Date A Live: Alternate Chroni...

By colossal_saiyan

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After Season 3 of Date A Live, an unknown individual makes it into their world. They are unsure of his origin... More

Episode 1: The Visitor
Episode 2: Continuation
Episode 3: Devastator
Episode 4: Patching Holes
Episode 5: Peace and The Looming Storm
Episode 6: Duo
Episode 7: The Arrival
Episode 8: Intermission
Episode 9: Lore
Episode 10: Relaxation
Episode 12: Flowers Candy and Games
Episode 13: Miku's Concert
Episode 14: Bond
Episode 15: The Fallout
Episode 16: Mixed Messages
Episode 17: Doppelganger
Episode 18: The Truth
Episode 19: Disturbance
Episode 20: Judgement Unshackled
Episode 21: Date A Bullet
Episode 22: Date A Bullet II
Episode 23: Turnaround
Episode 24: The Blunder
Episode 25: Date A Dance Off
Episode 26: Growth
Episode 27: The Secret Time Chamber
Episode 28: Training Begins
Episode 29: Transcending Beyond Doubt
Episode 30: Growing Tails
Episode 31: Power Display
Episode 32: War Begins
Episode 33: Fear and Faith
Episode 34: Awakening
Episode 35: The Devil Trigger
Episode 36: Comeback for Revenge
Episode 37: The Final Struggle and The Decisive Conclusion
My Final Message Before Moving Forward..

Episode 11: Tengu Cow

301 9 2
By colossal_saiyan

It was the time to start the dating process with Akio joining Shido in his endeavors with the Spirits. Due to the hero saving them constantly, it was believed that the Spirits grew some sort of liking to him and he could help Shido out on the dates. Was the theory said in the past true?

Another morning approaches in Tengu City and Shido is ready to head off to school with Tohka.

*DAL Rio Reincarnation Morning OST plays*

Tohka: Geez! You're late Shido!

Shido: Ah! Sorry about that, Tohka. We gotta get going now or we're going to be late!

Tohka: Umu! Let's go Shido!

As they walked down the street but the sun was blazing hot on their backs and cicadas buzzed around them.

Tohka: Shido..I'm feeling hot..!

Shido: Well, welcome to summer in Japan..

Tohka: Summer in Japan?

Shido: That's right.. It's the country's hottest season, well, this is the start of it at least. It'll only get hotter from here.

Tohka: It could get even worse? That sounds awful..

Shido: Yeah.. I'm afraid of what's to come..

They see Akio jogging casually in regular clothes.

Shido: Akio!

Akio: Oh hey, wassup?

Shido: I was wondering where you were this morning.

Akio: Oh yeah. I normally go out running in the morning. It's good exercise for me.

Shido: Ah, I see. You're an early riser.

Akio: Well, I can be. It depends hehe.

Tohka: How are you able to jog and withstand this heat Akio?

Akio: Ah, I've been under more serious conditions. Hot days like these don't bother me.

Tohka: Is that so? I see..

Akio: But I can't say the same for you two. You're both drenched.

Shido: Yeah.. The heat is vicious today..

Akio: Well, I'll help you guys out. You're trying to get to school right?

Tohka: Umu.

Shido: And we don't want to be late..

Akio: Well, here, I'll help you out there!

Shido: How so?

Akio: I'll be the car, you two can be the passengers!

Tohka: Muu?! Can you really go that fast?

Akio: I can go as fast as you need me to go!

Shido: Well, I'd hate to be using you as our personal Uber..

Akio: Ah, it's not like that! I'm just trying to save you guys from this heat, that's all.

Shido: If you insist..

Tohka: Yeah!

Akio: Alright. Here we go!

Shido grabs Akio's right hand and Tohka grabs his left hand and Akio uses a small portion of Accelerated Blitzing to help them to school quicker as they zoom in Tengu City. They then stop at the entrance of Raizen High School and Akio gets them to the exact class they were supposed to be in. Some people were already in the classroom sitting down waiting for Miss Okamine.

*DAL Rio Reincarnation Delightful Time OST plays* 

Tohka: Shido! We arrived earlier than we thought!

Shido: Yeah.. Akio came in clutch again. Wait.. how did you know our exact classroom we were supposed to be in?

Akio: Oh, this is the classroom? I had no idea this was it. I just guessed. I was actually about to ask you if this was the place.

Shido: Well, your guess was pretty lucky.

Out of nowhere, Hiroto comes dropkicking Shido.

Shido: Hey! That hurt! What are you doing?!

Hiroto: What do you mean what am I doing? Showing you some love, obviously.

Shido: Since when is a dropkick an expression of love?!

Tohka: Drop?

Hiroto: Because! You've got Tohka-chan tagging alongside you in the morning! I was hot with jealousy! *Sniff*

Shido: Well, that sounds like it's your own problem! Since when were you sensitive anyway?

Akio: ...Huh. You two seem pretty close.

Hiroto: Oh yeah?! You think so too? Guess I might have to date Itsuka-kun!

Shido: Only in your wildest dreams! Stop grabbing on to me, it's gross!

Hiroto: Aw, don't be like that, Itsuka-kun. Didn't you hear that the Fuioshis ranked us as the 2nd-cutest couple in school?

Shido: I've heard but I'd rather forget!

Tohka: Hm? Shido.. Is there something going on between you and Tonomachi?!

Shido: No! Nothing's going on! There's no way!

Tohka: Oh.. I see..

Hiroto: Aww. Cold. Cold-blooded, Itsuka-kun! It breaks my heart to see you act like it meant nothing to you! You go through men like old dirty rags!

