The Unlikely Hero!

By Logan-Kenway

264K 5.5K 2.2K

My 1st MCU Story! Enjoy! More

Chapter - 1 (Thor)
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3 (Avengers Assemble)
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter 12 (Iron Man 3)
Chapter - 13 (Carnage)
Update #2
Chapter - 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18 (Captain America - Winter Soldier)
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter - 23 (Avengers - Age of Ultron)
Chapter - 24
Updated Bio
Chapter 25 (Captain America - Civil War)
Chapter 26
Update #3 (New Story)
Update #4
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Endgame)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Final Chapter!

Chapter 28 (Infinity War)

3.2K 91 10
By Logan-Kenway

(Y/N) got out of a bed inside a hotel in Scotland, whys he in Scotland? Well he's been picked as the protect of Wanda, and during this time she has become another one of (Y/N)'s loves, it kinda happened out the blue, but no one had any complaints except Sam, Steve and Bucky make their jokes. 

(Y/N) rubbed the sleep out his eyes as being pent up in this hotel room, not being able to Venom to let off some steam has defiantly taken it's toll on him, (Y/N) got up showing off his well built body with all his battle scars, he walks over to a table and pours himself a drink and looks out to the empty streets bellow.

Wanda: I'm sorry.

(Y/N) looks to the bed to see Wanda sat up and looking at him in concern.

(Y/N): What for?

(Y/N) says taking a sip and turning his attention back to the outside world, Wanda didn't respond and got out the bed and approached (Y/N), she hugged him from behind as neither said anyone words but seemed to have an entire conversation.

Wanda: Let's go for a walk.

(Y/N) finished his drink and set the glass down.

(Y/N): Sure. Why not.

The two then got dressed and started to walk down the night streets of Scotland, it was a beautiful town and it wasn't a bad place to be held up, but it's been a few months now and Venom is getting on (Y/N)'s nerves with his complaining, Wanda was about to make conversation till she noticed (Y/N) wasn't with her anymore, she turned around to see him looking in a shop window, she got curious of what got his attention, she approached him and looked to see a shop with TV's in the window, she then spotted what was on the TV's.

Wanda: Oh my god.

On the TV's is a alien space ship laying waste to New York.

(Y/N): It's no god.

Wanda was about to ask more questions to what (Y/N) just said but before another word could be said a electric device attached itself to (Y/N) sending a shock wave through his body making him cry out in pain Wanda tried to help (Y/N) but she was attacked by Proxima Midnight, one of Thanos' children, Wanda fought back as (Y/N) ripped the device off himself and looked to see another one of Thanos' children Corvus Glaive approaching him.

Corvus: So your the one we need to be careful of.

Corvus said as he dragged his spear across the cobble road as (Y/N) stumbled to his feet trying to shack off the shock that was sent through his body.

Corvus: You don't look so bad.

Corvus said with a chuckle as (Y/N) just grinned at him.

(Y/N): You have no idea how long I have been holding this in.

Corvus grew confused as he tilted his head at (Y/N), but (Y/N) charged at Corvus and Corvus stood still thinking he could easily take the punch from a weakling, but (Y/N) put all of the past months pent up frustration behind the blow and sent Corvus flying across the streets of Scotland.

Meanwhile Wanda dodge a strike from Proxima and was about to give a strike of her own, but before she could Corvus came flying into Proxima sending them both into a nearby train station, Wanda looked to where Corvus came from and looked to see (Y/N) with a smirk on his face, she smiled at him as he really needed to let that out. 

(Y/N): You okay?

(Y/N) asked as he approached Wanda, she was still smiling at him as he was back to being his old self.

Wanda: I am now.

The two shared a quick kiss and entered the station to see Proxima and Corvus slowly getting back to their feet.

Corvus: Maw didn't tell us everything about this human.

(Y/N) and Wanda stood a few feet away from them in their own battle stances as (Y/N) was really looking forward to this.

(Y/N): News flash, fish brains. I'm no normal human.

Proxima and Corvus grabbed their weapons and stood up as Wanda got ready to fight again.

(Y/N): You ready buddy?

Wanda knew who he was talking to, but Proxima and Corvus wasn't told all that much about (Y/N), so they had no idea what he is doing. They were understandably taken back when (Y/N) suddenly grow and extra foot tall, turned pure white with black veins all over his body and let out a roar that would make Thanos piss his pants.

Venom: Liver, Lunges, Pancreas, so many snacks so little time.

Venom said licking his lips, Proxima and Corvus looked scared for a second till they snapped out of it and got ready for a fight, Wanda and Venom did the same but at that moment a train sped past them, as the train passed something in between the gaps caught Proxima's attention, Corvus followed her line of sight as he to saw what she saw, Venom and Wanda got curious and turned just as the train went passed and a shadowy figure could be seen.

Proxima throw her spear at the person, but she was taken back when they caught it like it was nothing, Steve then stepped out the shadows with the spear in his hand as he didn't look pleased, Wanda smiled as Falcon came out of no where and drop kicked Proxima in to Venom, Venom grabbed her by the back of her neck and slammed her into the ground, Venom picked her back up and through her in the air as Falcon came around for another kick, this time sending Proxima into a nearby coffee shop temporally taking her out the fight.

Venom started to fight Corvus, not fully as Venom was just distracting him, as he spotted Nat charging at him, Steve throw Proxima's spear at Corvus, but Corvus dodge it allowing it to go straight into the possession of Nat, Venom landed a clean punch to Corvus face making him stumble as Nat slide and used Proxima's spear to slice the back of his knee out, Corvus was about to hit Nat with his spear but Venom caught it and ripped it out his grip, Venom dropped the spear as Nat stabbed Corvus with Proxima's weapon.

