I'm All Yours, Klaus (Book 2)

By BeckySmolder

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Danielle Rodriguez has spent the last three weeks in Spain with her girlfriends, living wild and free like a... More

CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
CH. 10
CH. 11
CH. 12
CH. 13
CH. 14
CH. 15
CH. 16
CH. 17
CH. 18
CH. 19
CH. 20
CH. 21
CH. 23
CH. 24
CH. 25
Book No. 3 - OUT NOW ‼️💛🌈

CH. 22

386 21 19
By BeckySmolder


Wednesday, February 22nd
7:35 AM

"Nik is demented!" Was the first thing I heard as I was descending the stairs. "Are we really to dig up our mother, burn her to ash, swap said ash with Kol's, and then trick Davina into using up her last chance to bring someone back from the dead? Not to mention we lose the opportunity to save Kol... if Davina doesn't turn us inside out!" Rebekah ranted.

"Or we dig a deep hole and leave both our problems at the bottom of it," Elijah grunted.

"I say we choose a more permanent option. Find the white oak stake, kill Klaus, Dahlia dies with him," Freya growled.

"Well, yeah, and so do I, and every other vampire that Klaus has turned!" Marcel interjected.

"And the fact that I'd kill you," I chimed in. Everyone turned to me then. I had my bookbag over one shoulder and Hope on my opposite hip. "Besides, as mad as you all are at him, you would never dare to actually kill him. But if you try to bury his body Elijah, I'll shove that blade back into your chest."

"The dagger!" Rebekah gasped before any of them addressed me rudely, per usual. We all looked over at the dagger in Klaus' chest. My jaw dropped, it was... melting. Maybe we didn't have as much time as Klaus and I had hoped when we discussed this devious plan. "It's bloody melting!" The blonde, back in her original body, stated the obvious.

Elijah sighed then, "We have no choice but to finish the task that Niklaus has set."

"Yes. And I have to get to school. So if someone can watch Hope until two thirty pm," I said.

Elijah glared at me, "Hayley could but... she's been turned into a beast as part of yours and Niklaus' plan. Remember?"

I scowled, "I didn't want that for her. However, it was that or Dahlia killing her. Besides, you know how Klaus' temper is. What other means of revenge was there?"

"She has a point," Marcel mumbled.

"So will you watch your niece, or not?" I snapped at Elijah. "I'm going to be late."

"I'll watch her," Freya said.

I narrowed my eyes, "If even one hair on her head is missing, I'll break every damn bone in your body."

She simply nodded. I handed her over reluctantly. I had to get to school. I figured they'd be able to watch her. Otherwise I would skip and stay home with her. On my way out, I shared hostile looks with Elijah and Rebekah. Hopefully the two imbeciles would manage to dig up their mother and swap her ashes for Davina's spell.


Wednesday, February 22nd
2:51 PM

"Klaus!" I screamed on instinct. I was barely into the compound where my boyfriend and Dahlia's bodies rested in the middle of the floor still, but disconcerting to me was Freya hovering over him with the white oak stake.

I was running forward to try to stop her. My eyes burning holes into her forehead as she ignored my presence. Just as I was close enough to see a hand grasp hers, pushing the stake away, I was tackling her off him. She fell with a loud groan, me on top of her. "You psycho," I sneered, snatching her greasy blonde hair in my left hand and about throw a punch with my right.

But a hand stopped me, grabbing my arm before I could swing. "Love," the soft British voice beckoned. "Let her go."

Slowly my entire body relaxed. I removed my hand from her tangled mess, letting her head thump on the ground. I climbed off her whilst my arm was still held, tugging me in the person's direction. My boyfriend's direction.

"You're awake," I commented, turning around so we came face to face. "Hi, baby."

He smiled softly, opening his mouth to say something but another voice spoke first. "I'm almost impressed by the lengths you'd go to for your little girl. Though, not enough to let bygones be," Dahlia said.

All eyes turned to her. Klaus held me from behind, Marcel stood to my right, his presence just being known to me, and Freya was getting on her feet, just a couple steps ahead of Klaus and I. Dahlia a yard away held up her hand and suddenly the white oak stake Freya had dropped when I tackled her, landed in Dahlia's hand.

"We are still linked, dear aunt," Klaus reminded her. His hands on my hips, pulling me back and around his side. He moved to stand himself protectively in front of me, facing her head on. "You may not want to punish me with that particular weapon," he added. He was saying the right things but I knew he was fearful. That was the only weapon that could kill him and it was in his enemies hands. Hell, he felt unsafe with Elijah holding it.

Dahlia seemed to smirk, in amusement, "Hmph. I made sure that the link between us melted along with that dagger. Meaning, I'm quite free to kill you."

She held the stake out, pointing in our direction. Then quickly she held out her other hand, and made a pulling gesture, beckoning my boyfriend closer. With the use of magic it worked. Klaus, against his will, was sliding across the floor towards her.

Before his body made it to the stake, Marcel to the side, ran forward, knocking Klaus to the ground. I gasped, moving to help them both up as Dahlia then disappeared out of thin air taking the stake with her. "Baby," I sighed relieved, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly.

"They're both gone. She took Freya," Marcel stated.

"And the white oak," Klaus added, his hands grabbing hold of my hips to push me back. He held me at arms length, looking me over. "I'm alright, love."

"I know," I mumbled. "I just... constantly worry about you."