Akio: ...What is happening?

Shido: Cut it out already! Everyone is looking at us weird!

Hiroto: HAHAHAHA! Stop worrying! It doesn't faze me one bit!

Shido: Ugh.. forget it! Go home man..

Hiroto: I can't go home.. Itsuka. Didn't you hear the news this morning?

Shido: Just for a sec.. Why do you ask?

The whole conversation took a turn to something serious.

Hiroto: You know how pets have been going missing all over Tengu City? Even the news is all over it!

Shido: Yeah.. What about it?

Hiroto: Supposedly, it's the curse of the Tengu Cow.

Shido: Huh? The Curse of the Tengu Cow? What is that?

Hiroto: A looooong time ago, before Tengu City was even a thought.. There lived a monster with two cow horns, and a long snout near a village at the top of a mountain.

Tohka: ...

Akio: ...

Hiroto: The villagers have been calling this nastly beast the Tengu Cow. Whenever the Tengu Cow comes out to feed, it snuck into the village to devour all the livestock and young children, frightening the villagers..

Tohka: Hm. Was there no-one to vanquish this so-called Tengu Cow?

Hiroto: Nope. Villagers feared that the entire village would be eaten by the Tengu Cow. They had numerous discussions but they did nothing.

Tohka: Oh...

Shido: (Wow.. This sounds like bull to me..)

Hiroto: One hot day in June, a samurai wandered into their village. He was noble and courageous, vowing to settle the villagers' fears.

Tohka: ..!

Hiroto: The samurai devised advising the villagers to leave the Tengu Cow to him.

Hiroto: He instructed the villagers to gather all of the alcohol in the village, then lock themselves at home. He then waited alone for the Tengu Cow. On June 11th, the Tengu Cow emerged once more to the village.

Shido: You know the exact date?

Hiroto: There are records of the date. Like the samurai's will.

Tohka: Will? What's that?

Shido: Oh, it's like a letter of intent someone writes before they die.

Tohka: What? The samurai's going to die?

Hiroto: Now, don't be impatient. The villagers hid their homes. No one made a peep. The samurai saw the Tengu Cow and invited him for a drink. At first, the Tengu Cow was shocked. It never met a human that wasn't afraid of it and accepted the samurai's offer to drink. As they drank together, the Tengu Cow let his guard down, recognizing the kindness in the samurai and began to open up to him. It was something even the samurai could've expected.

Akio: What's the catch?

Hiroto: Little did he know that the Tengu Cow actually had a good heart. It only appeared in the area because the humans had driven it from it's mountain.

Tohka: Oh .. I sort of know where it's coming from.

Shido: (Oh man.. She's glued to this story..)

Hiroto: So.. the original plan was to get the Tengu Cow drunk, tie it up, and then drown it in the lake but the samurai decided to drink with it instead. There's the phrase, "You are the company you keep", so the samurai asked the Tengu Cow if he would travel the world with him.

Tohka: Ohh! What a brilliant idea!

Hiroto: That's right. The Tengu Cow was so moved by his invitation that couldn't hide his surprise. Who could blame him? It was unbelievable!

Hiroto makes a voice to try and guess what the Tengu Cow would sound like.

Hiroto: "But I've got such a big appetite. Is that okay? My hideous looks make traveling with me nothing but trouble. Are you sure?"

Akio has his arms crossed and Shido is standing next to him listening along with Tohka.

Hiroto: The beast hunched over, curling its back as it, offered its question timidly, but the samurai reached his hand out and said, "Come with me."

Tohka: ?!

Hiroto: The Tengu Cow cried his eyes out and took his hand. "Hey, don't grab my hand too tightly," said the samurai, "I'll break." and the two shared hefty laughter.

Akio: Wow..

Shido: What's up with the sob story? It's not like someone would cry about some dumb-

Tohka starts crying.

Tohka: U...u..u Uwaaah..

Shido: Eh?!

Tohka: *Sniff* *Sniff* What a beautiful tale..

Akio: That's crazy..

Shido: S..So, what does the curse of the Tengu City have anything to do with it?

Hiroto: Now, now Itsuka-chan. You gotta for it before I give it to you.

Shido: Oh come on. Don't take it there.

Hiroto: Now, this is where things take a turn.

Tohka: Huh?

Hiroto: The Tengu Cow and samurai were beyond drunk at this point. The beast fell asleep and then.. The villagers slowly left their houses to gather around the Tengu Cow. Then they began to tie him up, following the samurai's original plan.

Tohka: What? Couldn't the samurai do anything about it?

Akio: I don't think they would believe him.

Hiroto: Exactly. He pleaded with the villagers, saying things have changed but several of the villagers lost family members to the Tengu Cow.

Tohka: ...

Hiroto: Fire burned in the villager's eyes and as the samurai begged them to stop, they tied him up to the nearby pillar. The samurai could only scream as he watched the villagers drag the Tengu Cow towards the lake. They hopped aboard a raft the samurai had advised to build attached weights to the Tengu Cow and tossed it right in the lake. Then, from the bottom of the lake, they heard a horrific scream "GROOOOO!" it echoed all around the area. Since then, the Tengu Cow was never seen again...

Tohka: That's horrible!

Akio: Yikes..

Hiroto: When all was said and done, they untied the samurai and he felt the same horror that you do.. On his will, he wrote "The real monster lives elsewhere." and he slaughtered all of the villagers and drowned himself in the lake.

Tohka: ...

Akio: Damn..

