What is perfect?

By BelenDuarte365

284K 10.8K 27.6K

BOOK ONE OF WHAT IS PERFECT? SERIES. "He's a hero student and I'm a villain. We're enemies only he doesn't k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 36

3.4K 160 268
By BelenDuarte365

Midoriya had finally finished cleaning himself up and was walking out to dinner. As he walked out he saw Kota watching the class from afar. Midoriya tilted his head in curiosity and concern as he watched Kota walk away at the sound of Mandalay calling his name. Midoriya walked over to the table where the curry was left out and grabbed two bowls. He carefully followed behind Kota as he went to a cliff nearby, trying not to disturb his classmates or Kota. Once they both arrived, Midoriya saw Kota sitting near the ledge.

"I heard that, I thought you may be hungry so I brought you some curry," Midoriya said gently as he approached Kota.

Kota stood up and clenched his fists, "No way! How did you find this place?" the boy yelled.

The frustration and anger were easily seen in his face and heard in his tone when he spoke to Midoriya.

"Oh, sorry, I followed your footsteps. I brought you some dinner before it got cold," Midoriya said as he held 2 plates of curry in his hands.

"Whatever, I'm just fine. Get lost, I don't wanna hang out with you. So forget about my secret hideout," Kota said as he stared at the ground in utter frustration.

"This is a secret hideout?" Midoriya asked as he looked around. 

"Hmph, spending your entire life trying to improve your quirks is dumb. All you wanna do is show off. Get lost!" Kota yelled.

Midoriya kept trying to connect with Kota and eventually he brought up his parents. Their tragic death was traumatizing for Kota and led him to resent and hate the hero versus villain society along with quirks. Midoriya eventually came to terms and understood why Kota was so resentful and aggressive towards him.

Meanwhile, Y/N was back at the abandoned warehouse with the rest of the league. She was napping on top of one of the crates on the very top of the mountains of crates. She laid in front of the window, the moonlight shone onto her face, making her squirm in her sleep to hide her face from the light. Big sis Mags noticed and chuckled, she slowly approached the mountain of the crate and smiled up at Y/N's figure curled up in a tight ball with her head hidden with her hair and her tail wrapped around her legs. 

"Y/N, why don't you come nap here, darling? There's no light and no one will bug you," Big sis Mags said softly.

Y/N's eyes fluttered open and she saw Mags pointing at a crate below her and to her right. Y/N looked over at the crate then back at Mags who's mouth was curved into a soft smile but her eyes were covered by her sunglasses. Y/N narrowed her eyes at Mags and slowly crawled down the crate and to where Mags was pointing. She laid down and curled back into a ball.

"Thank you, Magne" Y/N whispered.

"You're welcome and call me Mags," Mags said with a smile.

Y/N faintly smiled into her arm as she heard Mags' footsteps fade away. She began to drift to sleep but was woken up by Shigaraki throwing the door open. Y/N groaned as she sat up. 

"Who pissed in your coffee this morning?" Y/N asked as she stretched her arms and yawned.

"No one. Now go out and scout the camp. Find all the staff that's there and count how many students in total there are. Also, see if you hear any mentions of All Might arriving. I haven't seen him yet," Shigaraki said as he paced back and forth and scratched his neck.

"Aye aye captain," Y/N said as she sarcastically saluted and jumped down the crates.

As Y/N was walking out, Dabi was walking in. Their eyes locked. Dabi gave her a malicious smirk while Y/N glared at him. Dabi brushed his shoulder against Y/N's as she walked past him. Y/N ignored it, didn't think much of it, and left the warehouse to begin scouting. 

"Shigaraki, we need to talk..." Dabi said as he watched Y/N close the door as she left.

"What do you wanna complain about now?" Shigaraki groaned.

"It's about Y/N. I think you may wanna reconsider sending her to scout," Dabi said.

"Why's that?" Shigaraki asked.

"You shouldn't trust her, she's been in contact with a certain UA student. A little too close in contact. Something Midoriya, I think," Dabi said with a smirk.

"Oh, I know. I've always known. I've just been waiting for the perfect time to really expose her. Traitor on both sides? She'll learn her lesson," Shigaraki threatened as he disintegrated the crates.