Venom looked to see Wanda with scratches on her face and arms making him power down and approach her.

(Y/N): Your hurt.

(Y/N) said holding her hands, Venom then coursed through his veins and a small piece of Venom went to Wanda and held her, Venom couldn't stay with Wanda for obvious reason's so once Wanda was healed Venom went back to (Y/N) just as Steve jumped into action and used Corvus' spear to block a strike from Proxima's, which she got back from Nat the same way Steve would get his shield back to him.

(Y/N) and Wanda watched as Nat and Steve worked together to fight Proxima, Proxima was skilled but when Steve knocked her off guard, it aloud Sam to fly in and deliver another kick to her sending her rolling to her fallen partner, Sam landed next to Steve and Nat as Proxima scrambled to Corvus

Proxima: Get up.

Proxima told her partner as she placed her hand on his chest.

Corvus: I can't.

Nat: We don't wanna kill you, but we will.

(Y/N): Speak for yourself.

Steve stopped (Y/N) from walking to the two children of Thanos, as he pushed (Y/N) back over to Wanda.

Proxima: You'll never get the chance again.

She said looking at the five of them, but then she looked to (Y/N), just (Y/N).

Proxima: See you soon, son of Thanos.

She then pressed a button on her device that was attached to her wrist and it lifted her and Corvus up into the sky, they all watched as they both disappeared in a beam of light, but once the light died down they all looked to (Y/N) confused as he hadn't told them anything about any of this.

Sam: Who's Thanos?

(Y/N): First, where's Vision?

Steve: Safe, now who's Thanos?

Everyone was now on the Quinjet as Sam pilots and Nat co pilots.

Sam: Where to, Cap?

Steve: Home.

(Y/N) was sat on the seat with Wanda next to him, but once the Quinjet started it's course, Sam put it in auto pilot and they all sat around (Y/N) so he can explain who Thanos is.

(Y/N): Okay, don't freak out or anything.

(Y/N) said with a chuckle as he stood up and walked so he was in front of them.

(Y/N): I'm not technically human.

(Y/N) said as if it was the most normal thing ever, but that didn't help them as they were all still really confused.

(Y/N): Okay, you need more, um...

(Y/N) then tried to think about the easiest way to tell, so he just started from the beginning, it took a few times to go over the story but they all seemed to get what he was saying.

Sam: So you knew about Thanos before all of this but didn't say anything.

(Y/N): When you put it like that it sounds bad.

Steve: It is bad.

(Y/N) knew that he should have told them, but he didn't actually think that Thanos would actually come to Earth, he was just trying to scare the giant grapefruit, (Y/N) then sat back down as he was quiet for the rest of the flight, Wanda and Nat sat next to him as they hugged him and he thought about everything that had just happened, the fight, New York everything in the future to deal with Thanos, he could have stopped before it even started on that day he found out the truth.

Rhodes is inside the old Avengers HQ as he is on a hologram call with Secretary Ross.

Secretary Ross: Still no word from Vision?

Rhodes: Satellites lost him somewhere over the Caribbean.

(Let's give Vision a holiday)

Rhodes responded lying through is teeth as Vision was inside the HQ with him awaiting Steve's and the others arrival.

Secretary Ross: And the stolen Quinjet with 5 of the world's most wanted criminals.

Rhodes: You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir?

Rhodes says finally speaking his mind to his superiors, Rebecca watched from the side as she was still a wanted criminal she just liked to watch the calls as Ross always finds some BS to talk about.

Secretary Ross: My God, Rhodes. Your talent for horseshit rivals my own.

Rhodes: If it weren't for those Accords, Vision and everyone else would be here already.

The hologram of Secretary ross gets up from his seat and approached Rhodes as they now stand face to face.

Secretary Ross: I remember your signature on those papers, Colonel.

Rhodes: That's right. And I'm pretty sure I paid for that.

Secretary Ross: You have second thoughts?

Rhodes: Not anymore.

They are both then brought out of their little stare down by an indication that someone has entered the room, Rhodes turns to his left as Ross looks to his right as they both look to see Steve, (Y/N), Nat, Wanda and Sam, Rebecca comes into the Secretary's view as she hugs (Y/N), (Y/N) hugs back as the Secretary don't look happy.

Steve: Mr Secretary.

Secretary Ross: You got some nerve. I'll give you that.

The Secretary says as he walks over to Steve and the others.

Nat: You could use some of that right now.

Secretary Ross: That world's on fire. And you think all is forgiven?

Steve: I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking permission.

Steve said not backing down from the Secretary as he easily holds the power in this stand off.

Steve: Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way...

Steve said as he approached the Secretary's hologram even more.

Steve: ... We'll fight you too.

The Secretary's hologram looks away from Steve and to Rhodes.

Secretary Ross: Arrest them.

Rhodes: All over it.

Rhodes then ends the call as the Secretary's hologram disappears. Once it fully disappeared it left them all alone as Rhodes looks to Steve.

Rhodes: That's a court-martial. It's great to see you, Cap.

Rhodes says smiling with his hand out for a shake, Steve smiles back as he accepts the handshake.

Steve: You too, Rhodey.

Everyone then exchanged greetings as disappears just stood by and tried to think of a way that he can fix what he has started...


(To Be Continued)

(First Chapter for this story in a while, let me know how I did)

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