I'm a Costello

By _crazy_hooman_

4.4M 95.2K 56.5K

•[COMPLETED]• Book-1 of Costello series. Valentina is a free spirited bubbly girl who can sometimes be very a... More

(1) Monday is a bitch
(2) Secrets revealed
Characters (1)
(3) Finally home
(4) Meeting them
(5) Guilty
(6) Shopping
(7) More Brothers?!
Characters (3)
(8) Family from Italy
(9) Bonding {part one}
(10) Bonding {part two}
(11) Goodbye for now
(12) Emotional
(13) School
(14) Prank Gone Wrong
(15) Texas
(16) Threat
Characters (4)
(17) Surprise!
(18) Scared
(19) Care
(20) Mafia?
(21) Captured
(22) Kidnapped
(23) Kidnapped (part 2)
(24) Revelations
Characters (5)
(25) Video
(26) Pain
(27) Attack
(28) Rescued
(29) Reunion
(30) Recovery
(31) Back to school
(32) Fight
(33) Argument
(34) Apology
(35) Cocky? Check.
(37) Italy
(38) Italy (part 2)
(39) Birthday
(40) The Party
Characters (6)
(41) The Party ( part 2)
(42) Back Home
(43) Partners?!
(44) Project
(45) Dinner
(46) I like you
(47) Prank war
(48) Hostage
(49) Hostage (part 2)
(50) My entire family?
Bonus chapter (2)
Thank you!

Bonus chapter (1)

41K 987 796
By _crazy_hooman_


So I decided to write a bonus chapter from when Valentina was born.


Third POV:

The Costello family is on their toes since Melanie went into labour for the seventh time.

Vincenzo rushed his screaming wife to the hospital along with his sons in excitement of a new child.

Vincenzo Costellos, the Don of the American mafia already had six sons who he loved to the moon and back.

They were:
Alessandro- 10 yrs old
Elijah- 8 yrs old
Lorenzo- 7 yrs old
Xander and Xavier- 3 yrs old
Matteo- 2 yrs old.

He was ecstatic when he learnt that he is going to become a Dad for another child. He hoped this time it was a girl.

Actually not just him. The entire Costello family including his parents hoped it was a girl since they all have been dying to have one in the family of only boys.

But Vincenzo was very clear about the seventh child. If this time also he gets a son he was going to accept him as a blessing. He will in no way love his seventh son any less than he would his daughter.

"Ahhhhh", Melanie yells pain as he was getting wheeled inside the room.

Vincenzo ran alongside her holding her hand trying to comfort her in any way possible. She squeezed it and he ran his hand through their hair.

He had learnt a few things though during his other six child births that the hand he's using to hold his wife's is gonna break soon. But he dare wouldn't complain about the pain.

She had actually once sprained his wrist after she held it so tight during the birth of the twins. He winced in pain and Melanie gave him the deadliest glare making him shut up.

That day he got a lecture on how a sprain is nothing compared to popping two kids out of your body. He agreed no doubt and swore to never complain again.

They wheeled her in and the doctor came to check her.

Vince stood next to her head and kissed her head to ease her pain. Melanie took deep breaths and winced when she felt a strong wave of pain.

"You're not that far. Just some more time before the child comes", The doctor informed.

"What? There's more time! Oh god", Melanie threw her head back on the pillow in exhaustion.

Doctor smiled sympathetically.

"Then doctor why is she in so much pain?", Vincenzo said in concern.

"Oh she's feeling the contractions Mr Costellos", Doctor said softly.

Vincenzo made an O face and nodded in realisation. He missed the glare his wife was giving him though.

The doctor then left saying she'll come back soon to check her again. Once she left Melanie turned her attention to her husband.

"You!", Melanie gritted glaring at Vince.

Vince's eyes went wide and he raises his hands in surrender.

"Oh babe. I love you", Vincenzo nervously chuckled.

Melanie narrowed down her eyes at him.

"This one's the last Vincenzo I swear! I'll fucking kill you if you ask for another!", Melanie growls

Vincenzo frantically nods in agreement.

