š‚šŽššš”š„š‘šŽš‘ || OVERLORD

By myozone

17.9K 788 158

"What makes you think the world will accept you as rulers?" With a deep laugh, she replied, "Who said we're r... More

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1.6K 92 14
By myozone

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐬


Hiyori walked through the dim-lit halls, decorated with statues and flags or royalty-alike. She was heading to Momonga's office along with Lamia, who was walking beside her.

Hm... walking?

"Lamia? I have a question to ask." Hiyori spoke and Lamia's long ears perked up at her name. "Surely I made you a naga... how do you have feet, even more so, legs?"

Lamia seemed to redden at the question as she tilted her head away a bit. "Back in the temple. When I had my form to be a naga, my tail keeps on being stepped on by the other servants by accident... so I had to change my form."

Hiyori nodded slowly in acknowledgment. "Oh, that makes sense. Do you still frequently change back?"

"Not at all, my lady." Lamia shook her head. "Having legs lessen the inconvenience and it doesn't really use up my energy, so I usually leave it as it is. Do you... dislike it?"

"Hm? No, not at all. Why ask that?"

"O-Oh, um." The naga stuttered. "Nothing much, my lady. I am merely curious."

"You're curious in the most random of things, Lamia." Hiyori laughed a deep rich laugh and Lamia couldn't help but be fascinated by the sound. "Though, I do not wish for you to cease such curiosity."

"Then what of the saying that you often say? What was it... curiosity killed the cat?"

"But you forget, Lamia, satisfaction brought it back," Hiyori smirked at the naga before turning her heel at a corner, leaving Lamia dazed at the glance that her master gave her. She almost stumbled at her feet, catching up to Hiyori, who merely chuckled at her creation's silliness.


A sigh.


And yet another.


Sebas was a patient man as he counted the nineteenth sigh that Momonga exhaled in ten minutes. His master was hunched over his desk, looking through dozens of papers on the guild's defensive plans and records.

Even though Momonga didn't possess flesh, Sebas could hazard a guess that if he did, his eyebrows would be in a tight knot, eyes filled with pure frustration and confusion.

"Lord Momonga, I would suggest taking a rest."

In response, Momonga grumbled and shook his head. "No, it is fine. I must finish analyzing these data before Hiyori arrives."

Sebas let out a silent sigh—that is the first one for mine—as he continued watching his master grumble over piles of papers.

"Hu..." Twenty.

A series of knocks erupted from the door, snapping Momonga from his focus on the papers. From the other side, a muffled voice could be heard. "It's me, Hiyori. I'm here with the data."

"Oh." Momonga straightened his back and cleared his throat. "Come in, Hiyori."

The door creaked open and two people stepped in; Hiyori and Lamia. The archangel was holding a folder filled with papers, I'm guessing the defensive systems, and Lamia by her side accompanying her. They walked their way to his table, greeting Sebas on the way, and placed the folder in front of him.

"As told, I got the data." Hiyori looked at the mess that was Momonga's desk and raised an eyebrow. "And... what is this clutter?"

Momonga groaned as he leaned back to the chair. "The data of Nazarick's defensive system. It's a sizable amount considering the place has multiple floors."

"You look like you're stressing over it."

"I am."

"Why don't you ask for some help? Like Sebas, who's standing right next to you."

Momonga darted his eyes towards the butler, who was nodding lightly, making the overlord wince at his forgetfulness.

"Look, I forgot we're in the game. I thought NPCs can't do paperwork!"

"Well, get it in your skull, bonehead!"

"Was that two puns in a row?"

Hiyori waved her hand dismissively as she walked over to sit on the couch. Lamia followed, standing behind her master, awaiting further orders—like how Sebas was to Momonga. Hiyori noticed this behavior and pointed it out to Momonga.

"Hey, do you think the NPC's get tired after standing for so long?"

Momonga gave her a look before shrugging lightly. "I think so? They get tired, just as when Aura and Mare were fighting the Primal Fire Elemental."

Hiyori softly hummed. "Lamia, Sebas?"

"Yes, Lady Hiyori?" They replied at the same time.

"Come sit with me. And don't deny this offer," she quickly intervened, knowing well what these loyal subordinates would say. "It's an order."

Sebas and Lamia glanced at each other, confused at Hiyori's orders. But they obeyed when the both of them sat down on the sofas that were in front of Momonga's desk. Lamia was beside Hiyori while Sebas was sitting opposite of Hiyori.

Hiyori smiled when she noticed the two relaxing a bit, released from the tension of standing constantly.

"Well then. How are things looking on your side?" The archangel started the discussion.

Momonga picked one from the piles that were scattered throughout and read it. "Aside from minor inconveniences found in the system, things are looking good."

