late. Tatum's on her way to get you."

     A tired sigh came from the other end of the line. "It's past seven." She stated, Kim could hear a growing desperation.

     "It's okay. Tatum should be there soon. And I'll meet you guys at her's. I'm gonna run to Blockbuster and grab a video. I was thinking, Tom Cruise in All The Right Moves. Remember, if you pause it just right, you can see a clear shot of his penis." She taunted, pulling her car out of park and beginning down the road.

     Sidney shook her head. "Yeah, whatever." Kim smiled a reassuring smile that she wished Sidney could have seen. "Be there soon." With that, Sidney clicked off.

     She leaned over to place the home phone back into its place, but it rang in her hands again. "Kim, get in the car and drive-"

     "Hello, Sidney."

     Her face went pale, and she moved the phone from one ear to
another. "Oh, uh, hello. Who is this?" She asked, as she paced through the living room.

     "You tell me."

     His voice was smooth, almost sickeningly. Sidney looked to the side, trying to place it. He sounded almost distorted.

     She frowned. "I have no idea." She could hear a deep inhale.

     "Scary night, isn't it? With all the murders and all, it's like right out of a horror movie or something."

     Sidney let the breath she didn't know she'd been holding escorted ape her cheeks, smirking now. "Ah, Randy. You gave yourself away. Are you calling from work, because Kim's is on her way." She explained, kneeling onto the brown leathered couch.

     "Do you like scary movies, Sidney?"

     Sidney laughed, playing along. "I like that thing you're doing with your voice, Randy. It's sexy." A staticky ruffling erupted.

     "What's your favorite scary movie, Sidney?"

     The girl rolled her eyes, scoffing. "Oh, come on. You know I don't watch that shit."

     "Why is that?"

     Sidney stood back up, pacing. "Because it's always the same. Some stupid killer stalking some big breasted girl- who can't act- while she runs up stairs, when she should be going out the front door. It's insulting." There was a pause, and a steady silence held.

     "Are you alone in the house, Sidney?" The voice finally started again.

     Sidney's eyes rolled, and she laughed. "Randy, that's so unoriginal. You disappoint me."

     "Maybe that's because, I'm not Randy."

     The calm voice transitioned into a sneering exclaim, and Sidney's face fell pale.

     "S- So, then, who are you?" She stuttered, suddenly frozen in her stance.

     "The question is not who I am. It's where I am."

     "Where are you?"

     "Your front porch."

     Sidney gulps, finally pulling out of her shocked trance and pushing herself over to the window next to the front door. "Why would you be calling from my front porch?"

     "Well, that's the original part."

     Sidney's eyes squinted. The yard was illuminated by a singular street light. Her eyes adjusted to the dark scenery, but she couldn't quite make out the entirety of the porch.

     Sidney huffed, slowly reaching her hand out for the deadbolt on the door. "Oh, yeah? Well, I call your bluff." She snipped. Her hand drew the chain out, unlocking the contraption.

     Pulling the door open, she stepped out onto the porch. Her hands trailed along the railing, as her eyes squinted forward, begging for a sign of movement. "So, where are you?"

     "Right here." The voice scowled in a hushed tone.

     But Sidney looked around, still unfazed. "Huh. Can you see me right now?" She asked, stopping still.

     "Uh huh."

     Sidney pressed her finger to her nose, pretending to pick. "Yeah. What am I doing?" No answer. "What am I doing?" She repeated herself, this time louder, as if someone was actually hiding in the bushes, watching her.

     She laughed, dropping her hand back to the side and starting to head back inside her home. "Nice try, Randy. Tell Kim to hurry. Bye, now."

     "If you hang up on me, you'll die, just like your mother!"

     A gasp let out from Sidney's now frozen lips. She couldn't move, nor speak. She was in utter shock.

     "Do you want to die, Sidney? Your mother sure didn't." He continued, knowing that he was rattling her.

     She finally geared the courage to say something back. "Fuck you, you creep!" She yelped, her thumb smashing the end call button. She darted back through her front door, slamming it shut behind her.

     She huffed, staring at the door for a minute before the closet flung open.

     Sidney whipped around to reveal a tall, monster-like figure. His pale face stretched with its mouth pulling downwards, as if yelling. His eyes locked in a sad, grim look. A mask. She's startled, but her instincts tell her to move.

     The masked man, of course, was quicker though. He re-aimed his punch, hitting her in the gut, which sent her flying on her back.

     She groaned, her head hitting the door. Gulping big, she swung her legs, tripping the ghastly figure over.

