The Longest Night

By a_baka_frs

2.2K 371 17

Have you ever killed someone?Feel your victims blood run down your body? See life leave one's eyes as you slo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

198 26 1
By a_baka_frs

My head throbbed. It felt like someone had taken a knife through my skull. Squeezing my eyes shut, I willed the pain to go away. The rest of the world became attached, all I could concentrate on was the pain rooted deep in my head. It felt as if the blackest of clouds are over my head with no intentions of clearing.

My eyes peeled open, as my eyes get familiar with the dim light in the room, faint memories of what happened came flooding.

And I couldn't help but snicker at my own foolishness.

That motherfucker.

He rigorously put the lasers for show. I remember watching him walk right through them before everything went dark.

I pulled my wrist and groaned to feel a rope pressing against my wrist. I looked at my sliced arm which was now wrapped with a cloth. I can't feel it because it's got numb but thankfully it's not bleeding anymore. I shook my legs violently to free them but all in vain.

I try to free my hand but every part of my body has given up. It just won't move.

Soon the door to the room opened and he walked in with a cloth covered in blood. "What a mess." He hissed and walked towards what seemed like a table completely ignoring my presence and placed the cloth before lighting on the lamp.

" You need a hand?" I uttered.

He continued with whatever he was doing, not minding my words.

"Did you go mute by that hit I gave you earlier?" I mocked.

He turned before walking towards me. He crouched down with an unamused expression on his face.

"Say that again and you'll find this steel somewhere uncomfortable before time. " He threatened by pushing the tip of the knife on my neck.

The hair on my arm stood to attention, as a militia of chills march down my spine. And my breath became ragged and uneven.

"Who are you?" I breathed.

"Should have done your research before coming." He replied going back to his previous place.

"I did. But it nowhere said you were a molester." I replied.

He glared back at me while unfolding what looked like transparent plastic sheets.

I try to move a bit and that's when I noticed the floor. I stop to look closely. The entire floor was covered with details and pictures of people.

What the hell!!

I look closely as my mouth runs dry as I could identify some of them from the news.

Who tf is he? My blood runs cold and the panic grows stronger into my nerves as my mental faculties give way to emotions. I want to jump right out of my skin and join the ether. I feel just like a child again, shaking, terrified. The constricted feelings grow as if I am strangled by just the air about me.

I look back at him. I want to speak but words won't come out of my mouth it's like I'm choking on those words and it's suffocating.

He walks back to me and holds my arm trying to pull me up. "Move."

A normal terrified person wouldn't have listened to him as easily as I did because my legs followed his words as if they weren't even a part of me.

He pushes me back down on the plastic sheet he had laid on the other side of the room before walking away to get something. I fall back nearly tearing open the wounds again. I didn't even realize but my hands had started shaking and so had my breathe. It had become more low and rasp.

To be continued...

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