The Last Warrior

By davis8318

3.3K 38 17

A village in the southern atmosphere was under siege. It got its best warriors to defend it. Koga was one of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

364 5 0
By davis8318

Koga looked around found himself surrounded by 5 other imperial arms users. He looked at each one of them while having his hand on his katana handle. He wanted to be ready to fight if he had to.

???: It seems this guy took care of Zanku for us...

???: Well now what? We can't exactly let him go. He might be sided with the empire.

Koga: Then it seems we're at a stalemate

Through the metal strings of the barrier, Akame takes a few steps forward.

Akame: I take it you were the one who killed Zanku?

Koga: So what if I am?

Akame: That lightning... Was that you as well?

Koga: I'm not obligated to tell you anything.

Akame: Fine. Have it your way. But we are taking Zanku's imperial arms back with us.

Koga: That's fine with me. Go ahead and take it. I have no use for it.

Koga turns around and starts to walk back, but he only made more tension.

Akame: I wouldn't do that. Make one wrong move and our marksmen will fire. Regardless if you're not a target.

Koga: (Laughs) You say she'll shoot me? If she does fire a shot, I'll drop her and come back here before the bullet hits the floor.

He said as he turned to the girl with pink hair aiming her gun at him. He was smirking beneath his mask. He turned his attention back to Akame.

Koga: My business is not with you. We don't need conflict. 

Akame: How do I know if you won't attack us?

Koga: If I wanted to have fought you, I would've done it by now.

The two just give glares with each other. No one wanted to break their silence. Akame kept looking into Kogas' left eye as Koga looked into hers.

Akame: Let him go.

???: What? Just like that?

Akame: We have what we need. He's no threat to us. Remove the barrier and stand down.

???: Fine.

The metal string gets rounded back to the boy with metal gloves. Koga scuffs as he turns around and slowly starts to walk away. He stepped one foot out of the area until the blonde-haired woman spoke up.

???: Y'know, since you killed Zanku, I can only assume that you're fighting for the same thing we are. Why not join us?

Koga: Don't get the wrong idea. I only killed him because he was going on a murdering spree. I killed him out of reason. We have different goals.

Koga then walked off into the night and whistled back for his horse. His horse ran to his whistle and Koga mounted his horse before riding out of the capital and back into the countryside. The moon that shined red returned to its regular color.

The next day, Koga was our riding and looking for an opponent to fight. But he found no luck. He rested against a rock until he felt a presence coming up from behind him.

He stood up and readied his weapon and took a fighting stance.

Koga: That's close enough! Come on out!

Through the bushes, the same blonde-haired woman walked out with a smile on her face.

Koga: You? What are you doing out here?

???: You thought you could get away from us? I have the traits of an animal. I can smell you for miles.

Koga: What do you want from me?

???: I think we got off on the wrong foot the other night. I'm Leone. And you are?

Koga: Koga Hatake. What are you doing here?

Leone: I came here for a proposition.

Koga: What kind of proposition?

Leone: As you know, the empire's been getting worse these past years. There's been endless wars, purgings, and executions. That needs to stop. If you were skilled enough to take down Zanku, that means you have an imperial arm. I take it your sword is your imperial arms?

Koga: So what if it is? 

Leone: Join us and help rid the world of this empire and the minister who poisons it. Join the revolutionary army. Join Night Raid.

She extends her hand as she looks at Koga.

Koga: Get out of here. I don't plan on joining your team of assassins or an army anytime soon. I won't rat you out, but I won't join in on any of your schemes either.

Leone: Fine. But if you ever change your mind, you know where to meet me.

Leone walked off into the forest without saying another word. Koga was left with his thoughts. He looked up into the sky and stood there. He hopes that he's making the right choice.

Meanwhile, in the capital, things are not looking so good. Public executions happening all day and all night. Prime Minister Honest makes this pretty common among the people of this so-called "nation" 

This country doesn't even have a proper emperor. The emperor is a young child who doesn't even know what's going on in his country.

In the throne room, Honest, the emperor, senators, and a soldier were all standing before the emperor. Honest was standing beside the emperor while eating meat at the same time.

Soldier: Your majesty, I have news to report: Both General Nakakido and General Hemi have defected to the Revolutionary Army

Senator 1: General Nakakido is a brilliant strategist. The Revolutionary Army is gaining power at an alarming rate.

Senator 2: If we don't put a stop to this soon, the empire...

Emperor: Calm yourselves! They remain encamped in the south. We can deal with them at any time! Gathering together as they have simply made them easier to eliminate! Isn't that right, Prime minister?

Honest: (laughs) You are wise as always, Lord Makato. Once again, you are the voice of reason. But right now...

He lifts the slab of meat and pulls on it before swallowing a piece down.

Honest: We must concentrate on a more immediate threat. Night Raid. They killed Captain Ogre and my dear relative. They murdered Headhunter Zanku and took his Imperial arm. Damn Night Raid is making a mess of the capital. I'm calling back General Esdeath.

Senator 2: Forgive me for speaking out of term, but the Commander-in-Chief Budo is already here!

Honest: I'm sure the Great General has better things to do than hunt down a gang of bandits!

Budo: Fear not...

Through one of the doors, Great General Budo walks in. His armor is more polished and some new sets of scars are shown on his face.

Budo: If anyone tries to disrupt the peace of this great nation, I will dispose of them. Regardless of who they are. Give me orders and I will follow.

Honest: Admirable. But one can never be too careful. As a precaution, I'm recalling General Esdeath back. (I don't need her to capture them. I just need her to annihilate them as quickly as possible.)

Makato: Esdeath, huh? Her actions show that she's able to follow orders to the highest degree. We can trust her.