Hiroto: It rained everyday for a month afterwards like the heavens shed tears from the clouds. They say the village was completely submerged. Itsuka, you know the lake north of the train station? Supposedly, the Tengu Cow sleeps at the bottom of the lake. A shrine sits near the lake in order to appease the Tengu Cow's spirit and on June 11th, people must give it offerings.

Shido: What? I've never heard of that..

Akio: Me neither..

Hiroto: *Ahem* Itsuka-kun, Akio-san doesn't know the history of your town? You have a lot to teach him.

Shido: ..Just where the hell do you get off?

Hiroto: Listen to me, Tengu City got its name from the Tengu Cow, just so people know about what transpired. It's our responsibility to atone for the pain the Tengu Cow experienced.

Akio: Really.. If that's the case.. That's tough..

Hiroto: Oh and as a side note, if you flip the kanji for the date, June 11th, it looks like two horns and a long snout just like the Tengu, right? Kinda spooky. It looks like the Tengu Cow after it was thrown into the lake.

Shido: ..That's such an obvious afterthought.

Hiroto: If only it ended there..

Shido: Huh?

Akio: What do you mean there's more?

Hiroto: The 11th.. If you combine the kanji for the ten and one. It resembles for "Samurai"

Tohka: I see!

Akio: That's..kinda creepy..

Hiroto: Gives you chills, right?

Shido: ..It sounds forced to me..

Hiroto: Everyone, like Itsuka, forgot about the offerings, so the Tengu Cow is rising to eat everyone's pet! We gotta do something about the curse, wouldn't you say Itsuka-kun?

Shido: Hey man, come closer.

Hiroto: Oh?! Are you finally confessing your love for me?!

Shido: Never! Just get over here!

Hiroto: Ah! Hey, don't blow in my ear!

Shido and Hiroto walk away from Akio and Tohka.

Shido: Just shut up for a second! Jeez.. What was all that about? Is that whole legend true?

Hiroto: Oh, no..

Akio snickers from the distance without looking at them.

Shido: I knew you were lying.. You'd better apologize.. I won't let you slide from this..

Hiroto: Now, now. Leave it to me! Let's make this a summer to remember! With that being said, after consulting with Itsuka, in order to prevent the curse. I wanna deliver some offerings to the shrine of Tengu Cow!

Shido: What?! Who said I'd do that?! No one's going with you-

Tohka: Well done, Shido!

Shido: Huh?

Tohka: Surely, the Tengu Cow has been furious!

Shido: Uh.. Tohka, that was all Tonomachi's..

Hiroto: Amazing, Tohka-chan! You're a sweetheart!

Tohka: Of course! Let's do our best to please the Tengu Cow!

Origami: If Shido's going, I'm going too.

Shido: Origami?! Where'd you come from?!

Tohka: Grr.. Hello, you harpy. What cat dragged you here?

Akio widened to Tohka's words and his face grew concerned as he blew air silently and shook his head to snap himself out of a trance.

Akio: Well, I mean if everyone's going, I might as well too.

Hiroto: All right! It's settled, tonight, we're meeting at the haunted hou--er, to drop off the offerings to the lake! Like my plan Itsuka? Haunted houses are the best in the summer! That's where you-know-what happens! Tonight, we become men!

Shido: Sounds like you got it all figured out..

Hiroto: Ah, don't say that! You'll make me blush!

Akio snickers again.

Shido: That was sarcasm!

Hiroto: Oh, right. Go invite Kotori. The more girls, the merrier!

Shido: Even if I did bring her, I'd never introduce you to her!

Hiroto: Come on! Future brother-in-law!

Akio laughs silently.

Shido: ...I don't wanna hear you say that again. That's gross.

Tohka: Shido, what is this offering you speak of?

Shido: ...I'm gonna assume flowers or food of some kind, something the Tengu Cow would like, would be okay. Then we can offer our prayers at the shrine, cool?

Tohka: Ah, I see. Hm. Nothing's coming to mind right now for what I want to bring..

Shido: Hey Origami, are you sure about this? Don't feel obligated to come along.

Origami: It's fine. This is my chance..

Shido: For what?

Origami: To do-know-what. Hehehe..

Shido and Akio stiffen up.

Shido: Eh?!

The bell chimes as class is beginning to start. Miss Okamine walks in the room.

Miss Okamine: Hello, hello, everyone. Please be seated. It's time for homeroom to begin.

She notices Akio with Shido's group as they sit down.

Miss Okamine: Oh my, it is a small world after all. It's you again! What a surprise to see you again!

Akio: Oh, hello again!

Miss Okamine: What brings you here?

Akio: Oh, I came to drop Shido and Tohka off. I was going for my morning jogs and saw them in the blazing sun so I gave them a hand by rushing them here and out of the sun.

Miss Okamine: Oh, that's nice of you! You're a good friend!

Akio scratches his head out of slight embarrassment.

Akio: Hehe. I just do what I can. But I'll be taking my leave now and let you all do your thing.

Miss Okamine: Okay. You take care.

Akio: Yeah. Same to you and all the students! See you later!

Akio walks out the room and out the door back on the streets jogging.

Miss Okamine: Greetings everyone. Good morning to you all. We're scheduled to begin testing but I hope your studies are going well. Itsuka-kun, I know you've been absent so you've got a lot on your plate but good luck.

Shido: Oh, okay..

Miss Okamine: Unfortunately, I have some bad news regarding the sports festival that was scheduled for tomorrow.