He smiled and was moving to kiss me when he halted abruptly. His hands dropped from my body and he vanished within a blink of an eye. I glanced at Marcel confused and he nodded to the stairs. He rushed towards them, me hot on heels, running to see what was wrong. But I could hear Hope's cries as I got closer. That explains why he ran.

When Marcel and I caught up, Klaus was in Hope's nursery, picking her up from her crib. I stared in horror at all the dark, bushy vines surrounding every surface in the room, including her crib. "Why didn't she take Hope?" Marcel questioned, coming forward.

"All she needed was a drop of her blood," Klaus answered him. "Unfortunately, I have no idea where the vile harpy has fled to."

Marcel looked between Klaus and I. "Go. Get Hope someplace safe. I'll track down your witch. And when this is over, you and I are gonna settle up," Marcel said.

"Provided we survive what's to come tonight, I look forward to it," Klaus replied.

Marcel then took off at vampire speed, leaving the three of us alone. I stepped closer finally, looking at the little prick made on the side of Hope's hand that she now had in her mouth. "What are we going to do?" I asked, rubbing the baby's back. She wasn't crying but she had an upset expression on her face.

"I want to send you both on a plane far, far away," he said, frowning down at the two of us. "But it's no use because after tonight, Dahlia will be dead and it'll be safe again."

"Safe?" I scoffed. "Until the next bump in the road?"

"Because I needed you to say that," he retorted sarcastically.


He shook his head, leaning around Hope to give me a soft kiss, "I love you."

"I love you," I smiled weakly. I was exhausted. I wanted this to be over. But when it was, we had to work on getting Hayley back, which currently seemed impossible. Our only option was Dahlia un-doing the spell. She would never do that. And if she dies tonight, we're screwed.

"You have a decision to make," Klaus sighed.

"What?" I asked, caressing his cheek in my hand and tugging his face towards me to kiss him again. Our lips had just brushed when he mumbled something. "Huh?"

"Do you want to hideout with Hope or come with me to face my family?"

I furrowed my brows, "What are you talking about? Hideout where? And where else could Hope go besides with us? Let's go face your mother."

Klaus stepped away from me, holding Hope against him. "I don't want any of my family near Hope right now. So if you want to come with me, you can but Hope cannot come with us. I can call Cami–"

"Do you ever stop thinking about her?" I cut him off, annoyed. "Seriously?"

"I just figured–"

"Whatever. If that's what you want. She can watch Hope and I'll go with you."

"That is what I want. I want you with me. Okay? I need you right now. I don't need another argument, Dani. Please."

I pursed my lips but nodded, "Yup. No arguing. Got it. Whatever you want."

"Thank you," he replied loudly before handing me his daughter. "Let's get out of here."

"Grab her diaper bag," I instructed, before leading the way out the nursery, down the stairs, and to the SUV. I got Hope buckled into her car seat. Klaus was in the driver seat, tapping away on his cellphone as he waited for me. I got into the passenger seat and Klaus reached over to grab my hand. "What?" I mumbled.

"Stop pouting," he said. "After tonight, you are getting anything and everything you want."

"Everything?" I cracked a smile. He squeezed my hand. "You're not worried?"

"Maybe a little bit. But I have my siblings and you by my side. And I'm fighting for my daughter. I can't lose. I won't lose to some wannabe wicked witch."

I chuckled then, "You know what I want to do when this is all over?"

"What?" He asked, smiling at me knowingly.

"Crawl into bed with you and Hope. One night of peace and mind. I want her to sleep between the two of us."

His brows raised, "That's not what I thought you were going to say."

"The light is green," I pointed out. He didn't drive forward. His eyes were locked on mine. "What did you think I was going to say?"

"Go on vacation."

I laughed then, "I have school. No. We can't."

"You know you annoy me sometimes."

"Ugh, thanks," I scoffed sarcastically. "You annoy me too."

"You didn't let me finish."

"What?" I asked, scowling. "If you say something mean still, I will hit you."

"You're perfect," he stated, "I want to love you for the rest of my life."

"Aw," I cooed, "Stop. You're going to make me cry." Klaus put the car in park, leaned over and kissed me deeply. "We have to go–"

"You come first. Your needs and mine. And I need to kiss you until your lips hurt. Because we don't have time or privacy for me to take you on the hood of this car."

A shiver went down my spine. Why did he have to put that idea in my head? Klaus' lips roughly pressed against mine and I leaned over in my seat to kiss him back. I don't know how long we kissed. It felt like hours. But eventually he moved his mouth to my neck and then sat in his seat while I was breathless. My lips didn't hurt but they did feel swollen. I relaxed in my chair while he finally continued the drive to the jazz bar.

When we got there, I got Hope's diaper bag while Klaus took out the whole car seat, we wanted to keep her in it so she had somewhere to sit or sleep and Cami didn't have to hold her the whole time. I followed Klaus inside the abandoned, no magic zone. He put Hope up on the bar and I plopped the diaper bag beside her car seat. "Think she needs to be changed," Klaus said, scrunching up his nose.

I smirked, pulling out a diaper and wipes. "There you go," I told him, shoving them into his chest.

"But... Baby girl," he pouted. "Can't you do it?"

"No. I always do it," I pointed out. "It's your turn."

"My phone's ringing," he said as the ringing sounded. I narrowed my eyes as he answered it quickly. "Marcel, perfect timing." He stepped away from me before I could snatch the phone from him so he could change the dirty diaper.

