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Von HarmonyB2011

584K 20.7K 3.4K

The brightest witch of her age must face the most dangerous wizard in the world...completely alone. ... Mehr

Serpentine, ch. 1
Serpentine, ch. 2
Serpentine, ch. 3
Serpentine, ch. 4
Serpentine, ch. 5
Serpentine, ch. 6
Serpentine, ch. 7
Serpentine, ch. 8
Serpentine, ch. 9
Serpentine, ch. 10
Serpentine, ch. 11
Serpentine, ch. 12
Serpentine, ch. 13
Serpentine, ch. 14
Serpentine, ch. 15
Serpentine, ch. 16
Serpentine, ch. 17
Serpentine, ch. 18
Serpentine, ch. 19
Serpentine, ch. 20
Serpentine, ch. 21
Serpentine, ch. 22
Serpentine, ch. 23
Serpentine, ch. 24
Serpentine, ch. 25
Serpentine, ch. 26
Serpentine, ch. 27
Serpentine, ch. 28
Serpentine, ch. 29
Serpentine, ch. 30
Serpentine, ch. 31
Serpentine, ch. 32
Serpentine, ch. 33
Serpentine, ch. 34
Serpentine, ch. 35
Serpentine, ch. 36
Serpentine, ch. 37
Serpentine, ch. 38
Whispers from the Past, Book Two
Whispers from the Past, ch. 1
Whispers from the Past, ch. 2
Whispers from the Past, ch. 3
Whispers from the Past, ch. 4
Whispers from the Past, ch. 5
Whispers from the Past, ch. 6
Whispers from the Past, ch. 7
Whispers from the Past, ch. 8
Whispers from the Past, ch. 9
Whispers from the Past, ch. 10
Whispers from the Past, ch. 11
Whispers from the Past, ch. 12
Whispers from the Past, ch. 13
Whispers from the Past, ch. 14
Whispers from the Past, ch. 15
Whispers from the Past, ch. 16
Whispers from the Past, ch. 17
Whispers from the Past, ch. 18
Whispers from the Past, ch. 19
Whispers from the Past, ch. 20
Whispers from the Past, ch. 21
Whispers from the Past, ch. 22
Whispers from the Past, ch. 23
Whispers from the Past, ch. 24
Whispers from the Past, ch. 25
Whispers from the Past, ch. 26
Whispers from the Past, ch. 27
Whispers from the Past, ch. 28
Whispers from the Past, ch. 29
Whispers from the Past, ch. 30
Whispers from the Past, ch. 31
Whispers from the Past, ch. 32
Whispers from the Past, ch. 33
Whispers from the Past, ch. 34
Whispers from the Past, ch. 35
Whispers from the Past, ch. 36
Whispers from the Past, ch. 37
Whispers from the Past, ch. 38
Whispers from the Past, ch. 39
Whispers from the Past, ch. 40
Whispers from the Past, ch. 41
Whispers from the Past, ch. 42
Whispers from the Past, ch. 43
Whispers from the Past, ch. 44
Whispers from the Past, ch. 45
Whispers from the Past, ch. 46
Whispers from the Past, ch. 47
Whispers from the Past, ch. 48
Whispers from the Past, ch. 49
The Dark Lord's Heir, Book Three
The Dark Lord's Heir, ch. 1
The Dark Lord's Heir, ch. 2
The Dark Lord's Heir, ch. 3
The Dark Lord's Heir, ch. 4

The Dark Lord's Heir, ch. 5

4.6K 165 94
Von HarmonyB2011

Harmony let Ginny guide her away from Scrimgeour's room. She took her to the other suite saved for the teenagers. Mercifully, no one was inside and Ginny sat Harmony down on the quilted bed. Scrimgeour's Cruciatus curse had left her feeling sore with knees shaking. Harmony clutched the edge of the bed, taking deep, measured breathes to calm the adrenaline coursing through her body.

"Did he hurt you?" Ginny asked, standing before her with arms crossed.

"My pride more than anything." Harmony looked up at her gratefully. "If you hadn't shown up, I don't want to know what would have happened. One of us would have ended up dead, certainly."

"You shouldn't have been left alone with him." Ginny's voice was edged with anger. "It was stupid of them. Of me. I saw how he took you away. I should have done something. I just figured, it's Scrimgeour. Our Minister. He protected us. How horrible could he be?"

"Ginny, it's fine." Harmony held up a hand to calm her. "At least you did something."

Ginny sighed and began pacing up and down the rows of beds.

"So...," Harmony said slowly, her eyes following the young witch, "...Harry finally came to his senses, did he? You're all going to trade me to Voldemort for Molly?"

Ginny stopped and slowly faced her. "About that..."


"I lied."

Harmony's eyebrows rose in question. "You what?"

"Yeah," Ginny sat down beside her on the bed. "I only said that to Scrimgeour so he'd release his Cruciatus curse."

Harmony stared at her in wonderment. "I don't understand. You wanted to free me?"

"Well, yes."

Harmony let loose a small laugh. "Why? I thought you and the boys-"

"I don't care what the boys think anymore," Ginny replied angrily. Her eyes went off into a far-away look as she thought. Then she blinked and refocused on Harmony, who was watching her closely. "They're not going to let you go."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that if I hadn't come along, you would have never been freed. They would have let Scrimgeour control you, do what he wanted with you. Use you to their advantage, and then...you don't want to know what."

Harmony's hands gripped the bed tighter. "So I was right."

She jumped up from the bed and strode to the door. Ginny rushed to follow.

"I've got to get out of here."

"I know, Hermione. I didn't before. But I do now."