     The man fell to the floor, but quickly sat up and climbed on top of the girl. Sidney squirmed from under the figure, twisting and turning while his legs held her down on either side.

     The man brought his knife above her head, trying to push it down into her chest. They struggled back and forth, with Sidney pulling his wrist away from her.

     Finally having enough, the ghost face let his arms fall, now instead grabbing onto Sid's hair and slamming her head into the floorboards.

     She groaned in agony, rubbing her head dizzily. Her head began to spin, she's too weak to move.

     The mystery man let the knife halt right above her neck, gliding it over her, down to her chest.

     The killer looked up, glaring at Sidney's eyes before a moment of realization washed them both. Her eyes widen as ghost face held the knife above his head, gaining momentum to stab her.

     She leaped upward, kicking him off her and standing up quickly. Sidney dashed to the door, pulling it open. But, the deadbolt was locked. She yelped, trying to unhook the chain whilst struggling with the door.

     But, she's out of time. The killers up and moving again. She groaned in frustration, pushing her weight off the door and flinging herself up the stairs, before finally making it into her bedroom.

     She slammed the door, then opened her closet door, letting the knobs hook together, creating a deadbolt.

     The doors slammed into each other and a hand popped out from the little crack now in between them.

     Sidney screamed, sobbing now. She eyed the doors, still watching the ghost face leap his hand threw the crack in her door, waving his knife around viciously.

     She pulled her attention away, looking down at her desk and reaching for the landline.


     Shit. The cord was cut. Her face turned to her computer.


     Her finger slammed aggressively against the keys. 9-1-1. Send.



     She hit send again, falling away from her desk. The slamming at her door, it'd stopped.

     A branch slapped her window outside, and she yelped again, swinging around to face it.

     Her boyfriend's face popped through the window, his brows were raised in a eager expression as Sidney dashed over to him, pulling him through the windowsill and dragging him into the room.

     "Oh, god! Billy! Please, god." Her arms flung around his neck, clutching him securely.

     Billy looked down at her, confused, but hugged her back, nonetheless. "I heard screaming, the door was locked. Are you okay?"

     "Billy, the killer's here. He's in the house. He's gonna try and kill me." She said through her sobs. Another moment goes by of Sidney and her sobs. And then, something fell from Billy's dark jeans. Sidney's huffing stopped, and she looked down. A small, black rectangular box had dropped at his feet. A cell phone.

     Sidney's eyes flew back to his, terror flooding right back into her pupils. She whipped her closet door closed, and then darted back down the stairs again, ignoring his pleading calls.

     "Sidney! Wait, don't go! It's-"

    She was already gone. Opening her front door, revealing the same, pale distorted ghost mask again.

     She screamed. But, then, the mask pulled away from her, and Dewey pulled out into her line of vision instead. Now he was screaming too. His face was illuminated with red and blue flashing lights, and he held his gun up in his hands.

     An ambulance, squad cars, and cops were everywhere around her yard.

     A brown Woodsboro squad car pulled out from Sidney's driveway, a red Porsche replacing it.

     Tatum jumped out of her car, sprinting over to the ambulance that held her best friend. "She's tough." She heard her brother muster to the Sheriff.

     "Has to be. All the shit she's seen." Burke asked, following Dewey up the driveway.

     Tatum reached the ambulance, her hands flinging to either side of her beaten up friend. "Oh my god, Sid, I am so sorry! What happened?" She exclaimed, running her fingers across her cheeks and brushing her hair behind her ears.

     Dewey sighed. "Tatum, what're you doin' here?" The girl ignored the deputy of police, giving her friend pity eyes. "Oh, god, Sid. I'm sorry I was late."

     Dewey's eyes rolled upwards. "Tatum, you can't be here, this is an official crime scene." Tatum finally shot her head up at the man. "She's staying with us tonight." She snapped.

     Dewey frowned. "Does Mom know?" He asked, lowering his voice so his colleagues wouldn't hear. Tatum's sharp look flipped into a scowl. "Yes, doofus."

     Just when Dewey opened his mouth to retell Tatum about respecting him and his badge for the second time that day, a second car pulled behind her's. A yellow slug bug. Kim.

     Kimberly threw herself out of the driver's seat door, not caring to shut the engine off, and almost even forgetting to put it into park. "Sid!" She called, barely halfway up the drive.

     "Sid! Are you okay?" She cried, tossing her arms around the girl as she finally got to the ambulance.

     Sidney smiled, moving her head up and down. "Best I can be at the moment." She assured, rubbing her knees with her palms. Kim's eyes fell over to Dewey, hopeful to find some sort of reassurance, but of course, nothing but despair was to be found. She wasn't sure why her hopes were up to high, she knew his look wouldn't be too pleasing.