I groaned in annoyance before picking Hope out of her seat and taking her to the bathroom. I'm assuming there's a changing table there. Thankfully there was. However, Hope got fussy and started wiggling about. "Hope, please," I groaned, holding her by her ankles and wiping her bottom with my other hand. "Your daddy is getting the next ten turns."

I bounced the baby on my hip as we were leaving the bathroom. She was surely hungry. And probably ready for a nap. "Hello, Klaus. Hello, Camille. Thank you so much for convincing my furious siblings to join my Machiavellian plan! Yeah, that was good times. Oh, what did you say How is my neck? It's healed, thank you so much for asking," I heard Camille ranting a two sided conversation by herself. "Now, you were saying?"

"I had to make it seem as if I cared for nothing, for no one. But, you should know that when I hurt you..." Klaus trailed off. His eyes darted to see me walking over to the two by the bar. "Our battle is not yet won, and I need you to protect the most important thing in my life. I need you to do it here, where magic is void."

"Dani," Cami greeted, brows raised in surprise.

"Hey," I responded, putting Hope in the car seat and trifling through the diaper bag for formula and a bottle. "Baby, can you fill this with water?" I asked Klaus, holding the bottle out.

"Yes, ma'am," he said, taking it to do as I requested.

"She's getting so big," Cami said, standing in front of Hope and rocking her in her car seat.

"Six months," I replied casually. This was awkward. We all knew it. However, I was scooping measured powder, filling the bottle of water Klaus gave me. I shook it all up, and sighed, giving it to Hope. This was the best we could do for now. "Got it?" I cooed at the baby who grasped the bottle herself.

"Love, we need to go," Klaus said, stepping next to me and placing a hand on my lower back. He then leaned down to kiss Hope on her forehead. I did the same and then turned to Cami. "Love?"

"Everything she needs is in the bag," I told the woman, patting the diaper bag.

"Okay, sounds good," she smiled back at me. Klaus gave me a soft nudge and I headed for the exit, assuming he was right behind me.

"And, I'm sorry. I will find a way to make it up to you," I just barely heard Klaus say as I was walking out the door, holding it behind me for him. But he wasn't there. I waited patiently for him to catch up. His hand quickly found mine as we walked back to his SUV.  "Marcel found Dahlia. So let's get my mother and get this show on the road."

"Let's," I responded.


Wednesday, February 22nd
4:10 PM

Klaus pulled open the two wooden doors, leading into the private room where his family awaited us. "Ah, Mother. I've arrived just in time for another one of your deaths, and as much as I appreciate the front-row seat, I'm afraid I'm going to have to postpone the festivities," Klaus greeted her as he walked forward.

His mother sat at a round table, her chair and her body facing the door,  one leg crossed over the other and her back to Elijah who sat on the opposite side of the table. "You're in excellent spirits," Elijah spat, jumping to his feet and circling the table to face his younger brother.

Klaus smiled, "Lucky for you, as I'm the one needed to save the day."

"Is that what it's called?" Elijah asked, stalking closer so they were only a foot apart.

"Why not? My plan's worked perfectly."

At that Elijah took a giant step forward, threateningly. My boyfriend, swiftly stepped back before a fight broke out. "Easy, Elijah," Klaus said. "I can see your red door swinging wide open, but our job's not yet done."

"So, we kill her and be done with it."

"To be clear, I do want her blood, but I want it on this blade," Klaus stated, pulling said blade out of his back pocket. "Which I've had bound with the soil from Dahlia's homeland, not to mention Viking ash. Mother's demise will have to wait. You see, I need her to weaken Dahlia's defenses. Bit of psychological warfare," Klaus was speaking as he made his way around the room, the table, and then stood behind his mother, leaning down to whisper, "Before I slaughter the both of you."

"Ah, yes. You expect me to walk willingly to my death," Esther replied sarcastically, adjusting her hands over her laps, the magic bounding handcuffs jingling.

"Well, your willing participation would have been a bonus, but it's far from necessary. If needs be, I'll drag you there myself," Klaus grinned, winking at me across the room as I stayed silent by the door. This family was unpredictable and a fight seemed inevitable. I didn't want to be caught in the battlefield.

Suddenly another pair of doors burst open, Rebekah waltzing in her original body. Blonde and bitchy. Oh, how I didn't miss it. But it suited her attitude way better. This meant Klaus' plan indeed worked to a tee. "Yes, dear Mother, you do not have a choice. Then again, why should you be any different from the rest of us? We're all dancing puppets in Nik's end-of-days marionette show. He forces every move we make," Rebekah complained, walking over to stand in front of her mother.

"And how long are you gonna stand there and pretend you don't need me to?" Klaus quipped, talking with his hands. One holding a knife! It was crazy how clear it was watching him that he was dangerous, insane, and literally everything serial killer documentaries were about. I questioned my own sanity and psychopathic tendencies as all I could focus on is how damn good he looked. Like seriously. "The both of you have fought me at every turn, leaving me no choice but to act alone–"

"Uh-hum," I coughed loudly.

"Act with my lover, the only person I can trust," Klaus corrected before slamming the blade on the table. "We're no strangers to disagreements on the battlefield, but we also have a very long history of doing whatever it takes to win the war."

"And what of Gia?" Elijah quipped, livid.

Klaus' brows raised in shock. I don't think he knew how much she meant to him. I didn't know either. I didn't know much about their relationship. Just as soon as I found out something was going on, my boyfriend made her kill herself.