The two young witches left the room, eyeing both ends of the hallway before surging on. It was quiet up there by the rooms but loud laughter and clinking glasses echoed up to them from downstairs. There, they spotted Ron and George at one end of the bar, kicking back pints. Neville was quick to give the brothers refills. All other patronages were gone, including those Death Eaters from earlier. Hannah was flying about the place with her hands full, face sweaty, blonde hair a mess. Her eyes popped when she noticed the girls and came over to them. She dumped a pile of white fabric into Harmony's arms and gave Ginny a handful of candle holders.

"Make yourselves useful, yeah?" said Hannah. "I've got to close things up and Neville's off showing his lads a good time."

"Er..." Ginny began and the girls exchanged glances. Harmony was ready to dump the white fabric on the table and head straight for the door when a barrage of footsteps thundered down the staircase.

"Alright there, Ginny?" Harry's voice called out to them. They turned to see him, along with

the other adults, walking over. All their eyes were cast on Harmony. "Keeping an eye on our friend here?"

The girl's eyes met briefly before Ginny straightened and nodded to him. "She's fine, Harry. I'm watching her."

"That's good. Because for a second there it looked like the two of you were headed out the door."

The girls didn't dare look at each other then. Ginny shrugged one shoulder innocently.

"We're just helping Hannah and Neville set up for the wedding."

"That so?" He looked to Harmony. "Where's Scrimgeour?"

"Napping off a bottle of wine." Harmony answered in a biting tone, so he knew she didn't appreciate the interrogation.

"Oi, mate!" Ron shouted from the bar, cheeks flushed and eyes shining. He raised his pint a little too quick, spilling some on the floor. "Oh, sorry. Hey! Come and have a drink, Harry. You've got some catching up to do!"

"Actually, I'm going to help set up for the wedding," he replied without taking his emerald eyes off Harmony. "You don't mind, do you?"

Why, yes I do mind, you conniving, scheming, lecherous--

"No, of course not," she said with a tight smile.

He stepped in close to her, too close for comfort, until she could see her reflection in his full-moon spectacles. He took the white fabric out of her arms and, for the briefest of moments, their hands touched. There was a green flash and a woman's faint scream echoed in Harmony's mind. Harry gasped and stepped away. He was looking at Harmony differently now. All smugness gone, his eyes were wide, brows up in worry. No, more than that. He was afraid of her.

"Harry, you alright?" Ginny asked.

He blinked and his fear faded away. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He gave Harmony a reproachful look before taking a wide step around her and heading to a corner of the pub.

That scream had been Harry's mother the night she died, Harmony knew. And the flash of green had been Voldemort's curse that killed her. Because a piece of his soul rested within her, she had felt it like an old memory when she and Harry touched.

Harmony shivered. Her skin didn't feel quite right, like something slithered, lurking beneath the surface.

The adults found a table to congregate at and Hannah rushed in to grab food and drink orders. Although they talked amongst themselves in hushed tones, Harmony caught their occasional distrustful glances in her direction. She and Ginny went about placing white candles on each table. Harry used his wand to lift the long, white fabric and drape it among the rafters.

"Sorry, Hermione. We'll just have to bide our time for now," Ginny muttered while they were sitting down, folding napkins.

Harmony glared at Moody, Lupin, and Mr. Weasley while they dug into their dinner. She could blast her way out of there easy, just set the whole building ablaze and make her escape. But she didn't want to risk anyone innocent getting caught in the crossfire. Ginny, Neville, Hannah.... They didn't deserve to suffer her wrath. She had to do this smart and silent.

"I'll go tonight, when everyone's asleep," she said.

"They'll keep an eye out, to be sure. One suspicious move and they would be all over you." Ginny dropped the napkin she had been folding with a sigh.

"What is it?"

"Why don't you stay for the wedding?"

Harmony frowned at her.

"Really. You might actually enjoy yourself."

"Ginny," Harmony snapped, dropping her own napkin. "Why in the world would I do that? Everyone at that wedding will despise me. I doubt Neville and Hannah would be keen on having Voldemort's heir and lover crashing their special day."

"They've tolerated you for this long. What's a little longer going to hurt?"

"No. I'm gone the second their backs are turned. You can count on that."

Ginny huffed, but she nodded and went back to folding.

As the day went on, Harmony found it easier to relax despite the distrustful looks shooting her way. Just knowing that soon, with Ginny's help, she was going to be back in Voldemort's arms again gave her the strength to hold in there for a little bit longer.

Harmony thought how strange it was that she used to love these people holding her prisoner. A familial love that had seemed unbreakable. They had all been there for each other through thick and thin. And then she had to go off and meet the love of her life. She had betrayed them. They should despise her. And yet...judging by how she had been treated thus far-enduring the abuse from Scrimgeour, a man they looked up to-these people she used to love were just as ruthless as Voldemort was. Who were the heroes and villains in this world? Were there such things as heroes and villains?

Harmony maintained a cool and confident exterior while she worked. However, her mask began to slip as Neville and Hannah's guests arrived. Dean and Seamus, along with many Hufflepuffs, trickled in one after the other. Walking in with somber expressions, their faces lit up at the sight of their school friends, as though life was back to normal and the Dark Lord really hadn't taken control.

However, her schoolmates blanched when they spotted her. Seamus even drew his wand, pointing it at her chest while she casually set the polished silverware down at place settings. Ginny stood in front of her protectively while he spat hateful words her way. He even went so far as to threaten torture on her for all that she had done to them. Thankfully, the other boys jumped in to assure the hot-headed young man that he needn't worry about her, she was under their control.

Not for much longer, Harmony thought as the boys dragged Seamus and Dean off to the bar. He put away his wand but kept a cruel glare cast in her direction. Harmony couldn't remember the last time she saw Seamus and Dean. They must have been at the Battle of Hogwarts and witnessed her first betrayal. And her second betrayal-saving "Voldemort" from execution-had been undoubtedly all over the newspapers. She wondered if her schoolmates knew of her third betrayal: helping Voldemort take over the Ministry. If they didn't, they would know soon enough.

