Everythings Changed.

By nogoodinthis

25.8K 390 57

Louis Tomlinson. It's a name known all around the globe. He is in the band One Direction. Every girl wants hi... More

Everythings Changed.
Playing Daddy.
Daddy Power
"Look Daddy!"
"Daddy You're Raining On Me!"
"Where's daddy?"
"Why are you fighting with daddy?"
"He wuvs you."
The word Gay.

Two Daddies?

2.1K 35 2
By nogoodinthis

The bungalow was cold when I first opened the door so I left the girls in the heated car while I got blankets from the closet for them to wrap up in. My nerves had offically settled in the sense that I had kids, but in a couple of hours the boys with meet them, that brought on a whole new set of nerves. What if they hated them? What if they wanted me gone? What would I do?

I had set the blankets on the black leathered wrap around couch and turned the heat up. Now was the challenging part, getting them in. I grabbed Lauren in my arms and covered her sleeping body with her blanket and ran inside as fast as I could. I did the same with Lyla, luckily there was no paps outside since no one knew where I was yet. After both the girls were snuggled together under the three duvets I carried down I verntured out to get the bags. I hit the unlock for the trunk botton on my keys as I walked. I rushed to grab all the bags at once so I wouldn't be seen, I nearly fell on my way up the walk.

Once inside I dropped all the bags on the ground and fell to the couch with the girls. I was already starting to see that being a dad was going to be hard to do. I was already tired and ready for nap. So I grabbed the blankets off the girls and carried them up the stairs. Came back down for the bags took them up to mine and Harry's room from last time, then went down again grabbing both girls and carring them up. I layed them in bed and just like all the other times they snuggled together. I carfully slid under the duvet and wrapped my arms around both of them. It felt perfect.


An hour later I was making the girls lunch and they were playing dolls in the living room. I could hear their barbies talking to eachother and could make out what girl was talking. I felt like I had been a dad forever.

"Barbie you want tea?" Lauren said. I pictured her moving the doll from side to side.

"Yes pweases," Lyla said. I could see her white smile laughing. Her doll bouncing on the ground.

"Girls lunch is ready!" I shouted just loud enough for the girls to hear. I heard their dolls being placed carefully into the duffles and then them walking slowly to the kitchen.

"Well mate I didn't know we werehaving girls over," I froze in my spot. Zayn's voice came from the back door, and the girls were on their way to the kitchen. I didn't want them to find out like this.

"Daddy what are we eaten?" Lyla's baby voice asked. I could almost hear the boys move their heads to see who was talking. Then I could hear them dropping their jaws. They are going to hate me.

"Hotdogs baby," I finally turned around. Lyla and Lauren were standing hand in hand in the doorway almost touching the frozen kitchen tiles. They both had on a jean skirt with leggings and a jacket. they looked precious as could be.

"yummy!" Lauren shouted letting go of her sisters hand and rushing to me. The boys still looked surprised down at the other little girl in the doorway.

"Lou is there something you want to tell us?" Liam's voice was deep but still cracked with the nervousness he was feeling. I looked at him and then back down at the girls.

"Girls let's get set up at the table okay?" They both yelled a 'Yeah' and then went to the small table in the corner of the room. I helped them getup in their chairs and handed them both a bowl of cut up hotdogs and their bottles filled with kool-aid. The boys just watched me without talking.I could almost see all the questions they had running through their heads.

"Come here guys," Imotioned for them to follow me and we walked to the living room. I sat down on the couch and put my hands over my face. This is not how I thought they would find out.

"Louis who are those girls and why are they calling you daddy?" Niall's Irish accent was first to sound. I looked up from my hands and looked through the boys. They all looked a little scared if I am being honest.

"Do you guys remember Macy?" I asked biting my lip. This was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I could feel my tears reading to fall already.

"Yes why?" Liam said/asked. I took one breath before talking.

"She had twin girls and about a year ago she killed herself, she had her friend bring them to my mum to give them to me," Zayn shook his head at this.

"Are you sure they are yours?" Zayn's deep voice asked me this time. I nodded my head swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Mum took the test," Harry still hadn't talked about it. He was the person I was worried most about, he is my best mate, I cannot take losing him.

"What are their names?" Liam asked. I smiled a bit, just thinking about them.