Shido: (Oh right. Due to all of the events that happened in the last few months, I haven't really sat down and caught up on everything. Testing's gonna be rough. I might need to get Origami to tutor me. In fact, do I even have time to see this stupid haunted house?)

As the day goes by, they make it to lunch time and Shido ponders to himself.

Shido: (Maybe it had just been a while, but I couldn't keep up with class.)

His stomach growls.

Shido: But I guess it's about that time.

Tohka: Shido! It's time for lunch!

Origami: Shido. Come with me.

Tohka: Hey! Origami Tobiichi, I was the first to invite him!

Origami: It doesn't matter how it is said and who said it first.. I can't trust you to take care of Shido.

Tohka: GRRR! Shido will be just fine with me! I even wiped sweat from his brow!

The whole class hears that and starts talking amongst themselves.

Shido: Hey, Tohka! What are you telling the whole class?!

Origami: Well, I had to stick a thermometer in his-

Shido: Stop! Please don't continue with that sentence!

Origami: If you insist Shido, I guess I can save this story for another time, but the truth will come out sooner or later.

Tohka: Hehe.. Well I wiped his entire body from head to toe!

Shido: Tohka! You're exaggerating!

Origami: ...I knew it. Is that all?

Tohka: Huh? What do you mean is that all?

Origami: I wouldn't have wiped his sweat, With the sweat Shido emits, I would-

Shido: DON'T! Please!

Hiroto: *Sigh* Here we go again.. Another morning where Pretty Boi Itsuka is surrounded by girls!

Shido: Enough with that!

Hiroto: Come on now, don't be so upset. You'll wrinkle up with that sex animal face of yours.

Shido: Who's got that type of face?! What does that even mean?!

Hiroto: Chill out. All jokes aside, let's hurry up and get some grub. We can eat together, too! Let's head to the cafeteria already!

Origami: Shido. Hurry. All of the seats will be taken.

Tohka: Fear not, Shido! I'll be sure to save you a seat!

They both run out of the room.

Hiroto: ...What's the point of my existence? *Sniff*

Shido: know..

Hiroto: Oh, what is Itsuka? My dear friend.

Shido: You're gross.

Hiroto: Argh! Guoo!!

Hiroto passes out on the floor as Shido walks out the room. Shido makes it to the lunch room with Tohka and Origami.

*DAL Rio Reincarnation Comical OST plays*

Tohka: Shido! Carrots!

Origami: Forget the carrots. You should have some pickled daikon.

Shido: Wait, what's happening here you two?

Tohka: Nothing! We're simply trying to get you to eat your vegetables, Shido!

Origami: Vitamin C intake is important.

Origami shoves daikon in Shido's mouth.

Shido: NNNG!

Tohka: Have some cucumbers too, Shido!

Origami: Eat celery of every fiber!

As they both continue to shove food down his mouth, students look from afar across the room.

Girl Student A: Oh goodness, what's going on over there?

Girl Student B: Is this some kind of new foreplay?

Guy Student A: Well, that's one way to diet.

Guy Student: B: Damn it.. Damn it!! I want cute girls to shove vegetables down my throat!

Guy Student A: Looks like feeding is not only an animal trait, but a human one as well.

Girl Student A: Oh, he looks practically pale now..

Girl Student B: He's happy.

Girl Student A: You think so?

Girl Student B: That face looks like a face of desperation to me.

Shido: P..Please.. T..That's enough...

Shido falls to the ground.

Origami: ..Shido?!

Tohka: Shido?! What's the matter?! Are you okay?!

Both of their voices were fading and everything went black. Shido wakes up again in the class where everyone is gone and out.

*Music cuts*

Shido: Oh.. I'm still alive after that.. I don't know how..

He looks up at the clock ticking and he notices that it was time for school to end.

Shido: Ah. I must've slept through class and the school day went by too quickly. Oh well, I'm just gonna have to catch up with Tohka or Origami later on..

He gets up from his seat.

Shido: Now.. Where to go now?

Meanwhile Akio is still exploring the city walking around eating Strawberry Pockys

*DBZ Kakarot City Living OST plays* 

Akio: Mmm~ These snacks never cease to impress me..

He eats another one and has it at the corner of his mouth as he speaks.

Akio: I don't know what this cow may have a taste for though.. Hehe. I mean, to be fair, it isn't real to begin with so I don't know why I'm giving it so much thought.. But I'll get something just to play along I guess..

He spots something on the ground near the shrine that looks something like a phone. He goes to pick it up and sees "AST" on it.

Akio: What is this? Did someone leave this here?

Ryouko: Origami?

Akio: Oh..

Ryouko: Hm? Who are you?

Akio: Oh, I'm friends with Shido. I just found this here.

Ryouko: Shido Itsuka, Oh wait.. Gosh.. that girl.. How could she leave her device over at her boyfriend's..

Akio: Ah, it happens sometimes. I'm sure it wasn't intentional.

Ryouko: You're right.. Wait, you said you're friends with Shido right?

Akio: Yeah. What's up?

Ryouko: Well, it's fine if you found this then. If you see him, please tell him to give this to her. I'm Ryouko Kusakabe. I'm Sergeant Origami Tobichi's superior officer.

Akio: Ah okay. Were you wanting to speak to her?

Ryouko: Oh, a lot has happened these past few months. I wanted to talk to her.. But

Akio: Ah, I understand. I'll keep this on me then.

Ryouko: I'd appreciate that.

Akio: No problem.

Ryouko: ...I know I shouldn't be saying this, but tell him to please be with Origami. I know she can be a little stubborn but she's a kind girl.