By the end of the night, the Leaky Cauldron had been transformed into a beautiful space draped in crisp white cloth, glowing softly in the candlelight. The boys stayed at the bar to drink, growing more rowdy by the hour, while Hannah and her Hufflepuff friends helped her prepare tomorrow's feast in the kitchen. When Harmony and Ginny excused themselves for bed, Harry nodded at his Guard and Moody followed them up the stairs. He stood outside the bathroom door while she relieved herself and prepared for the night. Then while she and Ginny climbed into one of the beds, he dragged a chair in front of the bedroom door and sat himself down with a groan. Snuggled up beside Ginny, Harmony peered over the quilt to see both his normal and magical eye trained hard on her, unblinking.

Harmony desperately fought the desire to succumb to the heaviness of sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, her body sunk deeper into the bed, each tense muscle relaxing one by one. She needed to stay awake. She had to be ready to take the first available opportunity to make her escape.

But it was a losing battle. After all she had been through in the past twenty-four hours, her body was demanding rest. She was only human after all. And if her escape did lead to a fight, she wouldn't be much of an opponent if she was utterly exhausted.

Eyelids drifting closed, Harmony let her mind grow dark and hazy. She was on the brink of sleep when the bedroom door burst open. A cacophony of shouting and laughter invaded the room. Harmony instinctually grabbed her wand from her sleeve. But when she and Ginny peered over the blanket, all they saw was the group of boys stumbling over themselves to the open beds.

"Oh! Sorry, sir. Didn't see you there!" George said to Moody after he tripped on the man's chair. Moody growled at them to watch it.

Seeing the girls in bed, Ron shushed everyone, perhaps loudest of all. But all that did was draw attention to Harmony.

"Hello, ladies," Seamus slurred as he walked by their bed, half his shirt untucked. He waved a goblet at them. "Have a nightcap with us?"

The girls settled back beneath the covers without a word.

"I'll take that as a 'No.'" He walked on by but Harmony could still feel his eyes on her.

The boys gathered on two beds and uncorked a bottle of liquor. Harmony could smell the firewhiskey from where she was laying.

"Come on, Harry," said George. "Have at least one with us."

There was a pause before "Alright, just one."

The boys cheered at that.

"Would you keep it down!" Moody shouted at the other end by the door. "Otherwise, you'll wake the others!"

"Sorry, sir," said Ron, followed by a bout of snickering.

Moody grumbled irritability to himself. "The Dark Lord takes over and they get piss drunk."

The boys kept their voices low but just loud enough that Harmony could still hear every word. They reminisced about old school days, which led to tales of old school friends, which led inevitably to the topic of dead school friends. They all raised their glasses and made a toast to Fred and all the others they had lost in battle.

Harmony couldn't help but squirm uncomfortably under the covers as their topic of conversation moved on to darker matters. They spoke of war, of battles they had encountered against Death Eaters and, if given the chance, they would kill every last one without hesitation. Harmony wondered about all the children at Voldemort's camp; she wondered if they would hesitate to turn their wands on them, or if all they would see is future Death Eaters that needed to be eliminated. She feared she already knew the answer.

"And what about her, eh?" said Seamus. "I'm surprised you haven't done her in yet, Harry, after all she's put us through. Put the whole Wizarding world through."

"She's not going anywhere," Harry replied after taking a sip of his drink. "As long as we have her, we have Voldemort under our thumb."

"Why the hell is she so important to that monster, anyway?" asked Dean.

"She's pregnant with his child," Ron whispered, as if the lower he said it the less true it was.

"No. Fucking. Way," Seamus exclaimed, earning him a shush from Moody. "Sorry, sir. But really? I had no idea she was such a slag."

"Oi," Ron protested.

"Calm down, mate. I'm only half joking-"

"Would you boys shut it!" Harmony exclaimed, leaping from the bed. All five boys cowered in surprise. "There's a wedding tomorrow. I haven't slept in days. And I'm not deaf, thanks very much! I mean, really. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, Seamus Finnegan!"

They all stared at her in shock, drinks forgotten. Moody had drawn his wand at her sudden movement but otherwise stayed seated. Seamus was the first to react. He jumped up, too, matching her in height.

"You've no right to be angry," he growled. "This whole bloody mess is your fault."

"You have no idea what I've been through!"

"Really? Seems pretty clear to me! Come on! Let's have a go! I'll end you and that foul little beast growing inside you!"

"I would honestly love to see you try!"

Moody and Ginny suddenly appeared, putting distance between the two adversaries. Moody shoved the hot-headed boy away while Ginny persuaded Harmony to return to bed.

"He's drunk, Hermione. Just ignore him," Ginny said, holding her by the shoulders.

"I'm not a slag," Harmony muttered behind gritted teeth.

"You're right, you're not. They're all animals. Come on."

They settled back into bed, and with some convincing on Moody's end, the boys all did the same. An uneasy silence followed for what felt like hours. With adrenaline coursing through her veins, all the sleepiness was gone from her body. So she laid there, listening. One by one, each boy succumbed to sleep, filling the room with their soft snores. She had no idea how much time had passed, but eventually the bedroom door opened and Lupin entered to take Moody's place. Dark circles hung from his eyes but his gaze stayed hard and resolute on Harmony the rest of the night.

By late morning, the boys dragged themselves from their beds and lazily pulled on their clothes, most likely regretting that nightcap. When they left the room, Ginny and Harmony followed suit. Although he didn't leave, Lupin looked away as the girls dressed for the day. Ginny draped herself in a lovely cotton yellow dress borrowed from Hannah, while Harmony stuck with her usual green gown.