     A news van pulled sloppily up to the curb of the house. Who else but Gale Weathers? "I'll be damned." She mumbled, slamming her hand on the vans driver seat window.

     The sheriff grabbed Sidney's shoulders, ripping her off the back of the ambulance before she could say a word. "The vultures are coming. Let's get you out of here."

     "Jesus! The camera, hurry!" She yelped, making her way over to the group of squad cars. It was too late though, Sidney is as good as gone, speeding away in the Deputy's police cruiser.

     Gale being Gale, fought her way through the officers, moving over to the next best thing, her best friends. "Was the Sidney Prescott they just took away?" Gale rambled, following Kim and Tatum over to their cars.

     "I don't know." Kim shrugged nonchalantly, keeping her head up. Gale was unfazed though, and pressed on further. "What happened to her?"

     Kim's smug façade dropped for some reason. "We're not talking to you, crazy lady." She snipped, her hand wrapping around Tatum's wrist as she escorted her to her vehicle.

     "Can you tell me anything?"

     Kim slammed Tatum's car door, letting her shoot out of the driveway just as quickly as she'd came in. "Have a good night, Ms. Weathers." Kim smiled, showing her pearly white teeth.

     Gale let out a disappointed breath, just as her camera man finally came racing down the gravel with his camera in hands. But, the yellow slug bug was already speeding down the road. "Where'd they go?" He asked, tilting the camera down.

     Gale spun around, putting a gale smile on to push through her frustration. "Look, Kenny. I know you're about fifty pounds overweight, but when I say hurry, please interpret that as move your fat tub of lard ass now!"

     She huffed, patting her camera man on the back before trudging up the road to her van.

     Tatum and Kim's cars finally pull up the the police station, minutes behind Sid and Dewey.

     They crawled out of their cards, pushing the doors open to the building. Tatum locked her fingers around Kim's hand, pulling her down to Sidney's seat at Dewey's desk. The three girls share a look of relaxation, and Sid suddenly feels so much more calmed, considering the police can't find her father in his hotel.

     Kim's finger's tapped rhythmically on Dewey's desk, distracting his typing. "Kimmy, quit it." He mumbled, looking up just as the Sheriff approached. "Dewey, can we leave now?" She requested, ignored him and continuing to strum her fingers on the table.

     Burke's brow furrowed as Dewey stood up, not answering. "She's staying with you?" He asked, tossing a file down on the Deputy's desk. Dewey grimaced. "We haven't located her father yet." He explained.

     Tatum swallowed, getting fed up. "God damn it, Dewey!" She exclaimed, loud enough for the whole station to hear. Dewey's face brightened a beet red, and he turned to them. "What did mama tell you? When I wear this badge you treat me like a man of the law!" He whined, peeling his Deputy's badge in his sister's face.

     Tatum huffed, gabbing Sidney and holstering her up. "Well, I'm sorry, Deputy Dewey boy but we're ready to go!" Burke shot a nod to Dewey. "Use the back way, avoid the circus."

     Dewey nodded, grabbing Sid's and Kim's shoulders and leading the out the back exit.

     He held the door open for the three girls. "I'll get the car. Wait here and be quiet!" He ordered, leaving a lingering look to his sister.

     The girls nodded, crossing their arms at the cold. "Sidney!" Gale emerged from the corner of the brick building, waving her microphone at her while her camera man follows behind.

     Sidney's jaw clenched and her body stiffened. "Gale." She sighed. Gale held out some sort wicked smile, pushing her mic to Sidney's lips.

     "Some night, are you alright?"

     Tatum squinted her eyes at the heartless news lady. "She's not answering any questions, leave us alone." She spat, grabbing Sid's shoulders and trying to pull her over to where Dewey had just pulled the car up right behind them.

     Sidney's hand reached up from Tatum's, stopping her. "It's okay, Tatum." Tatum shot her a deadly look and Gale smiled. "She's just doing her job. Isn't that right, Gale?"

     "Yes, that's right."

     Sidney scoffed. "How's the book?" She asked, almost seriously curious about it. Gale let her mic come down an inch. "It'll be out later this year." She said smugly.

     Sidney inhaled, containing herself. "I'll look for it."

     "I'll send you a copy."

     Kim grimaced as Sid pulled her hand back, letting her fist fly into Gale's cheek.

     The woman in yellow flew back, falling into her camera mans arms. Dewey finally jumped from his spot next to the car, running and grabbing Sidney. "Where'd you learn to punch like that?"

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