"Lauren and Lyla," My tears were slowly going away but they came back just as fast. "I am so sorry you guys, Ididn't know and then I just came home from tour andmy mum told me she's had them for a year. They are about to turn two and I missed all that time. This could completely ruin us as friends and a band, but I cannot give them up again," I was full on crying now. I didn't want to mess everything up.

"Louis it's okay." Liam said sitting down next to me. His arms wrapped around me and I fell onto his chest.

"Weare not going to let this break us as friends Lou, maybe management will drop us, but we are the biggest boyband in the world, someone will sign us again." Zayn took the seat on my free side ad rubbed my back. I just wanted to disapear. Why wasn't Harry saying anything?!

"Yeah Lou, Imean they are adorable." I didn't have to look up, Niall always stood out like a sore thumb.

I heard loud footsteps and then a door slam. I knew it was Harry. I looked up to see Niall sitting on the coffee table in front of me and no Harry behind him. I stood and headed to the stairs ready to follow him. But I was stopped.

"Daddy I am done," Lauren's high pitched baby voice called from the doorway. I stopped where I was on the edge of the stairs and turned around. There she was, with her empty bowl and a smile on her face.

"Okay babe," I sighed and let go of the railing and took a few steps until I was next to my daughter. I grabbed her bowl and carried it to the sink and checked on Lyla.

"Are you done Ly?" I bent down so I was eye level with her as she nodded. I picked her up and set her on the ground telling her to go play with her sister. I placed that bowl in the sink too before leaving to go see Harry.

"I'm gonna go check on him, watch them." I pointed to Liam and then the girls.I wouldn't let the dumies around my babies again if they were hurt while in guidance of the boys.

I jogged up the stairs and knocked quietly on the door to mine and Harry's room. When he didn't answer I just pushed the door open. Harry was sitting on my bed next to the window holding a little girl's dress in his hands. Every so often he would look up at the picture of us on the nightstand. He glanced up at the door to see who had entered. His green eyes were clouded with tears and his face was puffy. I instanly ran to his side grabbing him in a hug. It was like a secret language between us, he curled up to my letting the dress fall to my lap and replaced it with the chest of my shirt. I rubbed his back and let him cry until he was ready to talk.

"I'm going to lose my friend all over again," Harry whispered. His voice still shaken and scary. I hated seeing him like this. He was the most important person in my life, other than my girls.I gave hima confused look and he carried on.

"When you and Eleanor got together you completely forgot about me, it's like we never had time to be together. Now you guys are out of the honeymoon stage and we started being together again I had my mate back again, now all your time is going to go to the two little girls downstairs who really need it, I sound selfish but I just miss you Lou." His words hit me in the heart honestly. I felt my own eyes fill with water.

"Hey for all we know Eleanor is going to break up with me and you'll have to take on the roll of mommy and move back in," I kissed Harry's forehead and he stiffened a laugh. I laughed back and we just sat there, hugging.

"Daddy!" Two voices screamed. Me and Harry both looked up to see the girls running at us.I opened my arms and grabbed them both rolling back onto the bed and tickling them.

"You're a great dad Lou," Harry saidpicking Lauren up from the bed. I grabbed Lyla and thanked him before walking back downstairs to the boys.

"Daddy who are they?" Lauren leaned forward a little in Harry's arms so she could see me. I looked at Harry and then laughed.

"Uncle Liam, Zayn and Niall," I pointed to the boys while the girls tried to repeat their names. Not turning out perfect but still adorable.

"And daddy Harry," I winked at Harry and all the boys laughed while the girls looked confused.

"We have two daddy's?" Lyla asked me in an innocent voice. I looked at HArry who nodded with an 'this stupid joke again' smile on his face.

"Yup." I smiled happily bouncing Lyla a bit.

"Cool!" Lauren and Lyla both yelled making us all laugh again.

"I want to tweet that so bad! But I will just write it down until you tell the world about them, smile!" Suddenly Harrys free hand was in mine and a camera snapped. Such a funny lot I hang out with.

The rest of the day was spent watching movies with the girls. We had a tea party too, I for some reason got stuck with the cup that is missing it's handle, so not fair. We played dolls for a bit too. Harry and I had to be the two ken dolls because the girls loved the fact they had two daddies. What were the girls going to think if Eleanor was okay with them and instead of two daddies they had a mommy and one daddy. After dinner we watched another movie and then headed off to bed. Lauren slept with Harry, she had really taken a likeing to her second daddy.

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