The Leaky Cauldron was closed for the day to anyone not there for the wedding. Downstairs, a small crowd had gathered wearing their best. Although they kept their voices low, the overall tone of the din was expectant and cheerful. Harmony kept to the edge, her fingertips grazing the white linen-draped walls. Ginny kept close, but Harmony noticed her gazing wistfully at the group of Hogwarts students who were eagerly chatting away.

"Go on, then, go mingle," Harmony said to her with a small smile.

Ginny looked at her and then back at the others. She gave her an apologetic shrug. "I haven't seen them in forever. I'll be right back, I promise."

She strode away and joined the group, who cheered with excitement at the sight of her, complimenting her yellow dress and beautiful long, red hair.

Lupin leaned back against the wall beside her, watching her closely.

"Do I detect a bit of yearning in your eyes?" he asked in his gentle voice. She crossed her arms and turned away from him. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you miss your school friends."

"What does it matter?"

"It matters a great deal. Friends are important. I'm curious...do you have friends on the other side? When you're with him?"

Harmony hadn't planned on answering, but the question made her think. Did she have friends? Voldemort was her friend, of course, but were there others? Claudia was a friend of sorts but in the same way an overprotective aunt was. Barty, the cad, certainly wasn't her friend, although he was one of the few people who treated her like an equal, unafraid of her elevated position amongst the followers. The only other person she could think of...was Draco. They weren't friendly but they had shared a few intimate moments one might share with a friend. There had been that time they'd danced together at the Slytherin Celebration, and when he had confided in her his fears of joining the Death Eaters. He was entitled and infuriating, but...perhaps there could be something more there. Then again, last time she saw him she was relieving her stomach in his lap.

"No," she whispered. "No, I don't."

Lupin grunted. "With no one but the Dark Lord for company, I can only imagine how lonely that must be for you."

"I get by." She kept her tone cold and emotionless.

"I wish there was some way you could be helped, Hermione."

She blinked and then turned to face him, leaning against the wall with arms crossed.

"You want to help me?"

"I do." He straightened, hope and surprise lighting up his tired eyes.

Harmony jerked her head at the door to the Leaky Cauldron, unkempt hair bouncing into her eyes. "Let me go. Before this gets worse for all of you."

The light left his eyes a bit, but a corner of his lips turned up. "Except that."

She shrugged and turned away again. "Your funeral."

A pair of unsteady footsteps came down the stairs and everyone looked over to see Rufus Scrimgeour appear. Clothes wrinkled, hair a mess, face a bit on the green side...he looked worse than when she had first seen him, right after his bout with Voldemort. Seeing all eyes on him, he managed to straighten himself, shoulders back, his fingerless hand running over his clothes to wipe out the wrinkles. People wandered up to him to shake his hand and whisper words of encouragement. For many, this man was still their Minister, and-besides Harry-was their last hope in the fight against Voldemort. It was almost pathetic, Harmony thought. Scrimgeour and his people used to have so much control, and Voldemort had gone from being a dark rumor to a force to be reckoned with, thanks to her. She imagined nothing could change that now.

Scrimgeour smiled sadly to each person, returning their kind words.

"The fight is far from over," he murmured behind a bitter tone. "The Dark Lord is as good as dead."

His yellow eyes snapped up suddenly to meet Harmony's and she felt a jolt in the pit of her stomach. He excused himself from the wedding guests and walked over to her and Lupin.

"I trust our little turncoat has been behaving herself," he said, looking down his nose at her. She glared up at him with fury boiling in her eyes.

"Yes, Minister," said Lupin with a small smile. "In fact, I believe she'd rather join in on the wedding festivities."

"You're too soft," Scrimgeour replied and Lupin flinched. "Without a moment's hesitation, this young witch would murder every single person in this room. Whatever it takes to return to her Master. Am I right, Miss Granger?"

She said nothing, only stood there imagining that she was peeling his flesh with her razor-sharp gaze.

"You're excused from guard duty, Lupin. I'll look after her from now on."

Harmony's gaze lost a bit of its edge at that. She turned to Lupin, giving him a pleading look but he failed to notice.

"Oh. Of course, Minister."

"Wonderful. Enjoy the wedding." Scrimgeour grinned at Lupin as he walked off to join the rest of Harry's Guard. Once they were alone, he stood beside Harmony with his back to the wall, too close for comfort. She inched away from him, nails digging into her arms as she held herself. He smelled of stale wine and unwanted memories of last night in his bedroom assaulted her mind.

"I am right, aren't I?" he said.

Harmony gave him her silence in answer.

A middle-aged witch in yellow robes called for the crowd's attention, and everyone gathered around the Leaky Cauldron's large fireplace. A garland of red roses and sunflowers was draped across the mantle, and before the blazing fire stood Neville wearing sleek black robes, fancier than anything Harmony had ever seen him wear before. Income from the Leaky Cauldron must have been booming for him and Hannah. Beside him stood all of his boys: Dean, Seamus, Ron, Harry, and George. Although they weren't dressed as well as Neville, they had their shirts tucked in and hair combed as best as could be. At the forefront of the crowd stood a tall, boney witch wearing a hat with a stuffed vulture on it: Neville's grandmother. Though she upheld a dignified expression exuding strength and resilience, blissful tears glistened in her eyes as she gazed upon her grandson.

In the corner of the pub, an older wizard began playing a soft melody on his violin, and that was when Hannah walked in, dressed in a stunning white gown that was tight in the bodice and draped off her shoulders. Her long blonde hair fell in soft waves down her back. In her hands, she carried a bouquet of flowers matching the ones laid across the mantle. A chorus of gentle gasps rippled throughout the room as she joined Neville and the middle-aged witch at the fireplace. Ginny and a group of Hufflepuff girls stood beside her.

The wedding officiant raised her hands and the music tapered off until all they heard was the crackling of the fire.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls...."