Akio: Oh okay. I'll be the messenger then.

Ryouko: Hehe. Thank you. Oh.. also, please let him know that you spoke to me but not Origami.

Akio: Gotcha.

Ryouko: We'll, I'll be off now. Goodbye.

Akio: Bye.

The call ends and Akio puts that in his pocket.

Akio: Well, they seem like nice people when trouble isn't in the equation. I honestly hope it stays that way for a bit. I'm actually starting to get used to this place.

He continues to eat his pockys and ventures through the city for the offerings. He walks through the city and the day goes by. Shido was also walking in the city trying to find Tohka.

Shido: Hm? Where did Tohka go? She must've been out for a while.

Reine comes in on his earpiece.

Reine: Shin. Has something happened to Tohka?

Shido: I don't think so. I'm just looking for her right now.

Reine: Ah, I see. I'll try to get Akio to help you.

Shido: Okay.

After a while of walking around in the city, he finds the Trio.

Ai: We found you Itsuka-kun!

Shido: Eh?

Mai: Wandering around with the intent to seduce someone again, are you?!

Shido: What?! Where are you getting this information from?!

Mii: Even though you have someone like Tohka-chan, using your amorous gaze on other women is unforgivable!

Ai: That's right, you enemy of women!

Mai: Pig slob!

Mii: May the gods strike you down!

Shido: ...I was just wandering around in the city.. I don't understand why you're so mad with me!

Mii's face gets hidden in the darkness and one red eye shines.

Mii: Then hurry, and return to Tohka-chan's side...

They walk off while still looking at him and further into the city.

Shido: ...What's with them?

Akio comes out of the corner worried.

Akio: ..Has the storm passed?

Shido: Yeah.. For now..

Akio: I see..

Shido: Anyways, Reine must have gotten in touch with you.

Akio: Ah yeah. I'm still trying to find her.

Shido: Yeah. She's probably trying to find offerings for the cow.

Akio: Hehe. Yeah.

Shido: By the way..

Akio: Huh?

Shido: The story about the Tengu Cow wasn't real so don't feel obligated to join if you don't want to.

Akio: Oh, I know it isn't real hehe. I'm just playing along for the fun of it. Besides, we already promised to give our offerings so there's no turning back now.

Shido: Oh okay.

Akio: Oh and here.

He gives Shido the AST equipment he found on the ground.

Shido: What's this?

Akio: Origami's superior officer asked me to give this to you so you can give it to her.

Shido: Ah geez. She can't be leaving stuff like that behind.

Akio: Also I didn't know that you were her boyfriend.

Shido flinches in embarrassment.

Shido: Eh?! It's..It's not like that I swear!

Akio looks at Shido with a smug face similar to Goku's.

Akio: Eh? Then what was that I witnessed on the beach?

Shido: ...That was nonsense that you weren't meant to see.

Akio: Hehe. Okay. Fair enough.

Shido: Anyway, let's go find Tohka.

Akio: Right.

They both split up and walk around the city in search of her. Shido ponders about something.

Shido: Let's see. What would Tohka do in this situation? Well, this is Tohka we're talking about. She probably followed a scent of food while thinking about what to offer the Tengu Cow, therefore, I should check the restaurants!

Shido walks into the nearest Cake Shop to see if he could find her.

Cake Shop Worker: Welcome! May I help you?

Shido: Oh, uh did a girl with long purple hair come in here?

Cake Shop Worker: I'm not sure... I don't think I've seen a girl like that.

Shido: Ah, I see. Sorry to bother you.

Cake Shop Worker: Oh, I don't worry about it! Come back soon!

Shido: Well, now that I'm here, Can I get that slice of cake please? This shortcake right here.

Cake Shop Worker: One slice of the shortcake coming up!

As he walks with the shortcake in his hand, he's still looking for Tohka.

Shido: Well, it seems like my hunch was wrong. Oh well, I'll just have to keep looking.

Meanwhile Akio is walking around looking as well and he hears a familiar voice.

Tohka: Rgh! Not like that! I don't want you to cut it! I just want the whole thing!

Kebab Shop Worker: Oh, I'm sorry... I'm not selling it like this..

Akio travels over to the voice and sees Tohka at a Kebab tent asking a guy for a full shed of meat. Shido hears her as well and starts running. Tohka is still talking to the Kebab Worker while Akio tries to convince her that he can't do the deed but Tohka keeps talking as if he's not there.

Akio: Uh.. It seems like this guy can only do kebabs, not the whole piece of meat.

Tohka: It's an offering for the cow! We have to give this to him!

Akio: Uh..

Shido: Tohka! There you are!

Tohka: Shido! I found it! It's the offering for the Tengu Cow!

Shido: Huh?

Tohka: We must buy that rotating meat! Isn't it perfect?

Shido: ?!

The worker looks back at Shido with shrugged shoulders and a pained expression.

Kebab: I'm sorry, miss.. But this is..

Shido: ....

Tohka: Hm? What's wrong Shido? I'm sure that the Tengu Cow will take a liking to this.

Shido: Y..Yeah. I understand what you're thinking, Tohka but..

Tohka: Hm?

Shido: Let's go over here for a moment.. Over here.

Tohka: What's wrong?

Both of them walk away from the Kebab stand.

Shido: That was a pretty good thought Tohka but..

Tohka: Yes! I'm sure the Tengu Cow will be satisfied!

Shido: Y..Yeah. I'm sure but that meat's not something that can be sold in the first place. It can be but not like that. Even if he did sell it to us, I don't have enough money on hand to buy such a piece of meat.