Y/N's eyes dilated as they adjusted to the darkness and activated her nigh vision. She walked through the dark forest with ease. Strange sounds echoed through the trees and the wind howled. As she was walking through the forest she heard footsteps muffled by the dirt trail. She peeked through the bushes and saw Midoriya walking with one plate of curry. He seemed to be searching for something. As he was walking, he tripped on a rock. He managed to maintain his balance and didn't drop the curry or fall. Y/N chuckled but quickly covered her mouth. Midoriya's head turned towards the sound.

"Who's there?" He asked.

He faced in Y/N's direction and saw her eyes glow in the darkness. He placed the curry down and slowly approached her, not knowing who it was. Y/N quickly lunged at him and they both rolled on the ground. Y/N laughed as her tail swayed in excitement. Midoriya recognized her laugh and began laughing in relief as well.

"Y/N, you scared me. I thought you were something else," Midoriya said as he sat up.

"Nope just me so what are you doing out here at night? Shouldn't you be at the camp?" Y/N interrogated as she sat up next to him.

"I was dropping off some food to Kota, he's the nephew of the Wild Pussy Cats," Midoriya admitted.

"Wild Pussy Cats, good to know. So they're here with you guys? And why do you still have a plate of curry if you dropped off food for Kota?" Y/N asked as she pointed at the plate.

Midoriya turned his head and remembered he brought extra food incase he found Y/N. He blushed and stood up. He walked over to the curry, picked it up and brought it over to Y/N.

"Here, I brought it in case I found you. I wasn't sure if you had eaten anything so I brought you something incase. And yeah! Mandalay, Pixie-Bob, Ragdoll, and Tiger have been helping us train. It's been great! I've been gaining more control over my quirk," Midoriya said as he handed her the plate.

Y/N's eyes widened at the sight of food. She took the plate from Midoriya and place it beside her. She turned back to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him down beside her.

"Thank you. And that's great, then you won't be fighting like a limp noodle once you break your bones trying to punch someone," She said as she kissed his cheek.

"Hey! You saw how I fought Stain," He defended as his face slightly flushed.

"Yeah, that was an awkward moment... sorry about that again," Y/N said as she took the plate.

Y/N took a bite of the food and her face scrunched. She swallowed the food and stuck her tongue out in slight disgust. The tasted horrible but she ate it anyway. Having not eaten since she got there, the food was more than filling. Midoriya chuckled as he admired Y/N. 

"Not very good is it?" Midoriya asked.

"Who cooked this? Please say you didn't," Y/N asked.

"No, I didn't. Our- Class 1-A did, it's not the worst, but it's still-" Midoriya beagn.

"Pretty bad, but I was starving so thank you," Y/N said as she smiled at Midoriya.

Midoriya smiled at the sight of Y/N's. His eyes trailed down to her lips as Y/N took another bite.  He admired her for a while before he noticed Y/N raise her brow and scrunch her nose at him. His eyes widened and he looked away when he realized he had been staring at her a little too long.

"What are you staring at?" She asked as she blinked.

"Nothing!" Midoriya quickly defended.

Y/N placed the bowl down and wiped her face. She pushed Midoriya down to the ground and got on top of him. Midoriya's eyes widened as he felt Y/N hover above him. She lowered her head and kissed his lips. Midoriya's eyes closed as he kissed her back. His hands made their way up to her cheek while one went to her waist. Y/N placed one hand on his chest while she kept herself balanced by placing the other besides his head. Y/N slowly pulled away and faintly smiled at him. She got off and sat beside him again while he sat up.

"You taste like curry," Midoriya as he looked at Y/N.

"Go make out with the tree," Y/N said as she narrowed her eyes at him and sarcastically smiled.

"I'd rather kiss you though," Midoriya said with a sly grin.

Y/N smirked and leaned in close to him. She looked into his eyes and down at his lips as she gently bit hers. She looked back into his eyes with an alluring look and leaned into his ear.

"Who wouldn't," She whispered into his ear and then pulled back away from him.

Midoriya blushed hard and froze in place. Y/N chuckled and stood up. Once she was up she pat the top of his head.