As she watched the ceremony from the sidelines, Harmony couldn't help but be moved by what she was witnessing. Two people, unconditionally in love, binding themselves in front of everyone they cared about. The biggest promise two people could make: to love one another until death.

She caressed the ring on her finger, stroking the cold, smooth surface of its obsidian black stone. Maybe someday....

When it came time for the vows to be spoken, Hannah and Neville clasped hands and gazed at each other with teary eyes filled with adoration. They spoke together as one, their voices echoing to every corner of the room.

"My Love, I choose you. We shall walk side-by-side, though sunshine and storms, health and sickness, good times and bad. We will meet whatever comes, together. Under the starry night sky and over the rainbow. I promise to love you forever and a day. My Love, I choose you, to be my partner in life and always."

As they spoke, the officiant tapped their hands with her wand, binding the two with a shimmery golden strand of light that slowly faded as they finished their vows. Next, they exchanged rings and sealed the ceremony with a kiss. Applause broke out among the guests. Grandma Longbottom was no longer holding back tears as she blotted her face with a handkerchief. Harmony couldn't help but smile, half of her wanting to join in on the clapping. The violinist ripped into a quick and cheery song as the mood shifted into a celebratory one. Guests found their seats among the tables Harmony and Ginny had spent a few hours decorating the day before.

Pressing a hand to the small of her back, Scrimgeour guided her to a table away from the others. She immediately stepped out of his touch but followed him regardless. Ginny appeared soon after, taking a seat beside Harmony. Scrimgeour took her other side, his arm draped possessively over the back of her chair.

"Wasn't that absolutely lovely?" Ginny sighed, gazing at Neville and Hannah, who had barely taken their eyes off each other since the kiss.

"He's the first of us to get married," Harmony commented. "Makes me wonder who's next. Perhaps you and Harry?"

Ginny's eyes flitted to the group of boys seated beside the head bridal table. There was something in her gaze Harmony couldn't read but it wasn't quite the look of adoration Neville and Hannah had for each other at that moment.

"Maybe it'll be you," Ginny replied with a secretive smile.

Warmth spread in her tummy at the thought.


Buffet tables were filled with delicious food, from roast beef and mashed potatoes to honey-drizzled ham sprinkled in brown sugar. Guests took turns getting their food, and Harmony waited until she was last. Standing behind Ginny in line, she was trying to decide between the roast duck or the shepherd's pie when she overheard the boys speaking at their table.

"It has to be some kind of Anti-Voldemort graffiti, right?" said George. "I mean, we can't be the only ones who hate his guts."

Harmony glanced over curiously and noticed a large piece of parchment spread out on their table, held down by goblets of wine. Setting down her plate, she went and stood beside Ron and George's chair to get a closer look. It was one of the propaganda posters she had seen on her arrival to Diagon Alley, only this one had a crude marking of a wand covered in thorns, a rose blooming from its tip.

Ginny appeared at her side. "We found that yesterday while we were out shopping."

The boys glanced up at the two young women.

"Does this mean anything to you?" Harry asked Harmony.

She shook her head. "I've never seen that symbol before."

"What about these numbers here?" Ron asked. "One-two-three-five. Some kind of code?"

"Or a password," Dean suggested.

"It couldn't be the name of the person or group that made the symbol, right?" said George.

"It's a radio station," Harmony replied, which was followed by a moment of curious silence.

"How do you know that?" Seamus asked suspiciously.

"Does Neville have a radio?" she asked.

George stood up from his seat and shouted at Neville over the heads of the wedding guests, startling everyone sitting nearby. "Oi, mate? Got a radio?"

Neville frowned at him but pointed to the kitchen door.

Harmony, Ginny, and all the boys raced into the kitchen behind the bar. They found the radio by the stove, already playing some upbeat rock music. Harry turned the dial as all seven of them crowded around.

"Turn it up!" Seamus shouted from the back.

A woman's voice Harmony instantly recognized filled the kitchen.

"...We need to be prepared for the dark times that are ahead of us. The Dark Lord isn't just going to destroy the wizarding communities of Great Britain. You know he won't stop there. He's going to destroy the entire wizarding world as we know it. But only if we do nothing...."

"That's Lyra," Harmony explained in awe.

"Who?" a few people asked.

"She's a woman I met back at Voldemort's camp. She hated him. I mean, absolutely loathed Voldemort."

"Sounds like my kind of woman," George said with a cheeky smile.

"She infuriated him at one point and suffered the consequences for it," Harmony went on. "But he let her lead my own personal guard. She formed a group of people who were loyal to me, and only me. I lost track of her during the battle at the Ministry. She must have left when Voldemort took control."

"An enemy of Voldemort's is a friend of ours," said Harry, and others nodded. "Can we trust her?"

"She may hate Voldemort, but I don't know how she feels about you, Harry. By the way she ended up in Voldemort's camp in the first place, I'd wager that her alliances lie elsewhere."

"How could they be only loyal to you?" Ron asked. "I thought you and Voldemort were two sides of the same coin."

"I always showed a bit more...compassion to our followers," she explained. "I brought balance to Voldemort's mercilessness. While he taught them to fear him, I was teaching them to love. So you see...balance."

"...We can no longer trust in the old ways, or the new. Our only hope now resides in the Lady of Light and those who are loyal to her, the Life Bringers. Join us. Oppose the Dark Lord...."

"I wonder what Voldemort would think of this," Harry said, motioning to the radio.

Harmony scratched her wrist, looking off to the side. "Nothing good, I'd wager."

Outside the kitchen came a loud bang, accompanied by the sound of splitting wood. The violinist suddenly ceased his music and there were gasps of surprise from the guests. A male voice began to shout, a voice Harmony knew very well. The group filed out of the kitchen to see about ten or so Death Eaters by the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron. The door, which had been locked to keep out unwanted guests, had been broken open. All of the Death Eaters had wands out with malicious smirks on their faces. But none of their smirks were as wide as their leader's, who was none other than Barty Crouch Jr.