Elijah was making his way to Klaus, worrying me. I narrowed my eyes, heading into the room finally. Elijah forced a smile on his face as if everything was fine. But it wasn't. We all knew that things were in a bad place right now. "Hayley?" Elijah questioned.

Klaus' face faltered for a moment, the glee diminishing. However, he recovered, looking indifferent as I joined his side. "Collateral damage," Klaus answered him.

Elijah's jaw clenched and then he swung his fist, but I saw it coming and I yanked Klaus back roughly, catching him by surprise luckily. "Watch it," I growled as he missed and my boyfriend's face showed shock.

Rebekah scoffed while Elijah and I glared at each other. I kept a hand out, on Klaus' stomach as I moved to stand defensively in front of him. Elijah would never hit me. I was sure of that. And I was going to take that fact to my advantage. After all the shit he's put Klaus and I through, he was not about to blame everything on my man.

Elijah turned his rage back to Klaus behind me, "You claim your actions are part of some ruse! This was punishment," Elijah stated.

"Punishment? Whatever for? Perhaps the dagger you put in his heart?" I snapped, raising my voice angrily. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"You brought that upon yourself!" Klaus shouted over my head, his hands, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me to the side. Guess he didn't like the idea of me trying to fight his battles.

"No, we have fought together for centuries, and once again, to break your enemy, you broke your family," Elijah accused. I saw the hurt painting over his face. "Well, know this: whatever the outcome tonight, you will no longer see me by your side. You want to be alone? Well, congratulations. You have your wish. You better hope Danielle doesn't get sick of you next."

"Don't bring me into this," I spat. "You act so high and mighty on your fucking tall horse. That's a fucking ruse. You are so easily manipulated. You've turned your back on Klaus more times than I can count because someone whispered doubt into your ear. A thousand and some years on this Earth and you can't even think for yourself. The only thing I'm getting sick of is the rest of this bloody, pathetic family believing you're better than my man. You're not. And I think what makes you all the most mad is that heal is always right in the end."

"Cursing Hayley was what's right?" Elijah quipped, stepping forward to loom over me. Klaus went to interfere, but I pressed a hand to his side, pushing him away. I didn't need his protection. I was not intimidated by Elijah. If he dared to hurt me, Klaus would surely make him regret his entire existence.

"Cursing Hayley was our best option. The alternative was death. I told you this already. And I warned her. Days ago. If she tried to run with Hope, Klaus would make her pay. She knew it, anyone would know it. We all know what he does best is scheme, especially when he's getting revenge. But Hayley's battle is hers to fight. Not yours. Not mine. That's between her and Klaus."

Elijah scowled, walking away and roughly grabbing Esther by her shackles and pulling her out of her seat. "Come, Mother," he commanded. They left the room and Rebekah followed after them, leaving Klaus and I alone.

"You alright, love?" My boyfriend asked me.

"Yeah," I answered. His hands grabbed me by my hips, turning me to face him. "Baby, I'm fine. We need to go with them."

His hands moved up to grab hold of my face. "I don't deserve you."

"Damn right you don't," I laughed. "I know I give you a hard time sometimes but... I do think you're an amazing man. You've been a pretty good boyfriend, considering our very rough start. And I know it's a lot to ask for a normal life with you, someone far from normal."

"I want to make love to you right now," he groaned, leaning down and nipping my bottom lip with his teeth.

"You ruin every romantic moment we have!" I complained loudly, reaching a hand up to tug on his hair. "I can't stand you!" I yelped, giggling as Klaus lifted me up over his shoulder. "Put me down, baby! Klaus!" He smacked my ass and carried me out of the room. I squirmed, kicking and laughing as he carried me to the car. He put me down outside the passenger door.

"You can't come with me," he stated. "It's not safe. I can't have you in the room. Dahlia could... I don't want to imagine what she would do to you to hurt me."

"Okay," I whispered in understanding. "Hey, baby, I won't go. I'll be fine. Don't... Don't get distracted worrying about me or Hope or anything else. We'll be okay. You go in there with your fucked up family. And you all come back home, safe and sound. Difference be damned."

"Even Rebekah?" He smirked teasingly.

"Yes," I grumbled. "Only because I know badly it would hurt you all if she died."

"I love you. Go get Hope. And go home. I'll come back to you."

"Promise?" I asked, wrapping my hands around his neck.

"I'll always come back to you. Promise," he stated surely, arms wrapping around my waist, his hands, lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso as he brought our lips together. This was a monumental night. He and his estranged siblings were up against Dahlia, who we've been fearing for months. Tension was high for us all. Tonight it would end. Either their aunt would die, or the remaining Mikaelson's would. "Say you love me so I can go."

"I love you," I laughed. "Of course I love you."

"Mmm. There's something else I want to hear more."

"I'm yours," I grinned. "Bloody hell," I mocked him. "I'm all yours, Klaus."


Wednesday, February 22nd
8:25 PM

Hope and I were laying in Klaus and I's bed. She was drinking a bottle and cuddled to my chest, her eyelids dropping close periodically. Despite our calm environment, I was full of anxiety. Klaus has been gone for a few hours now and I grew more worried every second. My phone suddenly buzzed. I had checked it ever few minutes after the first hour Klaus and I parted ways. I had heard nothing from anyone. I just wanted my boyfriend home.