Tohka: Is that so?

Shido: Yeah. I'm sorry Tohka..

Tohka: N-No! It's nothing for you to apologize for, Shido! I wasn't thinking it through. I should apologize.

Shido: Then.. why don't you make your offering a kebab?

Tohka: Oh! That's a wonderful idea! It might not be enough for the Tengu Cow, but it will be so delicious that he'll enjoy it!

Shido: Right?

Tohka: Umu! Okay then. That'll be my offering! Let's head back Shido!

Shido: Okay.

Akio ponders about what his offering will be as they walk off with the kebab.

Akio: Well, I guess I'll get mine too.

The day passes on into night and they meet up at a spooky area where the Tengu Cow is supposedly resting at. Shido brought Kotori and Yoshino with him.

*DAL Rio Reincarnation Evening plays* 

Shido: Let's see.. Tohka Origami is here. There's Kotori and Yoshino. All right. It seems like everyone is here except Akio and Tonomachi. How can he be the one late when he's the one that invited us here?

Kotori: *Whimper* Oni-chan.. I want to go home..

Shido: But we just got here. Are you scared already?

Kotori: I-Im not scared!

Shido: Gotcha.I remember when you used to get scared when we used to tell scary stories.

Kotori: I'm not a kid anymore... *Sniff*.. Wahhh!

Shido: Okay. Okay. Don't cry. As soon as we get done with giving our offerings, we can go home.

Yoshino: K-Kotori-chan. Are you okay?

Yoshinon: Shido-kun. You really know how to make girls cry.

Shido: Hey, Yoshinon! That's not what I meant-

Origami: Shido, I'm scared..

Origami jumps on Shido with the same blank impression. Tohka gets mad.

Tohka: Origami Tobichi, what the hell are you doing?! Back away from Shido this instant!

Origami: I can't. I'm too scared to move. I can't help it.

As she was moving, Shido felt something grazing against his arm.

Tohka: Ach!

Tohka jumps on him as well.

Tohka: Shido! I'm frightened too!

Shido: U-Uh? You too Tohka?!

Tohka: Shido, I'm more frightened than ever. I'm petrified even.

Shido feels both of them graze on his arms.

Shido: S..Stop it.. What's gotten into you two?

Tohka: I can't lose to Origami Tobiichi!

As Akio walks to the direction he's supposed to go and meet them, he hears them talking loudly in the distance.

Shido: This isn't a contest or anything!

Origami: Shido. I'm scared.. Please don't leave my side..

Akio chuckles and continues walking.

Shido: Please get off me for just a second!

They both gain their distance.

Shido: Listen, don't forget why we're here! We are here to give our offerings to the Tengu Cow!

Origami: I'll wait until it's over..

Tohka: Sorry, Shido. I let my emotions get the better of me.

Akio: Uh.. Am I late?

Shido: Oh, you are a little.

Akio: Yeah. Sorry about that. When I was trying to get my offering for the cow, they had told me that they had run out as soon as I got there.

Shido: Oh that's too bad.. Well, at least you're not as late as Tonomachi.

Akio: Oh. I see.

Shido: Yeah, we figured he'd be the first one here since he recommended we should meet up here.

Akio: Oh okay.

Shido: Actually, while we wait, how about we show what we brought? Tohka, you want to go first?

Tohka: Sure! I brought this!

She takes out the kebab she had earlier from the tent.

Tohka: This is the kebab sandwich I purchased downtown! It's so juicy even when it's cold! It's the perfect offering!

Yoshino: A..Amazing! That looks so delicious!

Yoshinon: Nice job Tohka-chan! You have to take us sometime!

Tohka: Umu!

Shido: Yep. So, Akio, what did you bring? It looks kinda heavy.

Akio: Oh, hold on.

Akio digs in the bag and everyone looks and he gets a huge watermelon out of the bag.

Tohka: WOW!

Shido: A-A whole watermelon?!

Akio: Yeah. I don't know what the cow favors so I just went with this.

Shido: I see. That was an interesting choice and.. You do have a point. I feel like we all went with random choices. Who's next? Origami, what did you bring?

Origami: A white lily. That is my offering.

Shido: Oh, that's a fitting item. Nice choice.

Origami: I'm honored Shido.

Shido: Yeah. Next up is Yoshino.

Yoshino: U-Um.. I brought this!

She held out a cow plushie in her hand.

Shido: A cow plushie?

Yoshinon: Look closely Shido-kun! See how you can put your hand underneath it?

Shido: Oh, I see. So it's a cow hand-puppet.

Yoshinon: Yep! Reine gave it to us a long time ago. She asked if I wanted a new friend.

Yoshino: Y..Yeah.

Shido: Ah, so Reine gave it to you..

Yoshino: I tried talking to it... plenty of times.. But it wouldn't talk back..

Yoshinon: That's why, today, I thought I'd bring the cow as a friend.

Yoshino: It's lonely being alone..

Shido: Right. I think that was a great idea. Hopefully, it appreciates your sentiment.

Yoshino: Yeah!

Shido: So, who's next?

Kotori: ..Uh.

Shido: What'd you bring Kotori?

Kotori: ..You first, Onii-chan.

Shido: Okay. Here it is.

Shido shows the shortcake he brought at the store.

Shido: It's a shortcake I bought from downtown.

Tohka and Kotori's eyes widened.

Tohka: Hm! Shido! That cake looks delicious!

Kotori: That's a good bakery. It's really popular with the kids.

Tohka: Oh. I see. Then, I'll have to try it one day.