Harmony had never been so happy to see him. His hair was still a mangy mess but his dirty leather jacket was gone, replaced now by a long black coat with the collar popped up. Even from that distance, she could tell it was expensive with black buttons that shone in the candlelight. It looked more like something the Malfoy's would have, but he wore it well.

She raised her hand to get his attention when Scrimgeour suddenly reappeared by her side. He muttered the damned Imperious curse under his breath and Harmony was once again forced under his control. In her mind, Harmony screamed out in rage. How could she have allowed herself to get distracted? Scrimgeour hadn't been around a moment ago. She should have taken her chance and made a break for it!

Oblivious to his Lady standing helpless in the back, Barty picked up a goblet of red wine and downed it in three gulps. The previous owner of the wine merely stared up at him, quivering in fear. Only Grandma Longbottom confronted the young man.

"How dare you barge in here like you own the place?" she said, her large hat going slightly askew. "That door was locked for a reason. This is a closed celebration."

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, Granny." Barty grabbed an empty chair and stood up onto it so everyone could see him. "'Ello!"

Everyone watched him in silence, fear and fury etched across their faces.

Barty sniffed and looked down at his empty goblet. "Right. Well, I heard there's a wedding going on. Is that right?"

"Who the hell wants to know?" asked a wizard, one of Hannah's relatives.

Barty stared daggers at him. "The Minister's Head of Law Enforcement. That's who."

The man barked a laugh. "The Dark Lord has Law Enforcement. What a load of rubbish."

Barty jumped down and strode over to the man so they were nearly nose to nose; the man had to clutch onto the table to keep himself steady.

"I don't quite appreciate your tone, mate. Do you have a problem with the law?" Barty paused to let the man answer but he only stared at Barty, who then pressed the tip of his wand up beneath the man's chin. "I should hope not, because that would mean you have a problem with me."

"We can take them," Ron whispered to the others. "Come on, with us and Harry's Guard, we're even numbered. We could annihilate these freaks."

"Ronald," Mr. Weasley hissed at his son. He placed a finger to his lips and then motioned for them to lay low.

Meanwhile, Harmony fought with every ounce of willpower she possessed to break Scrimgeour's control. She did it once, she could do it again.

"We heard from a little birdie that there's a wedding going on," Barty went on. "Where is the lovely bride and groom?"

No one spoke, but it wasn't difficult for him to spot the only young woman wearing white. He sauntered over to the head table, his beady-black eyes roving hungrily over Hannah. "You look lovely indeed, my dear."

"What do you want?" Neville barked, clutching Hannah's hand and Barty's eyes flitted to him. They narrowed in suspicion before suddenly widening in realization.

"You're the Longbottom's boy! Merlin's arse, you've gotten skinny! Hey...how's your mum and dad?"

"What. Do. You. Want?" Neville replied furiously.

Barty's smirk fell and his shoulders straightened with authority. "Usually, I'd congratulate you on the wedding, but unfortunately...this marriage is illegal."

Hannah scoffed. "What are you talking about?"

"In fact," Barty motioned to everyone standing around him, "this whole gathering is very illegal."

Voices of confusion and protest arose from the crowd. Barty snapped his fingers and a Death Eater handed him a large scroll. Barty unwound it and showed it to the crowd. From where Harmony stood at the back, it looked like another propaganda poster.

Barty announced in a clear voice: "As of three o'clock this morning, all marriages are considered null and void and any marriage following must be approved through the Ministry of Magic. Anyone abusing this law will be arrested and charged immediately without trial."

The voices of disapproval grew louder from the crowd. Couples turned to each other, eyes wide in panic. Their cries only made Barty's smirk reappear as he rewound the scroll.

"You can't just erase all existing marriages!" Grandma Longbottom objected.

"We're the law, sweetheart," said Barty, handing back the scroll to one of the Death Eaters. "We can and we already have."

"Then give us approval," said Hannah, her hand still clutched in Neville's.

Barty turned to her. "What's that, dear?"

"You're the Head of Law Enforcement, aren't you? If my husband and I need approval from the Ministry, then give it to us."

Barty pressed his lips together and looked down as though he was ashamed. "I'm afraid it's not that simple. All marriages can only be approved in conjunction with the Law of Hierarchy."

"The Law of Hierarchy?" Grandma Longbottom howled. "What is this rubbish? I've never heard of such a thing!"

"It's something new our Minister has been cooking up." Barty was practically bouncing on his toes. "It's all rather genius and very exciting! It's going to change everything."

When he saw that no one mirrored his excitement, he quickly calmed himself and folded his hands politely in front of him. "Unfortunately, that means this wedding is an illegal affair and, well..." he looked to Neville and Hannah, "...you're both under arrest."

Two Death Eaters came forward, each taking a hold on the couple. Hannah screamed and threatened the man who grabbed her. Neville's fists clenched as he fought the urge to punch them, but he remained calm and told Hannah to do the same.

"We'll figure this out, love. Don't worry. As long as we're together, everything will be fine."

Chaos erupted throughout the Leaky Cauldron. Wedding guests pulled out their wands, pointing them at the two men holding their bride and groom. The remaining Death Eaters surged forward with their own wands drawn, forcing the crowd back.

"Let's not lose our heads here!" Barty shouted over the commotion. "This is a new world we're living in. There's no need to start it with bloodshed!"

As her surroundings became rowdy and violent, Harmony took a deep breath and forced herself to focus. Her body may have been paralyzed but her mind was as strong and as flexible as bamboo being whipped around in a typhoon. She imagined she could see Scrimgeour's magic tainting her space. She just needed to reach deep into that well of magic within her to wash it all away. She knew she had the strength, the drive, the ambition. She was a one-woman army. No man could control her.