I slowly rolled away from Hope to grab my phone without disturbing her too much. It was a text from Marcel, "Any word?"

"No," I texted back. "I'm trying not to freak out."

"I'm headed to the compound. We can have a drink and wait for them. They're coming home."

"Text me when you're here. I'm putting Hope to sleep now."

"Okay," he responded.

I looked down at the baby in my arms, sighing. Klaus and I were going to have to be on full time baby duty. I don't think he realizes how alienated we were now. Rebekah and Elijah were done with him. Hayley and Jackson were gone. Freya, was hopefully alive. Maybe Klaus could bond with his sister. Though I know it'll take sometime. I still had my own reservations about her. But we may need the help. With me going to school, Klaus was going to have to watch Hope alone while I was gone. "I'm sure daddy will get the hang of it," I mused.

Klaus alone with Hope for a couple hours every once and while was all the practice he's gotten. Besides that the only time he was alone was when he checked on her in the nursery at night. But that was with the compound full of people who were there if he needed help or she needed coaxing. So Klaus having her during the day, every day by himself was going to be different. He was going to have to decipher her cries, change all the dirty diapers, and simply be with her. He couldn't go out and get into mischief with his daughter. Well, he definitely could.

I shook my head. He'll be fine. We'll be fine. "Goodnight, baby," I whispered to Hope. I slowly scooped her in my arms after moving the nearly empty bottle to the side. I lifted her into the bassinet next to the bed. Her nursery was covered in vines and dahlias so I didn't want her in there, in her crib all alone. "Shhh," I shushed as Hope croaked. "Sleep."

I froze, waiting to see if she would cry or not. Her lids fluttered open and then shut. Then nothing. Thank goodness. Relieved, I got up, heading out the room with the baby monitor in hand to go wait for Marcel who should be on the way.

He didn't have me waiting long. Marcel soon showed up, and we sat at a table to talk. He brought a bottle of whiskey so I fetched us glasses. We ended up playing quarters as we talked. "You know, people wonder why you're with Klaus. Or how Klaus got a young, nice girl. But I don't. I get it. I know there are other sides to him. I mean, hell, he practically saved my life. And as much as I try to hate him and the rest of the bunch. I can't. Not truly," he said.

"They're your family. Biologically or not," I replied, shrugging. "And just like anyone else, you can't choose them. You're stuck with them because of the bonds you built and the interwoven ties."

He nodded, "You know, I get what Klaus sees in you."

"What?" I questioned. "Because I haven't figured it out. I have no idea, why of all the girls he could have, he picked me and he's stayed with me. I mean, I get why he's with me now. We're in love and I'm loyal to him. I know that means the world to him."

"Well, you're beautiful and smart. But what stands out is despite how innocent you may appear, you have this fiery attitude. It just flares right up. And your fierce and strongly opinionated—"

"And spoiled," I laughed.

"Yeah but unlike the rest of us you're not stubborn. You see a bigger picture and despite what you want, you accept the way things have to go sometimes. I mean, this can't be any girl's ideal life. Not even one obsessed with vampires," he joked. "But you make the best of it. And you see the best in Klaus. Honestly, you and Hope may be the best of him."

I smiled, "he's really not that bad. Like me, he is spoiled though. But on a grandiose level. If he doesn't get his way, there's hell to pay. Childish really."

"I almost died tonight and you're sitting here bad mouthing me and playing drinking games with cheap liquor?" A new voice came.

I inhaled shakily, spinning in my chair and getting to my feet simultaneously. "Klaus?" I grinned, relieved. My legs took off running and as I crashed into his chest, he picked me up, hugging me. "You're home."

"Of course," he smiled. "I'll always come home to you."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Where's everyone else?" Marcel chimes in, standing up.

"Behind you," Rebekah answered. I looked over my shoulder to see her and Freya. Marcel grinned, walking over to hug the woman he loved.

"Where's Hope?" Klaus asked me.

"Sleeping. In the bassinet in our room," I answered, cupping his face in my hands. "Your dusty," I mumbled, wiping his cheeks of ash. "What happened tonight?"

"We won," he said as if that wasn't obvious. "I'll tell you later. I just want to shower and then go to bed. You, me, and Hope in the middle."

I smiled, pecking his lips, "sounds perfect."

Klaus then carried me upstairs. My arms around his neck and legs around his waist. I didn't ask any more questions, not even the one that I really wanted to. Where was Elijah? I know what I said to him. I meant it. However, he was my friend before this all went to shit. And he meant so much to Klaus. I wasn't sure how my boyfriend would handle a serious squabble between them.

"Want to join me in the shower?" Klaus asked as we made our way into our room.

"I left the baby monitor downstairs," I said instead.

"I have supernatural hearing. If she cries, I'll know," he told me, carrying me into the en suite. He put me down on our long countertop. "You don't know how good it feels to be here with you. To be home."

"You okay?" I frowned worriedly.

"I almost died," he whispered. I didn't speak, instead I brought a hand to his face, caressing his scruffy jaw and the other, I ran soothingly through his hair. "Dahlia destroyed the white oak stake."

"Mhm," I hummed to show I was listening. But I didn't want to ask any questions or interrupt him. He was being vulnerable right now.

"She turned it into ashes and made us breathe them in," he whispered. "My mother saved the day." He leaned forward, his hand, grabbing mine and pressing it firmly to his face. He turned his head and kissed the inside of my palm. "She and Dahlia had a moment. Elijah tossed me my knife back and I stabbed my mother in the back through her heart while she and Dahlia hugged, therefore killing her as well."