"I love my six sons and will love this seventh one. But seven and done. You will have seven angels already and you dare ask me for another one. If you want one give birth yourself", Melanie gritted her teeth and then winced when she felt one contraction.

Vincenzo bit his lip in amusement. He's been threatened before by multiple people, but the threat his wife gives him cracks him up.

He kissed her temple and smiled. She relaxed a bit.

"I'm so excited", He chuckled.

Melanie smiled fondly at him.

"Me too. I feel like this little one will be different. Call it motherly instincts", Melanie smiled caressing her stomach.

"It's my kid. Duh", Vincenzo smirked teasingly.

"You don't want to use that card mister. I may be on a hospital bed, but I will kick your ass later", Melanie threatened her husband.

Vince chuckled and kissed her head.

Vincenzo's phone rang and he picked up.

"Hello", Vincenzo spoke.

It was his second in command informing him about all the men guarding the hospital and floor as he ordered too.

"Good job", Vince nods.

The second in command informed about some more things.

"That's fine. Bring him here. No one's at home. He wants to be here as well", Vince said smiling.

He then ended the call and went back to his wife. They then wondered how their kids were feeling about being big brothers.

The six boys were very excited. I mean technically five. Matteo didn't really realise he was going to be a brother. He in his two year old mind was satisfied with sleeping in one of his brother's arms.

Who knew growing up also Matteo will be the same getting pampered by his brothers.

Xander and Xavier didn't really realise what's happening as well. They were just tagging along with the rest of the family in their small legs.

Xavier was licking his lollipop while Xander was in a grumpy mood because he had to wake up in the middle of the night when Melanie went into labour.

Who knew these twins growing up will be the same. LITERALLY.

There in the hospital Vincenzo and Melanie were in the room while the rest of the brothers were waiting outside in the room.

Alessandro was very happy. He knew he will become a brother to another sibling and he couldn't be more excited. He wanted a girl this time. He wanted a little baby sister.

Elijah sat there next to his big brother with the twins. Xavier was on Elijah's lap sucking on his lollipop while Xander sat next to him on a chair frowning at the surrounding.

He was really happy that he was going to get another little sibling. He and Ales had prayed together for a little sister this time. He remembered the day and smiled.

One month ago

Melanie was walking towards Ales and Elijah's room to tuck them to sleep.

She saw no one was in Elijah's room so she walked towards Ales's knowing those two must be playing.

She was right. Those two were on the bed whispering to each other. She smiled standing at the door admiring her two sons.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked to her side and saw her husband smiling at her. She smiled at pointed at their sons.

Vincenzo wrapped his arms around her belly caressing it and looking at his sons in amusement.

There Ales and Elijah were whispering about the new baby.

"Ales I hope it's a girl this time. What do you say?", Elijah smiled.

"Me too! I don't mind if it's a boy. But we already have sooo many brothers. It will be so amazing to have a bambina", Ales grinned to his brother.

Vincenzo and Melanie smiled hearing that.

"You're right. So what should we do to make the baby in mummy's belly a girl?", Elijah asked curiously.

Ales face palmed himself.

"Silly! We can't make the baby a girl lijah! It happens naturally. Remember mom said that to us?", Ales tilted his head smiling.

Elijah made an O face and nodded.

Melanie silently awed at her boys. Vincenzo chuckled.

"So...um should we pray to god? He can make the baby girl", Elijah said excitedly.

Ales's face brightened.

"Good idea. Come on let's pray. Close your eyes", Ales smiled

The two brothers closed their eyes and smiled sitting opposite to each other.

"God if you can hear us please listen carefully", Elijah prayed.

"Elijah and Alessandro Costello speaking, God", Ales prayed.

Melanie wanted to just go hug her boys tight, but this was too amusing. Vincenzo stifled his laugh.

"My brother and I want a sister to be born to mummy and daddy. We want a bambina", Ales prayed.

"Yes please. A little cute baby sister. Please grant us this wish and put a girl into mummy's belly", Elijah prayed.

"Yes do this and..I will do my homework everyday without disturbing Dad", Ales smiled.

"I will make sure he does that", Elijah smirked.