With that, Scrimgeour's magic over her cowered away and sweet, blessed feeling surged back into her limbs. He must have noticed the release by the way he turned to her with brows furrowed in confusion. But at that same moment, Harmony drew her wand and silently blasted him off his feet. He flew across the room, colliding into the wall by the Death Eaters, and collapsed into a heap on the floor. The action caught everyone off guard and silence fell as they tried to register what had just happened. Barty was the first to approach Scrimgeour, who was groaning in pain, holding his ribs.

"Oh, shit," Barty whispered once he realized who it was.

As quick as her dress would allow, Harmony scrambled up onto the bar so he could see her clearly. Taking a deep breath, she screamed with all her might.


He whipped around and his black eyes grew as round as acid pops at the sight of her.

"Oh, shit!"

Barty pointed at her and all of his Death Eaters looked. "She's here! Quick! Tell the Minister she's in Diagon Alley-!"

A red spell exploded against his chest and he fell to the floor, unconscious. Harmony noticed the spell had come from the table full of Harry's Guard. She hadn't seen who had cast it, but her money was on Moody.

A battle broke out within the Leaky Cauldron. The room became alive with flashes of color as spells were shot back and forth. While most Death Eaters stayed to fight, a few escaped out the front door.

"Stop them!" shouted Mr. Weasley, pointing to the escapees. "They'll inform the Dark Lord!"

The boys all ran after them, dodging this way and that to avoid getting hit. But they weren't gone long. Ron reappeared back inside with a look of terror on his face.

"They Apparated, Dad! They're gone!"

"Damn it!"

Every single wedding guest was engaged in the fight, outnumbering the Death Eaters. A couple spells were shot at Harmony from some rather angry looking guests, so she jumped off the bar and kneeled behind it for protection. She was no more welcome there than the Death Eaters.

"Where are you, you nasty little banshee!" Scrimgeour hollered in a voice so enraged it made Harmony's skin crawl. His hands slammed down on the bar above her head and she screamed in fright. "There you are!"

Harmony threw a hex at him over the edge of the bar and he cried out. A table scraped against the floor as he stumbled back. She jumped out of cover and burst into the kitchen without a backward glance. Lyra's voice still came from the radio, calling to Harmony as she ducked behind a counter.

"...Oppose the new ways. We're stronger than He knows, more numerous than He knows. Fight together, fight strong...."

Scrimgeour burst through the door. He stood there with eyes scanning the kitchen as the door slowly closed behind him, muffling the sounds of battle.

"I know you're in here," he said and took in a deep breath through his nose. "I can smell your fear."

"Creepy bastard," Harmony whispered. She told herself that she wasn't afraid, and yet her hands shook. It didn't help that her Serpentine charm was painfully constricting her around the ribs. She was in grave danger. Before, when he had her trapped in his bedroom, he had merely wanted to play with her, humiliate her. But now, the only thing on his mind was murder.

"It's unfortunate, really," he said as he stepped carefully around the kitchen, "you're quite an impressive creature. So much potential. It's a shame you're wasting it on a man like him."

Harmony scanned her surroundings for anything to help her. She spotted a door across the kitchen. It could lead to a way out. Or it could lead to a broom closet. Either way, she had to take the chance. Problem was that her path to the door diverged with Scrimgeour's. He would see her the second she moved.

"Imagine if you aligned yourself with a man like me," he went on, drawing closer to her hiding spot. "You and I together. Why, we could change the world."

"No, thanks," Harmony said. She sprinted out from behind the counter and raced over to the door. She instinctually ducked and a green spell burst against the door where her head had been. She turned the knob and threw it open.

Please don't be a broom closet, please don't be a broom closet, please....

A long stretch of hallway appeared before her and relief swept over her body as she sprinted through the door. She cast spells over her shoulder to slow down her pursuer, not daring to stop for even a second. At the end of the hallway was another door with a window beside it. The exit!

With a Bombarda, she burst open the door in an explosion of splinters. Outside, the sky had turned orange and red with what she thought was the setting sun. However, between the topsy-turvy rooftops of Diagon Alley's shops, she could see flames flickering up into the sky. Something in her mind told her to run toward them.

With her dress whipping about her ankles, Harmony ran. Scrimgeour's footfalls followed her. She blocked most of his spells and dodged others. The closer she came to the fires, the more chaotic her surroundings became. Screams of terror filled the air. Witches and wizards filled the street.

Then she saw the source of the fires: Death Eaters. They were exploding doors off the hinges and dragging owners out of their homes, harsh demands on their lips.

"Where is she!?" one shouted to an elderly wizard on his doorstep. "We know the Dark Lady is being hidden in Diagon Alley!"

"Please, sir," the man begged with his hands up. "I don't know."

The Death Eater grabbed him by the neck and threw him out. Other Death Eaters stormed the home to search for her. When they did not find her, they set it aflame. One less place to search.

Harmony opened her mouth to scream at them, to tell them to stop, when suddenly Scrimgeour was upon her. He took a fistful of her hair and pushed her away. She tripped into the middle of the street, and pain exploded in her forehead when it pounded against the cobblestones. Warm blood trickled down the side of her face.

"No more running," he gasped, out of breath. Sweat shone across his brow. "It is time for you to face the Reaper."

Harmony produced a Cascadia, flashing the shops around them in a bright blue glow. Scrimgeour was knocked off his feet, and she took the opportunity to get back up on hers. From where he lay, he shot at her and she blocked it. He slowly made it back to his feet as they dueled, throwing every spell, curse, and hex they knew at each other.

"Give up!" Harmony shouted. "Your time has come to an end. You're not the Minister anymore and you never will be again!"