"Wow," I muttered. "But you're okay. Right?"

"I should shower alone."


"I'm fine. I just... I'm dirty and... If I get in there with you I'm going to want sex and—"

"Baby, it's okay to want to be alone. I'm not offended."

"You sure?"

I pecked his lips, "you had a traumatic evening. Take a long hot shower. I get wanting to be alone. So take your time. I'll be waiting in bed. Besides, sex can wait for once."

"Not for long. Tomorrow morning. Pencil me in?"

I giggled, "sure. 9AM work for you?"

"I want to sleep in. But I guess Hope will wake us up early anyways—"

"Shower," I cut him off. I hopped off the counter and headed back into the bedroom. "Can you get the baby monitor when your done?"

"Really, love?" He scoffed. I chuckled, climbing into bed on the side closest to Hope in her bassinet. I peered in to see she was still asleep.


Thursday, February 23rd
8:05 AM

I scowled as I walked into the dining room with a fussy Hope on my hip, who was currently "playing" with my hair which hurt like hell. My boyfriend on the other hand was sitting pretty at the head of the table while a man in a suit was filling a wine glass with blood from his wrist.

The spoils of war, eh?" Rebekah asked.

"Family tradition," Klaus grinned.

"Minus the family," Rebekah scoffed.

"Well, you're here," Klaus replied to her whilst pulling a chair out for me. I sat down and adjusted Hope, trying to give her, her pacifier to quiet her whimpers. Klaus slid Rebekah a glass of blood and she sat at the table, across from me and took a sip of it.

"In the skin of your choosing, no less."

Klaus rolled his eyes before replying sarcastically, "Well, poor you. Because that body is such a hardship. Meanwhile, the rest of the family enjoys the fruits of my labor. Freya has her freedom from Dahlia, and Marcel will forgive me once I hand him back the reins of the city. I was done with it anyway."

"You would hand over your crown? And do what?"

"Raise my daughter... with the help of my sisters and my beautiful girlfriend," Klaus smiled at me as I was loading up a plate with food that he had put on the table. Another celebratory buffet. "One big, happy family."

"Now, that does sound grand. Minus the giant, Elijah-sized hole in the room. And, whilst your sisters and Dani raise your child, what will the child's mother be doing, exactly?"

Klaus didn't answer, so I took the moment to speak finally and ask him, "Can you take her?" He frowned and took Hope from my lap to his. "Thank you, I'm going to eat upstairs cause I have to finish getting ready for school."

"This, dear brother, is not what happiness looks like," Rebekah said as I stood from my seat with my plate. I hesitated for a moment but left the room.

I had to leave for school in twenty minutes. And I was already exhausted. Hope woke up at 5 this morning and Klaus wouldn't get up till 7 and when he did he left to plan this breakfast that no one was really enjoying.

I went back upstairs to my makeup room. I sat at my vanity, eating my breakfast while, staring at my open closet, trying to decide what to wear to school. I had just got up to pull clothes on. After I managed a ten minute shower, I was sitting in an old t-shirt that I believe was actually Brooke's from like freshman year in high school and a pair of Klaus' boxers as shorts. "Love," Klaus said, coming into my room without a warning or knocking.

"Yes?" I asked, tugging on a pair of skinny jeans.

"Do you think this bottle is too hot?" He asked, coming in, carrying Hope with her back to his chest with one arm around her middle to hold her. I stared at him confused for a moment before going to take the bottle out of his other hand.

"Yeah, wait a couple minutes," I said.

"What time do you get out of school?"

"My second class ends at 11:45am," I answered. "Why are you holding her like that?"

"She kept pulling my hair," he grumbled and I laughed.

I leaned in and pecked his lips, "I'm running late. You going to be okay? Rebekah and Freya are both here, right?"

"I can take care of my own daughter," he said, adjusting Hope to his hip now.

"Rebekah left, didn't she?" I asked and he nodded. I laughed then, shaking my head at him. I walked over to my vanity to grab a hair brush. I didn't have time to do much with it. It had air dried and was slightly frizzy. So I plugged my straightener in. I'm really late. "What about Freya? She's still here, right?"

"Yes," he answered, walking over to stand behind me. I stared at him through my mirror. "But she did a spell. She made Rebekah's witch body an option again. So Rebekah's in it, and she's leaving town whilst hauling her original body."

"You're upset?"

"No," he said. "She's my sister, I want her to be happy. She's getting what she wants. Her freedom, her chance to be normal. Besides, she's a witch, she's not completely vulnerable and she's out seeking a solution to bring Kol back."

"I hope she finds one."

"Me too."

"I tried calling Elijah."

"Let me guess, he didn't answer.'


"He'll come around," I assured, unplugging my straightener and turning to face him. "We can talk more later. I guess we won't be going to hot yoga from now on."

He frowned, "Maybe when we trust Freya fully, we can have her babysit."

"Don't act like you're going to miss it," I laughed, standing up. He wrapped an arm around my waist then, pulling me against him. "What?"

"I hate hot yoga. But I like how happy it makes you when I go with you."

I smiled, "You're so sweet." He leaned down and kissed me deeply, but I pulled back before we got carried away. "I have to get to school."

"No makeup?"

"I'm late," I groaned. "I have to go."

"You look beautiful."