"You were so confident. What happened?" She teased.

Midoriya chuckled and stood up. He dusted himself off and then bent down to pick up the plate. As he picked it up, Y/N looked around as she stood beside him. The forest was nearly pitch black and the only light was the stars and moon above them. 

"You should head back soon. It's pretty dark," Y/N said as she brought her gaze back onto Midoriya.

"Your right,  I don't want anyone getting worried," Midoriya said as he stood back up.

Y/N nodded and watched as Midoriya began walking away. As he was walking away, he turned around and waved.

"Stay safe! Good night!" He said as he smiled brightly before he walked away.

"Good night," Y/N said as she waved.

She slowly brought her hand back to her side and took a deep breath. Her smile faded and she went back to a cold expression.

"Now to go scout," She said as she began running through the forest.

She made her way to the camp and hid in the dark. She watched watched her old classmates walking back into the building. She quickly crawled through the trees and made it to one that had a branch near the edge of the roof. She quickly leaped and quietly landed on top of the roof. As she quietly walked on the roof, she saw the lights turn off. She quickly and quietly made her way to the edge of the roof. She laid on her stomach and dropped her torso and head to peek into the windows. As she peeked in, she saw all the boys sleeping. She lifted herself back up and made her way to the next window. She did the same and saw the girls all asleep. She sighed and walked at the edge of the roof. 

"Where would the teachers and them be? I don't need the students," Y/N thought as she walked.

As she was walking, a room lit up behind her. She quickly turned her head and made her way over. 

"Bam! Perfect," Y/N thought as she peeked into the room and saw Aizawa and Vlad going over the lesson plan.

"So, it's just those two plus the Wild Pussy Cats. We can take 'em," Y/N thought as she peeked over. 

She held her hair to make sure not a single strand would be seen. She made sure that she wasn't in their line of vision while she looked inside. She waited a while until she saw Vlad and Aizawa stand up and leave the room, leaving the lesson plan behind. She quickly flipped off the roof and quietly landed on the ground below. She ducked to the ground and hid as she made her way to the wall next to the window. She carefully pulled the window open and entered.

"Yes, it's open. No need to pick the lock," Y/N thought as she tiptoed to the table with the lesson plan. 

She quickly pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of it. To her luck, it was only one page, front and back. She quickly flipped it and snapped a picture again. As she was putting her phone away she heard footsteps from the distance. 

"I got some time, they sound like they're still like a minute from me," Y/N thought as her ears perked up and pointed towards the sound.

Y/N quickly flipped the page and quietly ran to the window. She jumped out and closed the window behind her. Once she closed the door, she ran into the forest and began making her way back to the warehouse.

"This should be enough for Tomura. I did what he asked, like I always do. If I didn't, he be a little bitch and cry about it," Y/N thought as she scrolled through the picture of the lesson plan.

"Aizawa, did we leave this window open?" Vlad asked as he walked over to the window that was shut all the way.

"I don't think we did," Aizawa said as he stood up with an alarmed yet serious expression.

"Maybe I forgot to close it. I always forget," Vlad said as he closed the window and walked back to his chair.

"You seriously need to start remembering things like that," Aizawa groaned as he sat back down.

He rubbed his temple in annoyance and rested his elbows on the table. Vlad gently yet aggressively slammed his hands on the table, making Aizawa's head shoot up.

"You being the Class 1-A teacher has given you a big head, Eraserhead. I'll have you know that Class 1-B is superior in-"

"Good night, Vlad," Aizawa interrupted as he stood up and walked out of the room.

"You walk away because you know I'm right!" Vlad shouted as he watched Aizawa walk out.

Aizawa ignored his statement and walked to his room. His footsteps echoed through the hallway. The only light was coming through the door that led to the boy's room. Aizawa made his way to his room and shut the door behind him. He laid down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling.

"The window was closed. I know because I closed it. Someone snuck in... Nothing was stolen so they weren't looking to steal... Or maybe I did forget to close it all the way... Whatever, I'm too tired. Dealing with Vlad has given me a migraine. I'd rather be with All Might than Vlad, "

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