"With you dead, the world might still have a chance to take Voldemort down!"

"With you dead, the world would be a better place, you slimy, conniving, pathetic coward!"

Scrimgeour roared and charged at her, tackling her to the ground. The wind was knocked clean out of her, but when she tried to refill her lungs, Scrimgeour's hands encircled her neck. Face twisted in rage, he squeezed harder, and her head grew hot and swollen. Mouth open, her lungs spasmed as she desperately tried sucking in the air to no avail. Above her, the flames flickered all around them, encircling Scrimgeour like a demonic halo, an angel of hell.

The edge of her vision grew dark. She was slowly slipping away, and there was nothing-no flashbacks, no fond memories from the past. All she saw was Scrimgeour as his snarl turned into a smile. He was watching the life leave her eyes, and he was enjoying it. Most of her body was going numb but she could still feel her wand in her hand, the reassuring firmness of the wood. Grasping it for dear life, she lifted her wand. With her whole arm shaking, she raised it up to Scrimgeour's head.

She didn't need to say the words. She simply thought them and they became real.

Avada Kedavra.

A green flash filled her vision, quick as lightning. The pressure on her neck instantly eased and smoky air filled her lungs. With his lifeless eyes still wide open, Scrimgeour collapsed on top of her, slathering her cheek in his sweat. Gasping and coughing, she pushed him off and wiped her face. Slowly, she sat up and her head spun. Although they were surrounded by people, no one seemed to notice or care in their hurry to avoid the Death Eaters.

As she slowly got to her feet, a few pairs of footsteps approached her.

"There you are," said an unfriendly voice.

She looked up and groaned when she saw Harry, Ron, and Ginny. All three of them appeared weary from battle with their clothes torn and hair a mess. Harry and Ron had their wands drawn, while Ginny tugged on Harry's sleeve.

"Just leave her," Ginny coaxed in Harry's ear.

All three pairs of eyes fell to the dead body at Harmony's feet. One by one, realization overcame their faces, quickly followed by horror. Harry's further changed to anguish.

"Hermione," Ginny gasped. "You...you killed him?"

"I had to, Ginny."

"Murderer," Harry growled. He turned his cold gaze up to Harmony, green eyes burning with pure hatred. "MURDERER!"

He raised his wand.

"No!" Ginny screamed. She grabbed his arm and pushed it. An emerald green flash shot from his wand and soared up into the sky, disappearing within the plumes of smoke.

"Let go, Ginny!" Harry roared as he tried tugging himself free.

"Run, Hermione!" Ginny shouted.

Harmony looked to Ron, who merely stood there staring at her. He was not enraged as Harry was, but there was no mercy there either. Whatever feelings he ever had for her were gone. Now, there was nothing.

She turned on her heel and ran into the thickening crowd of frightened witches and wizards. Both sides of the street were ablaze. Shops and restaurants Harmony recognized-Flourish and Blotts, Ollivanders, Rosa Lee's teashop-were all up in flames, the last of her friendships going with them. Her heart ached as she remembered all the happy moments she had spent there. Or perhaps it was just the Serpentine charm squeezing her chest due to Harry's desire to harm her.

No, not just harm her. Kill her.

Harmony's hands clutched into fists as she swelled with anger. There was no denying it any longer. Harry Potter was her enemy. Harry's Guard were her enemies. All of those who opposed her, who wished her harm....

Scrimgeour's death had awoken something within her, and instead of making her afraid, she felt empowered. Scrimgeour was a liar, a manipulator, a scumbag. Now he was nothing, thanks to her. And that was wonderful. It was righteous. Feeling like a brand-new woman, a phoenix amongst the flames, Harmony embraced the pain the Serpentine charm served her. If people wished her harm, then let them. If they wanted to make her the villain, fine. Nothing could stop her now.

Suddenly, the pain from her charm eased slightly, and that could only mean one thing: Voldemort was nearby. Like a bloodhound catching a scent, Harmony took off running. The closer he was, the more her pain eased away.

She heard him before she saw him. His amplified voice soared over the mayhem to her ears.

"I don't care if I have to burn down every building in London! I will find her!"

Harmony frantically looked around but only saw Death Eaters setting buildings ablaze. Then she cast her eyes upward. At the end of the street towered Gringotts, its stone pillars impervious to the flames. And at the very top balcony was where he stood. His long black cloak whipped away from his body in the wind like wings, casting an almost monstrous shadow against the curtained window behind him. It was an altogether frightening and thrilling sight to behold. He had his wand pointed at his neck, using Sonorus to ensure his every word was heard.

"Do not be afraid of your merciful Minister! Give her to me and this destruction will end!"

Twisting on the spot, Harmony Apparated up onto the balcony. She stood behind him, and he continued on, oblivious to her presence.

"The only thing you need to fear is her death! If all I find is her corpse, then I will raze this entire bloody planet to the ground-!"

Harmony cleared her throat.

Voldemort spun around, pointing his wand at her.

"It's alright, love," she said gently.

He stared at her as though she was a vision that would disappear if he so much as blinked. When she smiled, he released his breath and dropped his wand.

"Come here," she said, reaching for him.

Like a ship finally arriving at safe harbor, he entered her arms and they embraced. The familiar smell of him enveloped her. Musky and sweet, like sandalwood and amber. The tenseness in his shoulders from a long, sleepless night eased beneath her fingertips. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled, filling all of his senses with her.

It had been so unfair for them to be reunited in the Atrium of the Ministry, only to be ripped away from each other moments later. They had been surrounded by death then, and they were surrounded by destruction now. Bad things happened when they were apart. Destiny did not favor their separation, in any way.

High above the fires of Diagon Alley, spread out before them like a red and orange sea, Harmony pressed her lips to his ear and whispered.

"Nothing will take me away from you again."

"Promise me."

"I promise."


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