Ales rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

Melanie and Vincenzo silently laugh standing at the door. They then went in when they were done praying and tucked those two to sleep kissing their heads.

Back to present.

Elijah sighs and looks at Ales. He nudges him and Ales looked at him.

"Pray again?", Elijah asked

Ales nods smiling.

"Let's do it silently", Ales nods.

Those two pray again for a bambina.

Enzo on the other hand was too happy to care if it's a girl or boy. He was going to get another baby to play with and that's what was his look out.

He looked down at the sleeping figure of his brother Matteo in his arms and smiled.

He was a cute baby. Enzo liked Matteo a lot. He always helped his mom in taking care of him.

Suddenly he smelled something nasty and his face scrunched. He looked at his elder brothers who now sniffed the air and grimaced.

They turn towards him and look down at Matteo and smile a bit in amusement.

"What? Do you smell that nasty?", Enzo asked curiously

"It's Matteo", Elijah chuckled.

"What?", Enzo tilted his head and looked down at Matteo confused.

"Enzo darling. Matteo just pooped", Ales smiled shaking his head.

Enzo's eyes went wide and he grimaced looking down at Matteo.

Now he didn't find this one cute.

"You had to poop on me only or what?", Enzo frowned at the boy.

Ales and Elijah laughed. The twins just sat there pinching their nose.

"Give him to me. I'll change his diaper", Ales said getting the bag which they carried from home especially for Matteo.

"No it's okay I'll do it. I always do this with mom. Give me the new one", Enzo sighs.

Who knew he will continue to be the mama bear.

Ales gave him everything and he sat there changing the diaper. Matteo was awake now and looking here and there in curiousity.

He glanced up at his brother Enzo changing his diaper and he started flapping his arms and legs disturbing Enzo.

Matteo had a different reaction to Enzo always. He just enjoyed troubling him. He did the same to others as well, but more to Enzo.

"Hey don't do that", Enzo frowned trying to keep the baby still.

Matteo didn't understand obviously and giggled in his baby voice and did grabby hands to Enzo.

Enzo sighed smiling looking at his brother, but prayed his new little baby sibling is nothing like this one always annoying him.

Who knew Enzo will have to deal with an annoying Matteo for the years to come.

One hour had passed and there was no news yet. The Costello brothers were bored.

Elijah stared at Xavier in wonder. He was still on his lap sucking his lollipop.

He is a foody..Elijah thought.

Suddenly Xavier looked at Xander and frowned. Xander sat there glaring at everything he could. He was impatient. He just wanted to do home and sleep.

Xavier thought Xander was hungry so he got another lollipop from his pocket and gave it to his twin.

"Here", Xavier offered his candy to his twin.

Ales looked at them amused. It was no surprise to others that Xavier would share his candy only with Xander.

"I don't want it", Xander grumbles looking at Xavier.

"Why? Xandy is angry so eat candy", Xavier pouts.

"I want to sleep Xavier not eat", Xander frowned.

Elijah sighs and looks at Xander and rubs his back.

"Lijah when will we be home?", Xander frowned.

"Soon, but you can sleep here if you want", Elijah smiled.

"But I want my bed", Xander whines.

Elijah sighs and shifted Xavier to his left leg and picked up Xander and put him on his right leg so that both of them were on is lap.

Xander was content. He layed his head on his brother's chest and was sleepy already.

Xavier frowned. He really wanted Xander to eat his lollipop. He offered it again, but Xander rejected it. That made Xavier sad. He got tears in his eyes.

The emotional one.

Elijah was going to scold Xander for behaving rudely to his twin, but he didn't have to. He looked down at the twins on his lap in awe.

Xander immediately saw the tears in his twin's eyes and he hated it. He never liked it when Xavier cried. So even though he didn't want to eat but sleep he grabbed the lollipop immediately and started sucking on it.

"Don't cry. I'm eating", Xander sighs

Xavier immediately went back to normal and smiled happily at Xander. Xander smiled a bit when Xavier hugged him.

Who knew that the twins will be the same inseparable and will live for each other in future.

Elijah and Ales awed silently while Enzo was not so silently awe-ing.