Hiyori hummed. "How about the guardians?"

"If we're talking about before the transition, then they were doing things systematically—to the dot. After that, it is the same but consider some breaks between."

"Oh, that makes sense. Conclusively, there are no major issues?"

Momonga nodded. "There could be some reinforcements, but they can easily be done. How about Teruteru?"

"There is less information since the temple only has four underground floors. The security system is identical to Nazarick, so you can quickly get the gist of it." Hiyori stood from her seat and walked over to Momonga's desk. She grabbed the folder and picked out a paper from it, handing it over to the overlord. 

"This one has the summary of the data."

The two creations watched as the two Supreme Rulers converse with each other, pointing out details that were crucial to them or proposing ideas that could benefit them. 

Watching them, the naga couldn't help but feel a sense of awe towards her master. 

The highest of the highest, next to each other. 

Back then, while Hiyori was included in many of the plans that were conducted in Teruteru, her master was not always there to give her needed input. 

Lamia knew, of course, that being a Supreme Being meant having enormous responsibilities, incomparable to the work that creations and servants like her could never perceive. And now, to see her master bring upon the plans by herself alongside a fellow Supreme Being, it was a sight to behold. 

I can't stop admiring you, my lady. 

"And with that... these scales are your final touch!" Hiyori smiled to herself as she placed the last details on her creation—her first NPC. Slowly, after the last details were placed on the NPC, she opened her eyes. 

Purple shimmering eyes looked up to her with a soft look, as though the NPC was admiring her. Hiyori placed her hand on her creation's cheek, admiring the beauty that was before her with a proud glint in her eyes. 

"And I shall name you Lamia, after the greek species itself. You shall be my trusted creation, my servant, and my assistant." Hiyori smiled widely to herself. 

"Alike Apollo's loyalty to Leto, his mother, you shall be loyal to me as I am your master."

And in those moments, the creation knew who the woman was standing gloriously. Her creator, her goddess. The creator that drew every line on her body and gave her the knowledge of the world. 

The person whom she will worship and admire till the end of time. 

The goddess that she will heed to every word. 

She is Hiyori, her goddess.

"...and that should be it. Anything we should run over again?" Momonga shook his head at Hiyori's question. "Well then. Lamia?"

At the beckon of her name, Lamia snapped out of her thoughts. 

"Y-Yes, my lady?" 

Hiyori smiled. "We are heading back to the temple now. We will come back here once again when the reinforced system is set in place."

Lamia nodded and stood from the seat, already going to stand beside the archangel. 

"Thank you for helping, Hiyori. This is quite a sudden change, so I'm thankful you're here helping." Momonga looked up to Hiyori, who merely shook her head. 

"What did I say before Momonga? I am always ready to support you. I especially made Teruteru for Ainz Ooal Gown, might I repeat myself." 

The overlord bellowed a laugh. "Of course, how could I forget?" 

Hiyori smirked at the overlord before chuckling. 

"Well then, we will be off. See you in a few days, or less if you wish for my help again." 

Hiyori and Lamia bid the two Nazarick denizens farewell and went out, returning to the temple. Stepping out of the portal Hiyori conjured, the two were in front of the Greek-inspired temple, built like the Parthenon, standing tall as pine trees. 

A towering statue was stationed in front of the temple, as though it was made for the people passing by to admire it. It was the statue of Hiyori dressed in nothing but a cloak that covered her body modestly, and a hood hiding her expressionless face. The statue had a pair of wings that draped itself over the statue's body. 

A passerby can easily see that this was a being that those who dwell in the temple worship. 

Oh goodness, why am I so nervous? Hiyori grumbled to herself, feeling her heart race. How would they act? 

"Surely... they won't be as cryptic as Shalltear and Demiurge... right?" Hiyori mumbled to herself, alerting Lamia. 

"Did you say something, my lady?" 

Hiyori shook her head. "No, no. It's nothing. Let's not dwell here for too long. I'm sure the rest are waiting." Lamia nodded eagerly and followed the archangel as they walked towards the temple. 

They walked under the roofs of the temple and presented before them was a stone spiral staircase descending to the lower floors. Around the gaping hole were multiple lit candles and circles that resembled ritualistic circles. 

The two walked down the spiral staircase. On the walls were rusty wall sconces with lit torches burning brightly, lighting up the path as they walked down. Clicking sounds echoed as their shoes tapped with the stone surface. The further they went down, the more the sounds echoed.


The naga perked up. "Yes, my lady?" 

"When you came back here, did you meet the others?" 

"Yes, I did. But I only met a few, whom were Gloria, Harp and Python. The rest were at their stations."