Shido: And last but not least, Kotori.

Kotori: Hm.. Hehe. Feast your eyes on THIS!

She takes out a regular lollipop dynamically.

Shido: That's just a typical lollipop!

Kotori: Hehe. You're going blind Onii-chan.

Shido: What do you mean?

Kotori: This is a limited edition lollipop. Not a "typical" lollipop.

Shido: I.. I see.

Kotori: HEY! It's an offering so hands off, Onii-chan!

Shido: Boohoo. It's not like I wanted it anyway.

Some time passes and Tonomachi still hasn't been seen anywhere. They have been waiting for quite some time.

Tohka: Shido, any idea where Tonomachi is?

Shido: I don't know.. I tried to call him but he didn't pick up.

Yoshinon: Shido-kun. Don't tell me he got lost.

Shido: Hm. I don't think he would be..

Akio: He was the one who insisted we'd come here.

Shido: Yeah.

Origami: A phantom might've gotten to him. It could be the curse of the Tengu Cow.

Shido: W..Wait! You can't just drop that so casually!

Origami: The person who invited us here has vanished. How could it be anything other than a phantom?

Kotori: *Whimper* *Whimper*

Shido: K-Kotori? If you're too scared, you can head back home.

Kotori: MMM! I'm not scared!

Shido: Uh.. you're trembling..

Kotori: I'm just excited! That's all!

Akio gets up and grabs his melon with him.

Akio: Well, I'm gonna go see if I can find him. We can't stay here forever.

Shido: Yeah. I'm gonna go look too, but if we don't find him, we can drop our offerings off and go home.

Kotori: R-Really Onii-chan?

Shido: Yeah. We can't stay here forever. Wait here everyone.

Kotori: Mmm. Okay!

Akio and Shido both split up to go find him. Shido walks in the tall grass and Akio follows a different path. Time continues to tick and Shido and Akio still can't find a trace of him.

Shido: Geez.. where is he? Could really have been spirited away? No, like that would even happen.. Besides.. All of this was made up to begin with.. T-There's no such thing as ghosts anyway.. Even if if there was, I'm not scared of-

???: Found you.

Shido: Eh?!

He instinctively turns around to see Origami.

Origami: What's wrong?

Shido: Origami? Phew.. Please don't scare me like that. I almost passed out.

Origami: No problem. I would help out in that situation.

Shido: How so?

Origami: From mouth to mouth. Hehe.

Shido: W..Well, i'm fine now, so I don't think that won't be necessary.

Origami: I see.

Shido: By the way, did we take too long to search for him?

Origami: Yes. That's why I went looking for you. I was afraid of what would happen to you since you're all alone out here.

Shido: Okay. Then let's search together.

Origami: Yes.

*Music cuts*

As they travel, they come across tall grass and a slight fog.

*DAL Rio Reincarnation Small Happiness OST plays*  

Shido: Dang.. At this rate, we're never gonna find anything.

Origami: Hey, Itsuka..

Shido: Huh..? That voice..

Origami: It's a little hard to see. Could we hold hands so that we don't get lost?

Shido: R..Right.

He held Origami's hand. It felt soft, warm and he was instantly reassured. They continued to look for Tonomachi.

Shido: It's no use. We are never gonna find him at this point.

Origami: I see..

Shido: Well, should we head back?

Origami: Yes!

Shido feels something and accidentally embraces Origami. They both get red in the face and Shido tries to escape.

Shido: S..Sorry! This isn't'..

Origami holds him tight and pulls him in.

Origami: No.. It's fine. Let's embrace each other more.

Shido: O..Okay..

Origami: I miss your warm embrace.. It soothes my heart being in your arms.

Shido begins to smile.

Shido: I feel the same way too Origami..

They both smile and look at each other. Kotori comes out of the grass and calls out for her brother.

*Music cuts* 

Kotori: Ah! Onii-chan!

Shido: Wah?! Kotori?! Where did you come from?

Kotori: Oogh. What kind of question is that? You were taking so long that we all went looking for you!

Shido: Oh no! I'm sorry we just got a little lost..

Kotori: There's no point if the search party gets lost!

Shido: I'm sorry.

Kotori: Hm. By the way, what were you guys doing just now?

Shido: N-Nothing! We weren't doing anything! Right, Origami?

Origami: R-Right! We weren't doing anything!

Kotori: Hmm. Well.. whatever. Alright. Let's hurry and leave an offering, then go home!

Shido: Y-Yeah!

Time passes again and Tonomachi hears his name from Shido as he continues to call him.

Hiroto: Huh? I think I heard my name... At last my time has shone! The mosquito bites were worth it! Of course, to make the most of a haunted house, you gotta spook people. The looks on those girls' faces will be PRICELESS!

He hears something fall behind him.

Hiroto: Hm? What's that?

Something growled menacingly behind him.

Hiroto: ..?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

Shido hears the scream and turns in curiosity with the rest of the girls.

Shido: What was that? Did I just hear..?


He runs past and Shido stops him.

Shido: Hey! Where are you going?!

Hiroto: It's here! It's here!

Shido: What's here?

Hiroto: I don't know but I saw something!

Shido: ...Now I know you're trying to scare us. There's no such thing as a Tengu Cow.

Hiroto: You can't say that Itsuka! That's a bad jutsu!

Shido: What are you talking about?

Hiroto: I-Im going home okay?! You all should do the same!

He runs off and Kotori gets scared and starts trembling again.

Kotori: *Whimper* *Sniff*

Yoshino: I..Is there something there?