After some time Elijah's legs started paining. He looked down to see Xavier already asleep so there was no chance he was to be disturbed as that boy will create chaos once woken up.

So he looked at Xander and saw he was awake still finishing his lollipop.

"Xan can you please sit on the chair. My leg is hurting. I can't move Xav", Elijah said sadly.

"No! I want to sleep on your lap. I don't like the chair. Please Elijah", Xander frowned sadly.

Ales heard them and looked to the side to see what's it about.

"Sorry Xander, but my leg is numb now", Elijah sighs.

Xander was almost into tears. Elijah hated seeing him like that and decided to endure the pain when Ales spoke.

"It's okay come here Xander. You can sleep on my lap", Ales smiled softly.

Xander's face immediately brightens up and he raised his hands for Ales to pick him up. Ales did and put him on his lap.

Xander got all cozy and comfortable by resting his head on Ales's chest and sighed to sleep. Ales put his arm around him to keep him warm and no doubt Xander's three year old self liked that.

God knows Xander wouldn't do this or admit to this after he grew up.

Who knew this was the start to Ales and Xander's bond for the years to come.

"Thanks", Elijah whispered to Ales gratefully.

"No problem. I don't mind. Give me Xavier also if you want to rest your leg", Ales whispered back smiling.

Who knew he will become the older brother everyone will love..even the soon to be born.

In the room Melanie was getting ready to give birth to the most awaited princess of the family.

They had decided to not reveal the gender to anyone or themselves. They wanted it to be a surprise for everyone including them.

"One last push dear. I see the head", The doctor said softly to Melanie as the baby was on the process of being born.

Melanie whimpered at the pain. She was too exhausted.

"Come on honey you can do this. Think about the baby in your arms Mel", Vince muttered encouragingly to his wife.

He felt so bad she was going through pain. He would without a doubt take that pain if he could.

With one last push Melanie fell back on the bed and at the same time they heard an angelic cry.

Vincenzo's POV:

"Congratulations it's a girl!", the doctor announced with a smile.

My heart skipped a beat.

My eyes went wide.

A girl

The doctor got up with my baby in her arms and I saw my little baby girl crying and everything stilled. All I could see was her.

I was snapped out of my trance when she was out of my sight. The nurse was cleaning her.

Melanie gasped and I looked down at her to see she had tears in her eyes. She looked at me in surprise and awe.

"V-Vince it's a girl! It's our baby", Melanie whispered tears falling out of her eyes.

I smiled wide. I was so so happy. I immediately hugged her.

"I know! Oh my god! We have a daughter!", I said excitedly and kissed her.

She chuckled still pouring tears which I wiped out smiling.

The doctor bought our baby to us congratulating us. She gave the baby to Melanie and my wife carefully held her to her body cooing at the little one.

I hover over them and look at my beautiful baby. She was looking at me and her mum and making baby noises that just melted my heart.

"My baby", I whispered noticing my eyes getting blury.

I touched her head and caressed it softly. I booped her nose which made my wife chuckle.

"Here hold her", Melanie smiled looking at me.

My eyes went wide for a second. I was nervous. I mean I have practice of holding six boys but my baby girl is so small and cute.

"You won't drop her Vince", Melanie rolled her eyes with an amused smile.

I nod and take her from my wife's hands and held her close to me cradling her and moving from side to side.

My little one looked at me and blinked few times and I kissed her eyes and nose.

"You're my daughter, Valentina Costello. The princess of this family", I smile softly naming her.

I looked at Melanie and she had a huge smile on her face. She nods frantically liking the name.

"I should call the kids in to meet their sister", I whisper softly giving back my daughter to my wife.

She smiled nodding. I kiss both their heads and walk out to my sons.

There they all sat leaning on the wall bored out of their mind.

Matteo was playing with Enzo though so they didn't look bored. The twins were on Ales and Elijah's lap respectively kinda awake.

They looked up when I came out and stood up immediately. The three elder ones lifting the three younger ones in their arms while doing so.

"Hey Dad. How's mum?", Ales asked concerned.

"Is the baby out?", Enzo asked curiously.

"Finally going home?", Xander asked yawning to me.