Honest: (She is a strategist rivaling that of Great General Budo. We are in safe hands. With her dominion over ice, she buried over 400,000 northerners alive. The Revolutionary Army won't stand a chance against us.)

In the north, it was cold. The land was covered with snow... And death. Buildings were smashed, burned down, and dead bodies of warriors from the North were skewered and hung up with pikes going through their bodies. Some were even buried alive from the snow as limbs poked out.

An army nearby was hanging around as they wanted to celebrate their victory. They were all imperials. Their siege was successful and they captured the leader of the army they fought against and had him stripped down to wearing nothing but a collar.

Lieutenant: You conquered the northern tries with incredible speed. Most impressive, General Esdeath.

A woman with long blue hair wearing a white General outfit had the leader kneeled and humiliated. She even made him lick her boots.

Esdeath: I can't believe that this was all that the "hero of the north" could have to offer. How very disappointing.

With a quick movement of her foot, she kicked the man's face and drew blood as he died from the impact. Her white heel was now red with blood.

Esdeath: Is there no one who can satisfy my appetite? (Chuckles) What news on the Yarikawa province?

Soldier: General, the Yarikawa is still rebellious. But we have an order to return to the capital at once. This order comes directly from the Emperor and Prime Minister Honest themselves.

Esdeath: Hmm, that's a pity, but orders are orders. Temuge, take a legion of my soldiers and lead a siege on Yarikawa. If they resist, kill them all. But leave the leader of the province alive.

Temuge: Yes, General!

Esdeaths' main force leave as Temuge and his legion of soldiers head for the Yarikawa province.

Near the north, Koga was riding on his horse and heading back to the northern part of the empire. He knew that the empire and the north had problems, so he decided to intervene.

Villages in the north were barely functioning by the oppression they're facing from the empire. When he got word that an Imperial force was heading to the Yarikawa province, Koga was slightly surprised.

Koga: (The Yarikawa province. The province that would rival my cousin's province of Ashina. I need to stop them.)

Koga rode for days and wouldn't stop until he reached the Yarikawa province. Not even a rough blizzard was enough to stop him.

When he arrived at the gates of Yarikawa, he was met with an arrow storm that circled him.

Guard: Identify yourself!

Koga: My name is Koga. I am from the Ashina province.

Guard: The Ashina province was destroyed by the empire 5 years ago. No one survived.

Koga: I did. My name is Koga Hatake. Cousin to Genichiro Ashina.

Guard: Koga Hatake... The one Genichiro took in. 

Koga: Yes. I'm the only survivor from his province from 5 years ago.

Guard: ...Lower your weapons and open the gates.

The archers lowered their bows before some of Yarikawa's soldiers opened the gates. Koga walked his horse in before dismounting and talking with one of the soldiers.

Soldier: If you truly are Koga Hatake... Where were you when the empire conquered territories one after another?

Koga: I was too busy training. Mastering an Imperial arm takes time. This one in particular.

Soldier: You have an imperial arm? Which one?

Koga: The lightning sword. Raimeki.

Soldier: Raimeki? So the legend really does exist. Very well, follow me. I will take you to Ujimasa. But watch your step. We're all armed here. Go and warn the Steward.

Trainee: Right away!

The soldiers sheath their swords as Koga is led through the province.

Koga: Ujimasa? If I remember correctly... That was the name of Lord Yarikawa's youngest son. I thought Genichiro disbanded the clan when he put down the rebellion many years ago when I was still a child.

Soldier: The family still runs things here. Unofficially. After the defeat of the rebellion, he created a generation of people who hate clan Ashina.

Their speech was cut off when they heard many footsteps outside the gate. The sound of clanking armor and weapons hitting each other was a good sign that an imperial force made its way to Yarikawa. Their leader was none other than General Temuge. Koga and some other soldiers climb up the watchtowers to see a small legion of imperial soldiers all armed and ready to fight.

Temuge: Amar mend. People of Yarikawa! I am Temuge. Leader of this Warband. I have learned your speech... So I may offer you a future. Open your gates before my camp flies the black flag, and you will know great mercy. Refuse, and you will know terrible misery. Choose your future... Yarikawa!

After that speech, the soldiers put away their weapons and marched away from the main province. Not before setting up in case they need to have a siege ready to take over the place. 

Soldier: You will speak with Ujimasa now. I wonder how he'll react to meeting the sole survivor from clan Ashina.

They slide down the ladders and make their way towards the only mansion in the area. Koga saw Ujimasa walking down the steps while being accompanied by a few guards.

Ujimasa: Lord Ashina. Or should I call you Lord Hatake?

Koga: Just Koga is fine, Lord Ujimasa.

He said as he gave a simple bow. Koga still had respect for this clan. Even if they are enemies to the Ashina.

Ujimasa: I never thought the day would come you would be the lone survivor from two destroyed clans. You must be really lucky.

Koga: There is no such thing as luck. We have bigger problems than what happened between our two clans in the past. I can help break the siege outside your walls. In return... You side with the revolutionary army.

Ujimasa: (Scoffs) The empire has already conquered the northern hemisphere. They will lose interest in us. And Yarikawa will survive... Like we always do.

He said nothing else before heading back up the stairs and back into his mansion. Koga was slightly enraged. As his left eye slightly glowed yellow.

Raimeki: (He's a stubborn one. Are you sure he'll aid you in this siege and side with the Revolutionary Army?)

Koga: (He'll do it. He knows his best chance of surviving this war is joining with a side. He's in a position where he can't stay neutral. Not forever.) 

Koga: (Sighs) This is going to be a long siege...

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