Shido: I don't know. I can't say for certain.

Yoshino: ..!

Yoshinon: So what's the plan now Shido?

Shido: Well, we should drop off our offerings.

Kotori: Yes! Great idea!

Tohka: Yes, my stomach is starting to growl.

Origami: The one who pays her offerings first will be the first to have Shido all to herself.

Tohka: Grr.. What?! Victory will be mine!

Shido: D-Don't do anything reckless!

Out of nowhere, a monster-like cry could be heard in the distance.

*DAL Rio Reincarnation Occult OST plays*

Shido: Eh?

Kotori: O-Onii-chan!

Yoshino: S..Shido!

Origami: A cry. It must be the Tengu Cow.

Kotori: Uuh..UUUUU!

Shido: No way.. I didn't hear anything. That was nothing! Let's just drop these off and go-

The growling happens again and something splashes out the water.

Shido: AHHHH!

*DAL Rio Reincarnation Comical OST plays* 

They see a crocodile come out of the water making noises passing along the pathway.

Tohka: Oh! Is that the Tengu Cow?! How menacing!

Shido: Wait.. Oh.. It's just a crocodile..

The crocodile keeps growling and splashing.

Origami: Shido. I'm scared.

Shido: N..Now you're scared too?!

Tohka: Origami Tobiichi! What the hell do you think you're doing?!

Origami: You should go and defeat that thing. In the meantime, I'm going to strengthen my bond with Shido.

Tohka: Grrr. I'm scared too, Shido!

Shido: *Sigh* You know what, since this thing's not real, let's just go back and forget the offerings. I hope Akio's okay though..

*Music cuts* 

They all walk back to the place that they all came from with their offerings. Meanwhile Akio is walking in a dark ominous area with murky water and faint light from the moon with the watermelon in a capsule on edge and paranoid.

Akio: ...I don't like this.. Why did even go this far looking for him anyway..? I guess I was just bored of sitting around.. I can't do this ominous crap.. I'm getting out of here..

He hears something fall and he turns to the noise.

Akio: HEY! STOP!

He sees a branch on the ground.

Akio: *Sigh* I'm losing it.. I just need to get out of here..

As he takes a step he hears a growl from the murky waters that sounded like a distorted cow moo as the soundtrack from Tattletail plays when Mama is after you. 

*Tattletail Mama Theme plays* 

He turns his head and sees a shadow arise from the water. He stands there and stares at it with widened eyes as he slowly starts to back up.

Akio: no...

The shadow starts to groan and moo even more as red eyes slowly open up. Akio's face gets more scared.


The sound plays when you see Mama in Tattletail and the figure runs at Akio and Akio peels off in fear screaming as horror tracks play as runs back to Shido and the others. They hear him screaming as they come back to the area.

Tohka: Wait.. is that..?

Akio continues running and screaming as the black figure chases him into the light. He trips on something and he falls and slides on the ground to Shido and the others.

Shido: Akio?! What happened?!

Kotori: *Whimper* Whimper* Onii-chan.. Look.

They all look at the figure with red eyes and make a distorted mooing sound. Kotori faints and Yoshino catches her on accident.

Yoshino: ..! UEEEEEEEEEEE!

She starts crying and Yoshinon tries to calm her down.

Yoshinon: No! There was something chasing him! Try to calm down Yoshino!

Shido: No way..

Origami: It's the..

Tohka: Tengu Cow..!

Akio stands back up in mild anger and annoyance and starts squaring up with a stance.

Akio: You know what?! Why am I running?! You asked for this! You see these hands?! They're up! Put 'em up!! NOW!!!

*Music cuts* 

???: Woah! Hey man, chill out..

Akio: W..What?

The figure comes out of the darkness and it shows a dude in a wet cow suit and he rings it out.

Tohka: What is this?

Guy: What are you running for man?

Akio: W..What am I running for?! Why are you in the middle of the forest in the cow suit in the murky waters?!

Guy: Look man, I lost a bet and I had to spend an entire day swimming in the lake in a cow suit and I am starving. I was just wondering if you had any food to spare.

*DAL Rio Reincarnation Amusement OST plays* 

Akio: Y..You..

Akio walks around with his hands on his head and turns back to address the dude in the cow suit.

Akio: You chased me so that you can get some food because you lost a bet?!

Guy: I..I mean.. You didn't have to run away though..


Guy: Look, I just lost a bet with my friends and I had to swim in the lake for an entire day with no food.

Akio: That sounds like a choice! You think that's enough of a reason to scare someone to death and chase them?! I was about to beat your ass and then some!

Guy: Wow! Why would you do something like that?!

Akio: Because you triggered my Flight or Fight response and I chose both responses!

Guy: Wow.. you are such an actor..

Akio: Man, it's not even about me! YOU'RE PSYCHOTIC!

The guy's stomach growls and he holds his stomach.

Guy: Please.. Man. Do you have any kind of food? I'm struggling over here.

Akio: ..You know what?

Akio takes the capsule out, presses the button and gives the big watermelon to the guy.

Akio: Just take the melon and go home.

Guy: Hey, thanks man!

Akio: Whatever. Just go.

The guy runs off into the pathway in excitement. Shido and the others are extremely confused and distraught.

Origami: ..Huh

Tohka: Shido..? What just happened?

Shido: I..I have no idea.

Kotori wakes up and asks Yoshino what happened.

Kotori: Ugh.. What happened?

Yoshino: I ..don't..know.

Akio: ..I have a headache..

Shido: Yeah.. Let's get out of here..

*Music cuts* 


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