"Thanks," I said, kissing his cheek and then Hope's. "Bye, princess." She giggled as I waved at her and she made her own little wave, opening and closing her fist. I grinned, grabbing my bookbag and gesturing out the door. Klaus left the room and I followed behind him, closing the door behind me. "You going to be home all day?"

"Maybe," he said. "Call me when you're done with school. Maybe we can meet for lunch."

"Okay," I smiled, "That sounds great. I'll see you later."

"I love you."

"I love you," I replied and he cupped my face, kissing me again. "Baby, I have to go." He hummed but pressed his lips against mine again. "Bye," I mumbled, pulling away as he was nibbling on my bottom lip. He scowled as I quickly headed to the stairs and down them to leave the compound. Time for school.


Thursday, February 23rd
11:53 AM

I had just got to my car, ready to leave campus. So I called Klaus to see where he wanted to meet for lunch like we discussed earlier. It rang once and then in the middle of the second ring, it stopped. "Hello?" I called out, confused as I started my car and plugged my phone in so the call would go through my speakers. "Klaus?"

"Baaaabaaaa," I heard.

"Hope," I laughed. "Do you have your daddy's phone?"

"Aaaaaaah. Shaaalaaaaaa. Baaaaa," she murmured on her words.

I shook my head, "Klaus?" I called out loudly, hoping he would hear me coming through the phone from a distance. I waited while listening to Hope babble sounds. "Klaus?!" Still nothing. I was ready to hang up and call again when I heard his voice finally.

"78. A good year. Crack one of those open, would you? Let's commiserate my sister leaving me... again," Klaus was speaking. Obviously to someone else.

I went to call his name again to get his attention until I was caught off by another female's voice. "You have to stop compelling the customers. I need the tips!" Cami practically exclaimed in amusement.

My mouth snapped shut close. I knew I should hang up the phone to give them privacy. But... I couldn't help myself. Where was he? Rousseau's? For what? Besides to see her. If the place was empty cause he compelled people out of it then surely he was trying to have lunch with me there. And she said this like it wasn't the first time. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering when else he's gone to visit her and needed the place alone to speak to her.

I heard Cami laugh, "When I first got into town, you handed me one of those. I had taken a shift from another girl. If not for that, could've been someone else standing here right now instead of me."

I continued to make my way, driving through the campus to leave as I listened on. I was so confused. Handed her what? I hope Hope doesn't hang up while playing with Klaus' phone. I wanted to hear about this. When they first met. I was in Wisconsin then.

"You know, I prefer to see it the other way. If it wasn't that night, this bar, that $100 bill, it would've been Jackson Square, staring at a painting, or Frenchmen Street, listening to jazz," Klaus replied. I rolled my eyes and fought back a scoff. Don't be jealous Danielle. Don't be—"I would have found you." I gulped. Jealous. I waited to hear anything else but they were just silent. But my car where the phone call showed, said it was ongoing. Hope was probably slobbering on the speaker cause that's the only thing I could hear.

"Thank you," Klaus said. Again a moment of silence. I rolled my eyes, going to hang up. "For the drink," he added then. I ended the call. Deciding to just go home. He probably forgot about me.

I sighed, trying not to be dramatic. Instead I turned up my radio to listen to music instead. Mariah Carey was on. I sang and danced in my seat the whole twenty five minute ride home. Klaus didn't call me. I didn't try him again either. He better be home. Maybe then we could at least order something.

Klaus wasn't home when I got home. So I sat in our bedroom, cut on the tv and sent him a text, "Hey, baby. I'm home. Where are you? Call me. I'm hungry!!! Lol."


Thursday, February 23rd
1:30 PM

"I miss you too, dad," I said, smiling to myself. We have been on the phone for the last hour. He was home from another field study. Three weeks in Egypt studying the Giza Pyramids. He was telling me all about it and how the last time he was there was 15 years ago.

"When's your next adventure?" He asked me. "When you coming back to Madison?"

I sighed, "No idea."

"I get New Orleans is more exciting and the only thing here for you is your dad and your old friends. But I want to see you. I'm working in my office until May. I'm going to Athens then but I want to see you for your birthday."

"Staying home for more than a month? That's a record," I laughed. "I'm hoping Klaus and I go away for my birthday. If not, we were thinking of flying everyone out to me. As you said New Orleans is more exciting."

"How is Klaus? He still treating my little girl well?"

"He's fine," I answered. "We're fine as well."

"Just fine?" He laughed. "What's bothering you, Dani?"

I chuckled, "Nothing. We were supposed to get lunch a little while ago, but he hasn't answered his phone and he's not home. So I'm kind of irritated."

"Oh," Dad continued to laugh. "Try to take it easy on him, doll."

"I'll try," I scoffed. "But I'll talk to you later. I'm going to head to my hot yoga class cause I'm sick of waiting for my boyfriend."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later."

"Sound good, dad. Bye."

"Love you. Bye."

"Love you too," I added before hanging up. Then I got out of bed, turning off the tv. I checked my phone to double check that I had no word from Klaus. I called him twice and sent him half a dozen texts.

I was heading to my walk in closet to hurry and change into workout clothes. I paused as I got to the door, spotting Klaus coming up the stairs. I raised a brow, turning to watch him. "Hey, love," he greeted simply.

"Don't 'hey, love,' me. Where have you been?" I asked, eyeing Hope who was asleep in her car seat Klaus carried.