"Daddy! I want icecream", Xavier yawned blinking his eyes repeatedly.

Matteo giggles and does grabby hands seeing me.

"Is it a boy or a girl?", Elijah asked excitedly.

I chuckled and shake my head at their curiosity and well..Xavier, Xander and Matteo.

"Well the baby came and I'm here to take you in to see your mother and most awaited...baby sister!", I said excitedly.

Ales, Elijah and Enzo's eyes went wide in shock. They gasped as they stare at me.

"Oh my god", Ales whispered in surprise.

"Oh my god!", Elijah said smiling wide in happiness.

"OH MY GOD!", Enzo squeals jumping on his toes.

I've never heard 'oh my god' in these many variations at once.

I chuckled at their reactions.

I gestured them to come with me and they almost ran inside the room. I smiled entering last.

Melanie smiled at them all and looked relieved when the youngest three were okay and not crying considering we had to leave the house in the middle of the night.

All my sons stare at the baby girl in Melanie's arm. I went and stood next to my wife.

"Mom?", Ales whispered lowly.

"Yeah Ales?", Melanie replies smiling.

"Is the baby a girl and our sister?", Ales asked confirming still not taking eyes off his sister.

"Yes son", Melanie smiled nodding.

"Are you sure?", Enzo asked curiously

Melanie and I laugh nodding.

"Can I hold her Dad?", Elijah said softly smiling at his sister.

"Of course", I smiled taking Valentina from Melanie's hand and walking towards Elijah.

He put Xavier down who pouts a bit and looked up at me and Valentina.

I carefully place Valentina on Elijah's arms. He cooed at her and carefully held her close to him.

"Wow. She's beautiful. So small and cute", Elijah admired her.

Valentina looked up at him curiously raising her hand. Elijah inserted his finger in her arm and smiled when she held it tight.

"My little baby sister. I love you so much", Elijah whispered softly and shed tears of happiness.

I smiled at my son. Melanie awed at them.

"Elijah can I?", Ales asked softly.

Elijah smiled and nodded. Ales put Xander down who frowns and comes to me hugging my legs and resting his head on me.

Elijah carefully placed Valentina in Ales's arms.

She made some baby noiser and Ales rocked her back and forth cooing at her.

She raised her hand and this time slightly tapped his face making Ales chuckle.

"You're gonna be a handful once you start crawling", Ales smiled.

Melanie and I laugh agreeing.

"What's her name?", Ales asked looking at me and Melanie.

"Valentina", I smiled wide.

My sons grinned happily loving the name clearly.

"Beautiful", Elijah whispered.

"I will love and protect you all my life. You're my bambina and the life of every single brother you have. You will be unique and special. Thank you for being born to a family of sons, baby sister. We all love you", Ales smiled softly as he kissed his sister's head.

I look at my son in awe. Melanie looks at me with a smile and glassy eyes. We both silently agreed about how lucky we were to witness this bond between our sons and daughter and most importantly..being their parents.

"I'm growing old here. I want to hug her, Ales", Enzo pouts whining a bit.

Ales chuckled and walked towards Enzo. Enzo smiled and gave Matteo to Melanie who immediately kissed the cheek of a giggling little boy.

Enzo jumps excitedly before Ales hands Enzo the baby of the family.

"Aww. She's so cute. She's my sister. I can't wait to play with her, but only when she's a little months old, right mom?", Enzo asked smiling.

"You can play with her Enzo, but of course be careful. She's very small", Melanie smiled nodding.

"Yeah. She is. So small. I don't even feel her weight. Is that normal Dad? Is she healthy?", Enzo asked frowning.

I chuckled and nodded. Enzo smiled satisfied. Ales and Elijah shake their head smiling.

"Look she held my finger! She's so smart!", Enzo gasped in shock lifting his finger Valentina was holding.

Melanie and I laugh nodding.

"She likes me more", Enzo grinned.

"No she doesn't. She will hold anything okay? See", Ales frowned and walked towards him and held out his finger.

Valentina grasped his finger with her other hand. Ales looked happy.