Hiyori hummed. Her heart raced as she thought of meeting the sentient counterpart of the NPCs. All of them differed from each other, each had a distinct personality that can be easily discerned. 

There were seven of them, including Lamia. Hiyori smiled to herself when she recalled the concept that her members thought of when creating the NPCs. They were all influenced by the famous capital vices; the seven deadly sins. Each held the position of the vices and reflected on the sins they have been titled.

Lamia's counterpart was wrath, which was the exact opposite of her observable personality. 

But her lines of code say otherwise. Hiyori chuckled to herself. 

Lamia cocked her head to the side at Hiyori's chuckle. "Are you thinking about something, my lady?" 

"Hm, yes. I was thinking at how amusing it would be to meet all seven. And talking about meeting them..." The two finally reached the lower floor; a lengthy hallway that stretched for miles. The same hallway that she spawned on when she entered the game. "Let's have all of them meet up in the meeting hall."

"Oh! Would you like me to inform them immediately?" 

"Yes, that would be great. Proceed with that while I head off to the hall first." 

With a single bow, Lamia excused herself to do her orders. 

Hiyori looked down at her golden bracelet that had a gemstone embedded in it. It was shaped similarly to the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, the symbol in the gem being the only difference. 

The symbol was of the Olympic Flame. Lit by the first members of Ainz Ooal Gown and carried on by the hidden guild, the light serving as the guide to prosperity. That was the meaning of the symbol. 

The other similarity of the bracelet to that of the ring was of its function. Its purpose was to teleport the user to any part of the temple except for restricted areas. 

Hiyori closed her eyes and imagined herself in the meeting hall. When she opened them, she was met with the same image. A hall decorated with red flags lined with golden embroidery that hung from the pillars. In the middle of the hall was a long table that stretched long enough to accommodate twenty-four seats, with one larger seat at the end, reserved for Hiyori. 

She had always liked this hall. It was the room that the members would gather and truly listen to one another. Their opinions were on equal standings, and everyone must hear it all out. No matter the status, everyone was equal. 

The archangel walked to the end of the table and sat down on the chair. The soft cushions of the chair relaxed her instantly. 

She leaned back in the chair and let out a long sigh, finally relaxing from keeping up her facade as a high and almighty Supreme Being

"Goodness, is this how it's going to be for me every time they are in my presence?" Hiyori groaned to herself. "Huh... talking about them..." 

Hiyori closed her eyes as she recalled the six NPCs she's going to meet. 

First off, the equivalent of Pride; Gloria. An arch devil that has no gender. If I recall correctly... they are proud and confident, as explained by their title. Next, Greed. A dragonoid named Avarita. She's quite a strange one, that's all I could think of. Third is Lust, a succubus named Libido...

The archangel winced at the realization. 

Oh, goodness, she's the same as Albedo. Lustful and thirsty for sexual relief... wait, does she need to do so every so often? 

Hiyori grumbled and reddened at the thought. Hopefully not... okay, next. Envy. His name is Python, and he is a doppelganger, the same as Momonga's NPC. He somehow resembles Demiurge, now that I think of it. 

She hummed to herself. Okay, the fifth sin, Gluttony, a harpy named Harp. A creative name, might I say. She's a bright and cheerful one, I believe. Fifth is Wrath, who is my lovely Lamia. Kind yet filled with fury. And last, the personification of Sloth, a nephilim named Aergia

Hiyori drummed her fingers on the table. He's the same race as Warrior Takemikazuchi. I heard they can't hide their hideousness no matter how much they disguise themselves, hence why Aergia wears a mask at all times. 

"I hope this meeting goes well..." Hiyori mumbled. 

"I'm sure that it will go well, my master." A deep voice rang out and Hiyori snapped her eyes open. She let out a sigh of relief when she realized it was merely Python, the sin of Envy. Another stood by him and it was Harp, the sin of Gluttony. 

The archangel smiled as she stood from the chair. "Hello, Python and Harp."

Python dressed in a green suit, even to his shoes. The ends of his suit, such as his cuffs and cufflinks, have golden embroidery stitched onto it. His tan-colored locks of hair flowed down to his shoulder in wavy curls and his auburn eyes blazed with an ever-present envy. Last, he donned on silver-rimmed glasses. 

"It's an honor to meet you, Lady Hiyori." Python bowed. Harp was smiling brightly beside him as she walked over to Hiyori and grabbed her hands in between hers.

"It really is you! Oh gosh, this is the first time I have talked to your highness like this." Harp grinned widely. 

Harp, as told before, was a harpy. Her legs were that of a bird with large white wings on her back. Harp's ears had feathers on it, fluttering whenever she spoke. Her brown, smooth hair cascaded down to her lower back, a white lily flower crowned to her temple. Pink glimmering eyes stared in admiration at Hiyori, to which she merely chuckled. 