"Oh, I took Hope to the park. I'm sorry. How long have you been home?" He frowned, walking to me.

"I got home over an hour ago. I've been calling you."

"I think my phone is dead. Hope's been on it all day."

I nodded slowly, "Well, I was about to change and head out to do hot yoga."

"I thought you were going to skip it."

"I was but you and Hope weren't home so I figured I could go," I shrugged, keeping one hand on the doorknob to my spare room.

"No. Stay. Let's order food and just relax."

"Okay," I agreed slowly. He smiled and stepped closer to me, reaching out to wrap an arm around my waist, pulling me to him. "What do you want to eat?"

"Mmm. I really want you," he mumbled huskily, leaning down and brushing his lips against mine. "Hope's asleep. I can put her in her crib."

I chuckled, "No. I'm actually starving."

"We can have sex while we wait for the food to arrive."

"No," I repeated, grabbing hold of the car seat from his hand. "Let's tuck her in." He sighed, following me. "How was the park?"

"Fine. She loved the swings. Then we fed the ducks. I tried to get her to walk but, to no avail," he was telling me and I chuckled. I could just barely picture him sitting on a bench, feeding ducks but with a scowl on his face while Hope clapped in excitement.

"That sounds really nice," I told him, getting Hope out of the car seat carefully. I patted her bottom, trying to see if her diaper was heavy. Thankfully it wasn't so I was assuming she was good for now. I then gently laid her in her crib, tucking her in under her blankets. "Where's her swan?"

"Uh, hold on," Klaus said, checking her basket of toys. "I found it. Here you go."

He handed me her favorite stuffed swan and I put it in the crib with her. "So what else did you do today?" I asked Klaus, and then kicking myself for being so obvious.

"Not much," he mumbled, looking in her car seat. "And there's my phone." He tapped the screen and it lit up. So it wasn't dead. Guess it was on silent or vibrate. That wasn't unusual for him. But I think it's strange he didn't check his phone once for a couple of hours. It wasn't a toy for Hope to be playing with either.

"Where else did you go?" I asked him.

"A couple places," he shrugged. "What do you want for lunch?" He asked while tapping away on his phone. I could see he was texting someone.

"Pizza," I answered, moving to turn on the baby monitor and then grabbing our end so we could leave her to rest. I then walked to the door but stopped when I realized Klaus was frozen, smiling at his phone. I pushed down my anger, and decided to ignore the urge to ask him who he was texting now and why he went to see Cami earlier. I was trying to remember how my dad said to take it easy on him. "You coming?" I asked calmly.

Klaus' smile vanished and he looked up at me, slightly confused for all of three seconds. Then he slipped his phone in his pocket, and followed me back over to our bedroom.

"Uh, what did you say you wanted to eat?" He questioned as he plopped down on the bed.


"Ugh. I don't really want pizza."

I rolled my eyes, "okay, well there's other things at a pizza place. You can get a sub or a salad or—"

"You don't want Chinese?" He cut me off, putting his phone on the charger on his side of the bed.

"No, I don't."

"We always get what you want to get."

"Fine. Order Chinese. Whatever, Klaus," I sighed, sitting on my side of the bed and cutting the tv back on.

"What's wrong?" He frowned.

"Nothing," I lied.

He simply nodded and then made the call to a Chinese restaurant to place our usual order for food. "You sure you're alright?" Klaus asked when he got off the phone.

"Just hungry," I lied again. He slid closer to me on the bed, reaching an arm around my waist. I decided against arguing with him. Instead I cuddled up against him. "My dad called me a little while ago."

"Oh yeah? How's he doing?" He questioned, nuzzling his face in his neck. "Is he just getting back from Egypt?"

"Yes," I smiled. I loved that sometimes he did listen and pay attention. "And he's staying still for a couple months. He wanted to know when I was going to come visit."

"Well, we can. Anytime you want."

"Really?" I frowned in confusion, adjusting myself so Klaus couldn't hide his face and had to look at me.

"I told you, after Dahlia, I was going to give you anything and everything you wanted."

I grinned, cupping his face in my hands, "You mean it?"

"I do," he answered. "I'll charter a jet to take you, me, and Hope this weekend if you that's what you want."

I chuckled, "Okay, this weekend is a little short notice. But... I'll talk it over with dad. I'm sure he'd love to have us over."

"Well, if you don't want to go to Wisconsin this weekend, how about we go back to Lake Pontchartrain? We can get another little cottage or a lake house or a cabin. Whatever you want."

I smiled, "I'd like that."

"We can pack after lunch," he said, leaning forward to kiss me deeply. "I love you."

"I love you more," I mumbled against his mouth, kissing him again, and tangling my hands in his curls. He groaned softly, moving to lay on top of me. But that was it. We kissed lazily over and over for about 30-40 minutes while we waited for our food to arrive.

~Picture: Dani's selfie on Feb 23rd, rushing off to school

There we go folks, Dahlia is gone. And with the help of Esther no less. However the Mikaelsons problems continue to pile up. Hayley's cursed, Elijah's mad about that so he moved out, Rebekah's in a witch body and off on an adventure to save Kol, and Freya is a stranger.

Now Dani and Klaus have Hope to raise. It won't be easy but maybe the lack of drama will be a plus for them. However, how do we feel about Cami? It's like Klaus just can't stay away.

If you liked this chapter leave some red emojis for Dani's hair while it's still colored ❤️‍🩹🏓🌹

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