"She will also hold mine", Elijah pouts and walks to them but sighs when he realised both her hands are occupied.

"Aw", Elijah frowns.

"Don't worry boys you have all the time to play and hold her hand now", I smiled.

I looked down at when I felt something. I saw the twins hugging my leg tight and staring at Valentina in Enzo's arms.

I bend down to their height and they look at me.

"Xander. Xavier that's your baby sister", I said softly.

Xander looked at me and then at Valentina. Xavier tilted his head curiously.

"Sister?", Xavier asked cutely.

I nod smiling.

"From mummy's tummy?", Xander asked me.

I nod chuckling.

"Do you both wanna hold your sister?", Melanie asked smiling.

They frantically nod. I smile and gesture Enzo to bring Valentina to me.

He came to me and gave me Valentina. I held her in my arms and showed her to the twins.

They stare at her in curiousity. Xavier touches her nose and smiled. Xander tilted his head first and then ran his hand through her soft hair and smiled.

"Come on fold your hands like this", I gesture them.

They held their hands and I put Valentina in Xander's arms first. I didn't let her go but kept her in his arms.

"She's cute Dad. Like Matteo", Xander smiled.

"She is", I smile.

Valentina made some noise and touched Xander's face.

"Hmm like Matteo she will also flap her hands", Xander noted.

I smiled amused.

I then lift her back and put her in Xavier's arms. She hugged her tight and I didn't let her go incase he lost balance of her.

"Oh she's so small. Smaller than me. I like that", Xavier smiled happily.

My sons laugh.

"Dad can she eat candy? I have some", Xavier asked curiously.

"No silly! She can't. She's so small", Xander shakes his head no.

"Really? Then what will she eat?", Xavier asked tilting his head more than needed to the side.

But my three year son still looked cute.

"She can only drink milk baby", Melanie smiled softly.

Xavier nods.

I lift her back in my arms and took her to Matteo. He obviously didn't realise who she was but he giggled as usual seeing her.

Matteo hugged her from sitting on Melanie's lap and we all awed at them.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in", I said holding Valentina tight to me.

The door opened and a head peeked inside. I smile at him and gestured for him to come in.

"Ben! Come meet my sister! She's adorable!", Ales excitedly ran to him and pulled him to me.

Ben smiled as he came to me. He waved at Melanie and she gave him a flying kiss.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Costello", Ben smiled politely.

"Hey Ben. You want to see Valentina?", I ask smiling.

He frantically nods his head making me chuckle.

"You should hold her! She's so small that you can't feel her weight. Also give her your finger she'll hold it", Ales grinned at Ben.

"Okay", Ben nods smiling.

I slowly put Valentina in his arms and Ben gasped looking at her.

She scrunched her face a bit and Ben got worried and looked at me.

"Oh it's nothing Ben. Don't worry", I smile assuringly.

He nods and looks down at her. He give her his finger as Ales told him to and she as expected held it tight.

"You were right! She held my finger! Does that mean she likes me?", Ben asked Ales grinning wide.

"Yes. She likes you. How can she not", Ales smiled.

Ben smiled and cooed at my daughter.

"You wanted a sister and you got her Ales. I'm happy for you", Ben smiled at his best friend.


"Oh you also wanted a sister besides she's not just my sister. You're also her brother", Ales smiled happily.

Ben looked at him shocked.

"Right guys?", Ales asked Enzo and Elijah.

"Yeah. She has seven brothers", Enzo and Elijah nod smiling.

I smile proudly. I look at Melanie and she looked so happy.

"Thank you so much", Ben smiled crying.

"Aww don't cry. It's true you're also her brother", I chuckled wiping his tears.

He's like my son.

Ben smiled thankfully and kissed Valentina's head.

The entire day was spent with my sons hovering over Valentina even when she was asleep.

They truly loved her a lot. They were already so protective of her that it made my heart warm and proud.

These are my sons and daughter and I couldn't be more happy being their father.

Who knew his daughter, him and his sons were in for an adventure for the years to come.

But they all will handle it well. Seeing they are Costellos after all.

Hey guys!

So this was Val being born! I hope you liked this chapter!

Please vote!

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