"It is nice to talk to you too, Harp." At the reply, the harpy squealed in glee. 

"Hm? Are you already engaging in her lady's beauty, little bird?" A honeyed voice spoke up, and the three turned around to see who it was. 

Harp pouted as she let go of Hiyori's hand. 

"Must you always bother Harp, Libido?" Python spoke up as he adjusted his glasses. 

Ah, Libido. Sin of lust.

Libido merely smirked at the doppelganger. Libido has long white hair that reached her upper back, with bangs that covered her left eye, and horns that outstretched and curved out on her head. She donned on a black dress that hugged her figure, stretching long until it reached her knees, where it split open at the middle and continues down to the floor. Her eyes were red, swimming in desire. 

With the clicking of her heels,  Libido walked over to the other side of the table, opposite of Harp and placed her hand on Hiyori's shoulder. She slowly leaned in to Hiyori's face and breathed in, practically inhaling her scent. 

"Hm—?" Noised Hiyori. But before she could say anything further, she locked eyes with succubus to when she noticed her pupils were in the shape of hearts. 

"Ah, this scent of purity... may I take it, my lady? It's too good to be untouched." Libido purred and licked her lips.

Purity...? What does that mean

"That— That can be addressed at a later time," Hiyori barely stuttered out as she composed herself, reminding that she is a Supreme Being. "Serious matters need to be attended to as of now, Libido."

Libido let go of Hiyori with a chuckle, though her gaze stayed the same; still lingering on the archangel in what she could guess, desire. Hiyori ignored the way the succubus looked up and down her body.

When will Lamia come here with the rest? I am going to die right here if Libido does anything further! 

Right as she though of thay, the door opened and revealed the last four attendees.

"Ho ho! A gathering of the sins!" A young arch devil loudly cheered.

Gloria, the sin of Pride. They wore a black suit with a red tie. Their skin was the darkest of them all, color alike rich chocolate, as well as being the shortest, merely being at Hiyori's waist. Gloria had a short bob cut and a part of their hair tied to the back. 

What caught Hiyori's attention about Gloria was her black sclera, her short pronounced horns, and her red flower-like eyes.

"Hello, everyone." A masked man spoke.

Aergia, the sin of Sloth. He always wore a white and red kitsune mask to hide away his appearance, a mask given by his creator. Aergia has black hair that . He wore a light gray, thin turtle-neck with a red suit jacket on top. 

"Mm." A dragonoid noised.

The strangest of them all, Hiyori commented, Avarita.

Avarita, the sin of Gluttony. She wore a gown that was like Hiyori's, but it was lighter, shorter, and made of cloth rather than the silk that was Hiyori's gown. 

The most interesting thing about her was her very long horns that curled up on itself with gold cracks at its base, and a crack on her face that traced from her jaw to her eye, as though she were made of porcelain.

"I've brought all of them, Lady Hiyori." Lamia sighed out, tired. She spared Libido a glance, seeming to know what happened while she was absent. 

The succubus smiled not-so-innocently at her in return.

"Well done, Lamia." Hiyori spoke up and smiled at the appearance of all the sins together—some she met formally for the first time. And slightly relieved now that Libido has composed herself in front of the others.

"It is nice to meet you all, dear sins. I'm sure you're wondering why I've called you here. But first of," Hiyori sat down on the chair. "Sit down and we'll start."

Gasps echoed through hall as all the sins looked at Hiyori with wide eyes.

...As expected. Hiyori affirmed.

There was a brief silence before Harp broke it. "Are— are you sure, Lady Hiyori? These seats are reserved for our masters and we're mere servants!"

"Yes, I do not think it's appropriate for us to sit at such a dignified place." Python agreed, the rest following.

I expected as much. They truly see themselves as lower than us, just as when I was in Nazarick. Truly interesting...

Hiyori shook her head, the smile still present on her face. "Do not concern yourselves with status while we are in the meeting hall. As what your masters would say, those who are here are all equal, as well as their opinions." She outstretched her hand, addressing the empty seats. "Now sit with me, not as a servant, but as a fellow resident of the temple." 

All the sins looked at each other as though they were having a silent conversation before they took their seats at the table. 

Three of them were to Hiyori's left; Harp, Python and Gloria. While to her right were Lamia, Libido, Aergia and Avarita.

"As we have gathered, I have to remind once again. In here, we are all equal and one shall not undermine the other. Are we all clear?" 

"Yes, Lady Hiyori!" They all spoke their agreements, their attention fully on the archangel. 

"Wonderful. Now we shall begin the meeting. We have much to discuss." 



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